@ -43,6 +43,9 @@ module type S = sig
decl_sym_val:decl_sym_val -> Typ.Procname.t -> Tenv.t -> CFG.node -> Location.t -> depth:int
-> Loc.t -> Typ.t -> ?offset:Itv.t -> ?size:Itv.t -> inst_num:int -> new_sym_num:counter
-> new_alloc_num:counter -> Dom.Mem.astate -> Dom.Mem.astate
val init_array_fields :
Tenv.t -> Typ.Procname.t -> CFG.node -> Typ.t -> PowLoc.t -> Dom.Mem.astate -> Dom.Mem.astate
module Check : sig
@ -125,6 +128,37 @@ module Make (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
let mem = Dom.Mem.add_heap loc arr mem in
let deref_loc = Loc.of_allocsite (Sem.get_allocsite pname node inst_num alloc_num) in
decl_sym_val pname tenv node location ~depth deref_loc typ mem
let init_array_fields tenv pname node typ locs mem =
let rec init_field locs dimension (mem, inst_num) (field_name, field_typ, _) =
let field_loc = PowLoc.append_field locs ~fn:field_name in
let mem =
match field_typ.Typ.desc with
| Tarray (typ, Some length, stride) ->
let length = Itv.of_int_lit length in
let stride = Option.map stride ~f:IntLit.to_int in
let v =
Sem.eval_array_alloc pname node typ ?stride Itv.zero length inst_num dimension
Dom.Mem.strong_update_heap field_loc v mem
| _ ->
init_fields field_typ field_loc dimension mem
(mem, inst_num + 1)
and init_fields typ locs dimension mem =
match typ.Typ.desc with
| Tstruct typename -> (
match Tenv.lookup tenv typename with
| Some str ->
List.fold ~f:(init_field locs (dimension + 1)) ~init:(mem, 1) str.Typ.Struct.fields
|> fst
| None ->
mem )
| _ ->
init_fields typ locs 1 mem
module Check = struct