[inferbo] Separate offset and index in condition

This diff preserves values of offset and index separately, rather than
one value of their addition, because premature addition results in
imprecise FPs by the limited expressiveness of the domain.

Reviewed By: mbouaziz

Differential Revision: D10851393

fbshipit-source-id: 1685ead36
Sungkeun Cho 6 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 0ce0ec03d9
commit 3f71cf327b

@ -99,91 +99,106 @@ end
module ArrayAccessCondition = struct
type t =
{ idx: ItvPure.astate
{ offset: ItvPure.astate
; idx: ItvPure.astate
; size: ItvPure.astate
; idx_sym_exp: Relation.SymExp.t option
; size_sym_exp: Relation.SymExp.t option
; relation: Relation.astate }
[@@deriving compare]
let get_symbols c = ItvPure.get_symbols c.idx @ ItvPure.get_symbols c.size
let set_size_pos : t -> t =
fun c ->
let size' = ItvPure.make_positive c.size in
if phys_equal size' c.size then c else {c with size= size'}
let get_symbols c =
ItvPure.get_symbols c.offset @ ItvPure.get_symbols c.idx @ ItvPure.get_symbols c.size
let pp : F.formatter -> t -> unit =
fun fmt c ->
let c = set_size_pos c in
F.fprintf fmt "%a < %a" ItvPure.pp c.idx ItvPure.pp c.size ;
let pp_offset fmt =
if not (ItvPure.is_zero c.offset) then F.fprintf fmt "%a + " ItvPure.pp c.offset
F.fprintf fmt "%t%a < %a" pp_offset ItvPure.pp c.idx ItvPure.pp (ItvPure.make_positive c.size) ;
if Option.is_some Config.bo_relational_domain then
F.fprintf fmt "@,%a < %a when %a" Relation.SymExp.pp_opt c.idx_sym_exp Relation.SymExp.pp_opt
c.size_sym_exp Relation.pp c.relation
(* TODO: change description to distinguish offset and index *)
let pp_description : F.formatter -> t -> unit =
fun fmt c ->
let c = set_size_pos c in
F.fprintf fmt "Offset: %a Size: %a" ItvPure.pp c.idx ItvPure.pp c.size
F.fprintf fmt "Offset: %a Size: %a" ItvPure.pp (ItvPure.plus c.offset c.idx) ItvPure.pp
(ItvPure.make_positive c.size)
let make :
-> idx:ItvPure.t
-> size:ItvPure.t
-> idx_sym_exp:Relation.SymExp.t option
-> size_sym_exp:Relation.SymExp.t option
-> relation:Relation.astate
-> t option =
fun ~idx ~size ~idx_sym_exp ~size_sym_exp ~relation ->
if ItvPure.is_invalid idx || ItvPure.is_invalid size then None
else Some {idx; size; idx_sym_exp; size_sym_exp; relation}
fun ~offset ~idx ~size ~idx_sym_exp ~size_sym_exp ~relation ->
if ItvPure.is_invalid offset || ItvPure.is_invalid idx || ItvPure.is_invalid size then None
else Some {offset; idx; size; idx_sym_exp; size_sym_exp; relation}
let have_similar_bounds {offset= loff; idx= lidx; size= lsiz}
{offset= roff; idx= ridx; size= rsiz} =
ItvPure.have_similar_bounds loff roff
&& ItvPure.have_similar_bounds lidx ridx
&& ItvPure.have_similar_bounds lsiz rsiz
let have_similar_bounds {idx= lidx; size= lsiz} {idx= ridx; size= rsiz} =
