[pulse] |- is now true only of isomorphic graphs

Previously we would say that `lhs <= rhs` (or `lhs |- rhs`) when a
mapping existed between the abstract addresses of `lhs` and `rhs` such
that `mapping(lhs)` was a supergraph of `rhs`. In particular,
we had that `x |-> x' * x' |-> x'' |- x |-> x'`. This is not entirely
great, in particular once we get pairs of state representing footprint +
current state. I'm not sure I have an extremely compelling argument why
though, except that it's not the usual way we do implication in SL, but
there wasn't a compelling argument for the previous state of affairs

This changes `|-` to be true only when `mapping(lhs) = rhs` (modulo only
considering the addresses reachable from the stack variables).

Reviewed By: jberdine

Differential Revision: D14568272

fbshipit-source-id: 1bb83950e
Jules Villard 6 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 3126c4f5c2
commit 4cdb65c237

@ -83,7 +83,10 @@ module MakeHILDisjunctive (TransferFunctions : HILDisjReady) (DConfig : Disjunct
let elements disjuncts = List.map disjuncts ~f:(fun {astate} -> astate)
let pp f disjuncts = PrettyPrintable.pp_collection ~pp_item:pp_disjunct f disjuncts
let pp f disjuncts =
F.fprintf f "@[<v>%d disjuncts:@;%a@]" (List.length disjuncts)
(PrettyPrintable.pp_collection ~pp_item:pp_disjunct)
type disjunct_t = Disjuncts.disjunct = {visited: bool; astate: TransferFunctions.Domain.t}
@ -91,15 +94,20 @@ module MakeHILDisjunctive (TransferFunctions : HILDisjReady) (DConfig : Disjunct
module Domain = struct
type t = Disjuncts.t
let join_normalize_into s_froms ~into:s_intos =
(* ignore states in [s_froms] that are under-approximated in [s_intos] *)
let s_from_not_in_intos =
List.rev_filter s_froms ~f:(fun s_from ->
List.exists s_intos ~f:(fun s_into ->
TransferFunctions.Domain.( <= ) ~rhs:s_from.astate ~lhs:s_into.astate )
let rev_filter_not_over_approximated disjuncts ~not_in =
List.rev_filter disjuncts ~f:(fun disjunct ->
List.exists not_in ~f:(fun disj_not_in ->
TransferFunctions.Domain.( <= ) ~lhs:disjunct.astate ~rhs:disj_not_in.astate )
|> not )
List.rev_append s_from_not_in_intos s_intos
(* Ignore states in [lhs] that are over-approximated in [rhs] and vice-versa. Favors keeping
states in [lhs]. *)
let join_up_to_imply lhs rhs =
let rev_rhs_not_in_lhs = rev_filter_not_over_approximated rhs ~not_in:lhs in
(* cheeky: this is only used in pulse, whose (<=) is actually a symmetric relation so there's
no need to filter out elements of [lhs] *)
List.rev_append rev_rhs_not_in_lhs lhs
let join : t -> t -> t =
@ -108,14 +116,10 @@ module MakeHILDisjunctive (TransferFunctions : HILDisjReady) (DConfig : Disjunct
match DConfig.join_policy with
| `NeverJoin ->
rhs @ lhs
List.rev_append rhs lhs
| `UnderApproximateAfter n ->
let lhs_length = List.length lhs in
if lhs_length >= n then lhs
(* do not add states from [rhs] (assumed to be the *new* states in the case of a loop)
that are already implied by some state in the [lhs] *)
join_normalize_into rhs ~into:lhs
if lhs_length >= n then lhs else List.rev_append rhs lhs
let set_visited b disjuncts =
@ -123,20 +127,29 @@ module MakeHILDisjunctive (TransferFunctions : HILDisjReady) (DConfig : Disjunct
else List.map disjuncts ~f:(fun disjunct -> {disjunct with visited= b})
let rec ( <= ) ~lhs ~rhs =
if phys_equal lhs rhs then (* also takes care of the case [lhs = rhs = []] *) true
(* quick check: [lhs <= rhs] if [rhs] is [something @ lhs] *)
match rhs with [] -> false | _ :: rhs' -> ( <= ) ~lhs ~rhs:rhs'
(** check if elements of [disj] appear in [of_] in the same order, using pointer equality on
abstract states to compare elements quickly *)
let rec is_trivial_subset disj ~of_ =
match (disj, of_) with
| [], _ ->
| x :: disj', y :: of' when phys_equal x.astate y.astate ->
is_trivial_subset disj' ~of_:of'
| _, _ :: of' ->
is_trivial_subset disj ~of_:of'
| _, [] ->
let ( <= ) ~lhs ~rhs = phys_equal lhs rhs || is_trivial_subset lhs ~of_:rhs
let widen ~prev ~next ~num_iters =
let (`UnderApproximateAfterNumIterations max_iter) = DConfig.widen_policy in
if phys_equal prev next || num_iters > max_iter then set_visited false prev
let prev = set_visited true prev in
let post = join prev next in
if ( <= ) ~lhs:post ~rhs:prev then set_visited false post else post
let visited_prev = set_visited true prev in
let post = join_up_to_imply visited_prev next in
if ( <= ) ~lhs:post ~rhs:prev then set_visited false prev else post
let pp = Disjuncts.pp
@ -145,9 +158,12 @@ module MakeHILDisjunctive (TransferFunctions : HILDisjReady) (DConfig : Disjunct
let exec_instr pre_disjuncts extras node instr =
List.fold pre_disjuncts ~init:[] ~f:(fun post_disjuncts pre_disjunct ->
if pre_disjunct.visited then
(* SUBTLE: ignore pres that we know we have gone through already. This means that the
invariant map at that program point will be junk since they are going to miss some
states, but the overall result will still be ok because the loop heads are ok. *)
(* SUBTLE/WORST HACK EVER: ignore pres that we know we have gone through already. This
means that the invariant map at that program point will be junk since they are going to
miss some states, but the overall result will still be ok because the loop heads are
This should really be implemented in {!AbstractInterpreter}. *)
let disjuncts' = TransferFunctions.exec_instr pre_disjunct.astate extras node instr in

