@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ open SymExec
module L = Logging
module L = Logging
module F = Format
module F = Format
type t = Builtin . registered
let execute___no_op prop path : Builtin . ret_typ =
let execute___no_op prop path : Builtin . ret_typ =
[ ( prop , path ) ]
[ ( prop , path ) ]
@ -941,207 +943,10 @@ let execute___assert_fail { Builtin.pdesc; tenv; prop_; path; args; loc; }
Sil . Store ( Exp . Lvar Sil . custom_error , Typ . Tvoid , Exp . Const ( Const . Cstr error_str ) , loc ) in
Sil . Store ( Exp . Lvar Sil . custom_error , Typ . Tvoid , Exp . Const ( Const . Cstr error_str ) , loc ) in
SymExec . instrs ~ mask_errors : true tenv pdesc [ set_instr ] [ ( prop_ , path ) ]
SymExec . instrs ~ mask_errors : true tenv pdesc [ set_instr ] [ ( prop_ , path ) ]
let _ _ assert_fail = Builtin . register
" __assert_fail " execute___assert_fail
let _ = Builtin . register
(* model for va_arg *)
" __builtin_va_arg " execute___builtin_va_arg
let _ = Builtin . register
" __builtin_va_copy " execute_skip
let _ = Builtin . register
(* model va_end as skip *)
" __builtin_va_end " execute_skip
let _ = Builtin . register
" __builtin_va_start " execute_skip
let _ _ cast = Builtin . register
(* [__cast ( val,typ ) ] implements java's [typ ( val ) ] *)
" __cast " execute___cast
let _ = Builtin . register
(* report a taint error if the parameter is tainted, and assume it is untainted afterward *)
" __check_untainted " execute___check_untainted
let _ _ delete = Builtin . register
(* like free *)
" __delete " ( execute_free PredSymb . Mnew )
let _ _ delete_array = Builtin . register
(* like free *)
" __delete_array " ( execute_free PredSymb . Mnew_array )
let _ _ exit = Builtin . register
(* _exit from C library *)
" _exit " execute_exit
let _ _ get_array_length = Builtin . register
(* return the length of the array passed as a parameter *)
" __get_array_length " execute___get_array_length
let _ _ require_allocated_array = Builtin . register
(* require the parameter to point to an allocated array *)
" __require_allocated_array " execute___require_allocated_array
let _ = Builtin . register
(* return the value of a hidden field in the struct *)
" __get_hidden_field " execute___get_hidden_field
let _ _ get_type_of = Builtin . register
(* return the get the type of the allocated object passed as a parameter *)
" __get_type_of " execute___get_type_of
let _ _ infer_assume = Builtin . register
(* infer assume, diverging on inconsistencies *)
" __infer_assume " execute___infer_assume
let _ _ infer_fail = Builtin . register
(* externally create new errors *)
" __infer_fail " execute___infer_fail
let _ _ instanceof = Builtin . register
(* [__instanceof ( val,typ ) ] implements java's [val instanceof typ] *)
" __instanceof " execute___instanceof
let _ = Builtin . register
" __method_set_ignore_attribute " execute___method_set_ignore_attribute
let _ _ new = Builtin . register
(* like malloc, but always succeeds *)
" __new " ( execute_alloc PredSymb . Mnew false )
let _ _ new_array = Builtin . register
(* like malloc, but always succeeds *)
" __new_array " ( execute_alloc PredSymb . Mnew_array false )
let _ _ objc_alloc = Builtin . register
(* Objective C alloc *)
" __objc_alloc " ( execute_alloc PredSymb . Mobjc true )
let _ _ objc_alloc_no_fail = Builtin . register
(* like __objc_alloc, but does not return nil *)
" __objc_alloc_no_fail " ( execute_alloc PredSymb . Mobjc false )
let _ _ objc_cast = Builtin . register
(* objective-c "cast" *)
" __objc_cast " execute___objc_cast
let _ _ objc_release = Builtin . register
(* objective-c "release" *)
" __objc_release " execute___objc_release
let _ _ objc_release_autorelease_pool = Builtin . register
(* set the attribute of the parameter as autorelease *)
" __objc_release_autorelease_pool " execute___release_autorelease_pool
let _ _ objc_release_cf = Builtin . register
(* objective-c "release" *)
" __objc_release_cf " execute___objc_release_cf
let _ _ objc_retain = Builtin . register
(* objective-c "retain" *)
" __objc_retain " execute___objc_retain
let _ _ objc_retain_cf = Builtin . register
" __objc_retain_cf " execute___objc_retain_cf
let _ _ cxx_typeid = Builtin . register
(* C++ "typeid" *)
" __cxx_typeid " execute___cxx_typeid
let _ _ placement_delete = Builtin . register
(* placement delete is skip *)
" __placement_delete " execute_skip
let _ _ placement_new = Builtin . register
(* placement new returns the first argument *)