ItvPure.have_similar_bounds lidx ridx && ItvPure.have_similar_bounds lsiz rsiz
let has_infty {offset; idx; size} =
ItvPure.has_infty offset || ItvPure.has_infty idx || ItvPure.has_infty size
let has_infty {idx; size} = ItvPure.has_infty idx || ItvPure.has_infty size
let xcompare ~lhs:{idx= lidx; size= lsiz} ~rhs:{idx= ridx; size= rsiz} =
let xcompare ~lhs:{offset= loff; idx= lidx; size= lsiz} ~rhs:{offset= roff; idx= ridx; size= rsiz}
let offcmp = ItvPure.xcompare ~lhs:loff ~rhs:roff in
let idxcmp = ItvPure.xcompare ~lhs:lidx ~rhs:ridx in
let sizcmp = ItvPure.xcompare ~lhs:lsiz ~rhs:rsiz in
match (idxcmp, sizcmp) with
| `Equal, `Equal ->
match (offcmp, idxcmp, sizcmp) with
| `Equal, `Equal, `Equal ->
| `NotComparable, _ ->
| `NotComparable, _, _ | _, `NotComparable, _ ->
| `Equal, (`LeftSmallerThanRight | `LeftSubsumesRight) ->
| `Equal, `Equal, (`LeftSmallerThanRight | `LeftSubsumesRight) ->
| `Equal, (`RightSmallerThanLeft | `RightSubsumesLeft) ->
| `Equal, `Equal, (`RightSmallerThanLeft | `RightSubsumesLeft) ->
| `LeftSubsumesRight, (`Equal | `LeftSubsumesRight) ->
| (`Equal | `LeftSubsumesRight), (`Equal | `LeftSubsumesRight), (`Equal | `LeftSubsumesRight)
| `RightSubsumesLeft, (`Equal | `RightSubsumesLeft) ->
| (`Equal | `RightSubsumesLeft), (`Equal | `RightSubsumesLeft), (`Equal | `RightSubsumesLeft)
| (`LeftSmallerThanRight | `RightSmallerThanLeft), _ ->
let lidxpos = ItvPure.le_sem ItvPure.zero lidx in
let ridxpos = ItvPure.le_sem ItvPure.zero ridx in
| (`Equal | `LeftSmallerThanRight), (`Equal | `LeftSmallerThanRight), _
| (`Equal | `RightSmallerThanLeft), (`Equal | `RightSmallerThanLeft), _ ->
let lidxpos = ItvPure.le_sem (ItvPure.neg lidx) loff in
let ridxpos = ItvPure.le_sem (ItvPure.neg ridx) roff in
if not (Itv.Boolean.equal lidxpos ridxpos) then `NotComparable
else if Itv.Boolean.is_true lidxpos then
(* both idx >= 0 *)
match (idxcmp, sizcmp) with
| `LeftSmallerThanRight, (`Equal | `RightSmallerThanLeft | `RightSubsumesLeft) ->
match (offcmp, idxcmp, sizcmp) with
| ( (`Equal | `LeftSmallerThanRight)
, (`Equal | `LeftSmallerThanRight)
, (`Equal | `RightSmallerThanLeft | `RightSubsumesLeft) ) ->
| `RightSmallerThanLeft, (`Equal | `LeftSmallerThanRight | `LeftSubsumesRight) ->
| ( (`Equal | `RightSmallerThanLeft)
, (`Equal | `RightSmallerThanLeft)
, (`Equal | `LeftSmallerThanRight | `LeftSubsumesRight) ) ->
| _ ->
else if Itv.Boolean.is_false lidxpos then
(* both idx < 0, size doesn't matter *)
match idxcmp with
| `LeftSmallerThanRight ->
match (offcmp, idxcmp) with
| `Equal, `LeftSmallerThanRight | `LeftSmallerThanRight, `Equal ->
| `RightSmallerThanLeft ->
| `Equal, `RightSmallerThanLeft | `RightSmallerThanLeft, `Equal ->
| `Equal ->
| `Equal, `Equal ->
| _ ->
@ -192,34 +207,34 @@ module ArrayAccessCondition = struct
let filter1 : t -> bool =
fun c ->
