@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ open! IStd
module L = Logging
module F = Format
module YB = Yojson.Basic
module YBU = Yojson.Basic.Util
(* a flag used to make the method search signature sensitive *)
let use_signature = false
@ -241,18 +242,47 @@ let clang_test_to_run ~clang_range_map ~source_file () =
else acc )
let emit_tests_to_run relevant_tests =
let emit_tests_to_run_java relevant_tests =
let json = `List (List.map ~f:(fun t -> `String t) relevant_tests) in
let outpath = Config.results_dir ^/ Config.test_determinator_output in
YB.to_file outpath json
let emit_tests_to_run_clang source_file relevant_tests =
if not (List.is_empty relevant_tests) then (
let json = `List (List.map ~f:(fun t -> `String t) relevant_tests) in
let abbrev_source_file = DB.source_file_encoding source_file in
let test_determinator_results_path = Config.results_dir ^/ Config.test_determinator_results in
let outpath = test_determinator_results_path ^/ abbrev_source_file ^ ".json" in
Utils.create_dir test_determinator_results_path ;
Utils.write_json_to_file outpath json )
let compute_and_emit_test_to_run ?clang_range_map ?source_file () =
let relevant_tests =
match (clang_range_map, source_file) with
| Some clang_range_map, Some source_file ->
clang_test_to_run ~clang_range_map ~source_file ()
let relevant_tests = clang_test_to_run ~clang_range_map ~source_file () in
emit_tests_to_run_clang source_file relevant_tests
| _ ->
java_test_to_run ()
let relevant_tests = java_test_to_run () in
emit_tests_to_run_java relevant_tests
let merge_test_determinator_results () =
let main_results_list = ref [] in
let merge_json_results intermediate_result =
let changed_json =
try YB.from_file intermediate_result |> YBU.to_list with Sys_error _ -> []
main_results_list := List.append changed_json !main_results_list
let test_determinator_results_path = Config.results_dir ^/ Config.test_determinator_results in
let main_results_file = Config.results_dir ^/ Config.test_determinator_output in
Utils.directory_iter merge_json_results test_determinator_results_path ;
let main_results_list_sorted =
~compare:(fun s1 s2 ->
match (s1, s2) with `String s1, `String s2 -> String.compare s1 s2 | _ -> 0 )
emit_tests_to_run relevant_tests
YB.to_file main_results_file (`List main_results_list_sorted)