Summary fields stats

Adds option `--summary-stats` to `infer report`.

The formatting is not perfect yet but it gives what I want.

Reviewed By: ngorogiannis

Differential Revision: D15064162

fbshipit-source-id: 56c4b4929
Mehdi Bouaziz 6 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 109a587654
commit 4333d5f9cc

@ -1504,6 +1504,10 @@ INTERNAL OPTIONS
Deactivates: Use the multirange subtyping domain (Conversely: Deactivates: Use the multirange subtyping domain (Conversely:
--subtype-multirange) --subtype-multirange)
Activates: Print stats about summaries to standard output
(Conversely: --no-summary-stats)
--symops-per-iteration int --symops-per-iteration int
Set the number of symbolic operations per iteration (see Set the number of symbolic operations per iteration (see
--iterations) --iterations)

@ -682,6 +682,170 @@ module PreconditionStats = struct
L.result "Procedures with data constraints: %d@." !nr_dataconstraints L.result "Procedures with data constraints: %d@." !nr_dataconstraints
end end
module SummaryStats = struct
module MetricTypes = struct
type 't typ = Bool : bool typ | Int : int typ
module MakeTopN (V : PrettyPrintable.PrintableOrderedType) = struct
type 'k t = {capacity: int; filter: V.t -> bool; size: int; sorted_elements: (V.t * 'k) list}
let make capacity ~filter = {capacity; filter; size= 0; sorted_elements= []}
let add top k v =
if top.filter v then
let smaller, greater =
List.split_while top.sorted_elements ~f:(fun (v', _) -> v v' > 0)
if top.size >= top.capacity then
match smaller with
| [] ->
| _ :: tl ->
let sorted_elements = tl @ ((v, k) :: greater) in
{top with sorted_elements}
let sorted_elements = smaller @ ((v, k) :: greater) in
{top with size= top.size + 1; sorted_elements}
else top
let is_empty top = top.size <= 0
let pp ~pp_k f top =
if top.size > 0 then
let pp1 f (v, k) = F.fprintf f "@[%a -> %a@]" V.pp v pp_k k in
Pp.seq pp1 f (List.rev top.sorted_elements)
module IntTopN = MakeTopN (Int)
module MetricAggregator = struct
open MetricTypes
type ('i, 'k) t =
| A :
{ name: string
; value: 'o
; is_empty: 'o -> bool
; add: 'o -> 'k -> 'i -> 'o
; pp: pp_k:(F.formatter -> 'k -> unit) -> F.formatter -> 'o -> unit }
-> ('i, 'k) t
let add (A aggr) k i = A {aggr with value= aggr.add aggr.value k i}
let pp ~pp_k f (A {name; pp; value; is_empty}) =
if not (is_empty value) then F.fprintf f "@[%s: @[%a@]@]" name (pp ~pp_k) value
let no_k pp ~pp_k:_ = pp
let int name add = A {name; value= 0; is_empty= Int.(( = ) 0); add; pp= no_k F.pp_print_int}
let int_sum = int "sum" (fun acc _ v -> acc + v)
let int_top3 =
{ name= "top3"
; value= IntTopN.make 3 ~filter:(fun x -> x > 1)
; is_empty= IntTopN.is_empty
; add= IntTopN.add
; pp= IntTopN.pp }
let true_count = int "True" (fun acc _ b -> if b then acc + 1 else acc)
let false_count = int "False" (fun acc _ b -> if b then acc else acc + 1)
type 'k get = {get: 'i. 'i typ -> ('i, 'k) t list}
let aggregators =
let get : type i. i typ -> (i, _) t list = function
| Bool ->
[true_count; false_count]
| Int ->
[int_sum; int_top3]
let get aggregators typ = aggregators.get typ
module Metrics = struct
open MetricTypes
