[pulse] avoid some FPs due to incompleteness in the arihtmetic engine

Before, atoms we didn't understand but could be a contradiction became
"true" if they were only about dead variables. This is unsound for
incorrectness logic, and introduces false positives.

Be more conservative and try to identify when that could happen and
prune these paths instead, thus regaining under-approximation.

This is a bit ad-hoc: we expect reasoning on equalities and
disequalities to be precise enough, but we know that inequalities have
very little solving power at the moment (eg we don't detect `x < 0, x >
0 => false`). In addition, we remark that having *one* `<` atom can
never be a contradiction. So, we claim a possible contradiction whenever
we find *two* (>1) atoms containing inequalities and involving the same

Reviewed By: skcho

Differential Revision: D29232544

fbshipit-source-id: ff91eb1e4
Jules Villard 4 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent 5093fe4614
commit 4410e9ab79

@ -325,6 +325,15 @@ OPTIONS
Activates: Enable pulse and disable all other checkers
(Conversely: --no-pulse-only)
Activates: The arithmetic engine in Pulse sometimes does not
detect that the collection of conditions on the path makes it
infeasible, especially outside the well-supported linear
arithmetic fragment. To avoid false positives, Pulse tries to
detect when there is a possibility of imprecise arithmetic
treatment and if so pessimistically assumes the path is
infeasible. (Conversely: --no-pulse-prune-unsupported-arithmetic)
--pulse-report-ignore-unknown-java-methods-patterns +string
On Java, issues that are found on program paths that contain calls
to unknown methods (those without implementation) are not reported

@ -1066,6 +1066,16 @@ OPTIONS
Activates: Enable pulse and disable all other checkers
(Conversely: --no-pulse-only) See also infer-analyze(1).
Activates: The arithmetic engine in Pulse sometimes does not
detect that the collection of conditions on the path makes it
infeasible, especially outside the well-supported linear
arithmetic fragment. To avoid false positives, Pulse tries to
detect when there is a possibility of imprecise arithmetic
treatment and if so pessimistically assumes the path is
infeasible. (Conversely: --no-pulse-prune-unsupported-arithmetic)
See also infer-analyze(1).
--pulse-report-ignore-unknown-java-methods-patterns +string
On Java, issues that are found on program paths that contain calls
to unknown methods (those without implementation) are not reported

@ -1066,6 +1066,16 @@ OPTIONS
Activates: Enable pulse and disable all other checkers
(Conversely: --no-pulse-only) See also infer-analyze(1).
Activates: The arithmetic engine in Pulse sometimes does not
detect that the collection of conditions on the path makes it
infeasible, especially outside the well-supported linear
arithmetic fragment. To avoid false positives, Pulse tries to
detect when there is a possibility of imprecise arithmetic
treatment and if so pessimistically assumes the path is
infeasible. (Conversely: --no-pulse-prune-unsupported-arithmetic)
See also infer-analyze(1).
--pulse-report-ignore-unknown-java-methods-patterns +string
On Java, issues that are found on program paths that contain calls
to unknown methods (those without implementation) are not reported

@ -2089,6 +2089,15 @@ and pulse_model_skip_pattern =
"Regex of methods that should be modelled as \"skip\" in Pulse"
and pulse_prune_unsupported_arithmetic =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~long:"pulse-prune-unsupported-arithmetic" ~default:false
~in_help:InferCommand.[(Analyze, manual_generic)]
"The arithmetic engine in Pulse sometimes does not detect that the collection of conditions on \
the path makes it infeasible, especially outside the well-supported linear arithmetic \
fragment. To avoid false positives, Pulse tries to detect when there is a possibility of \
imprecise arithmetic treatment and if so pessimistically assumes the path is infeasible."
and pulse_report_ignore_unknown_java_methods_patterns =
CLOpt.mk_string_list ~default:[".*<init>.*"]
@ -3332,6 +3341,8 @@ and pulse_model_return_nonnull = Option.map ~f:Str.regexp !pulse_model_return_no
and pulse_model_skip_pattern = Option.map ~f:Str.regexp !pulse_model_skip_pattern
and pulse_prune_unsupported_arithmetic = !pulse_prune_unsupported_arithmetic
and pulse_report_ignore_unknown_java_methods_patterns =
match RevList.to_list !pulse_report_ignore_unknown_java_methods_patterns with
| [] ->

