[racerd] refactor reporting and split by language

- Break down large and deeply nested report function for readability
- Move callees closer to callers

Reviewed By: skcho

Differential Revision: D28873391

fbshipit-source-id: fc3f22708
Nikos Gorogiannis 4 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent f1dbf2548d
commit 3eb6e0d344

@ -10,101 +10,6 @@ module AccessExpression = HilExp.AccessExpression
module F = Format
module MF = MarkupFormatter
type report_kind =
| GuardedByViolation
| WriteWriteRace of RacerDDomain.AccessSnapshot.t option
(** one of conflicting access, if there are any *)
| ReadWriteRace of RacerDDomain.AccessSnapshot.t (** one of several conflicting accesses *)
| UnannotatedInterface
(** Explain why we are reporting this access, in Java *)
let get_reporting_explanation_java ~nullsafe report_kind tenv pname thread =
let open RacerDModels in
(* best explanation is always that the current class or method is annotated thread-safe. try for
that first. *)
let annotation_explanation_opt =
if is_thread_safe_method pname tenv then
"@\n Reporting because current method is annotated %a or overrides an annotated method."
MF.pp_monospaced "@ThreadSafe")
match RacerDModels.get_litho_explanation tenv pname with
| Some _ as expl_opt ->
| None -> (
match get_current_class_and_threadsafe_superclasses tenv pname with
| Some (current_class, (thread_safe_class :: _ as thread_safe_annotated_classes)) ->
( if List.mem ~equal:Typ.Name.equal thread_safe_annotated_classes current_class then
F.asprintf "@\n Reporting because the current class is annotated %a"
MF.pp_monospaced "@ThreadSafe"
F.asprintf "@\n Reporting because a superclass %a is annotated %a"
(MF.wrap_monospaced Typ.Name.pp) thread_safe_class MF.pp_monospaced "@ThreadSafe"
| _ ->
None )
let issue_type, explanation, should_add_nullsafe_trailer =
match (report_kind, annotation_explanation_opt) with
| GuardedByViolation, _ ->
( IssueType.(if nullsafe then guardedby_violation_nullsafe else guardedby_violation)
, F.asprintf "@\n Reporting because field is annotated %a" MF.pp_monospaced "@GuardedBy"
, nullsafe )
| UnannotatedInterface, Some threadsafe_explanation ->
(IssueType.interface_not_thread_safe, F.asprintf "%s." threadsafe_explanation, false)
| UnannotatedInterface, None ->
Logging.die InternalError
"Reporting non-threadsafe interface call, but can't find a @ThreadSafe annotation"
| _, Some threadsafe_explanation when RacerDDomain.ThreadsDomain.is_any thread ->
( IssueType.(if nullsafe then thread_safety_violation_nullsafe else thread_safety_violation)
, F.asprintf
"%s, so we assume that this method can run in parallel with other non-private methods \
in the class (including itself)."
, nullsafe )
| _, Some threadsafe_explanation ->
( IssueType.(if nullsafe then thread_safety_violation_nullsafe else thread_safety_violation)
, F.asprintf
"%s. Although this access is not known to run on a background thread, it may happen in \
parallel with another access that does."
, nullsafe )
| _, None ->
(* failed to explain based on @ThreadSafe annotation; have to justify using background thread *)
if RacerDDomain.ThreadsDomain.is_any thread then
( IssueType.(
if nullsafe then thread_safety_violation_nullsafe else thread_safety_violation)
, F.asprintf "@\n Reporting because this access may occur on a background thread."
, nullsafe )
( IssueType.(
if nullsafe then thread_safety_violation_nullsafe else thread_safety_violation)
, F.asprintf
\ Reporting because another access to the same memory occurs on a background thread, \
although this access may not."
