@ -38,36 +38,66 @@ let rec rmtree name =
type build_mode =
type build_system =
| Analyze | Ant | Buck | ClangCompilationDB | Gradle | Java | Javac | Make | Mvn | Ndk | Xcode
| BAnalyze | BAnt | BBuck | BGradle | BJava | BJavac | BMake | BMvn | BNdk | BXcode
let build_mode_of_string path =
match Filename . basename path with
| " analyze " -> Analyze
| " ant " -> Ant
| " buck " -> Buck
| " gradle " | " gradlew " -> Gradle
| " java " -> Java
| " javac " -> Javac
| " cc " | " clang " | " clang++ " | " cmake " | " configure " | " g++ " | " gcc " | " make " | " waf " -> Make
| " mvn " -> Mvn
| " ndk-build " -> Ndk
| " xcodebuild " -> Xcode
| cmd -> failwithf " Unsupported build command %s " cmd
let string_of_build_mode = function
| Analyze -> " analyze "
| Ant -> " ant "
| Buck -> " buck "
| ClangCompilationDB -> " clang compilation database "
| Gradle -> " gradle "
| Java -> " java "
| Javac -> " javac "
| Make -> " make/cc "
| Mvn -> " maven "
| Ndk -> " ndk-build "
| Xcode -> " xcodebuild "
(* List of ( [build system], [executable name] ) . Several executables may map to the same build
system . In that case , the first one in the list will be used for printing , eg , in which mode
infer is running . * )
let build_system_exe_assoc = [
BAnalyze , " analyze " ; BAnt , " ant " ; BBuck , " buck " ; BGradle , " gradle " ; BGradle , " gradlew " ;
BJava , " java " ; BJavac , " javac " ;
(* NOTE: "make/cc" is not a valid exe name and thus will never be matched, we only use it for
printing * )
BMake , " make/cc " ; BMake , " cc " ; BMake , " clang " ; BMake , " clang++ " ; BMake , " cmake " ;
BMake , " configure " ; BMake , " g++ " ; BMake , " gcc " ; BMake , " make " ; BMake , " waf " ;
BMvn , " mvn " ; BNdk , " ndk-build " ; BXcode , " xcodebuild " ;
let build_system_of_exe_name name =
List . Assoc . find_exn ( List . Assoc . inverse build_system_exe_assoc ) name
with Not_found ->
invalid_argf " Unsupported build command %s " name
let string_of_build_system build_system =
List . Assoc . find_exn build_system_exe_assoc build_system
(* based on the build_system and options passed to infer, we run in different driver modes *)
type driver_mode =
| Analyze
| BuckGenrule of string
| BuckCompilationDB
| ClangCompilationDB of string list
| Javac of Javac . compiler * string * string list
| PythonCapture of build_system * string list
| XcodeXcpretty
let pp_driver_mode fmt driver_mode =
let log_argfile_arg fname =
F . fprintf fmt " -- Contents of '%s'@ \n " fname ;
In_channel . iter_lines ~ f : ( F . fprintf fmt " %s@ \n " ) ( In_channel . create fname ) ;
F . fprintf fmt " -- /Contents of '%s'@. " fname ;
with exn ->
F . fprintf fmt " Error reading file '%s':@ \n %a@. " fname Exn . pp exn in
match driver_mode with
| Analyze | BuckGenrule _ | BuckCompilationDB | ClangCompilationDB _ | PythonCapture ( _ , _ )
| XcodeXcpretty ->
(* these are pretty boring, do not log anything *)
| Javac ( _ , prog , args ) ->
F . fprintf fmt " Javac driver mode:@ \n prog = %s@ \n " prog ;
let log_arg arg =
F . fprintf fmt " Arg: %s@ \n " arg ;
(* "@fname" means that fname is an arg file containing additional arguments to pass to
javac . * )
String . chop_prefix ~ prefix : " @ " arg
| >
(* Sometimes these argfiles go away at the end of the build and we cannot inspect them after
the fact , so log them now . * )
Option . iter ~ f : log_argfile_arg in
List . iter ~ f : log_arg args
let remove_results_dir () =
let remove_results_dir () =
rmtree Config . results_dir
rmtree Config . results_dir
