@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ let is_java_native cm = Poly.( = ) cm.Javalib.cm_implementation Javalib.Native
let is_clone ms = String.equal (JBasics.ms_name ms) JConfig.clone_name
let is_clone ms = String.equal (JBasics.ms_name ms) JConfig.clone_name
let get_implementation cm =
let get_bytecode cm =
match cm.Javalib.cm_implementation with
match cm.Javalib.cm_implementation with
| Javalib.Native ->
| Javalib.Native ->
let cms = cm.Javalib.cm_class_method_signature in
let cms = cm.Javalib.cm_class_method_signature in
@ -267,11 +267,11 @@ let get_implementation cm =
let hacked_bytecode = {bytecode with JCode.c_code} in
{bytecode with JCode.c_code}
let jbir_code =
JBir.transform ~bcv:false ~ch_link:false ~formula:false ~formula_cmd:[] cm hacked_bytecode
let get_jbir_representation cm bytecode =
(hacked_bytecode, jbir_code)
JBir.transform ~bcv:false ~ch_link:false ~formula:false ~formula_cmd:[] cm bytecode
let trans_access = function
let trans_access = function
@ -297,7 +297,6 @@ let create_empty_cfg proc_name source_file procdesc =
let create_am_procdesc source_file program icfg am proc_name : Procdesc.t =
let create_am_procdesc source_file program icfg am proc_name : Procdesc.t =
let cfg = icfg.JContext.cfg in
let tenv = icfg.JContext.tenv in
let tenv = icfg.JContext.tenv in
let m = Javalib.AbstractMethod am in
let m = Javalib.AbstractMethod am in
let cn, ms = JBasics.cms_split (Javalib.get_class_method_signature m) in
let cn, ms = JBasics.cms_split (Javalib.get_class_method_signature m) in
@ -317,13 +316,12 @@ let create_am_procdesc source_file program icfg am proc_name : Procdesc.t =
; ret_type= JTransType.return_type program tenv ms
; ret_type= JTransType.return_type program tenv ms
; loc= Location.none source_file }
; loc= Location.none source_file }
Cfg.create_proc_desc cfg proc_attributes
Cfg.create_proc_desc icfg.JContext.cfg proc_attributes
create_empty_cfg proc_name source_file procdesc
create_empty_cfg proc_name source_file procdesc
let create_native_procdesc source_file program icfg cm proc_name =
let create_native_procdesc source_file program icfg cm proc_name =
let cfg = icfg.JContext.cfg in
let tenv = icfg.JContext.tenv in
let tenv = icfg.JContext.tenv in
let m = Javalib.ConcreteMethod cm in
let m = Javalib.ConcreteMethod cm in
let cn, ms = JBasics.cms_split (Javalib.get_class_method_signature m) in
let cn, ms = JBasics.cms_split (Javalib.get_class_method_signature m) in
@ -342,30 +340,57 @@ let create_native_procdesc source_file program icfg cm proc_name =
; ret_type= JTransType.return_type program tenv ms
; ret_type= JTransType.return_type program tenv ms
; loc= Location.none source_file }
; loc= Location.none source_file }
Cfg.create_proc_desc cfg proc_attributes
Cfg.create_proc_desc icfg.JContext.cfg proc_attributes
create_empty_cfg proc_name source_file procdesc
create_empty_cfg proc_name source_file procdesc
let create_empty_procdesc source_file program linereader icfg cm proc_name =
let tenv = icfg.JContext.tenv in
let m = Javalib.ConcreteMethod cm in
let cn, ms = JBasics.cms_split (Javalib.get_class_method_signature m) in
let bytecode = get_bytecode cm in
let loc_start =
get_start_location source_file bytecode |> fix_method_definition_line linereader proc_name
let formals = formals_from_signature program tenv cn ms (JTransType.get_method_kind m) in
let method_annotation = JAnnotation.translate_method cm.Javalib.cm_annotations in
let proc_attributes =
{ (ProcAttributes.default proc_name) with
ProcAttributes.access= trans_access cm.Javalib.cm_access
; exceptions= List.map ~f:JBasics.cn_name cm.Javalib.cm_exceptions
; formals
; is_bridge_method= cm.Javalib.cm_bridge
; is_model= Config.models_mode
; is_synthetic_method= cm.Javalib.cm_synthetic
; is_java_synchronized_method= cm.Javalib.cm_synchronized
; loc= loc_start
; method_annotation
