@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ module F = Format
module L = Logging
module L = Logging
open Result . Monad_infix
open Result . Monad_infix
(* {2 Abstract domain description } *)
(* * An abstract address in memory. *)
(* * An abstract address in memory. *)
module AbstractAddress : sig
module AbstractAddress : sig
type t = private int [ @@ deriving compare ]
type t = private int [ @@ deriving compare ]
@ -33,44 +35,63 @@ end = struct
let pp = F . pp_print_int
let pp = F . pp_print_int
module A bstra ctAddressDomain : Abstra ctDomain. S with type astate = AbstractAddr ess. t = struct
module A ccess = struct
type astate = AbstractAddress . t
type t = AccessPath . access [ @@ deriving compare ]
let ( < = ) ~ lhs ~ rhs = AbstractAddress . equal lhs rhs
let pp = AccessPath . pp_access
let join l1 l2 =
module Memory = struct
if AbstractAddress . equal l1 l2 then l1 else (* TODO: scary *) AbstractAddress . mk_fresh ()
module Edges = PrettyPrintable . MakePPMap ( Access )
module Graph = PrettyPrintable . MakePPMap ( AbstractAddress )
(* {3 Monomorphic {!PPMap} interface as needed } *)
let widen ~ prev ~ next ~ num_iters : _ = join prev nex t
type t = AbstractAddress . t Edges . t Graph . t
let pp = AbstractAddress . pp
let empty = Graph . empty
module Access = struct
let find_opt = Graph . find_opt
type t = AccessPath . access [ @@ deriving compare ]
let pp = AccessPath . pp_access
let for_all = Graph . for_all
let fold = Graph . fold
module MemoryEdges = AbstractDomain . InvertedMap ( Access ) ( AbstractAddressDomain )
let pp = Graph . pp ~ pp_value : ( Edges . pp ~ pp_value : AbstractAddress . pp )
module MemoryDomain = struct
(* {3 Helper functions to traverse the two maps at once } *)
include AbstractDomain . InvertedMap ( AbstractAddress ) ( MemoryEdges )
let add_edge addr_src access addr_end memory =
let add_edge addr_src access addr_end memory =
let edges =
let edges =
match find_opt addr_src memory with Some edges -> edges | None -> Memory Edges. empty
match Graph . find_opt addr_src memory with Some edges -> edges | None -> Edges. empty
add addr_src ( Memory Edges. add access addr_end edges ) memory
Graph . add addr_src ( Edges. add access addr_end edges ) memory
let find_edge_opt addr access memory =
let find_edge_opt addr access memory =
let open Option . Monad_infix in
let open Option . Monad_infix in
find_opt addr memory > > = Memory Edges. find_opt access
Graph . find_opt addr memory > > = Edges. find_opt access
module AliasingDomain = AbstractDomain . InvertedMap ( Var ) ( AbstractAddressDomain )
(* * to be used as maps values *)
module AbstractAddressDomain_JoinIsMin : AbstractDomain . S with type astate = AbstractAddress . t =
type astate = AbstractAddress . t
let ( < = ) ~ lhs ~ rhs = AbstractAddress . equal lhs rhs
let join l1 l2 = min l1 l2
let widen ~ prev ~ next ~ num_iters : _ = join prev next
let pp = AbstractAddress . pp
(* It so happens that the join we want on stacks is this followed by normalization wrt the
unification found between abstract locations , so it's convenient to define stacks as elements of
this domain . Do not use the domain operations outside of { ! Domain } though as they are mostly
meaningless on their own . * )
module AliasingDomain = AbstractDomain . Map ( Var ) ( AbstractAddressDomain_JoinIsMin )
type actor = { access_expr : AccessExpression . t ; location : Location . t }
type actor = { access_expr : AccessExpression . t ; location : Location . t }
@ -78,6 +99,7 @@ let pp_actor f {access_expr; location} =
F . fprintf f " %a@%a " AccessExpression . pp access_expr Location . pp location
F . fprintf f " %a@%a " AccessExpression . pp access_expr Location . pp location
(* * Locations known to be invalid for a reason described by an {!actor}. *)
module type InvalidAddressesDomain = sig
module type InvalidAddressesDomain = sig
include AbstractDomain . S
include AbstractDomain . S
@ -86,6 +108,10 @@ module type InvalidAddressesDomain = sig
val add : AbstractAddress . t -> actor -> astate -> astate
val add : AbstractAddress . t -> actor -> astate -> astate
val get_invalidation : AbstractAddress . t -> astate -> actor option
val get_invalidation : AbstractAddress . t -> astate -> actor option