@ -128,74 +158,6 @@ let run_command ~prog ~args cleanup =
-> cleanup status
-> cleanup status
; ok_exn ( Unix . Exit_or_signal . or_error status )
; ok_exn ( Unix . Exit_or_signal . or_error status )
let run_javac build_mode build_cmd =
let build_prog , build_args =
match build_cmd with
| prog :: args -> ( prog , args )
| [] -> invalid_arg " run_java: build command cannot be empty " in
let prog , prog_args =
match build_mode , Config . java_jar_compiler with
| _ , None -> ( build_prog , [ " -J-Duser.language=en " ] )
| Java , Some jar -> ( build_prog , [ " -jar " ; jar ] )
| _ , Some jar -> (* fall back to java in PATH to avoid passing -jar to javac *)
( " java " , [ " -jar " ; jar ] ) in
let cli_args , file_args =
let rec has_classes_out = function
| [] -> false
| ( " -d " | " -classes_out " ) :: _ -> true
| file_arg :: tl when String . is_prefix file_arg ~ prefix : " @ " -> (
let fname = String . slice file_arg 1 ( String . length file_arg ) in
match In_channel . read_lines fname with
| lines ->
(* crude but we only care about simple cases that will not involve trickiness, eg
unbalanced or escaped quotes such as " ending in \" " * )
let lines_without_quotes =
List . map ~ f : ( String . strip ~ drop : ( function '"' | '\'' -> true | _ -> false ) ) lines in
has_classes_out lines_without_quotes | | has_classes_out tl
| exception _ ->
has_classes_out tl )
| _ :: tl ->
has_classes_out tl in
let args =
" -verbose " :: " -g " ::
(* Ensure that some form of "-d ..." is passed to javac. It's unclear whether this is strictly
needed but the tests break without this for now . See discussion in D4397716 . * )
if has_classes_out build_args then
" -d " :: Config . javac_classes_out :: build_args in
List . partition_tf args ~ f : ( fun arg ->
(* As mandated by javac, argument files must not contain certain arguments. *)
String . is_prefix ~ prefix : " -J " arg | | String . is_prefix ~ prefix : " @ " arg ) in
(* Pass non-special args via a file to avoid exceeding the command line size limit. *)
let args_file =
let file = Filename . temp_file " args_ " " " in
let quoted_file_args =
List . map file_args ~ f : ( fun arg ->
if String . contains arg '\'' then arg else F . sprintf " '%s' " arg ) in
Out_channel . with_file file ~ f : ( fun oc -> Out_channel . output_lines oc quoted_file_args ) ;
file in
let cli_file_args = cli_args @ [ " @ " ^ args_file ] in
let args = prog_args @ cli_file_args in
let verbose_out_file = Filename . temp_file " javac_ " " .out " in
Unix . with_file verbose_out_file ~ mode : [ Unix . O_WRONLY ] ~ f : (
fun verbose_out_fd ->
L . out " Logging into %s@ \n " verbose_out_file ;
L . out " Current working directory: '%s'@. " ( Sys . getcwd () ) ;
L . out " Trying to execute: '%s' '%s'@. " prog ( String . concat ~ sep : " ' ' " args ) ;
Unix_ . fork_redirect_exec_wait ~ prog ~ args ~ stderr : verbose_out_fd ()
with exn ->
L . out " *** Failed!@ \n Trying to execute javac instead: '%s' '%s'@ \n Logging into %s@. "
" javac " ( String . concat ~ sep : " ' ' " cli_file_args ) verbose_out_file ;
Unix_ . fork_redirect_exec_wait ~ prog : " javac " ~ args : cli_file_args ~ stderr : verbose_out_fd ()
with _ ->
L . stderr " Failed to execute: %s %s@. " prog ( String . concat ~ sep : " " args ) ;
raise exn
) ;
let check_xcpretty () =
let check_xcpretty () =
match Unix . system " xcpretty --version " with
match Unix . system " xcpretty --version " with
| Ok () -> ()
| Ok () -> ()
@ -212,34 +174,25 @@ let capture_with_compilation_database db_files =