, nullsafe )
let explanation =
if should_add_nullsafe_trailer then
F.sprintf "%s@\n Data races in `@Nullsafe` classes may still cause NPEs." explanation
else explanation
(issue_type, explanation)
(** Explain why we are reporting this access, in C++ *)
let get_reporting_explanation_cpp = (IssueType.lock_consistency_violation, "")
(** Explain why we are reporting this access *)
let get_reporting_explanation ~nullsafe report_kind tenv pname thread =
if Procname.is_java pname || Procname.is_csharp pname then
get_reporting_explanation_java ~nullsafe report_kind tenv pname thread
else get_reporting_explanation_cpp
let describe_exp = MF.wrap_monospaced RacerDDomain.pp_exp
let describe_pname = MF.wrap_monospaced (Procname.pp_simplified_string ~withclass:true)
@ -119,111 +24,12 @@ let pp_access fmt (t : RacerDDomain.AccessSnapshot.t) =
RacerDDomain.Access.pp fmt access
let make_trace ~report_kind original_exp =
let open RacerDDomain in
let loc_trace_of_path path = AccessSnapshot.make_loc_trace path in
let original_trace = loc_trace_of_path original_exp in
let get_end_loc trace = Option.map (List.last trace) ~f:(function {Errlog.lt_loc} -> lt_loc) in
let original_end = get_end_loc original_trace in
let make_with_conflicts conflict_sink original_trace ~label1 ~label2 =
(* create a trace for one of the conflicts and append it to the trace for the original sink *)
let conflict_trace = loc_trace_of_path conflict_sink in
let conflict_end = get_end_loc conflict_trace in
( Errlog.concat_traces [(label1, original_trace); (label2, conflict_trace)]
, original_end
, conflict_end )
match report_kind with
| ReadWriteRace conflict ->
make_with_conflicts conflict original_trace ~label1:"<Read trace>" ~label2:"<Write trace>"
| WriteWriteRace (Some conflict) ->
make_with_conflicts conflict original_trace ~label1:"<Write on unknown thread>"
~label2:"<Write on background thread>"
| GuardedByViolation | WriteWriteRace None | UnannotatedInterface ->
(original_trace, original_end, None)
let log_issue current_pname ~issue_log ~loc ~ltr ~access issue_type error_message =
Reporting.log_issue_external current_pname ~issue_log ~loc ~ltr ~access issue_type error_message
type reported_access =
{ threads: RacerDDomain.ThreadsDomain.t
; snapshot: RacerDDomain.AccessSnapshot.t
; tenv: Tenv.t
; procname: Procname.t }
let report_thread_safety_violation ~make_description ~report_kind ~nullsafe
({threads; snapshot; tenv; procname= pname} : reported_access) issue_log =
let open RacerDDomain in
let final_pname = List.last snapshot.trace |> Option.value_map ~default:pname ~f:CallSite.pname in
let final_sink_site = CallSite.make final_pname snapshot.loc in
let initial_sink_site = CallSite.make pname (AccessSnapshot.get_loc snapshot) in
let loc = CallSite.loc initial_sink_site in
let ltr, original_end, conflict_end = make_trace ~report_kind snapshot in
(* what the potential bug is *)
let description = make_description pname final_sink_site initial_sink_site snapshot in
(* why we are reporting it *)
let issue_type, explanation =
get_reporting_explanation ~nullsafe report_kind tenv pname threads
let error_message = F.sprintf "%s%s" description explanation in
let end_locs = Option.to_list original_end @ Option.to_list conflict_end in
let access = IssueAuxData.encode end_locs in
log_issue pname ~issue_log ~loc ~ltr ~access RacerD issue_type error_message
let report_unannotated_interface_violation reported_pname reported_access issue_log =
match reported_pname with
| Procname.Java java_pname ->
let class_name = Procname.Java.get_class_name java_pname in
let make_description _ _ _ _ =
"Unprotected call to method %a of un-annotated interface %a. Consider annotating the \
interface with %a or adding a lock."
describe_pname reported_pname MF.pp_monospaced class_name MF.pp_monospaced "@ThreadSafe"
report_thread_safety_violation ~nullsafe:false ~make_description
~report_kind:UnannotatedInterface reported_access issue_log
| _ ->
(* skip reporting on C++ *)
let make_unprotected_write_description pname final_sink_site initial_sink_site final_sink =
Format.asprintf "Unprotected write. Non-private method %a%s %s %a outside of synchronization."
describe_pname pname
(if CallSite.equal final_sink_site initial_sink_site then "" else " indirectly")
( if RacerDDomain.AccessSnapshot.is_container_write final_sink then "mutates"
else "writes to field" )
pp_access final_sink
let make_guardedby_violation_description pname final_sink_site initial_sink_site final_sink =
"GuardedBy violation. Non-private method %a%s accesses %a outside of synchronization."