type 'i metric = M : {get: 'i -> 't; typ: 't typ} -> 'i metric
let for_fields poly_fields obj_metrics = poly_fields
{ f=
(fun field_name field_get ->
let prefix = field_name ^ ":" in obj_metrics ~f:(fun (metric_name, M {typ; get= metric_get}) ->
let name = prefix ^ metric_name in
let get r = r |> field_get |> Obj.repr |> metric_get in
(name, M {typ; get}) ) ) }
|> List.concat
module ObjMetrics = struct
open MetricTypes
open Metrics
let obj_is_zero = phys_equal (Obj.repr 0)
let obj_marshaled_size x = String.length (Marshal.to_string x []) - Marshal.header_size
let metrics =
let bool name get = (name, M {typ= Bool; get}) in
let int name get = (name, M {typ= Int; get}) in
[ int "reachable_words" Obj.reachable_words
; int "marshaled size" obj_marshaled_size
; bool "is_zero" obj_is_zero ]
module MetricResults = struct
open MetricTypes
open Metrics
module StringMap = PrettyPrintable.MakePPMap (String)
type ('i, 'k) result =
| R :
{ typ: 't typ
; get: 'i -> 't
; aggrs: ('t, 'k) MetricAggregator.t list }
-> ('i, 'k) result
let init metrics aggregators =
List.fold metrics ~init:StringMap.empty ~f:(fun acc (name, M {typ; get}) ->
StringMap.add name (R {typ; get; aggrs= MetricAggregator.get aggregators typ}) acc )
let add results k x =
(fun (R res) ->
let v = res.get x in
R {res with aggrs= res.aggrs ~f:(fun aggr -> MetricAggregator.add aggr k v)} )
let pp ~pp_k f results =
let pp_value f (R {aggrs}) = Pp.seq (MetricAggregator.pp ~pp_k) f aggrs in
StringMap.pp ~pp_value f results
let results =
let summary_fields_obj_metrics = Metrics.for_fields Summary.poly_fields ObjMetrics.metrics in
let init = MetricResults.init summary_fields_obj_metrics MetricAggregator.aggregators in
ref init
let do_summary proc_name summary = results := MetricResults.add !results proc_name summary
let pp_stats () = L.result "%a@\n" (MetricResults.pp ~pp_k:Typ.Procname.pp) !results
let error_filter filters proc_name file error_name = let error_filter filters proc_name file error_name =
(Config.write_html || not (IssueType.(equal skip_function) error_name)) (Config.write_html || not (IssueType.(equal skip_function) error_name))
&& filters.Inferconfig.path_filter file && filters.Inferconfig.path_filter file
@ -920,6 +1084,7 @@ let process_summary filters formats_by_report_kind linereader stats summary issu
issues_acc issues_acc
in in
if Config.precondition_stats then PreconditionStats.do_summary proc_name summary ; if Config.precondition_stats then PreconditionStats.do_summary proc_name summary ;
if Config.summary_stats then SummaryStats.do_summary proc_name summary ;
issues_acc' issues_acc'
@ -1054,6 +1219,7 @@ let pp_summary_and_issues formats_by_report_kind issue_formats =
issue_formats ) issue_formats )
!all_issues ; !all_issues ;
if Config.precondition_stats then PreconditionStats.pp_stats () ; if Config.precondition_stats then PreconditionStats.pp_stats () ;
if Config.summary_stats then SummaryStats.pp_stats () ;
List.iter List.iter
[Config.lint_issues_dir_name; Config.starvation_issues_dir_name; Config.racerd_issues_dir_name] [Config.lint_issues_dir_name; Config.starvation_issues_dir_name; Config.racerd_issues_dir_name]
~f:(fun dir_name -> ~f:(fun dir_name ->