" __placement_new " execute_return_first_argument
let _ = Builtin . register
(* print a value as seen by the engine *)
" __print_value " execute___print_value
let _ _ set_array_length = Builtin . register
(* set the length of the array passed as a parameter *)
" __set_array_length " execute___set_array_length
let _ _ set_autorelease_attribute = Builtin . register
(* set the attribute of the parameter as autorelease *)
" __set_autorelease_attribute " execute___set_autorelease_attribute
let _ _ set_file_attribute = Builtin . register
(* set the attribute of the parameter as file *)
" __set_file_attribute " execute___set_file_attribute
let _ _ set_lock_attribute = Builtin . register
(* set the attribute of the parameter as file *)
" __set_lock_attribute " execute___set_lock_attribute
let _ _ set_mem_attribute = Builtin . register
(* set the attribute of the parameter as memory *)
" __set_mem_attribute " execute___set_mem_attribute
let _ _ set_observer_attribute = Builtin . register
(* set the observer attribute of the parameter *)
" __set_observer_attribute " ( execute___set_attr PredSymb . Aobserver )
let _ _ set_unsubscribed_observer_attribute = Builtin . register
(* set the unregistered observer attribute of the parameter *)
" __set_unsubscribed_observer_attribute "
( execute___set_attr PredSymb . Aunsubscribed_observer )
let _ _ split_get_nth = Builtin . register
(* splits a string given a separator and returns the nth string *)
" __split_get_nth " execute___split_get_nth
let _ = Builtin . register
(* set a hidden field in the struct to the given value *)
" __set_hidden_field " execute___set_hidden_field
let _ = Builtin . register
(* set the attribute of the parameter as tainted *)
" __set_taint_attribute " execute___set_taint_attribute
let _ = Builtin . register
(* set the attribute of the parameter as untainted *)
" __set_untaint_attribute " execute___set_untaint_attribute
let _ _ set_locked_attribute = Builtin . register
(* set the attribute of the parameter as locked *)
" __set_locked_attribute " execute___set_locked_attribute
let _ _ set_unlocked_attribute = Builtin . register
(* set the attribute of the parameter as unlocked *)
" __set_unlocked_attribute " execute___set_unlocked_attribute
let _ _ delete_locked_attribute = Builtin . register
(* delete the locked attribute, when it exists *)
" __delete_locked_attribute " execute___delete_locked_attribute
let objc_cpp_throw = Builtin . register
(* model throwing exception in objc/c++ as divergence *)
" __infer_objc_cpp_throw " execute_exit
let _ = Builtin . register
" __throw " execute_skip
let _ _ unwrap_exception = Builtin . register
(* unwrap an exception *)
" __unwrap_exception " execute__unwrap_exception
let _ = Builtin . register
(* abort from C library *)
" abort " execute_abort
let _ = Builtin . register
(* exit from C library *)
" exit " execute_exit
let _ = Builtin . register
(* free from C library, requires allocated memory *)
" free " ( execute_free PredSymb . Mmalloc )
let _ = Builtin . register
(* fscanf from C library *)
" fscanf " ( execute_scan_function 2 )
let _ = Builtin . register
(* vsscanf from C library *)
" fwscanf " ( execute_scan_function 2 )
let _ = Builtin . register
(* malloc from C library *)
" malloc " ( execute_alloc PredSymb . Mmalloc ( not Config . unsafe_malloc ) )
let malloc_no_fail = Builtin . register
(* malloc from ObjC library *)
" malloc_no_fail " ( execute_alloc PredSymb . Mmalloc false )
let _ = Builtin . register
(* register execution handler for pthread_create *)
" pthread_create " execute_pthread_create
let _ = Builtin . register
(* scanf from C library *)
" scanf " ( execute_scan_function 1 )
let _ = Builtin . register
(* sscanf from C library *)
" sscanf " ( execute_scan_function 2 )
let _ = Builtin . register
(* vsscanf from C library *)
" swscanf " ( execute_scan_function 2 )
let _ = Builtin . register
(* vfwscanf from C library *)
" vfscanf " ( execute_scan_function 2 )
let _ = Builtin . register
(* vsscanf from C library *)
" vfwscanf " ( execute_scan_function 2 )
let _ = Builtin . register
(* vscanf from C library *)
" vscanf " ( execute_scan_function 1 )
let _ = Builtin . register
(* vsscanf from C library *)
" vsscanf " ( execute_scan_function 2 )
let _ = Builtin . register
(* vsscanf from C library *)
" vswscanf " ( execute_scan_function 2 )
let _ = Builtin . register
(* vsscanf from C library *)
" vwscanf " ( execute_scan_function 1 )
let _ = Builtin . register