describe_pname pname
(if CallSite.equal final_sink_site initial_sink_site then "" else " indirectly")
pp_access final_sink
let make_read_write_race_description ~read_is_sync (conflict : reported_access) pname
final_sink_site initial_sink_site final_sink =
let pp_conflict fmt {procname} =
F.pp_print_string fmt (Procname.to_simplified_string ~withclass:true procname)
let conflicts_description =
Format.asprintf "Potentially races with%s write in method %a"
(if read_is_sync then " unsynchronized" else "")
(MF.wrap_monospaced pp_conflict) conflict
Format.asprintf "Read/Write race. Non-private method %a%s reads%s from %a. %s." describe_pname
(if CallSite.equal final_sink_site initial_sink_site then "" else " indirectly")
(if read_is_sync then " with synchronization" else " without synchronization")
pp_access final_sink conflicts_description
module ReportedSet : sig
(** Type for deduplicating and storing reports. *)
type t
@ -354,32 +160,6 @@ end = struct
M.fold f map a
let should_report_on_proc tenv procdesc =
let proc_name = Procdesc.get_proc_name procdesc in
match proc_name with
| CSharp _ ->
not (ProcAttributes.equal_access (Procdesc.get_access procdesc) Private)
| Java java_pname ->
(* return true if procedure is at an abstraction boundary or reporting has been explicitly
requested via @ThreadSafe in java *)
RacerDModels.is_thread_safe_method proc_name tenv
|| (not (ProcAttributes.equal_access (Procdesc.get_access procdesc) Private))
&& (not (Procname.Java.is_class_initializer java_pname))
&& (not (Procname.Java.is_autogen_method java_pname))
&& not (Annotations.pdesc_return_annot_ends_with procdesc Annotations.visibleForTesting)
| ObjC_Cpp _ when Procname.is_cpp_lambda proc_name ->
(* do not report on lambdas; they are essentially private though do not appear as such *)
| ObjC_Cpp {kind= CPPMethod _ | CPPConstructor _ | CPPDestructor _} ->
not (ProcAttributes.equal_access (Procdesc.get_access procdesc) Private)
| ObjC_Cpp {kind= ObjCClassMethod | ObjCInstanceMethod | ObjCInternalMethod; class_name} ->
Tenv.lookup tenv class_name
|> Option.exists ~f:(fun {Struct.exported_objc_methods} ->
List.mem ~equal:Procname.equal exported_objc_methods proc_name )
| _ ->
let should_report_guardedby_violation classname ({snapshot; tenv; procname} : reported_access) =
let is_uitthread param =
match String.lowercase param with
@ -435,6 +215,332 @@ let should_report_race_in_nullsafe_class ({snapshot; tenv} : reported_access) =
type report_kind =
| GuardedByViolation
| WriteWriteRace of RacerDDomain.AccessSnapshot.t option
(** one of conflicting access, if there are any *)
| ReadWriteRace of RacerDDomain.AccessSnapshot.t (** one of several conflicting accesses *)
| UnannotatedInterface
let make_trace ~report_kind original_exp =
let open RacerDDomain in
let loc_trace_of_path path = AccessSnapshot.make_loc_trace path in
let original_trace = loc_trace_of_path original_exp in
let get_end_loc trace = Option.map (List.last trace) ~f:(function {Errlog.lt_loc} -> lt_loc) in
let original_end = get_end_loc original_trace in
let make_with_conflicts conflict_sink original_trace ~label1 ~label2 =
(* create a trace for one of the conflicts and append it to the trace for the original sink *)
let conflict_trace = loc_trace_of_path conflict_sink in
let conflict_end = get_end_loc conflict_trace in
( Errlog.concat_traces [(label1, original_trace); (label2, conflict_trace)]
, original_end
, conflict_end )
match report_kind with
| ReadWriteRace conflict ->
make_with_conflicts conflict original_trace ~label1:"<Read trace>" ~label2:"<Write trace>"
| WriteWriteRace (Some conflict) ->
make_with_conflicts conflict original_trace ~label1:"<Write on unknown thread>"
~label2:"<Write on background thread>"
| GuardedByViolation | WriteWriteRace None | UnannotatedInterface ->
(original_trace, original_end, None)
(** Explain why we are reporting this access, in Java *)
let get_reporting_explanation_java ~nullsafe report_kind tenv pname thread =
(* best explanation is always that the current class or method is annotated thread-safe. try for
that first. *)
let annotation_explanation_opt =
if RacerDModels.is_thread_safe_method pname tenv then
"@\n Reporting because current method is annotated %a or overrides an annotated method."
