Summary: HTML output is missing but the rest is there. Reviewed By: skcho Differential Revision: D20649221 fbshipit-source-id: 6bc91161amaster
@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module F = Format
module L = Logging
[@@@warning "+9"]
let is_past_limit limit =
match limit with None -> fun _ -> false | Some limit -> fun n -> n >= limit
let pp_trace_item ~show_source_context fmt
Jsonbug_t.{level; filename; line_number; column_number; description} =
let pp_col_number fmt c = if c >= 0 then F.fprintf fmt ":%d" c in
F.fprintf fmt "%s:%d%a: %s@\n" filename line_number pp_col_number column_number description ;
if show_source_context then
TextReport.pp_source_context ~indent:(2 * level) fmt
{Jsonbug_t.file= filename; lnum= line_number; cnum= column_number; enum= -1}
let show_issue_with_trace ~show_source_context ~max_nested_level
(n_issue, (issue : Jsonbug_t.jsonbug)) =
L.result "#%d@\n%a@\n" n_issue TextReport.pp_jsonbug issue ;
if List.is_empty issue.bug_trace then L.result "@\nEmpty trace@\n%!"
List.iter issue.bug_trace ~f:(fun trace_item ->
(* subtract 1 to get inclusive limits on the nesting level *)
if not (is_past_limit max_nested_level (trace_item.Jsonbug_t.level - 1)) then
L.result "@\n%a" (pp_trace_item ~show_source_context) trace_item )
let user_select_issue ~selector_limit report =
List.fold_until report
~finish:(fun _ -> ())
~f:(fun n issue ->
if is_past_limit selector_limit n then Stop ()
else (
L.result "#%d@\n%a@\n" n TextReport.pp_jsonbug issue ;
Continue (n + 1) ) ) ;
let rec ask_until_valid_input max_report =
L.result "@\nSelect report to display (0-%d) (default: 0): %!" max_report ;
let input = In_channel.input_line_exn In_channel.stdin in
if String.is_empty input then 0
match int_of_string_opt input with
| Some n when n >= 0 && n <= max_report ->
| Some n ->
L.progress "Error: %d is not between 0 and %d, try again.@\n%!" n max_report ;
ask_until_valid_input max_report
| None ->
L.progress "Error: please input a number, not '%s'.@\n%!" input ;
ask_until_valid_input max_report
let n = ask_until_valid_input (List.length report - 1) in
(n, List.nth_exn report n)
let explore ~selector_limit ~report_txt:_ ~report_json ~show_source_context ~selected
~max_nested_level =
let report = Atdgen_runtime.Util.Json.from_file Jsonbug_j.read_report report_json in
let issue_to_display =
match (selected, report) with
| Some n, _ -> (
(* an issue number has been pre-selected, use that *)
match List.nth report n with
| None ->
L.die UserError "Cannot select issues #%d: only %d issues in '%s'" n (List.length report)
| Some issue ->
Some (n, issue) )
| None, [] ->
(* empty report, can't print anything *)
L.progress "No issues found in '%s', exiting.@\n" report_json ;
| None, [issue] ->
(* single-issue report: no need to prompt the user to select which issue to display *)
L.progress "Auto-selecting the only issue in '%s'@\n%!" report_json ;
Some (0, issue)
| None, _ :: _ :: _ ->
(* user prompt *)
Some (user_select_issue ~selector_limit report)
Option.iter issue_to_display
( L.result "@\n" ;
show_issue_with_trace ~show_source_context ~max_nested_level )
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
val explore :
selector_limit:int option
-> report_txt:string
-> report_json:string
-> show_source_context:bool
-> selected:int option
-> max_nested_level:int option
-> unit
Reference in new issue