ItvPure.is_top c.idx || ItvPure.is_top c.size || ItvPure.is_lb_infty c.idx
let filter1 : real_idx:ItvPure.t -> t -> bool =
fun ~real_idx c ->
ItvPure.is_top real_idx || ItvPure.is_top c.size || ItvPure.is_lb_infty real_idx
|| ItvPure.is_lb_infty c.size
|| (ItvPure.is_nat c.idx && ItvPure.is_nat c.size)
|| (ItvPure.is_nat real_idx && ItvPure.is_nat c.size)
let filter2 : t -> bool =
fun c ->
let filter2 : real_idx:ItvPure.t -> t -> bool =
fun ~real_idx c ->
(* basically, alarms involving infinity are filtered *)
((not (ItvPure.is_finite c.idx)) || not (ItvPure.is_finite c.size))
((not (ItvPure.is_finite real_idx)) || not (ItvPure.is_finite c.size))
&& (* except the following cases *)
( Bound.is_not_infty (ItvPure.lb c.idx)
( Bound.is_not_infty (ItvPure.lb real_idx)
&& (* idx non-infty lb < 0 *)
Bound.lt (ItvPure.lb c.idx) Bound.zero
|| Bound.is_not_infty (ItvPure.lb c.idx)
Bound.lt (ItvPure.lb real_idx) Bound.zero
|| Bound.is_not_infty (ItvPure.lb real_idx)
&& (* idx non-infty lb > size lb *)
Bound.gt (ItvPure.lb c.idx) (ItvPure.lb c.size)
|| Bound.is_not_infty (ItvPure.lb c.idx)
Bound.gt (ItvPure.lb real_idx) (ItvPure.lb c.size)
|| Bound.is_not_infty (ItvPure.lb real_idx)
&& (* idx non-infty lb > size ub *)
Bound.gt (ItvPure.lb c.idx) (ItvPure.ub c.size)
|| Bound.is_not_infty (ItvPure.ub c.idx)
Bound.gt (ItvPure.lb real_idx) (ItvPure.ub c.size)
|| Bound.is_not_infty (ItvPure.ub real_idx)
&& (* idx non-infty ub > size lb *)
Bound.gt (ItvPure.ub c.idx) (ItvPure.lb c.size)
|| Bound.is_not_infty (ItvPure.ub c.idx)
Bound.gt (ItvPure.ub real_idx) (ItvPure.lb c.size)
|| Bound.is_not_infty (ItvPure.ub real_idx)
&& (* idx non-infty ub > size ub *)
Bound.gt (ItvPure.ub c.idx) (ItvPure.ub c.size) )
Bound.gt (ItvPure.ub real_idx) (ItvPure.ub c.size) )
(* check buffer overrun and return its confidence *)
@ -228,17 +243,18 @@ module ArrayAccessCondition = struct
(* idx = [il, iu], size = [sl, su],
For arrays : we want to check that 0 <= idx < size
For adding into arraylists: we want to check that 0 <= idx <= size *)
let c' = set_size_pos c in
let real_idx = ItvPure.plus c.offset c.idx in
let size = ItvPure.make_positive c.size in
(* if sl < 0, use sl' = 0 *)
let not_overrun =
if is_collection_add then ItvPure.le_sem c'.idx c'.size
else if Relation.lt_sat_opt c'.idx_sym_exp c'.size_sym_exp c'.relation then Itv.Boolean.true_
else ItvPure.lt_sem c'.idx c'.size
if is_collection_add then ItvPure.le_sem real_idx size
else if Relation.lt_sat_opt c.idx_sym_exp c.size_sym_exp c.relation then Itv.Boolean.true_
else ItvPure.lt_sem real_idx size
let not_underrun =
if Relation.le_sat_opt (Some Relation.SymExp.zero) c'.idx_sym_exp c'.relation then
if Relation.le_sat_opt (Some Relation.SymExp.zero) c.idx_sym_exp c.relation then
else ItvPure.le_sem ItvPure.zero c'.idx
else ItvPure.le_sem ItvPure.zero real_idx
