@ -99,91 +99,106 @@ end
module ArrayAccessCondition = struct
type t =
{ idx : ItvPure . astate
{ offset : ItvPure . astate
; idx : ItvPure . astate
; size : ItvPure . astate
; idx_sym_exp : Relation . SymExp . t option
; size_sym_exp : Relation . SymExp . t option
; relation : Relation . astate }
[ @@ deriving compare ]
let get_symbols c = ItvPure . get_symbols c . idx @ ItvPure . get_symbols c . size
let set_size_pos : t -> t =
fun c ->
let size' = ItvPure . make_positive c . size in
if phys_equal size' c . size then c else { c with size = size' }
let get_symbols c =
ItvPure . get_symbols c . offset @ ItvPure . get_symbols c . idx @ ItvPure . get_symbols c . size
let pp : F . formatter -> t -> unit =
fun fmt c ->
let c = set_size_pos c in
F . fprintf fmt " %a < %a " ItvPure . pp c . idx ItvPure . pp c . size ;
let pp_offset fmt =
if not ( ItvPure . is_zero c . offset ) then F . fprintf fmt " %a + " ItvPure . pp c . offset
F . fprintf fmt " %t%a < %a " pp_offset ItvPure . pp c . idx ItvPure . pp ( ItvPure . make_positive c . size ) ;
if Option . is_some Config . bo_relational_domain then
F . fprintf fmt " @,%a < %a when %a " Relation . SymExp . pp_opt c . idx_sym_exp Relation . SymExp . pp_opt
c . size_sym_exp Relation . pp c . relation
(* TODO: change description to distinguish offset and index *)
let pp_description : F . formatter -> t -> unit =
fun fmt c ->
let c = set_size_pos c in
F . fprintf fmt " Offset: %a Size: %a " ItvPure . pp c . idx ItvPure . pp c . size
F . fprintf fmt " Offset: %a Size: %a " ItvPure . pp ( ItvPure . plus c . offset c . idx ) ItvPure . pp
( ItvPure . make_positive c . size )
let make :
idx : ItvPure . t
offset : ItvPure . t
-> idx : ItvPure . t
-> size : ItvPure . t
-> idx_sym_exp : Relation . SymExp . t option
-> size_sym_exp : Relation . SymExp . t option
-> relation : Relation . astate
-> t option =
fun ~ idx ~ size ~ idx_sym_exp ~ size_sym_exp ~ relation ->
if ItvPure . is_invalid idx | | ItvPure . is_invalid size then None
else Some { idx ; size ; idx_sym_exp ; size_sym_exp ; relation }
fun ~ offset ~ idx ~ size ~ idx_sym_exp ~ size_sym_exp ~ relation ->
if ItvPure . is_invalid offset | | ItvPure . is_invalid idx | | ItvPure . is_invalid size then None
else Some { offset ; idx ; size ; idx_sym_exp ; size_sym_exp ; relation }
let have_similar_bounds { offset = loff ; idx = lidx ; size = lsiz }
{ offset = roff ; idx = ridx ; size = rsiz } =
ItvPure . have_similar_bounds loff roff
&& ItvPure . have_similar_bounds lidx ridx
&& ItvPure . have_similar_bounds lsiz rsiz
let have_similar_bounds { idx = lidx ; size = lsiz } { idx = ridx ; size = rsiz } =
ItvPure . have_similar_bounds lidx ridx && ItvPure . have_similar_bounds lsiz rsiz
let has_infty { offset ; idx ; size } =
ItvPure . has_infty offset | | ItvPure . has_infty idx | | ItvPure . has_infty size
let has_infty { idx ; size } = ItvPure . has_infty idx | | ItvPure . has_infty size
let xcompare ~ lhs : { idx = lidx ; size = lsiz } ~ rhs : { idx = ridx ; size = rsiz } =