(* vsscanf from C library *)
" wscanf " ( execute_scan_function 1 )
let execute_objc_alloc_no_fail
let execute_objc_alloc_no_fail
symb_state typ alloc_fun_opt
symb_state typ alloc_fun_opt
{ Builtin . pdesc ; tenv ; ret_id ; loc ; } =
{ Builtin . pdesc ; tenv ; ret_id ; loc ; } =
let alloc_fun = Exp . Const ( Const . Cfun _ _ objc_alloc_no_fail) in
let alloc_fun = Exp . Const ( Const . Cfun BuiltinDecl . __objc_alloc_no_fail ) in
let ptr_typ = Typ . Tptr ( typ , Typ . Pk_pointer ) in
let ptr_typ = Typ . Tptr ( typ , Typ . Pk_pointer ) in
let sizeof_typ = Exp . Sizeof ( typ , None , Subtype . exact ) in
let sizeof_typ = Exp . Sizeof ( typ , None , Subtype . exact ) in
let alloc_fun_exp =
let alloc_fun_exp =
@ -1153,17 +958,7 @@ let execute_objc_alloc_no_fail
( ret_id , alloc_fun , [ ( sizeof_typ , ptr_typ ) ] @ alloc_fun_exp , loc , CallFlags . default ) in
( ret_id , alloc_fun , [ ( sizeof_typ , ptr_typ ) ] @ alloc_fun_exp , loc , CallFlags . default ) in
SymExec . instrs tenv pdesc [ alloc_instr ] symb_state
SymExec . instrs tenv pdesc [ alloc_instr ] symb_state
let mk_objc_class_method class_name method_name =
let method_kind = Procname . ObjCClassMethod in
( Procname . ObjC_Cpp
( Procname . objc_cpp class_name method_name method_kind ) )
(* NSArray models *)
(* NSArray models *)
let arrayWithObjects_pname = mk_objc_class_method " NSArray " " arrayWithObjects: "
let arrayWithObjectsCount_pname = mk_objc_class_method " NSArray " " arrayWithObjects:count: "
let execute_objc_NSArray_alloc_no_fail builtin_args symb_state pname =
let execute_objc_NSArray_alloc_no_fail builtin_args symb_state pname =
let ret_typ =
let ret_typ =
match builtin_args . Builtin . ret_id with
match builtin_args . Builtin . ret_id with
@ -1174,19 +969,15 @@ let execute_objc_NSArray_alloc_no_fail builtin_args symb_state pname =
let execute_NSArray_arrayWithObjects_count builtin_args =
let execute_NSArray_arrayWithObjects_count builtin_args =
let n_formals = 1 in
let n_formals = 1 in
let res = SymExec . check_variadic_sentinel ~ fails_on_nil : true n_formals ( 0 , 1 ) builtin_args in
let res = SymExec . check_variadic_sentinel ~ fails_on_nil : true n_formals ( 0 , 1 ) builtin_args in
execute_objc_NSArray_alloc_no_fail builtin_args res arrayWithObjectsCount_pname
execute_objc_NSArray_alloc_no_fail builtin_args res BuiltinDecl . nsArray_ arrayWithObjectsCount
let execute_NSArray_arrayWithObjects builtin_args =
let execute_NSArray_arrayWithObjects builtin_args =
let n_formals = 1 in
let n_formals = 1 in
let res = SymExec . check_variadic_sentinel n_formals ( 0 , 1 ) builtin_args in
let res = SymExec . check_variadic_sentinel n_formals ( 0 , 1 ) builtin_args in
execute_objc_NSArray_alloc_no_fail builtin_args res arrayWithObjects_pname
execute_objc_NSArray_alloc_no_fail builtin_args res BuiltinDecl . nsArray_ arrayWithObjects
let _ =
Builtin . register_procname arrayWithObjectsCount_pname execute_NSArray_arrayWithObjects_count ;
Builtin . register_procname arrayWithObjects_pname execute_NSArray_arrayWithObjects
(* NSDictionary models *)
(* NSDictionary models *)
let execute_objc_NSDictionary_alloc_no_fail symb_state pname builtin_args =
let execute_objc_NSDictionary_alloc_no_fail symb_state pname builtin_args =
let ret_typ =
let ret_typ =
match builtin_args . Builtin . ret_id with
match builtin_args . Builtin . ret_id with
@ -1194,16 +985,186 @@ let execute_objc_NSDictionary_alloc_no_fail symb_state pname builtin_args =
| None -> Typ . Tptr ( Tvoid , Pk_pointer ) in
| None -> Typ . Tptr ( Tvoid , Pk_pointer ) in
execute_objc_alloc_no_fail symb_state ret_typ ( Some pname ) builtin_args
execute_objc_alloc_no_fail symb_state ret_typ ( Some pname ) builtin_args
let _ _ objc_dictionary_literal_pname =
mk_objc_class_method " NSDictionary " " dictionaryWithObjects:forKeys:count: "
let execute___objc_dictionary_literal builtin_args =
let execute___objc_dictionary_literal builtin_args =
let n_formals = 1 in
let n_formals = 1 in
let res' = SymExec . check_variadic_sentinel ~ fails_on_nil : true n_formals ( 0 , 1 ) builtin_args in
let res' = SymExec . check_variadic_sentinel ~ fails_on_nil : true n_formals ( 0 , 1 ) builtin_args in
let pname = _ _ objc_dictionary_literal_pname in
let pname = BuiltinDecl . __objc_dictionary_literal in
execute_objc_NSDictionary_alloc_no_fail res' pname builtin_args
execute_objc_NSDictionary_alloc_no_fail res' pname builtin_args
let _ _ objc_dictionary_literal =