(* il >= 0 and iu < sl, definitely not an error *)
if Itv.Boolean.is_true not_overrun && Itv.Boolean.is_true not_underrun then
@ -247,19 +263,21 @@ module ArrayAccessCondition = struct
{report_issue_type= Some IssueType.buffer_overrun_l1; propagate= false}
(* su <= iu < +oo, most probably an error *)
else if
Bound.is_not_infty (ItvPure.ub c.idx) && Bound.le (ItvPure.ub c.size) (ItvPure.ub c.idx)
Bound.is_not_infty (ItvPure.ub real_idx) && Bound.le (ItvPure.ub size) (ItvPure.ub real_idx)
then {report_issue_type= Some IssueType.buffer_overrun_l2; propagate= false}
(* symbolic il >= sl, probably an error *)
else if
Bound.is_symbolic (ItvPure.lb c.idx) && Bound.le (ItvPure.lb c'.size) (ItvPure.lb c.idx)
Bound.is_symbolic (ItvPure.lb real_idx) && Bound.le (ItvPure.lb size) (ItvPure.lb real_idx)
then {report_issue_type= Some IssueType.buffer_overrun_s2; propagate= true}
(* other symbolic bounds are probably too noisy *)
let is_symbolic = ItvPure.is_symbolic c.idx || ItvPure.is_symbolic c.size in
let is_symbolic =
ItvPure.is_symbolic c.offset || ItvPure.is_symbolic c.idx || ItvPure.is_symbolic size
let report_issue_type =
if Config.bo_debug <= 3 && is_symbolic then None
else if filter1 c then Some IssueType.buffer_overrun_l5
else if filter2 c then Some IssueType.buffer_overrun_l4
else if filter1 ~real_idx c then Some IssueType.buffer_overrun_l5
else if filter2 ~real_idx c then Some IssueType.buffer_overrun_l4
else Some IssueType.buffer_overrun_l3
{report_issue_type; propagate= is_symbolic}
@ -272,12 +290,14 @@ module ArrayAccessCondition = struct
-> t
-> t option =
fun eval_sym rel_map caller_relation c ->
match (ItvPure.subst c.idx eval_sym, ItvPure.subst c.size eval_sym) with
| NonBottom idx, NonBottom size ->
(ItvPure.subst c.offset eval_sym, ItvPure.subst c.idx eval_sym, ItvPure.subst c.size eval_sym)
| NonBottom offset, NonBottom idx, NonBottom size ->
let idx_sym_exp = Relation.SubstMap.symexp_subst_opt rel_map c.idx_sym_exp in
let size_sym_exp = Relation.SubstMap.symexp_subst_opt rel_map c.size_sym_exp in
let relation = Relation.instantiate rel_map ~caller:caller_relation ~callee:c.relation in
Some {idx; size; idx_sym_exp; size_sym_exp; relation}
Some {offset; idx; size; idx_sym_exp; size_sym_exp; relation}
| _ ->
@ -780,9 +800,9 @@ module ConditionSet = struct
join [cwt] condset
let add_array_access location ~idx ~size ~is_collection_add ~idx_sym_exp ~size_sym_exp ~relation
val_traces condset =
ArrayAccessCondition.make ~idx ~size ~idx_sym_exp ~size_sym_exp ~relation
let add_array_access location ~offset ~idx ~size ~is_collection_add ~idx_sym_exp ~size_sym_exp
~relation val_traces condset =
ArrayAccessCondition.make ~offset ~idx ~size ~idx_sym_exp ~size_sym_exp ~relation
|> Condition.make_array_access ~is_collection_add
|> add_opt location val_traces condset