@ -283,9 +283,9 @@ let initial =
(** comparison between two elements of the domain to determine the [<=] relation
Given two states [lhs] and [rhs], try to find a bijection [lhs_to_rhs]/[rhs_to_lhs] between the
addresses of [lhs] and [rhs] such that [lhs_to_rhs(lhs)] contains (is a supergraph of) [rhs].
Given two states [lhs] and [rhs], try to find a bijection [lhs_to_rhs] (with inverse
[rhs_to_lhs]) between the addresses of [lhs] and [rhs] such that [lhs_to_rhs(reachable(lhs)) =
reachable(rhs)] (where addresses are reachable if they are reachable from stack variables). *)
module GraphComparison = struct
module AddressMap = PrettyPrintable.MakePPMap (AbstractAddress)
@ -339,101 +339,95 @@ module GraphComparison = struct
`NotAlreadyVisited mapping' )
type supergraph_relation =
| NotASupergraph (** no mapping was found that can make LHS bigger than RHS *)
| Supergraph of mapping (** [mapping(lhs)] is a supergraph of [rhs] *)
type isograph_relation =
| NotIsomorphic (** no mapping was found that can make LHS the same as the RHS *)
| IsomorphicUpTo of mapping (** [mapping(lhs)] is isomorphic to [rhs] *)
(** can we extend [mapping] so that the subgraph of [lhs] rooted at [addr_lhs] is a supergraph of
(** can we extend [mapping] so that the subgraph of [lhs] rooted at [addr_lhs] is isomorphic to
the subgraph of [rhs] rooted at [addr_rhs]? *)
let rec supergraph_map_from_address ~lhs ~addr_lhs ~rhs ~addr_rhs mapping =
let rec isograph_map_from_address ~lhs ~addr_lhs ~rhs ~addr_rhs mapping =
L.d_printfln "%a<->%a@\n" AbstractAddress.pp addr_lhs AbstractAddress.pp addr_rhs ;
match record_equal mapping ~addr_lhs ~addr_rhs with
| `AlreadyVisited ->
Supergraph mapping
IsomorphicUpTo mapping
| `AliasingRHS | `AliasingLHS ->
| `NotAlreadyVisited mapping -> (
match Memory.find_opt addr_rhs rhs.heap with
| None ->
(* nothing on the RHS: nothing more to check *)
Supergraph mapping
| Some (edges_rhs, attrs_rhs) -> (
match Memory.find_opt addr_lhs lhs.heap with
let get_non_empty_cell = function
| None ->
(* [RHS] is not a subgraph of [LHS] unless [addr_rhs] has no attributes and no edges
(could happen because of [register_address] or because we don't care to delete empty
edges when removing edges) *)
if Memory.Edges.is_empty edges_rhs && Attributes.is_empty attrs_rhs then
Supergraph mapping
else NotASupergraph
| Some (edges_lhs, attrs_lhs) ->
| Some (edges, attrs) when Memory.Edges.is_empty edges && Attributes.is_empty attrs ->
(* this can happen because of [register_address] or because we don't care to delete empty
edges when removing edges *)
| Some _ as some_cell ->
let lhs_cell_opt = Memory.find_opt addr_lhs lhs.heap |> get_non_empty_cell in
let rhs_cell_opt = Memory.find_opt addr_rhs rhs.heap |> get_non_empty_cell in
match (lhs_cell_opt, rhs_cell_opt) with
| None, None ->
IsomorphicUpTo mapping
| Some _, None | None, Some _ ->
| Some (edges_rhs, attrs_rhs), Some (edges_lhs, attrs_lhs) ->
(* continue the comparison recursively on all edges and attributes *)
if Attributes.subset attrs_rhs attrs_lhs then
if Attributes.equal attrs_rhs attrs_lhs then
let bindings_lhs = Memory.Edges.bindings edges_lhs in
let bindings_rhs = Memory.Edges.bindings edges_rhs in
supergraph_map_edges ~lhs ~edges_lhs:bindings_lhs ~rhs ~edges_rhs:bindings_rhs
else NotASupergraph ) )
isograph_map_edges ~lhs ~edges_lhs:bindings_lhs ~rhs ~edges_rhs:bindings_rhs mapping
else NotIsomorphic )
(** check that the supergraph relation can be extended for all edges *)
and supergraph_map_edges ~lhs ~edges_lhs ~rhs ~edges_rhs mapping =