; ret_type= JTransType.return_type program tenv ms }
let proc_desc = Cfg.create_proc_desc icfg.JContext.cfg proc_attributes in
create_empty_cfg proc_name source_file proc_desc
(** Creates a procedure description. *)
(** Creates a procedure description. *)
let create_cm_procdesc source_file program linereader icfg cm proc_name skip_implementation =
let create_cm_procdesc source_file program linereader icfg cm proc_name =
let cfg = icfg.JContext.cfg in
let cfg = icfg.JContext.cfg in
let tenv = icfg.JContext.tenv in
let tenv = icfg.JContext.tenv in
let m = Javalib.ConcreteMethod cm in
let m = Javalib.ConcreteMethod cm in
let cn, ms = JBasics.cms_split (Javalib.get_class_method_signature m) in
let cn, ms = JBasics.cms_split (Javalib.get_class_method_signature m) in
let bytecode, jbir_code = get_implementation cm in
let bytecode = get_bytecode cm in
let procdesc =
let jbir_code = get_jbir_representation cm bytecode in
let loc_start =
get_start_location source_file bytecode |> fix_method_definition_line linereader proc_name
let loc_exit = get_exit_location source_file bytecode in
let formals = translate_formals program tenv cn jbir_code in
let formals = translate_formals program tenv cn jbir_code in
let locals_ = translate_locals program tenv formals bytecode jbir_code in
let locals_ = translate_locals program tenv formals bytecode jbir_code in
let locals =
let locals =
List.map locals_ ~f:(fun (name, typ) ->
List.map locals_ ~f:(fun (name, typ) ->
({name; typ; attributes= []} : ProcAttributes.var_data) )
({name; typ; attributes= []} : ProcAttributes.var_data) )
let loc_start =
get_start_location source_file bytecode |> fix_method_definition_line linereader proc_name
let loc_exit = get_exit_location source_file bytecode in
let method_annotation = JAnnotation.translate_method cm.Javalib.cm_annotations in
let method_annotation = JAnnotation.translate_method cm.Javalib.cm_annotations in
let proc_attributes =
let proc_attributes =
{ (ProcAttributes.default proc_name) with
{ (ProcAttributes.default proc_name) with
@ -373,7 +398,7 @@ let create_cm_procdesc source_file program linereader icfg cm proc_name skip_imp
; exceptions= List.map ~f:JBasics.cn_name cm.Javalib.cm_exceptions
; exceptions= List.map ~f:JBasics.cn_name cm.Javalib.cm_exceptions
; formals
; formals
; is_bridge_method= cm.Javalib.cm_bridge
; is_bridge_method= cm.Javalib.cm_bridge
; is_defined= not skip_implementation
; is_defined= true
; is_model= Config.models_mode
; is_model= Config.models_mode
; is_synthetic_method= cm.Javalib.cm_synthetic
; is_synthetic_method= cm.Javalib.cm_synthetic
; is_java_synchronized_method= cm.Javalib.cm_synchronized
; is_java_synchronized_method= cm.Javalib.cm_synchronized
@ -393,18 +418,11 @@ let create_cm_procdesc source_file program linereader icfg cm proc_name skip_imp
Procdesc.set_start_node procdesc start_node ;
Procdesc.set_start_node procdesc start_node ;
Procdesc.set_exit_node procdesc exit_node ;
Procdesc.set_exit_node procdesc exit_node ;
Procdesc.Node.add_locals_ret_declaration start_node proc_attributes locals ;
Procdesc.Node.add_locals_ret_declaration start_node proc_attributes locals ;
Some (procdesc, start_node, exit_node, exn_node, jbir_code)
with JBir.Subroutine ->
Some (procdesc, bytecode, jbir_code)
| JBir.Subroutine ->
L.internal_error "create_procdesc raised JBir.Subroutine when translating %a in %a@."
L.internal_error "create_procdesc raised JBir.Subroutine when translating %a in %a@."
Typ.Procname.pp proc_name SourceFile.pp source_file ;
Typ.Procname.pp proc_name SourceFile.pp source_file ;
| Invalid_argument msg ->
L.internal_error "create_procdesc raised Invalid_argument \"%s\" when translating %a in %a@."
msg Typ.Procname.pp proc_name SourceFile.pp source_file ;
let builtin_new = Exp.Const (Const.Cfun BuiltinDecl.__new)
let builtin_new = Exp.Const (Const.Cfun BuiltinDecl.__new)