MF.pp_monospaced "@ThreadSafe")
match RacerDModels.get_litho_explanation tenv pname with
| Some _ as expl_opt ->
| None -> (
match RacerDModels.get_current_class_and_threadsafe_superclasses tenv pname with
| Some (current_class, (thread_safe_class :: _ as thread_safe_annotated_classes)) ->
( if List.mem ~equal:Typ.Name.equal thread_safe_annotated_classes current_class then
F.asprintf "@\n Reporting because the current class is annotated %a"
MF.pp_monospaced "@ThreadSafe"
F.asprintf "@\n Reporting because a superclass %a is annotated %a"
(MF.wrap_monospaced Typ.Name.pp) thread_safe_class MF.pp_monospaced "@ThreadSafe"
| _ ->
None )
let issue_type, explanation, should_add_nullsafe_trailer =
match (report_kind, annotation_explanation_opt) with
| GuardedByViolation, _ ->
( IssueType.(if nullsafe then guardedby_violation_nullsafe else guardedby_violation)
, F.asprintf "@\n Reporting because field is annotated %a" MF.pp_monospaced "@GuardedBy"
, nullsafe )
| UnannotatedInterface, Some threadsafe_explanation ->
(IssueType.interface_not_thread_safe, F.asprintf "%s." threadsafe_explanation, false)
| UnannotatedInterface, None ->
Logging.die InternalError
"Reporting non-threadsafe interface call, but can't find a @ThreadSafe annotation"
| _, Some threadsafe_explanation when RacerDDomain.ThreadsDomain.is_any thread ->
( IssueType.(if nullsafe then thread_safety_violation_nullsafe else thread_safety_violation)
, F.asprintf
"%s, so we assume that this method can run in parallel with other non-private methods \
in the class (including itself)."
, nullsafe )
| _, Some threadsafe_explanation ->
( IssueType.(if nullsafe then thread_safety_violation_nullsafe else thread_safety_violation)
, F.asprintf
"%s. Although this access is not known to run on a background thread, it may happen in \
parallel with another access that does."
, nullsafe )
| _, None ->
(* failed to explain based on @ThreadSafe annotation; have to justify using background thread *)
if RacerDDomain.ThreadsDomain.is_any thread then
( IssueType.(
if nullsafe then thread_safety_violation_nullsafe else thread_safety_violation)
, F.asprintf "@\n Reporting because this access may occur on a background thread."
, nullsafe )
( IssueType.(
if nullsafe then thread_safety_violation_nullsafe else thread_safety_violation)
, F.asprintf
\ Reporting because another access to the same memory occurs on a background thread, \
although this access may not."
, nullsafe )
let explanation =
if should_add_nullsafe_trailer then
F.sprintf "%s@\n Data races in `@Nullsafe` classes may still cause NPEs." explanation
else explanation
(issue_type, explanation)
(** Explain why we are reporting this access, in C++ *)
let get_reporting_explanation_cpp = (IssueType.lock_consistency_violation, "")
(** Explain why we are reporting this access *)
let get_reporting_explanation ~nullsafe report_kind tenv pname thread =
if Procname.is_java pname || Procname.is_csharp pname then
get_reporting_explanation_java ~nullsafe report_kind tenv pname thread
else get_reporting_explanation_cpp
let log_issue current_pname ~issue_log ~loc ~ltr ~access issue_type error_message =
Reporting.log_issue_external current_pname ~issue_log ~loc ~ltr ~access issue_type error_message
let report_thread_safety_violation ~make_description ~report_kind ~nullsafe
({threads; snapshot; tenv; procname= pname} : reported_access) issue_log =
let open RacerDDomain in
let final_pname = List.last snapshot.trace |> Option.value_map ~default:pname ~f:CallSite.pname in
let final_sink_site = CallSite.make final_pname snapshot.loc in
let initial_sink_site = CallSite.make pname (AccessSnapshot.get_loc snapshot) in
let loc = CallSite.loc initial_sink_site in
let ltr, original_end, conflict_end = make_trace ~report_kind snapshot in
(* what the potential bug is *)
let description = make_description pname final_sink_site initial_sink_site snapshot in
(* why we are reporting it *)
let issue_type, explanation =
get_reporting_explanation ~nullsafe report_kind tenv pname threads
let error_message = F.sprintf "%s%s" description explanation in
let end_locs = Option.to_list original_end @ Option.to_list conflict_end in
let access = IssueAuxData.encode end_locs in
log_issue pname ~issue_log ~loc ~ltr ~access RacerD issue_type error_message
let report_unannotated_interface_violation reported_pname reported_access issue_log =
match reported_pname with
| Procname.Java java_pname ->
let class_name = Procname.Java.get_class_name java_pname in
let make_description _ _ _ _ =
"Unprotected call to method %a of un-annotated interface %a. Consider annotating the \
interface with %a or adding a lock."