let _ _ assert_fail = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . __assert_fail execute___assert_fail
let pname = _ _ objc_dictionary_literal_pname in
Builtin . register_procname pname execute___objc_dictionary_literal ;
let _ _ builtin_va_arg = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . __builtin_va_arg execute___builtin_va_arg
let _ _ builtin_va_copy = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . __builtin_va_copy execute_skip
let _ _ builtin_va_end = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . __builtin_va_end execute_skip
let _ _ builtin_va_start = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . __builtin_va_start execute_skip
(* [__cast ( val,typ ) ] implements java's [typ ( val ) ] *)
let _ _ cast = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . __cast execute___cast
(* report a taint error if the parameter is tainted, and assume it is untainted afterward *)
let _ _ check_untainted = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . __check_untainted execute___check_untainted
let _ _ cxx_typeid = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . __cxx_typeid execute___cxx_typeid
let _ _ delete = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . __delete ( execute_free PredSymb . Mnew )
let _ _ delete_array = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . __delete_array
( execute_free PredSymb . Mnew_array )
let _ _ delete_locked_attribute = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . __delete_locked_attribute
let _ _ exit = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . __exit execute_exit
(* return the length of the array passed as a parameter *)
let _ _ get_array_length = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . __get_array_length execute___get_array_length
let _ _ get_hidden_field = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . __get_hidden_field execute___get_hidden_field
let _ _ get_type_of = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . __get_type_of execute___get_type_of
(* infer assume, diverging on inconsistencies *)
let _ _ infer_assume = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . __infer_assume execute___infer_assume
(* externally create new errors *)
let _ _ infer_fail = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . __infer_fail execute___infer_fail
(* [__instanceof ( val,typ ) ] implements java's [val instanceof typ] *)
let _ _ instanceof = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . __instanceof execute___instanceof
let _ _ method_set_ignore_attribute = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . __method_set_ignore_attribute
let _ _ new = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . __new ( execute_alloc PredSymb . Mnew false )
let _ _ new_array = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . __new_array ( execute_alloc PredSymb . Mnew_array false )
let _ _ objc_alloc = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . __objc_alloc ( execute_alloc PredSymb . Mobjc true )
(* like __objc_alloc, but does not return nil *)
let _ _ objc_alloc_no_fail = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . __objc_alloc_no_fail
( execute_alloc PredSymb . Mobjc false )
let _ _ objc_cast = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . __objc_cast execute___objc_cast
let _ _ objc_dictionary_literal = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . __objc_dictionary_literal
let _ _ objc_release = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . __objc_release execute___objc_release
let _ _ objc_release_autorelease_pool = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . __objc_release_autorelease_pool
let _ _ objc_release_cf = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . __objc_release_cf execute___objc_release_cf
let _ _ objc_retain = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . __objc_retain execute___objc_retain
let _ _ objc_retain_cf = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . __objc_retain_cf execute___objc_retain_cf
let _ _ placement_delete = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . __placement_delete execute_skip
let _ _ placement_new = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . __placement_new execute_return_first_argument
(* print a value as seen by the engine *)
let _ _ print_value = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . __print_value execute___print_value
(* require the parameter to point to an allocated array *)
