[devirtualizer][java] do not assume first super is a class

Changing the order of the superclasses of a struct exposes a bug in both biabduction and the devirtualiser where a method would be resolved into a still virtual method (an interface method).

The reason is that we don't check whether a super class is an interface before exploring it, and seemingly we assume that there is only one (first) superclass worth exploring. This also ignores multiple inheritance in C++.

To fix this, refactor the resolution to a complete search (not just the first super class!) which ignores Java interface methods. Also moved it to `Tenv` so that both biabduction and the devirtualiser can use it.

Reviewed By: jvillard

Differential Revision: D22357488

fbshipit-source-id: 54b96c1f4
Nikos Gorogiannis 5 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent 92824b30ca
commit 41b4e39817

@ -272,3 +272,10 @@ let merge typename ~newer ~current =
newer newer
| JavaClass _ -> | JavaClass _ ->
full_merge ~newer ~current full_merge ~newer ~current
let is_not_java_interface = function
| {java_class_info= Some {kind= Interface}} ->
| _ ->

@ -75,3 +75,7 @@ val add_sub : Typ.Name.t -> t -> t
val merge : Typ.Name.t -> newer:t -> current:t -> t val merge : Typ.Name.t -> newer:t -> current:t -> t
(** best effort directed merge of two structs for the same typename *) (** best effort directed merge of two structs for the same typename *)
val is_not_java_interface : t -> bool
(** check that a struct either defines a non-java type, or a non-java-interface type (abstract or
normal class) *)

@ -243,3 +243,37 @@ let get_summary_formals tenv ~get_summary ~get_formals =
`NotFound ) ) `NotFound ) )
in in
fun pname -> get_summary_formals_aux pname fun pname -> get_summary_formals_aux pname
let resolve_method ~method_exists tenv class_name proc_name =
let visited = ref Typ.Name.Set.empty in
let rec resolve_name_struct (class_name : Typ.Name.t) (class_struct : Struct.t) =
(not (Typ.Name.is_class class_name))
|| (not (Struct.is_not_java_interface class_struct))
|| Typ.Name.Set.mem class_name !visited
then None
else (
visited := Typ.Name.Set.add class_name !visited ;
let right_proc_name = Procname.replace_class proc_name class_name in
if method_exists right_proc_name class_struct.methods then Some right_proc_name
let supers_to_search =
match (class_name : Typ.Name.t) with
| CStruct _ | CUnion _ | CppClass _ ->
(* multiple inheritance possible, search all supers *)
| JavaClass _ ->
(* multiple inheritance not possible, but cannot distinguish interfaces from typename so search all *)
| ObjcClass _ ->
(* multiple inheritance impossible, but recursive calls will throw away protocols *)
| ObjcProtocol _ ->
List.find_map supers_to_search ~f:resolve_name )
and resolve_name class_name =
lookup tenv class_name |> Option.bind ~f:(resolve_name_struct class_name)
resolve_name class_name

@ -65,6 +65,17 @@ val merge_per_file : src:per_file -> dst:per_file -> per_file
(** Best-effort merge of [src] into [dst]. If a procedure is both in [dst] and [src], the one in (** Best-effort merge of [src] into [dst]. If a procedure is both in [dst] and [src], the one in
[dst] will get overwritten. *) [dst] will get overwritten. *)
val resolve_method :
method_exists:(Procname.t -> Procname.t list -> bool)
-> t
-> Typ.Name.t
-> Procname.t
-> Procname.t option
(** [resolve_method ~method_exists tenv class_name procname] tries to resolve [procname] to a method
in [class_name] or its super-classes, that is non-virtual (non-Java-interface method).
[method_exists adapted_procname methods] should check if [adapted_procname] ([procname] but with
its class potentially changed to some [other_class]) is among the [methods] of [other_class]. *)
val get_summary_formals : val get_summary_formals :
t t
-> get_summary:(Procname.t -> 'summary option) -> get_summary:(Procname.t -> 'summary option)

@ -99,16 +99,7 @@ let analyze_at_node (map : Analyzer.invariant_map) node : Domain.t =
(* inspired from biabduction/Symexec.ml, function resolve_method *) (* inspired from biabduction/Symexec.ml, function resolve_method *)
let resolve_method tenv class_name proc_name = let resolve_method tenv class_name proc_name =
let method_exists pname methods = List.exists ~f:(Procname.equal pname) methods in let method_exists pname methods = List.exists ~f:(Procname.equal pname) methods in
let rec resolve class_name = Tenv.resolve_method ~method_exists tenv class_name proc_name
let resolved_proc_name = Procname.replace_class proc_name class_name in
match Tenv.lookup tenv class_name with
| Some {methods; supers} when Typ.Name.is_class class_name -> (
if method_exists resolved_proc_name methods then Some resolved_proc_name
else match supers with super_classname :: _ -> resolve super_classname | _ -> None )
| _ ->
resolve class_name
let process summary tenv = let process summary tenv =

@ -431,27 +431,7 @@ let method_exists right_proc_name methods =
let resolve_method tenv class_name proc_name = let resolve_method tenv class_name proc_name =
let found_class = match Tenv.resolve_method ~method_exists tenv class_name proc_name with
let visited = ref Typ.Name.Set.empty in
let rec resolve (class_name : Typ.Name.t) =
visited := Typ.Name.Set.add class_name !visited ;
let right_proc_name = Procname.replace_class proc_name class_name in
match Tenv.lookup tenv class_name with
| Some {methods; supers} when Typ.Name.is_class class_name -> (
if method_exists right_proc_name methods then Some right_proc_name
match supers with
| super_classname :: _ ->
if not (Typ.Name.Set.mem super_classname !visited) then resolve super_classname
else None
| _ ->
None )
| _ ->
resolve class_name
match found_class with
| None -> | None ->
Logging.d_printfln "Couldn't find method in the hierarchy of type %s" Logging.d_printfln "Couldn't find method in the hierarchy of type %s"
(Typ.Name.name class_name) ; (Typ.Name.name class_name) ;