describe_pname reported_pname MF.pp_monospaced class_name MF.pp_monospaced "@ThreadSafe"
report_thread_safety_violation ~nullsafe:false ~make_description
~report_kind:UnannotatedInterface reported_access issue_log
| _ ->
(* skip reporting on C++ *)
let report_thread_safety_violation ~acc ~make_description ~report_kind ~nullsafe reported_access =
~f:(report_thread_safety_violation ~make_description ~report_kind ~nullsafe)
reported_access acc
let report_unannotated_interface_violation ~acc reported_pname reported_access =
ReportedSet.deduplicate reported_access acc
~f:(report_unannotated_interface_violation reported_pname)
let make_read_write_race_description ~read_is_sync (conflict : reported_access) pname
final_sink_site initial_sink_site final_sink =
let pp_conflict fmt {procname} =
F.pp_print_string fmt (Procname.to_simplified_string ~withclass:true procname)
let conflicts_description =
Format.asprintf "Potentially races with%s write in method %a"
(if read_is_sync then " unsynchronized" else "")
(MF.wrap_monospaced pp_conflict) conflict
Format.asprintf "Read/Write race. Non-private method %a%s reads%s from %a. %s." describe_pname
(if CallSite.equal final_sink_site initial_sink_site then "" else " indirectly")
(if read_is_sync then " with synchronization" else " without synchronization")
pp_access final_sink conflicts_description
let make_guardedby_violation_description pname final_sink_site initial_sink_site final_sink =
"GuardedBy violation. Non-private method %a%s accesses %a outside of synchronization."
describe_pname pname
(if CallSite.equal final_sink_site initial_sink_site then "" else " indirectly")
pp_access final_sink
let make_unprotected_write_description pname final_sink_site initial_sink_site final_sink =
Format.asprintf "Unprotected write. Non-private method %a%s %s %a outside of synchronization."
describe_pname pname
(if CallSite.equal final_sink_site initial_sink_site then "" else " indirectly")
( if RacerDDomain.AccessSnapshot.is_container_write final_sink then "mutates"
else "writes to field" )
pp_access final_sink
let report_on_write_java_csharp ~nullsafe accesses acc (reported_access : reported_access) =
let open RacerDDomain in
let conflict =
if ThreadsDomain.is_any reported_access.threads then
(* unprotected write in method that may run in parallel with itself. warn *)
(* unprotected write, but not on a method that may run in parallel with itself
(i.e., not a self race). find accesses on a background thread this access might
conflict with and report them *)
List.find_map accesses ~f:(fun {snapshot= other_snapshot; threads= other_threads} ->
if AccessSnapshot.is_write other_snapshot && ThreadsDomain.is_any other_threads then
Some other_snapshot
else None )
AccessSnapshot.is_unprotected reported_access.snapshot
&& (Option.is_some conflict || ThreadsDomain.is_any reported_access.threads)
report_thread_safety_violation ~acc ~make_description:make_unprotected_write_description
~report_kind:(WriteWriteRace conflict) ~nullsafe reported_access
else acc
(** unprotected read. report all writes as conflicts for java/csharp. *)
let report_on_unprotected_read_java_csharp ~nullsafe accesses acc
(reported_access : reported_access) =
let open RacerDDomain in
let is_conflict {snapshot; threads= other_threads} =
AccessSnapshot.is_write snapshot
&& (ThreadsDomain.is_any reported_access.threads || ThreadsDomain.is_any other_threads)
List.find ~f:is_conflict accesses
|> Option.value_map ~default:acc ~f:(fun conflict ->
let make_description = make_read_write_race_description ~read_is_sync:false conflict in
let report_kind = ReadWriteRace conflict.snapshot in
