@ -29,12 +29,7 @@ let expensive_threshold = BasicCost.of_int_exn 200
module InstrCFG = ProcCfg.NormalOneInstrPerNode
module InstrCFG = ProcCfg.NormalOneInstrPerNode
module NodeCFG = ProcCfg.Normal
module NodeCFG = ProcCfg.Normal
module InstrCFGScheduler = Scheduler.ReversePostorder (InstrCFG)
module InstrCFGScheduler = Scheduler.ReversePostorder (InstrCFG)
module Node = ProcCfg.DefaultNode
module Node = struct
include ProcCfg.DefaultNode
let equal_id = [%compare.equal : id]
(* Compute a map (node,instruction) -> basic_cost, where basic_cost is the
(* Compute a map (node,instruction) -> basic_cost, where basic_cost is the
cost known for a certain operation. For example for basic operation we
cost known for a certain operation. For example for basic operation we
@ -218,36 +213,31 @@ end
equal to the sum of the number of times nodes n1,..., nk can be executed.
equal to the sum of the number of times nodes n1,..., nk can be executed.
module StructuralConstraints = struct
module StructuralConstraints = struct
type rhs = Single of Node.id | Sum of Node.IdSet.t
type t = {single: Node.id list; sum: Node.IdSet.t list}
type t = {lhs: Node.id; rhs: rhs}
let is_single ~lhs:expected_lhs = function
| {lhs; rhs= Single single} when Node.equal_id lhs expected_lhs ->
Some single
| _ ->
let is_sum ~lhs:expected_lhs = function
| {lhs; rhs= Sum sum} when Node.equal_id lhs expected_lhs ->
Some sum
| _ ->
let pp_rhs fmt = function
| Single nid ->
Node.pp_id fmt nid
| Sum nidset ->
Pp.seq ~sep:" + " Node.pp_id fmt (Node.IdSet.elements nidset)
Finds subset of constraints of node k.
It returns a pair (single_constraints, sum_constraints) where single constraints are
of the form 'x_k <= x_j' and sum constraints are of the form 'x_k <= x_j1 +...+ x_jn'.
let get_constraints_of_node constraints k =
let c = Node.IdMap.find_opt k constraints in
match c with Some c -> c | _ -> {single= []; sum= []}
let pp fmt {lhs; rhs} = F.fprintf fmt "%a <= %a" Node.pp_id lhs pp_rhs rhs
let print_constraint_list constraints =
let print_constraints_map constraints =
L.(debug Analysis Medium) "@\n\n******* Structural Constraints **** @\n" ;
let pp_nidset fmt nidset = Pp.seq ~sep:" + " Node.pp_id fmt (Node.IdSet.elements nidset) in
List.iter ~f:(fun c -> L.(debug Analysis Medium) "@\n %a @\n" pp c) constraints ;
L.(debug Analysis Medium)
"@\n\n******* Structural Constraints size = %i **** @\n" (Node.IdMap.cardinal constraints) ;
(fun n {single; sum} ->
~f:(fun s -> L.(debug Analysis Medium) "@\n %a <= %a @\n" Node.pp_id n Node.pp_id s)
single ;
~f:(fun s -> L.(debug Analysis Medium) "@\n %a <= %a @\n" Node.pp_id n pp_nidset s)
sum )
constraints ;
L.(debug Analysis Medium) "@\n******* END Structural Constraints **** @\n\n"
L.(debug Analysis Medium) "@\n******* END Structural Constraints **** @\n\n"
@ -258,24 +248,28 @@ module StructuralConstraints = struct
let compute_structural_constraints node_cfg =
let compute_structural_constraints node_cfg =
let compute_node_constraints acc node =
let compute_node_constraints acc node =
let constraints_append node get_nodes tail =
let constraints_add node get_nodes =
match get_nodes node with
match get_nodes node with
| [] ->
| [] ->
{single= []; sum= []}
| [single] ->
| [single] ->
{lhs= NodeCFG.id node; rhs= Single (NodeCFG.id single)} :: tail
{single= [NodeCFG.id single]; sum= []}
| nodes ->
| nodes ->
let sum =
let sum =
List.fold nodes ~init:Node.IdSet.empty ~f:(fun idset node ->
List.fold nodes ~init:Node.IdSet.empty ~f:(fun idset node ->
