@ -7,8 +7,6 @@
open ! IStd
exception MaximumSharingCyclicValue
exception MaximumSharingLazyValue
module Hashing : sig
@ -82,7 +80,9 @@ end = struct
module HPhysEq = Caml . Hashtbl . Make ( PhysEqualedHashedScannableBlock )
module HNorm = Caml . Hashtbl . Make ( HashedNormalizedScannableBlock )
type visited = Visiting | Normalized of HashedNormalizedScannableBlock . t
type visited =
| Visiting of { mutable to_patch : ( PhysEqualedHashedScannableBlock . t * int ) list }
| Normalized of HashedNormalizedScannableBlock . t
type t =
{ inplace : bool
@ -107,15 +107,24 @@ end = struct
let hash_and_normalize_int o = ( Hashing . of_int ( Obj . obj o : int ) , o )
let dummy_should_not_be_hashed_or_used =
Must be different than any block found in values .
Must fail if hashed ( there is actually no way to ensure that : ( ) )
* )
Obj . repr ( lazy ( assert false ) )
TODO : be much more efficient and write it in C to be able to use the GC flags to
mark visited values .
* )
let rec hash_and_normalize_obj sharer o =
if Obj . is_int o then hash_and_normalize_int o else hash_and_normalize_block sharer o
let rec hash_and_normalize_obj sharer o parent_shallow_hash_block parent_field_i =
if Obj . is_int o then hash_and_normalize_int o
else hash_and_normalize_block sharer o parent_shallow_hash_block parent_field_i
and hash_and_normalize_block sharer block =
and hash_and_normalize_block sharer block parent_shallow_hash_block parent_field_i =
let shallow_hash = Hashing . shallow block in
let shallow_hash_block = ( shallow_hash , block ) in
let tag = Obj . tag block in
@ -148,13 +157,25 @@ end = struct
| Some ( Normalized hash_normalized ) ->
(* The block has already been visited, we can reuse the result. *)
| Some Visiting ->
| Some ( Visiting visiting ) ->
The block is being visited , which means we have a cycle .
We record fields to be patched after we have finished treating the cycle .
For termination we have to return a shallow hash .
We also need to return a phys_equally different value so that it will trigger
copy - on - write on the whole cycle ( then patch can safely be applied and in any order ) ,
even though it may not be necessary if the whole cycle and its dependencies could be
kept as - is .
The value that is returned should not be hashed or used . The current implementation
respects it .
* )
raise MaximumSharingCyclicValue
visiting . to_patch <- ( parent_shallow_hash_block , parent_field_i ) :: visiting . to_patch ;
( shallow_hash , dummy_should_not_be_hashed_or_used )
| None ->
HPhysEq . add sharer . visited_blocks shallow_hash_block Visiting ;
let visited = Visiting { to_patch = [] } in
let [ @ warning " -8 " ] ( Visiting visiting ) = visited in
HPhysEq . add sharer . visited_blocks shallow_hash_block visited ;
let hash_normalized =
if Int . equal tag Obj . forward_tag then (
assert ( not sharer . fail_on_forward ) ;
@ -166,13 +187,14 @@ end = struct
This remains untested for now ( hence the assertion above ) .
Not obvious to test as optimizations or the GC can already do the substitution .
* )
hash_and_normalize_obj sharer ( Obj . field block 0 ) )
hash_and_normalize_obj sharer ( Obj . field block 0 ) parent_shallow_hash_block
parent_field_i )
else (
(* For regular blocks, normalize each field then use a shallow comparison. *)
assert ( ( not sharer . fail_on_objects ) | | not ( Int . equal tag Obj . object_tag ) ) ;
let hash_shallow_normalized =
let size = Obj . size block in
hash_and_normalize_block_fields sharer block block size 0
hash_and_normalize_block_fields sharer shallow_hash_block block block size 0
( Hashing . alloc_of_block ~ tag ~ size )
match HNorm . find_opt sharer . hash_normalized hash_shallow_normalized with
@ -182,15 +204,47 @@ end = struct
HNorm . add sharer . hash_normalized hash_shallow_normalized hash_shallow_normalized ;
hash_shallow_normalized )
let hash_normalized =
match visiting . to_patch with
| [] (* not the head of a cycle *) ->
| _ :: _ as to_patch ->
The whole cycle has been treated , we now need to patch values that pointed to
this block . We need to look them up in the [ visited_blocks ] hash table because
they have been duplicated since we recorded them .
* )
let _ , normalized = hash_normalized in
List . iter to_patch ~ f : ( fun ( hash_block_to_patch , field_i_to_patch ) ->
let normalized_block_to_patch =
if phys_equal hash_block_to_patch shallow_hash_block then
(* Self-cycle, e.g. [let rec x = 1 :: x]. No lookup! *)
let [ @ warning " -8 " ] ( Normalized ( _ , normalized_block_to_patch ) ) =
HPhysEq . find sharer . visited_blocks hash_block_to_patch
Obj . set_field normalized_block_to_patch field_i_to_patch normalized ) ;
For cycle heads , for consistency with the [ Visiting ] case above we need to
use the shallow hash .
* )
( shallow_hash , normalized )
HPhysEq . replace sharer . visited_blocks shallow_hash_block ( Normalized hash_normalized ) ;
and hash_and_normalize_block_fields sharer original_block new_block size field_i hash_state =
and hash_and_normalize_block_fields sharer original_shallow_hash_block original_block new_block
size field_i hash_state =
if field_i > = size then ( Hashing . get_hash_value hash_state , new_block )
let field_v = Obj . field original_block field_i in
let field_hash , field_v' = hash_and_normalize_obj sharer field_v in
let field_hash , field_v' =
hash_and_normalize_obj sharer field_v original_shallow_hash_block field_i
let hash_state = Hashing . fold_hash_value hash_state field_hash in
let new_block =
if phys_equal field_v field_v' then new_block
@ -204,8 +258,12 @@ end = struct
Obj . set_field new_block field_i field_v' ;
( hash_and_normalize_block_fields [ @ tailcall ] ) sharer original_block new_block size
( field_i + 1 ) hash_state
( hash_and_normalize_block_fields [ @ tailcall ] ) sharer original_shallow_hash_block
original_block new_block size ( field_i + 1 ) hash_state
let dummy_should_not_be_patched =
( Hashing . of_int 0 , (* Make sure it fails hard if [Obj.set_field] is called on it *) Obj . repr 0 )
(* *
@ -214,7 +272,8 @@ end = struct
Preserves polymorphic compare , hashing , no - sharing marshalling .
May have an impact on code using [ phys_equal ] or marshalling with sharing .
* )
let normalize_value sharer v = hash_and_normalize_obj sharer ( Obj . repr v ) | > snd | > Obj . obj
let normalize_value sharer v =
hash_and_normalize_obj sharer ( Obj . repr v ) dummy_should_not_be_patched ( - 1 ) | > snd | > Obj . obj
module ForHashtbl ( H : Caml . Hashtbl . S ) = struct