@ -408,9 +408,14 @@ type resolved_param =
; actual : Exp . t * InferredNullability . t
; is_formal_propagates_nullable : bool }
(* if this method belongs to a third party code, but is not modelled neigher internally nor externally *)
let is_third_party_without_model proc_name =
let is_third_party =
let is_third_party_via_sig_files proc_name =
Option . is_some
( ThirdPartyAnnotationInfo . lookup_related_sig_file_by_package
( ThirdPartyAnnotationGlobalRepo . get_repo () )
proc_name )
let is_marked_third_party_in_config proc_name =
match proc_name with
| Typ . Procname . Java java_pname ->
(* TODO: migrate to the new way of checking for third party: use
@ -419,9 +424,12 @@ let is_third_party_without_model proc_name =
Typ . Procname . Java . is_external java_pname
| _ ->
(* TODO: propagate the knowledge if it is a third-party or not in the annotated signature instead
of calculating it every time from scratch .
* )
(* if this method belongs to a third party code, but is not modelled neigher internally nor externally *)
let is_third_party_without_model proc_name =
let is_third_party =
is_third_party_via_sig_files proc_name | | is_marked_third_party_in_config proc_name
&& ( not ( Models . is_modelled_for_nullability_as_internal proc_name ) )