report_thread_safety_violation ~acc ~make_description ~report_kind ~nullsafe
reported_access )
(** protected read. report unprotected writes and opposite protected writes as conflicts *)
let report_on_protected_read_java_csharp ~nullsafe accesses acc (reported_access : reported_access)
let open RacerDDomain in
let can_conflict (snapshot1 : AccessSnapshot.t) (snapshot2 : AccessSnapshot.t) =
if snapshot1.elem.lock && snapshot2.elem.lock then false
else ThreadsDomain.can_conflict snapshot1.elem.thread snapshot2.elem.thread
let is_conflict {snapshot= other_snapshot; threads= other_threads} =
if AccessSnapshot.is_unprotected other_snapshot then
AccessSnapshot.is_write other_snapshot && ThreadsDomain.is_any other_threads
AccessSnapshot.is_write other_snapshot && can_conflict reported_access.snapshot other_snapshot
List.find accesses ~f:is_conflict
|> Option.value_map ~default:acc ~f:(fun conflict ->
(* protected read with conflicting unprotected write(s). warn. *)
let make_description = make_read_write_race_description ~read_is_sync:true conflict in
let report_kind = ReadWriteRace conflict.snapshot in
report_thread_safety_violation ~acc ~make_description ~report_kind ~nullsafe
reported_access )
(** main reporting hook for Java & C# *)
let report_unsafe_access_java_csharp ~class_is_annotated_nullsafe accesses acc
({snapshot; threads; tenv; procname= pname} as reported_access) =
let open RacerDDomain in
let open RacerDModels in
let nullsafe =
class_is_annotated_nullsafe && should_report_race_in_nullsafe_class reported_access
match snapshot.elem.access with
| InterfaceCall {pname= reported_pname}
when AccessSnapshot.is_unprotected snapshot
&& ThreadsDomain.is_any threads && is_marked_thread_safe pname tenv ->
(* un-annotated interface call + no lock in method marked thread-safe. warn *)
report_unannotated_interface_violation ~acc reported_pname reported_access
| InterfaceCall _ ->
| Write _ | ContainerWrite _ ->
report_on_write_java_csharp ~nullsafe accesses acc reported_access
| (Read _ | ContainerRead _) when AccessSnapshot.is_unprotected snapshot ->
report_on_unprotected_read_java_csharp ~nullsafe accesses acc reported_access
| Read _ | ContainerRead _ ->
report_on_protected_read_java_csharp ~nullsafe accesses acc reported_access
(** main reporting hook for C langs *)
let report_unsafe_access_objc_cpp accesses acc ({snapshot} as reported_access) =
let open RacerDDomain in
let nullsafe = false in
match snapshot.elem.access with
| InterfaceCall _ | Write _ | ContainerWrite _ ->
(* Do not report unprotected writes for ObjC_Cpp *)
| (Read _ | ContainerRead _) when AccessSnapshot.is_unprotected snapshot ->
(* unprotected read. for c++ filter out unprotected writes *)
let is_conflict {snapshot} =
AccessSnapshot.is_write snapshot && not (AccessSnapshot.is_unprotected snapshot)
List.find ~f:is_conflict accesses
|> Option.value_map ~default:acc ~f:(fun conflict ->
let make_description = make_read_write_race_description ~read_is_sync:false conflict in
let report_kind = ReadWriteRace conflict.snapshot in
report_thread_safety_violation ~acc ~make_description ~report_kind ~nullsafe
reported_access )
| Read _ | ContainerRead _ ->
(* Do not report protected reads for ObjC_Cpp *)
(** report hook dispatching to language specific functions *)
let report_unsafe_access ~class_is_annotated_nullsafe accesses acc ({procname} as reported_access) =
match (procname : Procname.t) with
| Java _ | CSharp _ ->
report_unsafe_access_java_csharp ~class_is_annotated_nullsafe accesses acc reported_access
| ObjC_Cpp _ ->
report_unsafe_access_objc_cpp accesses acc reported_access
| _ ->
(** Report accesses that may race with each other.
Principles for race reporting.