(** check that the isograph relation can be extended for all edges *)
and isograph_map_edges ~lhs ~edges_lhs ~rhs ~edges_rhs mapping =
match (edges_lhs, edges_rhs) with
| _, [] ->
(* more edges on the LHS => supergraph *)
Supergraph mapping
| [], [] ->
IsomorphicUpTo mapping
| (a_lhs, (addr_lhs, _trace_lhs)) :: edges_lhs, (a_rhs, (addr_rhs, _trace_rhs)) :: edges_rhs
when Memory.Access.equal a_lhs a_rhs -> (
(* check supergraph relation from the destination addresses *)
match supergraph_map_from_address ~lhs ~addr_lhs ~rhs ~addr_rhs mapping with
| Supergraph mapping ->
(* check isograph relation from the destination addresses *)
match isograph_map_from_address ~lhs ~addr_lhs ~rhs ~addr_rhs mapping with
| IsomorphicUpTo mapping ->
(* ok: continue with the other edges *)
supergraph_map_edges ~lhs ~edges_lhs ~rhs ~edges_rhs mapping
| NotASupergraph ->
NotASupergraph )
| (a_lhs, _) :: edges_lhs, (a_rhs, _) :: _ when Memory.Access.compare a_lhs a_rhs < 0 ->
(* [a_lhs] is not present on the RHS: that's ok: the LHS knows more than the RHS *)
supergraph_map_edges ~lhs ~edges_lhs ~rhs ~edges_rhs mapping
| _, _ :: _ ->
(* [a_rhs] is not present on the LHS: that's not ok: the RHS knows more than the LHS *)
isograph_map_edges ~lhs ~edges_lhs ~rhs ~edges_rhs mapping
| NotIsomorphic ->
NotIsomorphic )
| _ :: _, _ :: _ | [], _ :: _ | _ :: _, [] ->
(** check that the memory graph induced by the addresses in [lhs] reachable from the variables in
[stack_lhs] is a supergraph of the same graph in [rhs] starting from [stack_rhs], up to some
[stack_lhs] is a isograph of the same graph in [rhs] starting from [stack_rhs], up to some
[mapping] *)
let rec supergraph_map_from_stack ~lhs ~stack_lhs ~rhs ~stack_rhs mapping =
let rec isograph_map_from_stack ~lhs ~stack_lhs ~rhs ~stack_rhs mapping =
match (stack_lhs, stack_rhs) with
| _, [] ->
Supergraph mapping
| [], [] ->
IsomorphicUpTo mapping
| ( (var_lhs, (addr_lhs, _trace_lhs)) :: stack_lhs
, (var_rhs, (addr_rhs, _trace_rhs)) :: stack_rhs )
when Var.equal var_lhs var_rhs -> (
match supergraph_map_from_address ~lhs ~addr_lhs ~rhs ~addr_rhs mapping with
| Supergraph mapping ->
supergraph_map_from_stack ~lhs ~stack_lhs ~rhs ~stack_rhs mapping
| NotASupergraph ->
NotASupergraph )
| (var_lhs, _) :: stack_lhs, (var_rhs, _) :: _ when Var.compare var_lhs var_rhs < 0 ->
(* [var_lhs] is not present on the RHS: that's ok: the LHS knows more than the RHS *)
supergraph_map_from_stack ~lhs ~stack_lhs ~rhs ~stack_rhs mapping
| _, _ :: _ ->
let supergraph_map ~lhs ~rhs mapping =
match isograph_map_from_address ~lhs ~addr_lhs ~rhs ~addr_rhs mapping with
| IsomorphicUpTo mapping ->
isograph_map_from_stack ~lhs ~stack_lhs ~rhs ~stack_rhs mapping
| NotIsomorphic ->
NotIsomorphic )
| _ :: _, _ :: _ | [], _ :: _ | _ :: _, [] ->
let isograph_map ~lhs ~rhs mapping =
let stack_lhs = Stack.bindings lhs.stack in
let stack_rhs = Stack.bindings rhs.stack in
supergraph_map_from_stack ~lhs ~rhs ~stack_lhs ~stack_rhs mapping
isograph_map_from_stack ~lhs ~rhs ~stack_lhs ~stack_rhs mapping
let is_supergraph ~lhs ~rhs mapping =
match supergraph_map ~lhs ~rhs mapping with Supergraph _ -> true | NotASupergraph -> false
let is_isograph ~lhs ~rhs mapping =
match isograph_map ~lhs ~rhs mapping with IsomorphicUpTo _ -> true | NotIsomorphic -> false
let ( <= ) ~lhs ~rhs =
(* [lhs] implies [rhs] if it knows more facts than [rhs] *)
phys_equal lhs rhs || GraphComparison.is_supergraph ~lhs ~rhs GraphComparison.empty_mapping
phys_equal lhs rhs || GraphComparison.is_isograph ~lhs ~rhs GraphComparison.empty_mapping
let pp fmt {heap; stack} =