(* * return [Some actor] if the location was invalid by [actor], [None] if it is valid *)
val map : ( AbstractAddress . t -> AbstractAddress . t ) -> astate -> astate
(* * translate invalid addresses according to the mapping *)
module InvalidAddressesDomain : InvalidAddressesDomain = struct
module InvalidAddressesDomain : InvalidAddressesDomain = struct
@ -94,6 +120,7 @@ module InvalidAddressesDomain : InvalidAddressesDomain = struct
let join actor _ = actor
let join actor _ = actor
(* actors do not participate in the comparison of sets of invalid locations *)
let ( < = ) ~ lhs : _ ~ rhs : _ = true
let ( < = ) ~ lhs : _ ~ rhs : _ = true
let widen ~ prev ~ next : _ ~ num_iters : _ = prev
let widen ~ prev ~ next : _ ~ num_iters : _ = prev
@ -104,60 +131,221 @@ module InvalidAddressesDomain : InvalidAddressesDomain = struct
include AbstractDomain . Map ( AbstractAddress ) ( InvalidationReason )
include AbstractDomain . Map ( AbstractAddress ) ( InvalidationReason )
let get_invalidation address invalids = find_opt address invalids
let get_invalidation address invalids = find_opt address invalids
let map f invalids = fold ( fun key actor invalids -> add ( f key ) actor invalids ) invalids empty
type t =
type t = { heap : Memory . t ; stack : AliasingDomain . astate ; invalids : InvalidAddressesDomain . astate }
{ heap : MemoryDomain . astate ; stack : AliasingDomain . astate ; invalids : InvalidAddressesDomain . astate }
let initial =
let initial =
{ heap = Memory Domain . empty ; stack = AliasingDomain . empty ; invalids = InvalidAddressesDomain . empty }
{ heap = Memory . empty ; stack = AliasingDomain . empty ; invalids = InvalidAddressesDomain . empty }
module Domain : AbstractDomain . S with type astate = t = struct
module Domain : AbstractDomain . S with type astate = t = struct
type astate = t
type astate = t
(* This is very naive and should be improved. We can compare two memory graphs by trying to
let piecewise_lessthan lhs rhs =
establish that the graphs reachable from each root are the same up to some additional
InvalidAddressesDomain . ( < = ) ~ lhs : lhs . invalids ~ rhs : rhs . invalids
unfolding , i . e . are not incompatible when we prune everything that is not reachable from the
&& AliasingDomain . ( < = ) ~ lhs : lhs . stack ~ rhs : rhs . stack
roots . Here the roots are the known aliases in the stack since that's the only way to address
&& Memory . for_all
into the heap . * )
( fun addr_src edges ->
let ( < = ) ~ lhs ~ rhs =
Memory . Edges . for_all
phys_equal lhs rhs
( fun edge addr_dst ->
| | InvalidAddressesDomain . ( < = ) ~ lhs : lhs . invalids ~ rhs : rhs . invalids
Memory . find_edge_opt addr_src edge rhs . heap
&& AliasingDomain . ( < = ) ~ lhs : lhs . stack ~ rhs : rhs . stack
| > Option . exists ~ f : ( fun addr -> AbstractAddress . equal addr addr_dst ) )
&& MemoryDomain . ( < = ) ~ lhs : lhs . heap ~ rhs : rhs . heap
edges )
lhs . heap
module JoinState = struct
module AddressUnionSet = struct
module Set = PrettyPrintable . MakePPSet ( AbstractAddress )
type elt = AbstractAddress . t [ @@ deriving compare ]
(* Like ( <= ) this is probably too naive *)
type t = Set . t ref
let create x = ref ( Set . singleton x )
let compare_size _ _ = 0
let merge ~ from ~ to_ = to_ := Set . union ! from ! to_
let pp f x = Set . pp f ! x
module AddressUF = ImperativeUnionFind . Make ( AddressUnionSet )
(* * just to get the correct type coercion *)
let to_canonical_address subst addr = ( AddressUF . find subst addr :> AbstractAddress . t )
type nonrec t = { subst : AddressUF . t ; astate : t }
(* * adds [ ( src_addr, access, dst_addr ) ] to [union_heap] and record potential new equality that
results from it in [ subst ] * )
let union_one_edge subst src_addr access dst_addr union_heap =
let src_addr = to_canonical_address subst src_addr in
let dst_addr = to_canonical_address subst dst_addr in
match Memory . find_edge_opt src_addr access union_heap with
| None ->
( Memory . add_edge src_addr access dst_addr union_heap , ` No_new_equality )
| Some dst_addr' ->
(* new equality [dst_addr = dst_addr'] found *)
ignore ( AddressUF . union subst dst_addr dst_addr' ) ;
( union_heap , ` New_equality )
module Addresses = Caml . Set . Make ( AbstractAddress )