@ -462,109 +568,22 @@ let should_report_race_in_nullsafe_class ({snapshot; tenv} : reported_access) =
The above is tempered at the moment by abstractions of "same lock" and "same thread": we are
currently not distinguishing different locks, and are treating "known to be confined to a
thread" as if "known to be confined to UI thread". *)
let report_unsafe_accesses ~issue_log file_tenv classname (aggregated_access_map : ReportMap.t) =
let report_unsafe_accesses ~issue_log file_tenv classname aggregated_access_map =
let open RacerDDomain in
let open RacerDModels in
let class_is_annotated_nullsafe =
Tenv.lookup file_tenv classname
|> Option.exists ~f:(fun tstruct ->
Annotations.(struct_typ_has_annot tstruct (fun annot -> ia_ends_with annot nullsafe)) )
let report_thread_safety_violation ~acc ~make_description ~report_kind ~nullsafe reported_access =
~f:(report_thread_safety_violation ~make_description ~report_kind ~nullsafe)
reported_access acc
let report_unannotated_interface_violation ~acc reported_pname reported_access =
ReportedSet.deduplicate reported_access acc
~f:(report_unannotated_interface_violation reported_pname)
let report_unsafe_access accesses acc
({snapshot; threads; tenv; procname= pname} as reported_access) =
let nullsafe =
class_is_annotated_nullsafe && should_report_race_in_nullsafe_class reported_access
match snapshot.elem.access with
| InterfaceCall {pname= reported_pname}
when AccessSnapshot.is_unprotected snapshot
&& ThreadsDomain.is_any threads && is_marked_thread_safe pname tenv ->
(* un-annotated interface call + no lock in method marked thread-safe. warn *)
report_unannotated_interface_violation ~acc reported_pname reported_access
| InterfaceCall _ ->
| (Write _ | ContainerWrite _) when Procname.is_java pname || Procname.is_csharp pname ->
let conflict =
if ThreadsDomain.is_any threads then
(* unprotected write in method that may run in parallel with itself. warn *)
(* unprotected write, but not on a method that may run in parallel with itself
(i.e., not a self race). find accesses on a background thread this access might
conflict with and report them *)
List.find_map accesses ~f:(fun {snapshot= other_snapshot; threads= other_threads} ->
if AccessSnapshot.is_write other_snapshot && ThreadsDomain.is_any other_threads then
Some other_snapshot
else None )
AccessSnapshot.is_unprotected snapshot
&& (Option.is_some conflict || ThreadsDomain.is_any threads)
report_thread_safety_violation ~acc ~make_description:make_unprotected_write_description
~report_kind:(WriteWriteRace conflict) ~nullsafe reported_access
else acc
| Write _ | ContainerWrite _ ->
(* Do not report unprotected writes for ObjC_Cpp *)
| (Read _ | ContainerRead _) when AccessSnapshot.is_unprotected snapshot ->
(* unprotected read. report all writes as conflicts for java. for c++ filter out
unprotected writes *)
let is_conflict {snapshot; threads= other_threads} =
AccessSnapshot.is_write snapshot
if Procname.is_java pname || Procname.is_csharp pname then
ThreadsDomain.is_any threads || ThreadsDomain.is_any other_threads
else not (AccessSnapshot.is_unprotected snapshot)
List.find ~f:is_conflict accesses
|> Option.value_map ~default:acc ~f:(fun conflict ->
let make_description =
make_read_write_race_description ~read_is_sync:false conflict
let report_kind = ReadWriteRace conflict.snapshot in
report_thread_safety_violation ~acc ~make_description ~report_kind ~nullsafe
reported_access )
| (Read _ | ContainerRead _) when Procname.is_java pname || Procname.is_csharp pname ->
(* protected read. report unprotected writes and opposite protected writes as conflicts *)
let can_conflict (snapshot1 : AccessSnapshot.t) (snapshot2 : AccessSnapshot.t) =
if snapshot1.elem.lock && snapshot2.elem.lock then false
else ThreadsDomain.can_conflict snapshot1.elem.thread snapshot2.elem.thread
let is_conflict {snapshot= other_snapshot; threads= other_threads} =
if AccessSnapshot.is_unprotected other_snapshot then