let compilation_database = CompilationDatabase . from_json_files db_files in
let compilation_database = CompilationDatabase . from_json_files db_files in
CaptureCompilationDatabase . capture_files_in_database compilation_database
CaptureCompilationDatabase . capture_files_in_database compilation_database
let capture build_cmd build_mode =
let capture = function
match build_mode , Config . generated_classes with
| Analyze ->
| _ , Some path ->
L . stdout " Capturing for Buck genrule compatibility...@ \n " ;
JMain . main ( lazy ( JClasspath . load_from_arguments path ) )
| Analyze , _ ->
| Buck , _ when Config . use_compilation_database < > None ->
| BuckCompilationDB ->
L . stdout " Capturing using Buck's compilation database...@ \n " ;
L . stdout " Capturing using Buck's compilation database...@ \n " ;
let json_cdb = CaptureCompilationDatabase . get_compilation_database_files_buck () in
let json_cdb = CaptureCompilationDatabase . get_compilation_database_files_buck () in
capture_with_compilation_database json_cdb
capture_with_compilation_database json_cdb
| ClangCompilationDB , _ ->
| BuckGenrule path ->
L . stdout " Capturing for Buck genrule compatibility...@ \n " ;
JMain . main ( lazy ( JClasspath . load_from_arguments path ) )
| ClangCompilationDB db_files ->
L . stdout " Capturing using compilation database...@ \n " ;
L . stdout " Capturing using compilation database...@ \n " ;
capture_with_compilation_database ! Config . clang_compilation_db_files
capture_with_compilation_database db_files
| ( Java | Javac ) , _ ->
| Javac ( compiler , prog , args ) ->
L . stdout " Capturing in javac mode...@. " ;
L . stdout " Capturing in javac mode...@. " ;
let verbose_out_file = run_javac build_mode build_cmd in
Javac . capture compiler ~ prog ~ args
if Config . analyzer < > Config . Compile then
| PythonCapture ( build_system , build_cmd ) ->
JMain . main ( lazy ( JClasspath . load_from_verbose_output verbose_out_file ) ) ;
L . stdout " Capturing in %s mode...@. " ( string_of_build_system build_system ) ;
if not ( Config . debug_mode | | Config . stats_mode ) then Unix . unlink verbose_out_file ;
let in_buck_mode = build_system = BBuck in
| Xcode , _ when Config . xcpretty ->
L . stdout " Capturing using xcpretty...@ \n " ;
check_xcpretty () ;
let json_cdb = CaptureCompilationDatabase . get_compilation_database_files_xcodebuild () in
capture_with_compilation_database json_cdb
| build_mode , _ ->
L . stdout " Capturing in %s mode...@. " ( string_of_build_mode build_mode ) ;
let in_buck_mode = build_mode = Buck in
let infer_py = Config . lib_dir ^/ " python " ^/ " infer.py " in
let infer_py = Config . lib_dir ^/ " python " ^/ " infer.py " in
let args =
let args =
List . rev_append Config . anon_args (
List . rev_append Config . anon_args (
@ -289,6 +242,11 @@ let capture build_cmd build_mode =
(* swallow infer.py argument parsing error *)
(* swallow infer.py argument parsing error *)
Config . print_usage_exit ()
Config . print_usage_exit ()
| XcodeXcpretty ->
L . stdout " Capturing using xcpretty...@ \n " ;
check_xcpretty () ;
let json_cdb = CaptureCompilationDatabase . get_compilation_database_files_xcodebuild () in
capture_with_compilation_database json_cdb
let run_parallel_analysis () =
let run_parallel_analysis () =
let multicore_dir = Config . results_dir ^/ Config . multicore_dir_name in
let multicore_dir = Config . results_dir ^/ Config . multicore_dir_name in
@ -332,26 +290,25 @@ let report () =
L . stderr " ** Error running the reporting script:@ \n ** %s %s@ \n ** See error above@. "