Node.IdSet.add (NodeCFG.id node) idset )
Node.IdSet.add (NodeCFG.id node) idset )
{lhs= NodeCFG.id node; rhs= Sum sum} :: tail
{single= []; sum= [sum]}
acc |> constraints_append node Procdesc.Node.get_preds
let preds = constraints_add node Procdesc.Node.get_preds in
|> constraints_append node Procdesc.Node.get_succs
let succs = constraints_add node Procdesc.Node.get_succs in
Node.IdMap.add (NodeCFG.id node)
{single= List.append preds.single succs.single; sum= List.append preds.sum succs.sum} acc
let constraints = List.fold (NodeCFG.nodes node_cfg) ~f:compute_node_constraints ~init:[] in
let constraints =
print_constraint_list constraints ; constraints
List.fold (NodeCFG.nodes node_cfg) ~f:compute_node_constraints ~init:Node.IdMap.empty
print_constraints_map constraints ; constraints
(* MinTree is used to compute:
(* MinTree is used to compute:
@ -317,17 +311,6 @@ module MinTree = struct
match node with Plus l -> Plus (child :: l) | Min l -> Min (child :: l) | _ -> assert false
match node with Plus l -> Plus (child :: l) | Min l -> Min (child :: l) | _ -> assert false
(* finds the subset of constraints of the form x_k <= x_j *)
let get_k_single_constraints constraints k =
List.filter_map constraints ~f:(StructuralConstraints.is_single ~lhs:k)
(* finds the subset of constraints of the form x_k <= x_j1 +...+ x_jn and
return the addends of the sum x_j1+x_j2+..+x_j_n*)
let get_k_sum_constraints constraints k =
List.filter_map constraints ~f:(StructuralConstraints.is_sum ~lhs:k)
let rec evaluate_tree t =
let rec evaluate_tree t =
match t with
match t with
| Leaf (_, c) ->
| Leaf (_, c) ->
@ -361,7 +344,8 @@ return the addends of the sum x_j1+x_j2+..+x_j_n*)
type t = Node.id * Node.IdSet.t [@@deriving compare]
type t = Node.id * Node.IdSet.t [@@deriving compare]
let minimum_propagation (bound_map: BoundMap.t) (constraints: StructuralConstraints.t list) self
let minimum_propagation (bound_map: BoundMap.t)
(constraints: StructuralConstraints.t Node.IdMap.t) self
((q, visited): Node.id * Node.IdSet.t) =
((q, visited): Node.id * Node.IdSet.t) =
let rec build_min node branch visited_acc worklist =
let rec build_min node branch visited_acc worklist =
match worklist with
match worklist with
@ -372,19 +356,18 @@ return the addends of the sum x_j1+x_j2+..+x_j_n*)
let visited_acc' = Node.IdSet.add k visited_acc in
let visited_acc' = Node.IdSet.add k visited_acc in
let node = add_leaf node k (BoundMap.upperbound bound_map k) in
let node = add_leaf node k (BoundMap.upperbound bound_map k) in
let k_constraints_upperbound = get_k_single_constraints constraints k in
let k_constraints = StructuralConstraints.get_constraints_of_node constraints k in
let worklist' =
let worklist' =
List.fold k_constraints_upperbound ~init:rest ~f:(fun acc ub_id ->
List.fold k_constraints.single ~init:rest ~f:(fun acc ub_id ->
if Node.IdSet.mem ub_id visited_acc' then acc else ub_id :: acc )
if Node.IdSet.mem ub_id visited_acc' then acc else ub_id :: acc )
let k_sum_constraints = get_k_sum_constraints constraints k in
let branch =
let branch =
~f:(fun branch set_addend ->
~f:(fun branch set_addend ->
if Node.IdSet.is_empty (Node.IdSet.inter set_addend visited_acc') then
if Node.IdSet.is_empty (Node.IdSet.inter set_addend visited_acc') then
SetOfSetsOfNodes.add set_addend branch
SetOfSetsOfNodes.add set_addend branch
else branch )
else branch )
~init:branch k_sum_constraints
~init:branch k_constraints.sum
build_min node branch visited_acc' worklist'
build_min node branch visited_acc' worklist'