@ -520,6 +520,8 @@ val pulse_model_return_nonnull : Str.regexp option
val pulse_model_skip_pattern : Str.regexp option
val pulse_prune_unsupported_arithmetic : bool
val pulse_report_ignore_unknown_java_methods_patterns : Str.regexp option
val pulse_model_transfer_ownership_namespace : (string * string) list

@ -886,6 +886,8 @@ module Atom = struct
(acc, t')
let fold_terms atom ~init ~f = fold_map_terms atom ~init ~f:(fun acc t -> (f acc t, t)) |> fst
let equal t1 t2 = Equal (t1, t2)
let less_equal t1 t2 = LessEqual (t1, t2)
@ -1866,6 +1868,10 @@ module DeadVariables = struct
let is_source_of_incompleteness atom =
match (atom : Atom.t) with LessEqual _ | LessThan _ -> true | Equal _ | NotEqual _ -> false
(** Intermediate step of [simplify]: construct transitive closure of variables reachable from [vs]
in [graph]. *)
let get_reachable_from graph vs =
@ -1906,6 +1912,7 @@ module DeadVariables = struct
let var_graph = build_var_graph phi.both in
let vars_to_keep = get_reachable_from var_graph keep in
L.d_printfln "Reachable vars: %a" Var.Set.pp vars_to_keep ;
let exception Contradiction in
let simplify_phi phi =
let var_eqs =
VarUF.filter_morphism ~f:(fun x -> Var.Set.mem x vars_to_keep) phi.Formula.var_eqs
@ -1922,10 +1929,39 @@ module DeadVariables = struct
to guarantee that *none* of their variables are in [vars_to_keep] thanks to transitive
closure on the graph above *)
let atoms =
if Config.pulse_prune_unsupported_arithmetic then
(fun atom (atoms_to_keep, discarded_vars_in_atoms) ->
let discard_atom = ref false in
let discarded_vars_in_atoms =
Atom.fold_terms atom ~init:discarded_vars_in_atoms ~f:(fun discarded t ->
Term.fold_variables t ~init:discarded ~f:(fun discarded v ->
if (not (is_source_of_incompleteness atom)) || Var.Set.mem v vars_to_keep
then discarded
else if Var.Set.mem v discarded_vars_in_atoms then (
(* the variable was already involved in *another* atom we discarded, we risk
incompleteness by discarding both (eg [x<y, yx]) *)
L.d_printfln ~color:Orange
"%a appears in several atoms that should be discarded; incompleteness \
feared, pruning the path"
Var.pp v ;
raise Contradiction )
else (
discard_atom := true ;
Var.Set.add v discarded ) ) )
let atoms_to_keep =
if !discard_atom then atoms_to_keep else Atom.Set.add atom atoms_to_keep
(atoms_to_keep, discarded_vars_in_atoms) )
phi.Formula.atoms (Atom.Set.empty, Var.Set.empty)
|> fst
Atom.Set.filter (fun atom -> not (Atom.has_var_notin vars_to_keep atom)) phi.Formula.atoms
{Formula.var_eqs; linear_eqs; term_eqs; atoms}
let known = simplify_phi phi.known in
let both = simplify_phi phi.both in
let pruned =
@ -1934,7 +1970,8 @@ module DeadVariables = struct
let closed_prunable_vars = get_reachable_from var_graph can_be_pruned in
Atom.Set.filter (fun atom -> not (Atom.has_var_notin closed_prunable_vars atom)) phi.pruned
({known; pruned; both}, vars_to_keep)
Sat ({known; pruned; both}, vars_to_keep)
with Contradiction -> Unsat
let simplify tenv ~get_dynamic_type ~can_be_pruned ~keep phi =
@ -1943,10 +1980,10 @@ let simplify tenv ~get_dynamic_type ~can_be_pruned ~keep phi =
L.d_printfln_escaped "@[Simplifying %a@,wrt %a (keep), with prunables=%a@]" pp phi Var.Set.pp keep
Var.Set.pp can_be_pruned ;
(* get rid of as many variables as possible *)
let+ phi = QuantifierElimination.eliminate_vars ~keep phi in
let* phi = QuantifierElimination.eliminate_vars ~keep phi in
(* TODO: doing [QuantifierElimination.eliminate_vars; DeadVariables.eliminate] a few times may
eliminate even more variables *)
let phi, live_vars = DeadVariables.eliminate ~can_be_pruned ~keep phi in
let+ phi, live_vars = DeadVariables.eliminate ~can_be_pruned ~keep phi in
(phi, live_vars, new_eqs)