L . stderr " ** Error running the reporting script:@ \n ** %s %s@ \n ** See error above@. "
prog ( String . concat ~ sep : " " args )
prog ( String . concat ~ sep : " " args )
let analyze = function
let analyze driver_mode =
| Buck when Config . use_compilation_database = None ->
let should_analyze , should_report = match driver_mode , Config . analyzer with
(* In Buck mode when compilation db is not used, analysis is invoked either from capture or a
| PythonCapture ( BBuck , _ ) , _ ->
separate Analyze invocation is necessary , depending on the buck flavor used . * )
(* In Buck mode when compilation db is not used, analysis is invoked either from capture or
a separate Analyze invocation is necessary , depending on the buck flavor used . * )
| _ ->
false , false
let should_analyze , should_report = match Config . analyzer with
| _ , ( Capture | Compile ) ->
| Infer | Eradicate | Checkers | Tracing | Crashcontext | Quandary | Threadsafety ->
false , false
true , true
| _ , ( Infer | Eradicate | Checkers | Tracing | Crashcontext | Quandary | Threadsafety ) ->
| Linters ->
true , true
false , true
| _ , Linters ->
| Capture | Compile ->
false , true in
false , false in
if ( should_analyze | | should_report ) &&
if ( should_analyze | | should_report )
( Sys . file_exists Config . ( results_dir ^/ captured_dir_name ) ) < > ` Yes then (
&& ( Sys . file_exists Config . ( results_dir ^/ captured_dir_name ) ) < > ` Yes then (
L . stderr " There was nothing to analyze, exiting@. " ;
L . stderr " There was nothing to analyze, exiting@. " ;
exit 1
exit 1
) ;
) ;
if should_analyze then execute_analyze () ;
if should_analyze then execute_analyze () ;
if should_report then report ()
if should_report then report ()
(* * as the Config.fail_on_bug flag mandates, exit with error when an issue is reported *)
(* * as the Config.fail_on_bug flag mandates, exit with error when an issue is reported *)
let fail_on_issue_epilogue () =
let fail_on_issue_epilogue () =
@ -362,41 +319,53 @@ let fail_on_issue_epilogue () =
if issues < > [] then exit Config . fail_on_issue_exit_code
if issues < > [] then exit Config . fail_on_issue_exit_code
| None -> ()
| None -> ()
let log_build_cmd build_mode build_cmd =
let log_infer_args driver_mode =
L . out " INFER_ARGS=%s@. " ( Option . value ( Sys . getenv CLOpt . args_env_var ) ~ default : " <not found> " ) ;
L . out " INFER_ARGS = %s@ \n " ( Option . value ( Sys . getenv CLOpt . args_env_var ) ~ default : " <not found> " ) ;
L . out " Project root = %s@. " Config . project_root ;
List . iter ~ f : ( L . out " anon arg: %s@ \n " ) Config . anon_args ;
let log_arg arg =
List . iter ~ f : ( L . out " rest arg: %s@ \n " ) Config . rest ;
L . out " Arg: %s@ \n " arg ;
L . out " Project root = %s@ \n " Config . project_root ;
if ( build_mode = Java | | build_mode = Javac ) && ( String . is_prefix arg ~ prefix : " @ " ) then (
L . out " CWD = %s@ \n " ( Sys . getcwd () ) ;
let fname = String . slice arg 1 ( String . length arg ) in
L . out " Driver mode:@ \n %a@. " pp_driver_mode driver_mode
match In_channel . input_lines ( In_channel . create fname ) with
| lines ->
let driver_mode_of_build_cmd build_cmd =
L . out " -- Contents of '%s'@ \n " fname ;
match build_cmd with
L . out " %s@ \n " ( String . concat ~ sep : " \n " lines ) ;
| [] ->
L . out " -- /Contents of '%s'@ \n " fname ;
if not ( List . is_empty ! Config . clang_compilation_db_files ) then
| exception exn ->
ClangCompilationDB ! Config . clang_compilation_db_files