@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ module ConditionSet : sig
val add_array_access :
-> offset:ItvPure.astate
-> idx:ItvPure.astate
-> size:ItvPure.astate
-> is_collection_add:bool

@ -297,12 +297,20 @@ end
module Check = struct
let check_access ~size ~idx ~size_sym_exp ~idx_sym_exp ~relation ~arr ~idx_traces
?(is_collection_add = false) location cond_set =
let arr_traces = Dom.Val.get_traces arr in
match (size, idx) with
| NonBottom length, NonBottom idx ->
let offset =
match ArrayBlk.offsetof (Dom.Val.get_array_blk arr) with
| Bottom ->
(* Java's collection has no offset. *)
| NonBottom offset ->
let arr_traces = Dom.Val.get_traces arr in
let traces = TraceSet.merge ~arr_traces ~idx_traces location in
PO.ConditionSet.add_array_access location ~size:length ~idx ~size_sym_exp ~idx_sym_exp
~relation ~is_collection_add traces cond_set
PO.ConditionSet.add_array_access location ~size:length ~offset ~idx ~size_sym_exp
~idx_sym_exp ~relation ~is_collection_add traces cond_set
| _ ->
@ -311,20 +319,19 @@ module Check = struct
let arr_blk = Dom.Val.get_array_blk arr in
let size = ArrayBlk.sizeof arr_blk in
let size_sym_exp = Relation.SymExp.of_sym (Dom.Val.get_size_sym arr) in
let offset = ArrayBlk.offsetof arr_blk in
let offset_sym_exp = Relation.SymExp.of_sym (Dom.Val.get_offset_sym arr) in
let idx_itv = Dom.Val.get_itv idx in
let idx_traces = Dom.Val.get_traces idx in
let idx_in_blk = (if is_plus then Itv.plus else Itv.minus) offset idx_itv in
let idx = if is_plus then idx_itv else Itv.neg idx_itv in
let idx_sym_exp =
let offset_sym_exp = Relation.SymExp.of_sym (Dom.Val.get_offset_sym arr) in
Option.map2 offset_sym_exp idx_sym_exp ~f:(fun offset_sym_exp idx_sym_exp ->
let op = if is_plus then Relation.SymExp.plus else Relation.SymExp.minus in
op idx_sym_exp offset_sym_exp )
L.(debug BufferOverrun Verbose)
"@[<v 2>Add condition :@,array: %a@, idx: %a@,@]@." ArrayBlk.pp arr_blk Itv.pp idx_in_blk ;
check_access ~size ~idx:idx_in_blk ~size_sym_exp ~idx_sym_exp ~relation ~arr ~idx_traces
location cond_set
"@[<v 2>Add condition :@,array: %a@, idx: %a + %a@,@]@." ArrayBlk.pp arr_blk Itv.pp
(ArrayBlk.offsetof arr_blk) Itv.pp idx ;
check_access ~size ~idx ~size_sym_exp ~idx_sym_exp ~relation ~arr ~idx_traces location cond_set
let collection_access ~array_exp ~index_exp ?(is_collection_add = false) mem location cond_set =
@ -349,14 +356,14 @@ module Check = struct
let array_access_byte ~arr ~idx ~relation ~is_plus location cond_set =
let arr_blk = Dom.Val.get_array_blk arr in
let size = ArrayBlk.sizeof_byte arr_blk in
let offset = ArrayBlk.offsetof arr_blk in
let idx_itv = Dom.Val.get_itv idx in
let idx_traces = Dom.Val.get_traces idx in
let idx_in_blk = (if is_plus then Itv.plus else Itv.minus) offset idx_itv in
let idx = if is_plus then idx_itv else Itv.neg idx_itv in
L.(debug BufferOverrun Verbose)
"@[<v 2>Add condition :@,array: %a@, idx: %a@,@]@." ArrayBlk.pp arr_blk Itv.pp idx_in_blk ;
check_access ~size ~idx:idx_in_blk ~size_sym_exp:None ~idx_sym_exp:None ~relation ~arr
~idx_traces location cond_set ~is_collection_add:true
"@[<v 2>Add condition :@,array: %a@, idx: %a + %a@,@]@." ArrayBlk.pp arr_blk Itv.pp
(ArrayBlk.offsetof arr_blk) Itv.pp idx ;
check_access ~size ~idx ~size_sym_exp:None ~idx_sym_exp:None ~relation ~arr ~idx_traces
location cond_set ~is_collection_add:true
let lindex_byte ~array_exp ~byte_index_exp mem location cond_set =