@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ type t =
; uninit: UninitDomain.Summary.t option } ; uninit: UninitDomain.Summary.t option }
[@@deriving fields] [@@deriving fields]
let poly_fields = PolyFields.make Fields.map_poly
type 'a pp = Pp.env -> F.formatter -> 'a -> unit type 'a pp = Pp.env -> F.formatter -> 'a -> unit
type field = F : {field: (t, 'a option) Field.t; name: string; pp: 'a pp} -> field type field = F : {field: (t, 'a option) Field.t; name: string; pp: 'a pp} -> field

@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
open! IStd open! IStd
(* ignore dead modules added by @@deriving fields *) (* ignore dead modules added by @@deriving fields *)
[@@@warning "-60"] [@@@warning "-60"]
@ -29,7 +31,10 @@ type t =
; typestate: TypeState.t option ; typestate: TypeState.t option
; uninit: UninitDomain.Summary.t option } ; uninit: UninitDomain.Summary.t option }
[@@deriving fields] [@@deriving fields]
val pp : Pp.env -> Format.formatter -> t -> unit val pp : Pp.env -> Format.formatter -> t -> unit
val empty : t val empty : t
val poly_fields : t PolyFields.t

@ -61,6 +61,10 @@ module Status = struct
let is_analyzed = function Analyzed -> true | _ -> false let is_analyzed = function Analyzed -> true | _ -> false
end end
include struct
(* ignore dead modules added by @@deriving fields *)
[@@@warning "-60"]
type t = type t =
{ payloads: Payloads.t { payloads: Payloads.t
; sessions: int ref ; sessions: int ref
@ -68,6 +72,12 @@ type t =
; status: Status.t ; status: Status.t
; proc_desc: Procdesc.t ; proc_desc: Procdesc.t
; err_log: Errlog.t } ; err_log: Errlog.t }
[@@deriving fields]
let poly_fields =
PolyFields.(make Fields.map_poly ~subfields:[S (Fields.payloads, Payloads.poly_fields)])
let get_status summary = summary.status let get_status summary = summary.status

@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ type t =
; proc_desc: Procdesc.t ; proc_desc: Procdesc.t
; err_log: Errlog.t } ; err_log: Errlog.t }
val poly_fields : t PolyFields.t
val dummy : t val dummy : t
(** dummy summary for testing *) (** dummy summary for testing *)

@ -2164,6 +2164,10 @@ and subtype_multirange =
"Use the multirange subtyping domain" "Use the multirange subtyping domain"
and summary_stats =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~long:"summary-stats" "Print stats about summaries to standard output"
and symops_per_iteration = and symops_per_iteration =
CLOpt.mk_int_opt ~deprecated:["symops_per_iteration"] ~long:"symops-per-iteration" ~meta:"int" CLOpt.mk_int_opt ~deprecated:["symops_per_iteration"] ~long:"symops-per-iteration" ~meta:"int"
"Set the number of symbolic operations per iteration (see $(b,--iterations))" "Set the number of symbolic operations per iteration (see $(b,--iterations))"
@ -3025,6 +3029,8 @@ and stats_report = !stats_report
and subtype_multirange = !subtype_multirange and subtype_multirange = !subtype_multirange
and summary_stats = !summary_stats
and custom_symbols = and custom_symbols =
(* Convert symbol lists to regexps just once, here *) (* Convert symbol lists to regexps just once, here *)
match !custom_symbols with match !custom_symbols with

@ -650,6 +650,8 @@ val stats_report : string option
val subtype_multirange : bool val subtype_multirange : bool
val summary_stats : bool
val symops_per_iteration : int option val symops_per_iteration : int option
val test_determinator : bool val test_determinator : bool

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
* Copyright (c) 2019-present, Facebook, Inc.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module StringMap = Map.Make (String)
type ('r, 'a) user = {f: 'f. string -> ('r -> 'f) -> 'a} [@@unboxed]
type 'r elt = E : {name: string; get: 'r -> 'a} -> 'r elt
type 'r t = 'r elt list
type 'r sub = S : ('r, 'f) Field.t * 'f t -> 'r sub
let make ?(subfields = []) (map_poly : _ Field.user -> _) =
let subfields =
List.fold subfields ~init:StringMap.empty ~f:(fun acc (S (field, elts)) ->
let name = field in
let prefix = name ^ "." in
let get = Field.get field in
let elts = elts ~f:(fun (E {name= subname; get= subget}) ->
E {name= prefix ^ subname; get= (fun r -> get r |> subget)} )
StringMap.add_exn acc ~key:name ~data:elts )
let f field =
let name = field in
StringMap.find subfields name |> Option.value ~default:[E {name; get= Field.get field}]
E {name= "ALL"; get=} :: List.concat (map_poly {f})
let map elts {f} = elts ~f:(fun (E {name; get}) -> f name get)

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
* Copyright (c) 2019-present, Facebook, Inc.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
(** Datastructure for polymorphic getters of record fields *)
type 'r t
type 'r sub = S : ('r, 'f) Field.t * 'f t -> 'r sub
type ('r, 'a) user = {f: 'f. string -> ('r -> 'f) -> 'a} [@@unboxed]
val make : ?subfields:'r sub list -> ((_, 'r, 'r t) Field.user -> 'r t list) -> 'r t
Pass [Fields.map_poly] generated by [@@deriving fields] for the record ['r] you are interested
in to get the polymorphic getters of the fields of ['r].
A dummy field "ALL" is added too.
Subfields appearing in [subfields] will be added too.
Each subfield is specified by [S (field, poly_fields)] where [field] is the corresponding
[Field.t] value (generated by [@@deriving fields]) and [poly_fields] is the result of this
function for the field record type.
val map : 'r t -> ('r, 'a) user -> 'a list
[map r f] maps each field of [r] with the function [f].
[f] is called with two arguments: the name and the getter of the field.