@ -514,13 +514,6 @@ let define_condition_side_effects e_cond instrs_cond sil_loc =
[Sil.Load (id, Exp.Lvar pvar, typ, sil_loc)]
[Sil.Load (id, Exp.Lvar pvar, typ, sil_loc)]
| _ -> [(e', typ)], instrs_cond
| _ -> [(e', typ)], instrs_cond
let fix_param_exps_mismatch params_stmt exps_param =
let diff = List.length params_stmt - List.length exps_param in
let args = if diff >0 then Array.create ~len:diff dummy_exp
else assert false in
let exps'= exps_param @ (Array.to_list args) in
let is_superinstance mei =
let is_superinstance mei =
match mei.Clang_ast_t.omei_receiver_kind with
match mei.Clang_ast_t.omei_receiver_kind with
| `SuperInstance -> true
| `SuperInstance -> true