let _ _ require_allocated_array = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . __require_allocated_array
let _ _ set_array_length = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . __set_array_length execute___set_array_length
let _ _ set_autorelease_attribute = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . __set_autorelease_attribute
let _ _ set_file_attribute = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . __set_file_attribute
(* set a hidden field in the struct to the given value *)
let _ _ set_hidden_field = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . __set_hidden_field execute___set_hidden_field
let _ _ set_lock_attribute = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . __set_lock_attribute
let _ _ set_locked_attribute = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . __set_locked_attribute
let _ _ set_mem_attribute = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . __set_mem_attribute
let _ _ set_observer_attribute = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . __set_observer_attribute
( execute___set_attr PredSymb . Aobserver )
let _ _ set_taint_attribute = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . __set_taint_attribute
let _ _ set_unlocked_attribute = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . __set_unlocked_attribute
let _ _ set_unsubscribed_observer_attribute = Builtin . register
BuiltinDecl . __set_unsubscribed_observer_attribute
( execute___set_attr PredSymb . Aunsubscribed_observer )
let _ _ set_untaint_attribute = Builtin . register
BuiltinDecl . __set_untaint_attribute execute___set_untaint_attribute
(* splits a string given a separator and returns the nth string *)
let _ _ split_get_nth = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . __split_get_nth execute___split_get_nth
let _ _ throw = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . __throw execute_skip
let _ _ unwrap_exception = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . __unwrap_exception execute__unwrap_exception
let abort = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . abort execute_abort
let exit = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . exit execute_exit
let free = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . free ( execute_free PredSymb . Mmalloc )
let fscanf = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . fscanf ( execute_scan_function 2 )
let fwscanf = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . fwscanf ( execute_scan_function 2 )
let malloc = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . malloc ( execute_alloc PredSymb . Mmalloc
( not Config . unsafe_malloc ) )
let malloc_no_fail = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . malloc_no_fail
( execute_alloc PredSymb . Mmalloc false )
let nsArray_arrayWithObjects = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . nsArray_arrayWithObjects
let nsArray_arrayWithObjectsCount = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . nsArray_arrayWithObjectsCount
(* model throwing exception in objc/c++ as divergence *)
let objc_cpp_throw = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . objc_cpp_throw execute_exit
let pthread_create = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . pthread_create execute_pthread_create
let scanf = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . scanf ( execute_scan_function 1 )
let sscanf = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . sscanf ( execute_scan_function 2 )
let swscanf = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . swscanf ( execute_scan_function 2 )
let vfscanf = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . vfscanf ( execute_scan_function 2 )
let vfwscanf = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . vfwscanf ( execute_scan_function 2 )
let vscanf = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . vscanf ( execute_scan_function 1 )
let vsscanf = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . vsscanf ( execute_scan_function 2 )
let vswscanf = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . vswscanf ( execute_scan_function 2 )
let vwscanf = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . vwscanf ( execute_scan_function 1 )
let wscanf = Builtin . register BuiltinDecl . wscanf ( execute_scan_function 1 )
(* Function exists to load module and guarantee that the side-effects of Builtin.register
calls have been done . * )
let init () = ()