let xcompare ~ lhs : { offset = loff ; idx = lidx ; size = lsiz } ~ rhs : { offset = roff ; idx = ridx ; size = rsiz }
let offcmp = ItvPure . xcompare ~ lhs : loff ~ rhs : roff in
let idxcmp = ItvPure . xcompare ~ lhs : lidx ~ rhs : ridx in
let sizcmp = ItvPure . xcompare ~ lhs : lsiz ~ rhs : rsiz in
match ( idxcmp, sizcmp ) with
| ` Equal , ` Equal ->
match ( offcmp, idxcmp, sizcmp ) with
| ` Equal , ` Equal , ` Equal ->
` Equal
| ` NotComparable , _ ->
| ` NotComparable , _ , _ | _ , ` NotComparable , _ ->
` NotComparable
| ` Equal , (` LeftSmallerThanRight | ` LeftSubsumesRight ) ->
| ` Equal , `Equal , (` LeftSmallerThanRight | ` LeftSubsumesRight ) ->
` LeftSubsumesRight
| ` Equal , (` RightSmallerThanLeft | ` RightSubsumesLeft ) ->
| ` Equal , `Equal , (` RightSmallerThanLeft | ` RightSubsumesLeft ) ->
` RightSubsumesLeft
| ` LeftSubsumesRight , ( ` Equal | ` LeftSubsumesRight ) ->
| ( ` Equal | ` LeftSubsumesRight ) , ( ` Equal | ` LeftSubsumesRight ) , ( ` Equal | ` LeftSubsumesRight )
` LeftSubsumesRight
| ` RightSubsumesLeft , ( ` Equal | ` RightSubsumesLeft ) ->
| ( ` Equal | ` RightSubsumesLeft ) , ( ` Equal | ` RightSubsumesLeft ) , ( ` Equal | ` RightSubsumesLeft )
` RightSubsumesLeft
| ( ` LeftSmallerThanRight | ` RightSmallerThanLeft ) , _ ->
let lidxpos = ItvPure . le_sem ItvPure . zero lidx in
let ridxpos = ItvPure . le_sem ItvPure . zero ridx in
| ( ` Equal | ` LeftSmallerThanRight ) , ( ` Equal | ` LeftSmallerThanRight ) , _
| ( ` Equal | ` RightSmallerThanLeft ) , ( ` Equal | ` RightSmallerThanLeft ) , _ ->
let lidxpos = ItvPure . le_sem ( ItvPure . neg lidx ) loff in
let ridxpos = ItvPure . le_sem ( ItvPure . neg ridx ) roff in
if not ( Itv . Boolean . equal lidxpos ridxpos ) then ` NotComparable
else if Itv . Boolean . is_true lidxpos then
(* both idx >= 0 *)
match ( idxcmp , sizcmp ) with
| ` LeftSmallerThanRight , ( ` Equal | ` RightSmallerThanLeft | ` RightSubsumesLeft ) ->
match ( offcmp , idxcmp , sizcmp ) with
| ( ( ` Equal | ` LeftSmallerThanRight )
, ( ` Equal | ` LeftSmallerThanRight )
, ( ` Equal | ` RightSmallerThanLeft | ` RightSubsumesLeft ) ) ->
` RightSubsumesLeft
| ` RightSmallerThanLeft , ( ` Equal | ` LeftSmallerThanRight | ` LeftSubsumesRight ) ->
| ( ( ` Equal | ` RightSmallerThanLeft )
, ( ` Equal | ` RightSmallerThanLeft )
, ( ` Equal | ` LeftSmallerThanRight | ` LeftSubsumesRight ) ) ->
` LeftSubsumesRight
| _ ->
` NotComparable
else if Itv . Boolean . is_false lidxpos then
(* both idx < 0, size doesn't matter *)
match idxcmp with
| ` LeftSmallerThanRight ->
match ( offcmp , idxcmp ) with
| ` Equal, ` LeftSmallerThanRight | ` LeftSmallerThanRight , ` Equal ->
` LeftSubsumesRight
| ` RightSmallerThanLeft ->
| ` Equal, ` RightSmallerThanLeft | ` RightSmallerThanLeft , ` Equal ->
` RightSubsumesLeft
| ` Equal ->
| ` Equal , ` Equal ->
` Equal
| _ ->
` NotComparable
@ -192,34 +207,34 @@ module ArrayAccessCondition = struct
` NotComparable
let filter1 : t -> bool =
fun c ->
ItvPure . is_top c. idx | | ItvPure . is_top c . size | | ItvPure . is_lb_infty c. idx
let filter1 : real_idx: ItvPure . t -> t -> bool =
