@ -867,47 +867,47 @@ module CTrans_funct (F : CModule_type.CFrontend) : CModule_type.CTranslation = s
decl_ref_trans ~ context : DeclRefExpr trans_state stmt_info decl_ref
(* * evaluates an enum constant *)
and enum_const_eval context enum_constant_pointer prev_enum_constant_opt zero =
match CAst_utils . get_decl enum_constant_pointer with
and enum_constant_trans trans_state decl_ref =
let typ =
let { CContext . tenv } = trans_state . context in
let _ , _ , qual_type = CAst_utils . get_info_from_decl_ref decl_ref in
CType_decl . qual_type_to_sil_type tenv qual_type
let zero () = mk_trans_result ( Exp . Const ( Const . Cint IntLit . zero ) , typ ) empty_control in
(* translate enum declaration statements *)
let rec trans_enum_decl ~ prev_decl_pointer_opt decl_pointer =
match CAst_utils . get_decl decl_pointer with
| Some ( Clang_ast_t . EnumConstantDecl ( _ , _ , _ , enum_constant_decl_info ) ) -> (
match enum_constant_decl_info . Clang_ast_t . ecdi_init_expr with
| Some stmt ->
expression_trans context stmt
instruction trans_state stmt
| None -> (
match prev_enum_constant_opt with
| Some prev_constant_pointer ->
let previous_exp = get_enum_constant_expr context prev_constant _pointer in
CArithmetic_trans . sil_const_plus_one previous_ exp
match prev_decl_pointer _opt with
| Some prev_decl _pointer ->
let ( { return = exp , typ } as trans_result ) = trans_with_cache prev_decl _pointer in
{ trans_result with return = ( CArithmetic_trans . sil_const_plus_one exp, typ ) }
| None ->
zero ) )
zero () ) )
| _ ->
(* * get the sil value of the enum constant from the map or by evaluating it *)
and get_enum_constant_expr context enum_constant_pointer =
let zero = Exp . Const ( Const . Cint IntLit . zero ) in
zero ()
(* try looking up from cache before calling [trans_enum_decl] *)
and trans_with_cache decl_pointer =
let prev_enum_constant_opt , sil_exp_opt =
CAst_utils . get_enum_constant_exp_exn enum_constant_pointer
match sil_exp_opt with
let prev_decl_pointer_opt , cached_exp = CAst_utils . get_enum_constant_exp_exn decl_pointer in
match cached_exp with
| Some exp ->
mk_trans_result ( exp , typ ) empty_control
| None ->
let exp = enum_const_eval context enum_constant_pointer prev_enum_constant_opt zero in
CAst_utils . update_enum_map_exn enum_constant_pointer exp ;
with Not_found_s _ | Caml . Not_found -> zero
and enum_constant_trans trans_state decl_ref =
let context = trans_state . context in
let _ , _ , qual_type = CAst_utils . get_info_from_decl_ref decl_ref in
let typ = CType_decl . qual_type_to_sil_type context . CContext . tenv qual_type in
let const_exp = get_enum_constant_expr context decl_ref . Clang_ast_t . dr_decl_pointer in
mk_trans_result ( const_exp , typ ) empty_control
let trans_result = trans_enum_decl ~ prev_decl_pointer_opt decl_pointer in
( match fst trans_result . return with
| Exp . Const _ as exp ->
CAst_utils . update_enum_map_exn decl_pointer exp
| _ ->
() ) ;
with Not_found_s _ | Caml . Not_found -> zero ()
trans_with_cache decl_ref . Clang_ast_t . dr_decl_pointer
and arraySubscriptExpr_trans trans_state expr_info stmt_list =
@ -3898,12 +3898,6 @@ module CTrans_funct (F : CModule_type.CFrontend) : CModule_type.CTranslation = s
exec_trans_instrs trans_state stmt_trans_fun
and expression_trans context stmt =
let trans_state = CTrans_utils . default_trans_state context in
let res_trans_stmt = instruction trans_state stmt in
fst res_trans_stmt . return
let instructions_trans context body extra_instrs exit_node ~ is_destructor_wrapper =
let default_trans_state = CTrans_utils . default_trans_state context in
let trans_state = { default_trans_state with succ_nodes = [ exit_node ] } in