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
codetoanalyze/cpp/pulse/basics.cpp, multiple_invalidations_branch_bad, 6, USE_AFTER_DELETE, no_bucket, ERROR, [invalidated by call to `delete ptr` at line 60 here,accessed `*(ptr)` here]
codetoanalyze/cpp/pulse/basics.cpp, multiple_invalidations_branch_bad, 6, USE_AFTER_DELETE, no_bucket, ERROR, [invalidated by call to `delete ptr` at line 58 here,accessed `*(ptr)` here]
codetoanalyze/cpp/pulse/basics.cpp, multiple_invalidations_loop_bad, 3, USE_AFTER_DELETE, no_bucket, ERROR, [invalidated by call to `delete ptr` at line 68 here,accessed `ptr` here]
codetoanalyze/cpp/pulse/closures.cpp, implicit_ref_capture_destroy_invoke_bad, 6, USE_AFTER_DESTRUCTOR, no_bucket, ERROR, [returned from call to `S_S(&(s),&(0$?%__sil_tmpSIL_materialize_temp__n$12))`,`&(s)` captured as `s`,invalidated by destructor call `S_~S(s)` at line 29 here,accessed `&(f)` here]
codetoanalyze/cpp/pulse/closures.cpp, ref_capture_destroy_invoke_bad, 6, USE_AFTER_DESTRUCTOR, no_bucket, ERROR, [returned from call to `S_S(&(s))`,`&(s)` captured as `s`,invalidated by destructor call `S_~S(s)` at line 20 here,accessed `&(f)` here]
codetoanalyze/cpp/pulse/join.cpp, invalidate_node_alias_bad, 12, USE_AFTER_DELETE, no_bucket, ERROR, [assigned to `result`,invalidated by call to `delete result` at line 35 here,accessed `*(result)` here]
codetoanalyze/cpp/pulse/join.cpp, invalidate_node_alias_bad, 12, USE_AFTER_DELETE, no_bucket, ERROR, [assigned to `result`,invalidated by call to `delete result` at line 30 here,accessed `*(result)` here]
codetoanalyze/cpp/pulse/returns.cpp, returns::return_deleted_bad, 4, USE_AFTER_DELETE, no_bucket, ERROR, [returned from call to `__new(sizeof(int))`,assigned to `x`,invalidated by call to `delete x` at line 112 here,accessed `x` here]
codetoanalyze/cpp/pulse/returns.cpp, returns::return_literal_stack_reference_bad, 0, STACK_VARIABLE_ADDRESS_ESCAPE, no_bucket, ERROR, []
codetoanalyze/cpp/pulse/returns.cpp, returns::return_stack_pointer_bad, 1, STACK_VARIABLE_ADDRESS_ESCAPE, no_bucket, ERROR, []
