MaximumSharing: handle cycles

Summary: Do not fail on cycles, normalize values issuing from cycles, but do not try to recognize equal cycles like `let rec x = 1 :: x` and `let rec y = 1 :: 1 :: y`. This is unlikely to happen in our code.

Reviewed By: ngorogiannis

Differential Revision: D16017365

fbshipit-source-id: 691bb756c
Mehdi Bouaziz 6 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent e15a1d36a5
commit 4c50dc096c

@ -7,8 +7,6 @@
open! IStd
exception MaximumSharingCyclicValue
exception MaximumSharingLazyValue
module Hashing : sig
@ -82,7 +80,9 @@ end = struct
module HPhysEq = Caml.Hashtbl.Make (PhysEqualedHashedScannableBlock)
module HNorm = Caml.Hashtbl.Make (HashedNormalizedScannableBlock)
type visited = Visiting | Normalized of HashedNormalizedScannableBlock.t
type visited =
| Visiting of {mutable to_patch: (PhysEqualedHashedScannableBlock.t * int) list}
| Normalized of HashedNormalizedScannableBlock.t
type t =
{ inplace: bool
@ -107,15 +107,24 @@ end = struct
let hash_and_normalize_int o = (Hashing.of_int (Obj.obj o : int), o)
let dummy_should_not_be_hashed_or_used =
Must be different than any block found in values.
Must fail if hashed (there is actually no way to ensure that :( ))
Obj.repr (lazy (assert false))
TODO: be much more efficient and write it in C to be able to use the GC flags to
mark visited values.
let rec hash_and_normalize_obj sharer o =
if Obj.is_int o then hash_and_normalize_int o else hash_and_normalize_block sharer o
let rec hash_and_normalize_obj sharer o parent_shallow_hash_block parent_field_i =
if Obj.is_int o then hash_and_normalize_int o
else hash_and_normalize_block sharer o parent_shallow_hash_block parent_field_i
and hash_and_normalize_block sharer block =
and hash_and_normalize_block sharer block parent_shallow_hash_block parent_field_i =
let shallow_hash = Hashing.shallow block in
let shallow_hash_block = (shallow_hash, block) in
let tag = Obj.tag block in
@ -148,13 +157,25 @@ end = struct
| Some (Normalized hash_normalized) ->
(* The block has already been visited, we can reuse the result. *)
| Some Visiting ->
| Some (Visiting visiting) ->
The block is being visited, which means we have a cycle.
We record fields to be patched after we have finished treating the cycle.
For termination we have to return a shallow hash.
We also need to return a phys_equally different value so that it will trigger
copy-on-write on the whole cycle (then patch can safely be applied and in any order),
even though it may not be necessary if the whole cycle and its dependencies could be
kept as-is.
The value that is returned should not be hashed or used. The current implementation
respects it.
raise MaximumSharingCyclicValue
visiting.to_patch <- (parent_shallow_hash_block, parent_field_i) :: visiting.to_patch ;
(shallow_hash, dummy_should_not_be_hashed_or_used)
| None ->
HPhysEq.add sharer.visited_blocks shallow_hash_block Visiting ;
let visited = Visiting {to_patch= []} in
let[@warning "-8"] (Visiting visiting) = visited in
HPhysEq.add sharer.visited_blocks shallow_hash_block visited ;
let hash_normalized =
if Int.equal tag Obj.forward_tag then (
assert (not sharer.fail_on_forward) ;
@ -166,13 +187,14 @@ end = struct
This remains untested for now (hence the assertion above).
Not obvious to test as optimizations or the GC can already do the substitution.
hash_and_normalize_obj sharer (Obj.field block 0) )
hash_and_normalize_obj sharer (Obj.field block 0) parent_shallow_hash_block
parent_field_i )
else (
(* For regular blocks, normalize each field then use a shallow comparison. *)
assert ((not sharer.fail_on_objects) || not (Int.equal tag Obj.object_tag)) ;
let hash_shallow_normalized =
let size = Obj.size block in
hash_and_normalize_block_fields sharer block block size 0
hash_and_normalize_block_fields sharer shallow_hash_block block block size 0
(Hashing.alloc_of_block ~tag ~size)
match HNorm.find_opt sharer.hash_normalized hash_shallow_normalized with
@ -182,15 +204,47 @@ end = struct
HNorm.add sharer.hash_normalized hash_shallow_normalized hash_shallow_normalized ;
hash_shallow_normalized )
let hash_normalized =
match visiting.to_patch with
| [] (* not the head of a cycle *) ->
| _ :: _ as to_patch ->
The whole cycle has been treated, we now need to patch values that pointed to
this block. We need to look them up in the [visited_blocks] hash table because
they have been duplicated since we recorded them.
let _, normalized = hash_normalized in
List.iter to_patch ~f:(fun (hash_block_to_patch, field_i_to_patch) ->
let normalized_block_to_patch =
if phys_equal hash_block_to_patch shallow_hash_block then
(* Self-cycle, e.g. [let rec x = 1 :: x]. No lookup! *)
let[@warning "-8"] (Normalized (_, normalized_block_to_patch)) =
HPhysEq.find sharer.visited_blocks hash_block_to_patch
Obj.set_field normalized_block_to_patch field_i_to_patch normalized ) ;
For cycle heads, for consistency with the [Visiting] case above we need to
use the shallow hash.
(shallow_hash, normalized)
HPhysEq.replace sharer.visited_blocks shallow_hash_block (Normalized hash_normalized) ;
and hash_and_normalize_block_fields sharer original_block new_block size field_i hash_state =
and hash_and_normalize_block_fields sharer original_shallow_hash_block original_block new_block
size field_i hash_state =
if field_i >= size then (Hashing.get_hash_value hash_state, new_block)
let field_v = Obj.field original_block field_i in
let field_hash, field_v' = hash_and_normalize_obj sharer field_v in
let field_hash, field_v' =
hash_and_normalize_obj sharer field_v original_shallow_hash_block field_i
let hash_state = Hashing.fold_hash_value hash_state field_hash in
let new_block =
if phys_equal field_v field_v' then new_block
@ -204,8 +258,12 @@ end = struct
Obj.set_field new_block field_i field_v' ;
(hash_and_normalize_block_fields [@tailcall]) sharer original_block new_block size
(field_i + 1) hash_state
(hash_and_normalize_block_fields [@tailcall]) sharer original_shallow_hash_block
original_block new_block size (field_i + 1) hash_state
let dummy_should_not_be_patched =
(Hashing.of_int 0, (* Make sure it fails hard if [Obj.set_field] is called on it *) Obj.repr 0)
@ -214,7 +272,8 @@ end = struct
Preserves polymorphic compare, hashing, no-sharing marshalling.
May have an impact on code using [phys_equal] or marshalling with sharing.
let normalize_value sharer v = hash_and_normalize_obj sharer (Obj.repr v) |> snd |> Obj.obj
let normalize_value sharer v =
hash_and_normalize_obj sharer (Obj.repr v) dummy_should_not_be_patched (-1) |> snd |> Obj.obj
module ForHashtbl (H : Caml.Hashtbl.S) = struct