let rec visit_address subst visited heap addr union_heap =
if Addresses . mem addr visited then ( visited , union_heap )
let visited = Addresses . add addr visited in
let visit_edge access addr_dst ( visited , union_heap ) =
union_one_edge subst addr access addr_dst union_heap
| > fst
| > visit_address subst visited heap addr_dst
Memory . find_opt addr heap
| > Option . fold ~ init : ( visited , union_heap ) ~ f : ( fun visited_union_heap edges ->
Memory . Edges . fold visit_edge edges visited_union_heap )
let visit_stack subst heap stack union_heap =
(* start graph exploration *)
let visited = Addresses . empty in
let _ , union_heap =
AliasingDomain . fold
( fun _ var addr ( visited , union_heap ) -> visit_address subst visited heap addr union_heap )
stack ( visited , union_heap )
let populate_subst_from_stacks subst stack1 stack2 =
( (* Use [Caml.Map.merge] to detect the variables present in both stacks. Build an empty
result map since we don't use the result . * )
AliasingDomain . merge
( fun _ var addr1_opt addr2_opt ->
Option . both addr1_opt addr2_opt
| > Option . iter ~ f : ( fun ( addr1 , addr2 ) ->
(* stack1 says [_var = addr1] and stack2 says [_var = addr2]: unify the
addresses since they are equal to the same variable * )
ignore ( AddressUF . union subst addr1 addr2 ) ) ;
(* empty result map *)
None )
stack1 stack2 )
let from_astate_union { heap = heap1 ; stack = stack1 ; invalids = invalids1 }
{ heap = heap2 ; stack = stack2 ; invalids = invalids2 } =
let subst = AddressUF . create () in
(* gather equalities from the stacks *)
populate_subst_from_stacks subst stack1 stack2 ;
(* union the heaps, take this opportunity to do garbage collection of unreachable values by
only copying the addresses reachable from the variables in the stacks * )
let heap = visit_stack subst heap1 stack1 Memory . empty | > visit_stack subst heap2 stack2 in
(* This keeps all the variables and picks one representative address for each variable in
common thanks to [ AbstractAddressDomain_JoinIsMin ] * )
let stack = AliasingDomain . join stack1 stack2 in
(* basically union *)
let invalids = InvalidAddressesDomain . join invalids1 invalids2 in
{ subst ; astate = { heap ; stack ; invalids } }
let rec normalize state =
let one_addr subst addr edges heap_has_converged =
Memory . Edges . fold
( fun access addr_dest ( heap , has_converged ) ->
match union_one_edge subst addr access addr_dest heap with
| heap , ` No_new_equality ->
( heap , has_converged )
| heap , ` New_equality ->
( heap , false ) )
edges heap_has_converged
let heap , has_converged =
Memory . fold ( one_addr state . subst ) state . astate . heap ( Memory . empty , true )
if has_converged then (
L . d_strln " Join unified addresses: " ;
L . d_increase_indent 1 ;
Container . iter state . subst ~ fold : AddressUF . fold_sets
~ f : ( fun ( ( repr : AddressUF . Repr . t ) , set ) ->
L . d_strln
( F . asprintf " %a=%a " AbstractAddress . pp
( repr :> AbstractAddress . t )
AddressUnionSet . pp set ) ) ;
L . d_decrease_indent 1 ;
let stack = AliasingDomain . map ( to_canonical_address state . subst ) state . astate . stack in
let invalids =
InvalidAddressesDomain . map ( to_canonical_address state . subst ) state . astate . invalids
{ heap ; stack ; invalids } )
else normalize { state with astate = { state . astate with heap } }
(* * Given
- stacks S1 , S2 : Var -> Address ,
- graphs G1 , G2 : Address -> Access -> Address ,
- and invalid sets I1 , I2 : 2 ^ Address
( all finite ) , the join of 2 abstract states ( S1 , G1 , I1 ) and ( S2 , G2 , I2 ) is ( S , G , A ) where
there exists a substitution σ from addresses to addresses such that the following holds . Given
addresses l , l' , access path a , and graph G , we write l – a – > l' ∈ G if there is a path labelled
by a from l to l' in G ( in particular , if a is empty then l – a – > l' ∈ G for all l , l' ) .
∀ i ∈ { 1 , 2 } , ∀ l , x , a , ∀ l' ∈ Ii , ( ( x , l ) ∈ Si ∧ l – a – > l' ∈ Gi )
= > ( x , σ ( l ) ) ∈ S ∧ σ ( l ) – a – > σ ( l' ) ∈ G ∧ σ ( l' ) ∈ I
For now the implementation gives back a larger heap than necessary , where all the previously
reachable location are still reachable ( up to the substitution ) instead of only the locations
leading to invalid ones .