@ -98,6 +98,8 @@ module ItvPure : sig
val is_top : t -> bool
val is_zero : t -> bool
val is_one : t -> bool
val is_ge_zero : t -> bool
@ -136,6 +138,8 @@ module ItvPure : sig
val subst : t -> (Symb.Symbol.t -> Bound.t bottom_lifted) -> t bottom_lifted
val neg : t -> t
val plus : t -> t -> t
val minus : t -> t -> t

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ int array_min_index_from_one_FP(int* a, int length) {
We need a either a narrowing or a relational domain to prove that
index_min < length
void call_array_min_index_from_one_good_FP() {
void call_array_min_index_from_one_good() {
int a[2];
a[array_min_index_from_one_FP(a, 2) - 1] = 0;

@ -17,8 +17,12 @@ void do_while_sub(char* a, int len) {
} while (i < len);
void do_while() {
void do_while_Good() {
char* a = malloc(10);
do_while_sub(a, 10); /* SAFE */
void do_while_Bad() {
char* a = malloc(10);
do_while_sub(a, 11); /* BUG */

@ -80,3 +80,19 @@ void malloc_sizeof_value_leak_good() {
/* missing free(x) */
void initialize_arr(int* arr, int count) {
for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
arr[i] = 0;
void call_initialize_arr_Good() {
int arr[10];
initialize_arr(arr, 5);
void call_initialize_arr_Bad() {
int arr[10];
initialize_arr(arr, 20);

@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/arith.c, plus_linear_min_Bad, 2, BUFFER_OVERRUN_L2
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/arith.c, plus_one_Bad, 3, INTEGER_OVERFLOW_L2, no_bucket, ERROR, [Unknown value from: unknown_int,Assignment,Binop: ([-oo, 9223372036854775807] + 1):signed64]
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/arith.c, use_int64_max_Bad, 4, BUFFER_OVERRUN_L1, no_bucket, ERROR, [ArrayDeclaration,Assignment,ArrayAccess: Offset: 15 Size: 10]
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/array_content.c, array_min_index_from_one_FP, 3, CONDITION_ALWAYS_FALSE, no_bucket, WARNING, []
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/array_content.c, call_array_min_index_from_one_good_FP, 2, BUFFER_OVERRUN_L4, no_bucket, ERROR, [ArrayDeclaration,Call,Parameter: a,Assignment,ArrayAccess: Offset: [1, +oo] Size: 2 by call to `array_min_index_from_one_FP` ]
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/array_content.c, check_sorted_arr10_good_FP, 2, CONDITION_ALWAYS_FALSE, no_bucket, WARNING, []
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/array_content.c, check_sorted_arr_good_FP, 2, CONDITION_ALWAYS_FALSE, no_bucket, WARNING, []
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/array_content.c, check_sorted_ptr_good_FP, 2, CONDITION_ALWAYS_FALSE, no_bucket, WARNING, []
@ -40,13 +39,14 @@ codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/cast.c, cast_signed_to_unsigned_Bad_FN, 4, CONDITI
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/cast.c, cast_signed_to_unsigned_Good, 4, CONDITION_ALWAYS_FALSE, no_bucket, WARNING, []
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/cast.c, cast_unsigned_to_signed_Bad_FN, 4, CONDITION_ALWAYS_FALSE, no_bucket, WARNING, []
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/cast.c, cast_unsigned_to_signed_Good, 4, CONDITION_ALWAYS_FALSE, no_bucket, WARNING, []
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/do_while.c, do_while, 2, BUFFER_OVERRUN_L4, no_bucket, ERROR, [ArrayDeclaration,Assignment,Call,Parameter: a,Assignment,ArrayAccess: Offset: [0, +oo] Size: 10 by call to `do_while_sub` ]
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/do_while.c, do_while_Bad, 2, BUFFER_OVERRUN_L2, no_bucket, ERROR, [ArrayDeclaration,Assignment,Call,Parameter: a,Assignment,ArrayAccess: Offset: [0, 10] Size: 10 by call to `do_while_sub` ]
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/duplicates.c, one_alarm_is_enough, 2, BUFFER_OVERRUN_L1, no_bucket, ERROR, [ArrayDeclaration,Call,Parameter: arr,ArrayAccess: Offset: 1 Size: 1 by call to `two_accesses` ]
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/duplicates.c, tsa_one_alarm_Bad, 0, BUFFER_OVERRUN_L1, no_bucket, ERROR, [Call,ArrayDeclaration,Parameter: n,ArrayAccess: Offset: 3 Size: 1 by call to `two_symbolic_accesses` ]
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/duplicates.c, tsa_two_alarms_Bad, 0, BUFFER_OVERRUN_L1, no_bucket, ERROR, [Call,ArrayDeclaration,Parameter: n,ArrayAccess: Offset: -1 Size: 1 by call to `two_symbolic_accesses` ]
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/duplicates.c, tsa_two_alarms_Bad, 0, BUFFER_OVERRUN_L1, no_bucket, ERROR, [Call,ArrayDeclaration,Parameter: n,ArrayAccess: Offset: 1 Size: 1 by call to `two_symbolic_accesses` ]
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/external.c, extern_bad, 5, BUFFER_OVERRUN_U5, no_bucket, ERROR, [Unknown value from: lib,Assignment,ArrayAccess: Offset: [-oo, +oo] Size: [0, +oo]]
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/external.c, extern_bad, 10, BUFFER_OVERRUN_L1, no_bucket, ERROR, [ArrayDeclaration,ArrayAccess: Offset: 30 Size: 10]
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/for_loop.c, call_initialize_arr_Bad, 2, BUFFER_OVERRUN_L2, no_bucket, ERROR, [ArrayDeclaration,Call,Parameter: arr,Assignment,ArrayAccess: Offset: [0, 19] Size: 10 by call to `initialize_arr` ]
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/for_loop.c, call_two_loops_Bad, 3, BUFFER_OVERRUN_L1, no_bucket, ERROR, [ArrayDeclaration,Assignment,Call,Parameter: m,Assignment,Return,ArrayAccess: Offset: 15 Size: 10]
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/for_loop.c, for_loop, 10, BUFFER_OVERRUN_L3, no_bucket, ERROR, [Call,ArrayDeclaration,Assignment,Assignment,Return,Assignment,Assignment,ArrayAccess: Offset: [0, 9] Size: [5, 10]]
codetoanalyze/c/bufferoverrun/function_call.c, call_by_arr_bad, 3, BUFFER_OVERRUN_L1, no_bucket, ERROR, [ArrayDeclaration,Call,Assignment,ArrayAccess: Offset: -1 Size: 10]