fun ~ real_idx c ->
ItvPure . is_top real_ idx | | ItvPure . is_top c . size | | ItvPure . is_lb_infty real_ idx
| | ItvPure . is_lb_infty c . size
| | ( ItvPure . is_nat c. idx && ItvPure . is_nat c . size )
| | ( ItvPure . is_nat real_ idx && ItvPure . is_nat c . size )
let filter2 : t -> bool =
fun c ->
let filter2 : real_idx: ItvPure . t -> t -> bool =
fun ~ real_idx c ->
(* basically, alarms involving infinity are filtered *)
( ( not ( ItvPure . is_finite c. idx) ) | | not ( ItvPure . is_finite c . size ) )
( ( not ( ItvPure . is_finite real_ idx) ) | | not ( ItvPure . is_finite c . size ) )
&& (* except the following cases *)
( Bound . is_not_infty ( ItvPure . lb c. idx)
( Bound . is_not_infty ( ItvPure . lb real_ idx)
&& (* idx non-infty lb < 0 *)
Bound . lt ( ItvPure . lb c. idx) Bound . zero
| | Bound . is_not_infty ( ItvPure . lb c. idx)
Bound . lt ( ItvPure . lb real_ idx) Bound . zero
| | Bound . is_not_infty ( ItvPure . lb real_ idx)
&& (* idx non-infty lb > size lb *)
Bound . gt ( ItvPure . lb c. idx) ( ItvPure . lb c . size )
| | Bound . is_not_infty ( ItvPure . lb c. idx)
Bound . gt ( ItvPure . lb real_ idx) ( ItvPure . lb c . size )
| | Bound . is_not_infty ( ItvPure . lb real_ idx)
&& (* idx non-infty lb > size ub *)
Bound . gt ( ItvPure . lb c. idx) ( ItvPure . ub c . size )
| | Bound . is_not_infty ( ItvPure . ub c. idx)
Bound . gt ( ItvPure . lb real_ idx) ( ItvPure . ub c . size )
| | Bound . is_not_infty ( ItvPure . ub real_ idx)
&& (* idx non-infty ub > size lb *)
Bound . gt ( ItvPure . ub c. idx) ( ItvPure . lb c . size )
| | Bound . is_not_infty ( ItvPure . ub c. idx)
Bound . gt ( ItvPure . ub real_ idx) ( ItvPure . lb c . size )
| | Bound . is_not_infty ( ItvPure . ub real_ idx)
&& (* idx non-infty ub > size ub *)
Bound . gt ( ItvPure . ub c. idx) ( ItvPure . ub c . size ) )
Bound . gt ( ItvPure . ub real_ idx) ( ItvPure . ub c . size ) )
(* check buffer overrun and return its confidence *)
@ -228,17 +243,18 @@ module ArrayAccessCondition = struct
(* idx = [il, iu], size = [sl, su],
For arrays : we want to check that 0 < = idx < size
For adding into arraylists : we want to check that 0 < = idx < = size * )
let c' = set_size_pos c in
let real_idx = ItvPure . plus c . offset c . idx in
let size = ItvPure . make_positive c . size in
(* if sl < 0, use sl' = 0 *)
let not_overrun =
if is_collection_add then ItvPure . le_sem c'. idx c' . size
else if Relation . lt_sat_opt c ' . idx_sym_exp c ' . size_sym_exp c ' . relation then Itv . Boolean . true_
else ItvPure . lt_sem c'. idx c' . size
if is_collection_add then ItvPure . le_sem real_idx size
else if Relation . lt_sat_opt c . idx_sym_exp c . size_sym_exp c . relation then Itv . Boolean . true_
else ItvPure . lt_sem real_idx size
let not_underrun =
if Relation . le_sat_opt ( Some Relation . SymExp . zero ) c ' . idx_sym_exp c ' . relation then
if Relation . le_sat_opt ( Some Relation . SymExp . zero ) c . idx_sym_exp c . relation then
Itv . Boolean . true_
else ItvPure . le_sem ItvPure . zero c'. idx
else ItvPure . le_sem ItvPure . zero real_ idx
