@ -24,9 +24,10 @@ let check_error summary = function
raise_notrace AbstractDomain . Stop_analysis
raise_notrace AbstractDomain . Stop_analysis
module PulseTransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg . S ) = struct
module PulseTransferFunctions = struct
module CFG = CFG
module CFG = ProcCfg . Exceptional
module Domain = PulseDomain
module Domain = PulseDomain
module DisjunctiveDomain = Caml . Set . Make ( Domain )
type extras = Summary . t
type extras = Summary . t
@ -137,14 +138,16 @@ module PulseTransferFunctions (CFG : ProcCfg.S) = struct
match instr with
match instr with
| Assign ( lhs_access , rhs_exp , loc ) ->
| Assign ( lhs_access , rhs_exp , loc ) ->
exec_assign summary lhs_access rhs_exp loc astate | > check_error summary
exec_assign summary lhs_access rhs_exp loc astate
| > check_error summary | > DisjunctiveDomain . singleton
| Assume ( condition , _ , _ , loc ) ->
| Assume ( condition , _ , _ , loc ) ->
PulseOperations . read_all loc ( HilExp . get_access_exprs condition ) astate
PulseOperations . read_all loc ( HilExp . get_access_exprs condition ) astate
| > check_error summary
| > check_error summary | > DisjunctiveDomain . singleton
| Call ( ret , call , actuals , flags , loc ) ->
| Call ( ret , call , actuals , flags , loc ) ->
dispatch_call summary ret call actuals flags loc astate | > check_error summary
dispatch_call summary ret call actuals flags loc astate
| > check_error summary | > DisjunctiveDomain . singleton
| ExitScope ( vars , _ ) ->
| ExitScope ( vars , _ ) ->
PulseOperations . remove_vars vars astate
PulseOperations . remove_vars vars astate | > DisjunctiveDomain . singleton
let pp_session_name _ node fmt = F . pp_print_string fmt " Pulse "
let pp_session_name _ node fmt = F . pp_print_string fmt " Pulse "
@ -154,11 +157,8 @@ module HilConfig = LowerHil.DefaultConfig
module DisjunctiveTransferFunctions =
module DisjunctiveTransferFunctions =
TransferFunctions . MakeHILDisjunctive
TransferFunctions . MakeHILDisjunctive
( PulseTransferFunctions
( PulseTransferFunctions )
( ProcCfg . Exceptional ) )
( struct
( struct
type domain_t = PulseDomain . t [ @@ deriving compare ]
let join_policy =
let join_policy =
match Config . pulse_max_disjuncts with 0 -> ` NeverJoin | n -> ` UnderApproximateAfter n
match Config . pulse_max_disjuncts with 0 -> ` NeverJoin | n -> ` UnderApproximateAfter n
@ -176,6 +176,6 @@ let checker {Callbacks.proc_desc; tenv; summary} =
( try
( try
( DisjunctiveAnalyzer . compute_post proc_data
( DisjunctiveAnalyzer . compute_post proc_data
~ initial : ( DisjunctiveTransferFunctions. of_domai n PulseDomain . initial ) )
~ initial : ( PulseTransferFunctions. DisjunctiveDomain . singleto n PulseDomain . initial ) )
with AbstractDomain . Stop_analysis -> () ) ;
with AbstractDomain . Stop_analysis -> () ) ;