@ -34,40 +34,55 @@ let parse_al_file fname channel : CTL.al_file option =
let already_imported_files = ref []
let already_imported_files = ref []
let rec parse_import_file import_file channel : CTL.clause list =
let rec parse_import_file import_file channel =
if List.mem !already_imported_files import_file then
if List.mem !already_imported_files import_file then
failwith ("Cyclic imports: file '" ^ import_file ^ "' was already imported.")
failwith ("Cyclic imports: file '" ^ import_file ^ "' was already imported.")
else (
else (
match parse_al_file import_file channel with
match parse_al_file import_file channel with
| Some {import_files = imports; global_macros = curr_file_macros; checkers = _} ->
| Some {
import_files = imports;
global_macros = curr_file_macros;
global_paths = curr_file_paths;
checkers = _
} ->
already_imported_files := import_file :: !already_imported_files;
already_imported_files := import_file :: !already_imported_files;
collect_all_macros imports curr_file_macros
collect_all_macros_and_paths imports curr_file_macros curr_file_paths
| None -> L.(debug Linters Medium) "No macros found.@\n";[])
| None -> L.(debug Linters Medium) "No macros or paths found.@\n";[], [])
and collect_all_macros imports curr_file_macros =
and collect_all_macros_and_paths imports curr_file_macros curr_file_paths =
L.(debug Linters Medium) "#### Start parsing import macros #####@\n";
L.(debug Linters Medium) "#### Start parsing import macros #####@\n";
let import_macros = parse_imports imports in
let import_macros, import_paths = parse_imports imports in
L.(debug Linters Medium) "#### Add global macros to import macros #####@\n";
L.(debug Linters Medium) "#### Add global macros to import macros #####@\n";
List.append import_macros curr_file_macros
let macros = List.append import_macros curr_file_macros in
let paths = List.append import_paths curr_file_paths in
macros, paths
(* Parse import files with macro definitions, and it returns a list of LET clauses *)
(* Parse import files with macro definitions, and it returns a list of LET clauses *)
and parse_imports imports_files : CTL.clause list =
and parse_imports imports_files =
let parse_one_import_file fimport macros =
let parse_one_import_file fimport (macros, paths) =
L.(debug Linters Medium) " Loading import macros from file %s@\n" fimport;
L.(debug Linters Medium) " Loading import macros from file %s@\n" fimport;
let in_channel = open_in fimport in
let in_channel = open_in fimport in
let parsed_macros = parse_import_file fimport in_channel in
let parsed_macros, parsed_paths = parse_import_file fimport in_channel in
In_channel.close in_channel;
In_channel.close in_channel;
List.append parsed_macros macros in
let macros = List.append parsed_macros macros in
List.fold_right ~f:parse_one_import_file ~init:[] imports_files
let paths = List.append parsed_paths paths in
macros, paths in
List.fold_right ~f:parse_one_import_file ~init:([], []) imports_files
let parse_ctl_file linters_def_file channel : CFrontend_errors.linter list =
let parse_ctl_file linters_def_file channel : CFrontend_errors.linter list =
match parse_al_file linters_def_file channel with
match parse_al_file linters_def_file channel with
| Some {import_files = imports; global_macros = curr_file_macros; checkers = parsed_checkers} ->
| Some {
import_files = imports;
global_macros = curr_file_macros;
global_paths = curr_file_paths;
checkers = parsed_checkers
} ->
already_imported_files := [linters_def_file];
already_imported_files := [linters_def_file];
let macros = collect_all_macros imports curr_file_macros in
let macros, paths = collect_all_macros_and_paths imports curr_file_macros curr_file_paths in
let macros_map = CFrontend_errors.build_macros_map macros in
let macros_map = CFrontend_errors.build_macros_map macros in
let paths_map = CFrontend_errors.build_paths_map paths in
L.(debug Linters Medium) "#### Start Expanding checkers #####@\n";
L.(debug Linters Medium) "#### Start Expanding checkers #####@\n";
let exp_checkers = CFrontend_errors.expand_checkers macros_map parsed_checkers in
let exp_checkers = CFrontend_errors.expand_checkers macros_map paths_map parsed_checkers in
L.(debug Linters Medium) "#### Checkers Expanded #####@\n";
L.(debug Linters Medium) "#### Checkers Expanded #####@\n";
if Config.debug_mode then List.iter ~f:CTL.print_checker exp_checkers;
if Config.debug_mode then List.iter ~f:CTL.print_checker exp_checkers;
CFrontend_errors.create_parsed_linters linters_def_file exp_checkers
CFrontend_errors.create_parsed_linters linters_def_file exp_checkers