@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ codetoanalyze/java/performance/JsonMap.java, libraries.marauder.analytics.utils.
codetoanalyze/java/performance/JsonMap.java, libraries.marauder.analytics.utils.json.JsonMap.addKeyToMap(java.lang.String):void, 0, INFINITE_EXECUTION_TIME_CALL, no_bucket, ERROR, []
codetoanalyze/java/performance/JsonString.java, libraries.marauder.analytics.utils.json.JsonString.<init>(java.lang.String), 0, INFINITE_EXECUTION_TIME_CALL, no_bucket, ERROR, []
codetoanalyze/java/performance/JsonUtils.java, libraries.marauder.analytics.utils.json.JsonUtils.escape(java.lang.StringBuilder,java.lang.String):void, 0, INFINITE_EXECUTION_TIME_CALL, no_bucket, ERROR, []
codetoanalyze/java/performance/JsonUtils.java, libraries.marauder.analytics.utils.json.JsonUtils.escape(java.lang.StringBuilder,java.lang.String):void, 1, BUFFER_OVERRUN_U5, no_bucket, ERROR, [Unknown value from: char[] String.toCharArray(),Assignment,ArrayAccess: Offset: [-oo, +oo] Size: [0, +oo]]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/JsonUtils.java, libraries.marauder.analytics.utils.json.JsonUtils.escape(java.lang.StringBuilder,java.lang.String):void, 1, BUFFER_OVERRUN_U5, no_bucket, ERROR, [Unknown value from: char[] String.toCharArray(),Assignment,Assignment,ArrayAccess: Offset: [-oo, +oo] Size: [0, +oo]]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/JsonUtils.java, libraries.marauder.analytics.utils.json.JsonUtils.escape(java.lang.StringBuilder,java.lang.String):void, 1, INTEGER_OVERFLOW_L5, no_bucket, ERROR, [Assignment,Binop: ([0, +oo] + 1):signed32]
codetoanalyze/java/performance/JsonUtils.java, libraries.marauder.analytics.utils.json.JsonUtils.serialize(java.lang.String):java.lang.StringBuilder, 0, INFINITE_EXECUTION_TIME_CALL, no_bucket, ERROR, []
codetoanalyze/java/performance/JsonUtils.java, libraries.marauder.analytics.utils.json.JsonUtils.serialize(java.lang.StringBuilder,java.lang.String):void, 0, INFINITE_EXECUTION_TIME_CALL, no_bucket, ERROR, []