(* il >= 0 and iu < sl, definitely not an error *)
if Itv . Boolean . is_true not_overrun && Itv . Boolean . is_true not_underrun then
@ -247,19 +263,21 @@ module ArrayAccessCondition = struct
{ report_issue_type = Some IssueType . buffer_overrun_l1 ; propagate = false }
(* su <= iu < +oo, most probably an error *)
else if
Bound . is_not_infty ( ItvPure . ub c. idx) && Bound . le ( ItvPure . ub c. size) ( ItvPure . ub c. idx)
Bound . is_not_infty ( ItvPure . ub real_ idx) && Bound . le ( ItvPure . ub size) ( ItvPure . ub real_ idx)
then { report_issue_type = Some IssueType . buffer_overrun_l2 ; propagate = false }
(* symbolic il >= sl, probably an error *)
else if
Bound . is_symbolic ( ItvPure . lb c. idx) && Bound . le ( ItvPure . lb c'. size) ( ItvPure . lb c. idx)
Bound . is_symbolic ( ItvPure . lb real_ idx) && Bound . le ( ItvPure . lb size) ( ItvPure . lb real_ idx)
then { report_issue_type = Some IssueType . buffer_overrun_s2 ; propagate = true }
(* other symbolic bounds are probably too noisy *)
let is_symbolic = ItvPure . is_symbolic c . idx | | ItvPure . is_symbolic c . size in
let is_symbolic =
ItvPure . is_symbolic c . offset | | ItvPure . is_symbolic c . idx | | ItvPure . is_symbolic size
let report_issue_type =
if Config . bo_debug < = 3 && is_symbolic then None
else if filter1 c then Some IssueType . buffer_overrun_l5
else if filter2 c then Some IssueType . buffer_overrun_l4
else if filter1 ~ real_idx c then Some IssueType . buffer_overrun_l5
else if filter2 ~ real_idx c then Some IssueType . buffer_overrun_l4
else Some IssueType . buffer_overrun_l3
{ report_issue_type ; propagate = is_symbolic }
@ -272,12 +290,14 @@ module ArrayAccessCondition = struct
-> t
-> t option =
fun eval_sym rel_map caller_relation c ->
match ( ItvPure . subst c . idx eval_sym , ItvPure . subst c . size eval_sym ) with
| NonBottom idx , NonBottom size ->
( ItvPure . subst c . offset eval_sym , ItvPure . subst c . idx eval_sym , ItvPure . subst c . size eval_sym )
| NonBottom offset , NonBottom idx , NonBottom size ->
let idx_sym_exp = Relation . SubstMap . symexp_subst_opt rel_map c . idx_sym_exp in
let size_sym_exp = Relation . SubstMap . symexp_subst_opt rel_map c . size_sym_exp in
let relation = Relation . instantiate rel_map ~ caller : caller_relation ~ callee : c . relation in
Some { idx; size ; idx_sym_exp ; size_sym_exp ; relation }
Some { offset; idx; size ; idx_sym_exp ; size_sym_exp ; relation }
| _ ->
@ -780,9 +800,9 @@ module ConditionSet = struct
join [ cwt ] condset
let add_array_access location ~ idx ~ size ~ is_collection_add ~ idx_sym_exp ~ size_sym_exp ~ relation
val_traces condset =
ArrayAccessCondition . make ~ idx ~ size ~ idx_sym_exp ~ size_sym_exp ~ relation
let add_array_access location ~ offset ~ idx ~ size ~ is_collection_add ~ idx_sym_exp ~ size_sym_exp
~ relation val_traces condset =
ArrayAccessCondition . make ~ offset ~ idx ~ size ~ idx_sym_exp ~ size_sym_exp ~ relation
| > Condition . make_array_access ~ is_collection_add
| > add_opt location val_traces condset