@ -218,6 +218,26 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
type extras = Specs . summary
let is_aggregate ( _ , typ ) =
match typ . Typ . desc with
| Tstruct _ ->
(* TODO: we could compute this precisely by recursively checking all of the fields of the
type , but that's going to be expensive . will add it to the frontend instead * )
| _ ->
let get_assigned_base ( access_expression : AccessExpression . t ) =
match access_expression with
| Base base ->
Some base
| _ ->
let base = AccessExpression . get_base access_expression in
(* assume assigning to any field of an aggregate struct re-initalizes the struct *)
Option . some_if ( is_aggregate base ) base
let acquire_ownership call_exp return_opt actuals loc summary astate =
match call_exp with
| HilInstr . Direct pname ->
@ -245,9 +265,13 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
Typ . Procname . pp pname Location . pp loc
else if Typ . Procname . is_constructor pname then
match actuals with
| ( HilExp . AccessExpression Base constructed_base ) :: other_actuals ->
let astate' = Domain . actuals_add_reads other_actuals loc summary astate in
Some ( Domain . add constructed_base CapabilityDomain . Owned astate' )
| ( HilExp . AccessExpression access_expression ) :: other_actuals -> (
match get_assigned_base access_expression with
| Some constructed_base ->
let astate' = Domain . actuals_add_reads other_actuals loc summary astate in
Some ( Domain . add constructed_base CapabilityDomain . Owned astate' )
| None ->
Some astate )
| _ ->
Some astate
else None
@ -270,16 +294,6 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
let is_aggregate ( _ , typ ) =
match typ . Typ . desc with
| Tstruct _ ->
(* TODO: we could compute this precisely by recursively checking all of the fields of the
type , but that's going to be expensive . will add it to the frontend instead * )
| _ ->
let is_early_return call_exp =
match call_exp with
| HilInstr . Direct pname ->
@ -293,15 +307,16 @@ module TransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
let exec_instr ( astate : Domain . astate ) ( proc_data : extras ProcData . t ) _ ( instr : HilInstr . t ) =
let summary = proc_data . extras in
match instr with
| Assign ( Base lhs_base , rhs_exp , loc ) ->
Domain . handle_var_assign lhs_base rhs_exp loc summary astate
| Assign ( FieldOffset ( Base lhs_base , _ ) , rhs_exp , loc ) when is_aggregate lhs_base ->
(* assume assigning to any field of an aggregate struct re-initalizes the struct *)
Domain . handle_var_assign lhs_base rhs_exp loc summary astate
| Assign ( lhs_access_exp , rhs_exp , loc ) ->
(* assign to field, array, indirectly with &/ * , or a combination *)
Domain . exp_add_reads rhs_exp loc summary astate
| > Domain . access_path_add_read ( AccessExpression . to_access_path lhs_access_exp ) loc summary
| Assign ( lhs_access_exp , rhs_exp , loc ) -> (
match get_assigned_base lhs_access_exp with
| Some lhs_base ->
Domain . handle_var_assign lhs_base rhs_exp loc summary astate
| None ->
(* assign to field, array, indirectly with &/ * , or a combination *)
Domain . exp_add_reads rhs_exp loc summary astate
| > Domain . access_path_add_read
( AccessExpression . to_access_path lhs_access_exp )
loc summary )
| Call ( _ , Direct callee_pname , [ ( AccessExpression Base lhs_base ) ] , _ , loc )
when transfers_ownership callee_pname ->
Domain . base_add_read lhs_base loc summary astate