L . out " Error reading file '%s':@ \n %a@. " fname Exn . pp exn
) in
List . iter ~ f : log_arg build_cmd
| prog :: args ->
match build_system_of_exe_name ( Filename . basename prog ) with
| BAnalyze ->
| BBuck when Config . use_compilation_database < > None ->
| BJava ->
Javac ( Javac . Java , prog , args )
| BJavac ->
Javac ( Javac . Javac , prog , args )
| BXcode when Config . xcpretty ->
| BAnt | BBuck | BGradle | BMake | BMvn | BNdk | BXcode as build_system ->
PythonCapture ( build_system , build_cmd )
let get_driver_mode () =
match Config . generated_classes with
| Some path ->
BuckGenrule path
| None ->
driver_mode_of_build_cmd ( IList . rev Config . rest )
let () =
let () =
let build_cmd = IList . rev Config . rest in
let driver_mode = get_driver_mode () in
let build_mode = match build_cmd with
if not ( driver_mode = Analyze | | Config . ( buck | | continue_capture | | reactive_mode ) ) then
| path :: _ ->
build_mode_of_string path
| [] ->
if not ( List . is_empty ! Config . clang_compilation_db_files ) then
Analyze in
if not ( build_mode = Analyze | | Config . ( buck | | continue_capture | | reactive_mode ) ) then
remove_results_dir () ;
remove_results_dir () ;
create_results_dir () ;
create_results_dir () ;
(* re-set log files, as default files were in results_dir removed above *)
(* re-set log files, as default files were in results_dir removed above *)
L . set_log_file_identifier Config . current_exe None ;
L . set_log_file_identifier Config . current_exe None ;
if Config . print_builtins then Builtin . print_and_exit () ;
if Config . print_builtins then Builtin . print_and_exit () ;
if Config . is_originator then L . do_out " %s@ \n " Config . version_string ;
if Config . is_originator then L . do_out " %s@ \n " Config . version_string ;
if Config . debug_mode | | Config . stats_mode then log_build_cmd build_mode build_cmd ;
if Config . debug_mode | | Config . stats_mode then log_infer_args driver_mode ;
(* infer might be called from a Makefile and itself uses `make` to run the analysis in parallel,
(* infer might be called from a Makefile and itself uses `make` to run the analysis in parallel,
but cannot communicate with the parent make command . Since infer won't interfere with them
but cannot communicate with the parent make command . Since infer won't interfere with them
anyway , pretend that we are not called from another make to prevent make falling back to a
anyway , pretend that we are not called from another make to prevent make falling back to a
@ -404,13 +373,14 @@ let () =
Unix . unsetenv " MAKEFLAGS " ;
Unix . unsetenv " MAKEFLAGS " ;
register_perf_stats_report () ;
register_perf_stats_report () ;
touch_start_file () ;
touch_start_file () ;
capture build_cmd build _mode ;
capture driver _mode ;
analyze build _mode ;
analyze driver _mode ;
if Config . is_originator then (
if Config . is_originator then (
StatsAggregator . generate_files () ;
StatsAggregator . generate_files () ;
let in_buck_mode = match driver_mode with | PythonCapture ( BBuck , _ ) -> true | _ -> false in
if Config . analyzer = Config . Crashcontext then
if Config . analyzer = Config . Crashcontext then
Crashcontext . crashcontext_epilogue ~ in_buck_mode :( build_mode = Buck ) ;
Crashcontext . crashcontext_epilogue ~ in_buck_mode ;
if build_mode = Buck then
if in_buck_mode then
clean_results_dir () ;
clean_results_dir () ;
if Config . fail_on_bug then
if Config . fail_on_bug then
fail_on_issue_epilogue () ;
fail_on_issue_epilogue () ;