@ -8,8 +8,7 @@
open! IStd
Current implementation will stack overflow on deep values (TODO: a tailrec version)
and throw on circular values.
Current implementation will stack overflow on deep values (TODO: a tailrec version).
module Sharer : sig

@ -13,11 +13,15 @@ let inputs =
let b = Array.create ~len:10_000 a in
let c = Array.create ~len:1_000 b in
let d = Array.create ~len:1_000 c in
let rec e = 1 :: e in
let rec f = 1 :: 2 :: f in
[ ("unit", Obj.repr (), `PhysEqual)
; ("same representation", Obj.repr ([42], [|42; 0|]), `Marshal_MustBeBetter)
; ("same representation", Obj.repr ([42], [|42; 0|]), `MarshalNoSharing_MustBeBetter)
; ("10K times the same element", Obj.repr b, `PhysEqual)
; ("1K times 10K times the same element", Obj.repr c, `PhysEqual)
; ("1K times 1K times 10K times the same element", Obj.repr d, `PhysEqual) ]
; ("1K times 1K times 10K times the same element", Obj.repr d, `PhysEqual)
; ("Self cycle", Obj.repr e, `MarshalWithSharing (* ideally `PhysEqual *))
; ("Cyclic value", Obj.repr f, `MarshalWithSharing (* ideally `PhysEqual *)) ]
let tests =
@ -30,9 +34,9 @@ let tests =
let serialized_input_with_sharing = Marshal.to_string input [] in
let serialized_input_no_sharing =
match checks with
| `PhysEqual ->
| `PhysEqual | `MarshalWithSharing ->
| `Marshal_MustBeBetter ->
| `MarshalNoSharing_MustBeBetter ->
(* OOMs for big or cyclic values *)
Marshal.to_string input [Marshal.No_sharing]
@ -53,19 +57,15 @@ let tests =
let reachable_words_normalized = Obj.reachable_words normalized in
assert_bool "less reachable words" (reachable_words_normalized <= reachable_words_input) ;
let eq =
(* Cannot use [assert_equal] because it doesn't shortcut physical equalities *)
match checks with
| `PhysEqual ->
phys_equal input normalized
| `Marshal_MustBeBetter ->
Polymorphic_compare.equal input normalized
assert_bool "equal" eq ;
match checks with
| `PhysEqual ->
| `Marshal_MustBeBetter ->
assert_bool "phys_equal" (phys_equal input normalized)
| `MarshalWithSharing ->
let serialized_normalized_with_sharing = Marshal.to_string normalized [] in
assert_equal serialized_input_with_sharing serialized_normalized_with_sharing
| `MarshalNoSharing_MustBeBetter ->
assert_bool "equal" (Polymorphic_compare.equal input normalized) ;
assert_bool "strictly less reachable words"
(reachable_words_normalized < reachable_words_input) ;