* )
let join astate1 astate2 =
let join astate1 astate2 =
if phys_equal astate1 astate2 then astate1
if phys_equal astate1 astate2 then astate1
{ heap = MemoryDomain . join astate1 . heap astate2 . heap
(* high-level idea: maintain some union-find data structure to identify locations in one heap
; stack = AliasingDomain . join astate1 . stack astate2 . stack
with locations in the other heap . Build the initial join state as follows :
; invalids = InvalidAddressesDomain . join astate1 . invalids astate2 . invalids }
- equate all locations that correspond to identical variables in both stacks , eg joining
stacks { x = 1 } and { x = 2 } adds " 1=2 " to the unification .
- add all addresses reachable from stack variables to the join state heap
This gives us an abstract state that is the union of both abstract states , but more states
can still be made equal . For instance , if 1 points to 3 in the first heap and 2 points to 4
in the second heap and we deduced " 1 = 2 " from the stacks already ( as in the example just
above ) then we can deduce " 3 = 4 " . Proceed in this fashion until no more equalities are
discovered , and return the abstract state where a canonical representative has been chosen
consistently for each equivalence class ( this is what the union - find data structure gives
us ) . * )
JoinState . from_astate_union astate1 astate2 | > JoinState . normalize
(* TODO: this could be [piecewise_lessthan lhs' ( join lhs rhs ) ] where [lhs'] is [lhs] renamed
according to the unification discovered while joining [ lhs ] and [ rhs ] . * )
let ( < = ) ~ lhs ~ rhs = phys_equal lhs rhs | | piecewise_lessthan lhs rhs
let max_widening = 5
let max_widening = 5
let widen ~ prev ~ next ~ num_iters =
let widen ~ prev ~ next ~ num_iters =
(* probably pretty obvious but that widening is just bad... We need to add a wildcard [ * ] to
(* widening is underapproximation for now... TODO *)
access path elements in our graph representing repeated paths if we hope to converge ( like
{ ! AccessPath . Abs . Abstracted } , we actually need something very similar ) . * )
if num_iters > max_widening then prev
if num_iters > max_widening then prev
else if phys_equal prev next then prev
else if phys_equal prev next then prev
else join prev next
{ heap = MemoryDomain . widen ~ num_iters ~ prev : prev . heap ~ next : next . heap
; stack = AliasingDomain . widen ~ num_iters ~ prev : prev . stack ~ next : next . stack
; invalids = InvalidAddressesDomain . widen ~ num_iters ~ prev : prev . invalids ~ next : next . invalids
let pp fmt { heap ; stack ; invalids } =
let pp fmt { heap ; stack ; invalids } =
F . fprintf fmt " {@[<v1> heap=@[<hv>%a@];@;stack=@[<hv>%a@];@;invalids=@[<hv>%a@];@]} "
F . fprintf fmt " {@[<v1> heap=@[<hv>%a@];@;stack=@[<hv>%a@];@;invalids=@[<hv>%a@];@]} " Memory . pp
MemoryDomain . pp heap AliasingDomain . pp stack InvalidAddressesDomain . pp invalids
heap AliasingDomain . pp stack InvalidAddressesDomain . pp invalids
include Domain
(* {2 Access operations on the domain} *)
module Diagnostic = struct
module Diagnostic = struct
type t =
type t =
@ -212,15 +400,15 @@ let rec walk actor ~overwrite_last addr path astate =
| [ a ] , Some new_addr ->
| [ a ] , Some new_addr ->
check_addr_access actor addr astate
check_addr_access actor addr astate
> > | fun astate ->
> > | fun astate ->
let heap = Memory Domain . add_edge addr a new_addr astate . heap in
let heap = Memory . add_edge addr a new_addr astate . heap in
( { astate with heap } , new_addr )
( { astate with heap } , new_addr )
| a :: path , _ -> (
| a :: path , _ -> (
check_addr_access actor addr astate
check_addr_access actor addr astate
> > = fun astate ->
> > = fun astate ->
match Memory Domain . find_edge_opt addr a astate . heap with
match Memory . find_edge_opt addr a astate . heap with
| None ->
| None ->
let addr' = AbstractAddress . mk_fresh () in
let addr' = AbstractAddress . mk_fresh () in
let heap = Memory Domain . add_edge addr a addr' astate . heap in
let heap = Memory . add_edge addr a addr' astate . heap in
let astate = { astate with heap } in
let astate = { astate with heap } in
walk actor ~ overwrite_last addr' path astate
walk actor ~ overwrite_last addr' path astate
| Some addr' ->
| Some addr' ->
@ -292,3 +480,6 @@ let invalidate location access_expr astate =
> > = fun ( astate , addr ) ->
> > = fun ( astate , addr ) ->
let actor = { access_expr ; location } in
let actor = { access_expr ; location } in
check_addr_access actor addr astate > > | mark_invalid actor addr
check_addr_access actor addr astate > > | mark_invalid actor addr
include Domain