AccessSnapshot.is_write other_snapshot && ThreadsDomain.is_any other_threads
else AccessSnapshot.is_write other_snapshot && can_conflict snapshot other_snapshot
List.find accesses ~f:is_conflict
|> Option.value_map ~default:acc ~f:(fun conflict ->
(* protected read with conflicting unprotected write(s). warn. *)
let make_description =
make_read_write_race_description ~read_is_sync:true conflict
let report_kind = ReadWriteRace conflict.snapshot in
report_thread_safety_violation ~acc ~make_description ~report_kind ~nullsafe
reported_access )
| Read _ | ContainerRead _ ->
(* Do not report protected reads for ObjC_Cpp *)
let report_accesses_on_location reportable_accesses init =
(* Don't report on location if all accesses are on non-concurrent contexts *)
List.for_all reportable_accesses ~f:(fun ({threads} : reported_access) ->
ThreadsDomain.is_any threads |> not )
then init
else List.fold reportable_accesses ~init ~f:(report_unsafe_access reportable_accesses)
List.fold reportable_accesses ~init
~f:(report_unsafe_access ~class_is_annotated_nullsafe reportable_accesses)
let report_guardedby_violations_on_location grouped_accesses init =
if Config.racerd_guardedby then
@ -604,6 +623,33 @@ let make_results_table exe_env summaries =
aggregate_post tenv procname acc summary )
let should_report_on_proc file_exe_env procdesc =
let proc_name = Procdesc.get_proc_name procdesc in
let tenv = Exe_env.get_proc_tenv file_exe_env proc_name in
match proc_name with
| CSharp _ ->
not (ProcAttributes.equal_access (Procdesc.get_access procdesc) Private)
| Java java_pname ->
(* return true if procedure is at an abstraction boundary or reporting has been explicitly
requested via @ThreadSafe in java *)
RacerDModels.is_thread_safe_method proc_name tenv
|| (not (ProcAttributes.equal_access (Procdesc.get_access procdesc) Private))
&& (not (Procname.Java.is_class_initializer java_pname))
&& (not (Procname.Java.is_autogen_method java_pname))
&& not (Annotations.pdesc_return_annot_ends_with procdesc Annotations.visibleForTesting)
| ObjC_Cpp _ when Procname.is_cpp_lambda proc_name ->
(* do not report on lambdas; they are essentially private though do not appear as such *)
| ObjC_Cpp {kind= CPPMethod _ | CPPConstructor _ | CPPDestructor _} ->
not (ProcAttributes.equal_access (Procdesc.get_access procdesc) Private)
| ObjC_Cpp {kind= ObjCClassMethod | ObjCInstanceMethod | ObjCInternalMethod; class_name} ->
Tenv.lookup tenv class_name
|> Option.exists ~f:(fun {Struct.exported_objc_methods} ->
List.mem ~equal:Procname.equal exported_objc_methods proc_name )
| _ ->
let class_has_concurrent_method class_summaries =
let open RacerDDomain in
let method_has_concurrent_context (_, summary) =
@ -622,8 +668,6 @@ let should_report_on_class (classname : Typ.Name.t) class_summaries =
let filter_reportable_classes class_map = Typ.Name.Map.filter should_report_on_class class_map
(** aggregate all of the procedures in the file env by their declaring class. this lets us analyze
each class individually *)
let aggregate_by_class {InterproceduralAnalysis.procedures; file_exe_env; analyze_file_dependency} =
@ -631,9 +675,7 @@ let aggregate_by_class {InterproceduralAnalysis.procedures; file_exe_env; analyz
Procname.get_class_type_name procname
|> Option.bind ~f:(fun classname ->
analyze_file_dependency procname
|> Option.filter ~f:(fun (pdesc, _) ->
let tenv = Exe_env.get_proc_tenv file_exe_env procname in
should_report_on_proc tenv pdesc )
|> Option.filter ~f:(fun (pdesc, _) -> should_report_on_proc file_exe_env pdesc)
|> Option.map ~f:(fun summary_proc_desc ->
Typ.Name.Map.update classname
@ -643,7 +685,7 @@ let aggregate_by_class {InterproceduralAnalysis.procedures; file_exe_env; analyz
Some (summary_proc_desc :: summaries) )
acc ) )
|> Option.value ~default:acc )
|> filter_reportable_classes
|> Typ.Name.Map.filter should_report_on_class
(** Gathers results by analyzing all the methods in a file, then post-processes the results to check
