@ -117,8 +117,7 @@ module rec T : sig
val comparator : (t, comparator_witness) Comparator.t
end = struct
include T0
include Comparator.Make (T0)
include T0 include Comparator.Make (T0)
(* auxiliary definition for safe recursive module initialization *)
@ -725,8 +724,7 @@ let rec sum_to_exp typ sum =
| _ -> Add {typ; args= sum} )
| _ -> Add {typ; args= sum}
and rational Q.({num; den}) typ =
simp_div (integer num typ) (integer den typ)
and rational Q.{num; den} typ = simp_div (integer num typ) (integer den typ)
and simp_div x y =
match (x, y) with
@ -771,11 +769,10 @@ let simp_urem x y =
| _, Integer {data; typ} when Z.equal Z.one data -> integer Z.zero typ
| _ -> App {op= App {op= Urem; arg= x}; arg= y}
(* Sums of polynomial terms represented by multisets. A sum ∑ᵢ cᵢ ×
Xᵢ of monomials Xᵢ with coefficients cᵢ is represented by a
multiset where the elements are Xᵢ with multiplicities cᵢ. A constant
is treated as the coefficient of the empty monomial, which is the unit of
multiplication 1. *)
(* Sums of polynomial terms represented by multisets. A sum ∑ᵢ cᵢ × Xᵢ of
monomials Xᵢ with coefficients cᵢ is represented by a multiset where the
elements are Xᵢ with multiplicities cᵢ. A constant is treated as the
coefficient of the empty monomial, which is the unit of multiplication 1. *)
module Sum = struct
let empty = empty_qset
@ -809,8 +806,7 @@ let rec simp_add_ typ es poly =
rational Q.((coeff * of_z i) + of_z j) typ
(* (c × ∑ᵢ cᵢ × Xᵢ) + s ==> (∑ᵢ (c × cᵢ) × Xᵢ) + s *)
| Add {args}, _ -> simp_add_ typ (Sum.mul_const coeff args) poly
(* (c₀ × X₀) + (∑ᵢ₌₁ⁿ cᵢ × Xᵢ) ==> ∑ᵢ₌₀ⁿ
cᵢ × Xᵢ *)
(* (c₀ × X₀) + (∑ᵢ₌₁ⁿ cᵢ × Xᵢ) ==> ∑ᵢ₌₀ⁿ cᵢ × Xᵢ *)
| _, Add {args} -> Sum.to_exp typ (Sum.add coeff exp args)
(* (c₁ × X₁) + X₂ ==> ∑ᵢ₌₁² cᵢ × Xᵢ for c₂ = 1 *)
| _ -> Sum.to_exp typ (Sum.add coeff exp (Sum.singleton poly))
@ -820,9 +816,9 @@ let rec simp_add_ typ es poly =
let simp_add typ es = simp_add_ typ es (integer Z.zero typ)
let simp_add2 typ e f = simp_add_ typ (Sum.singleton e) f
(* Products of indeterminants represented by multisets. A product ∏ᵢ
xᵢ^nᵢ of indeterminates xᵢ is represented by a multiset where the
elements are xᵢ and the multiplicities are the exponents nᵢ. *)
(* Products of indeterminants represented by multisets. A product ∏ᵢ xᵢ^nᵢ
of indeterminates xᵢ is represented by a multiset where the elements are
xᵢ and the multiplicities are the exponents nᵢ. *)
module Prod = struct
let empty = empty_qset
let add exp prod = Qset.add prod exp Q.one
@ -849,26 +845,22 @@ let rec simp_mul2 typ e f =
| Integer {data}, _ when Z.equal Z.zero data -> e
(* e × 0 ==> 0 *)
| _, Integer {data} when Z.equal Z.zero data -> f
(* c × (∑ᵤ cᵤ × ∏ⱼ yᵤⱼ) ==> ∑ᵤ c × cᵤ × ∏ⱼ
yᵤⱼ *)
(* c × (∑ᵤ cᵤ × ∏ⱼ yᵤⱼ) ==> ∑ᵤ c × cᵤ × ∏ⱼ yᵤⱼ *)
| Integer {data}, Add {args} | Add {args}, Integer {data} ->
Sum.to_exp typ (Sum.mul_const (Q.of_z data) args)
(* c₁ × x₁ ==> ∑ᵢ₌₁ cᵢ × xᵢ *)
| Integer {data= c}, x | x, Integer {data= c} ->
Sum.to_exp typ (Sum.singleton ~coeff:(Q.of_z c) x)
(* (∏ᵤ₌₀ⁱ xᵤ) × (∏ᵥ₌ᵢ₊₁ⁿ xᵥ) ==>
∏ⱼ₌₀ⁿ xⱼ *)
(* (∏ᵤ₌₀ⁱ xᵤ) × (∏ᵥ₌ᵢ₊₁ⁿ xᵥ) ==> ∏ⱼ₌₀ⁿ xⱼ *)
| Mul {typ; args= xs1}, Mul {args= xs2} ->
Mul {typ; args= Prod.union xs1 xs2}
(* (∏ᵢ xᵢ) × (∑ᵤ cᵤ × ∏ⱼ yᵤⱼ) ==> ∑ᵤ cᵤ ×
∏ᵢ xᵢ × ∏ⱼ yᵤⱼ *)
(* (∏ᵢ xᵢ) × (∑ᵤ cᵤ × ∏ⱼ yᵤⱼ) ==> ∑ᵤ cᵤ × ∏ᵢ xᵢ × ∏ⱼ yᵤⱼ *)
| Mul {args= prod}, (Add _ as poly) | (Add _ as poly), Mul {args= prod} ->
poly_map_monos ~f:(Prod.union prod) poly
(* x₀ × (∏ᵢ₌₁ⁿ xᵢ) ==> ∏ᵢ₌₀ⁿ xᵢ *)
| Mul {typ; args= xs1}, x | x, Mul {typ; args= xs1} ->
Mul {typ; args= Prod.add x xs1}
(* e × (∑ᵤ cᵤ × ∏ⱼ yᵤⱼ) ==> ∑ᵤ e × cᵤ × ∏ⱼ
yᵤⱼ *)
(* e × (∑ᵤ cᵤ × ∏ⱼ yᵤⱼ) ==> ∑ᵤ e × cᵤ × ∏ⱼ yᵤⱼ *)
| Add {args}, e | e, Add {args} ->
simp_add typ (Sum.map ~f:(fun m -> simp_mul2 typ e m) args)
(* x₁ × x₂ ==> ∏ᵢ₌₁² xᵢ *)