
Reviewed By: cristianoc

Differential Revision: D4232434

fbshipit-source-id: 3b183c6
Josh Berdine 8 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 9d1b495f57
commit 4ea3410b47

@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ let write_and_delete proc_name (proc_attributes: ProcAttributes.t) => {
Serialization.to_file serializer (attributes_file proc_attributes.is_defined) proc_attributes;
if proc_attributes.is_defined {
let fname_declared = DB.filename_to_string (attributes_file false);
if (Sys.file_exists fname_declared) {
if (Sys.file_exists fname_declared == `Yes) {
try (Unix.unlink fname_declared) {
| Unix.Unix_error _ => ()
@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ let find_file_capturing_procedure pname => source_file proc_attributes.ProcAttributes.loc.file != 0 ?
`Include : `Source;
let cfg_fname = DB.source_dir_get_internal_file source_dir ".cfg";
let cfg_fname_exists = Sys.file_exists (DB.filename_to_string cfg_fname);
let cfg_fname_exists = Sys.file_exists (DB.filename_to_string cfg_fname) == `Yes;
if cfg_fname_exists {
Some (source_file, origin)
} else {

@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ let () = {
if Config.print_builtins {
Builtin.print_and_exit ()
if (not (Sys.file_exists Config.results_dir)) {
if (Sys.file_exists Config.results_dir != `Yes) {
L.err "ERROR: results directory %s does not exist@.@." Config.results_dir;
Config.print_usage_exit ()

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ let print_usage_exit err_s => {
let load_specfiles () => {
let specs_files_in_dir dir => {
let is_specs_file fname =>
not (Sys.is_directory fname) && Filename.check_suffix fname Config.specs_files_suffix;
Sys.is_directory fname != `Yes && Filename.check_suffix fname Config.specs_files_suffix;
let all_filenames =
try (Array.to_list (Sys.readdir dir)) {
| Sys_error _ => []

@ -18,10 +18,7 @@ let json_files_to_ignore_regex = Str.regexp (
"\\|" ^ Str.quote aggregated_stats_by_target_filename ^ "\\)$"
let dir_exists dir =>
try (Sys.is_directory dir) {
| Sys_error _ => false
let dir_exists dir => Sys.is_directory dir == `Yes;
let find_json_files_in_dir dir => {
let is_valid_json_file path => {

@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ let collect_all_summaries root_summaries_dir stacktrace_file stacktraces_dir =
(fun summaries path ->
(* check if the file is a JSON file under the crashcontext dir *)
if not (Sys.is_directory path) && Filename.check_suffix path "json" &&
if (Sys.is_directory path) != `Yes && Filename.check_suffix path "json" &&
String.is_suffix ~suffix:"crashcontext" (Filename.dirname path)
then path :: summaries
else summaries)

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ type file_data =
(** get the path to the tenv file, which either one tenv file per source file or a global tenv file *)
let tenv_filename file_base =
let per_source_tenv_filename = DB.filename_add_suffix file_base ".tenv" in
if Sys.file_exists (DB.filename_to_string per_source_tenv_filename) then
if Sys.file_exists (DB.filename_to_string per_source_tenv_filename) = `Yes then

@ -283,8 +283,8 @@ let analyze = function
| Java | Javac ->
(* In Java and Javac modes, analysis is invoked from capture. *)
| Analyze | Ant | Buck | ClangCompilationDatabase | Genrule | Gradle | Make | Mvn | Ndk | Xcode ->
if not (Sys.file_exists Config.(results_dir // captured_dir_name)) then (
| Analyze | Ant | Buck | ClangCompilationDatabase | Gradle | Genrule | Make | Mvn | Ndk | Xcode ->
if (Sys.file_exists Config.(results_dir // captured_dir_name)) != `Yes then (
L.stderr "There was nothing to analyze, exiting" ;
Config.print_usage_exit ()

@ -106,10 +106,10 @@ let create_multilinks () =
let rec slink ~stats ~skiplevels src dst =
if debug >=3
then L.stderr "slink src:%s dst:%s skiplevels:%d@." src dst skiplevels;
if Sys.is_directory src
if Sys.is_directory src = `Yes
if not (Sys.file_exists dst)
if (Sys.file_exists dst) != `Yes
then Unix.mkdir dst ~perm:0o700;
let items = Sys.readdir src in
@ -139,22 +139,22 @@ let should_link ~target ~target_results_dir ~stats infer_out_src infer_out_dst =
file time_orig time_link;
time_link > time_orig in
let symlinks_up_to_date captured_file =
if Sys.is_directory captured_file then
if Sys.is_directory captured_file = `Yes then
let contents = Array.to_list (Sys.readdir captured_file) in
(fun file ->
let file_path = Filename.concat captured_file file in
Sys.file_exists file_path &&
Sys.file_exists file_path = `Yes &&
(not check_timestamp_of_symlinks || symlink_up_to_date file_path))
else true in
let check_file captured_file =
Sys.file_exists captured_file &&
Sys.file_exists captured_file = `Yes &&
symlinks_up_to_date captured_file in
let was_copied () =
let captured_src = Filename.concat infer_out_src Config.captured_dir_name in
let captured_dst = Filename.concat infer_out_dst Config.captured_dir_name in
if Sys.file_exists captured_src && Sys.is_directory captured_src
if Sys.file_exists captured_src = `Yes && Sys.is_directory captured_src = `Yes
let captured_files = Array.to_list (Sys.readdir captured_src) in

@ -548,7 +548,7 @@ let specs_models_filename pname =
DB.filename_from_string (Filename.concat Config.models_dir (specs_filename pname))
let summary_exists_in_models pname =
Sys.file_exists (DB.filename_to_string (specs_models_filename pname))
Sys.file_exists (DB.filename_to_string (specs_models_filename pname)) = `Yes
let summary_serializer : summary Serialization.serializer =
Serialization.create_serializer Serialization.summary_key

@ -83,7 +83,9 @@ let timeout_action _ =
unset_alarm ();
raise (SymOp.Analysis_failure_exe (FKtimeout))
let () = begin
let () =
(* Can't use Core since it wraps signal handlers with a catch-all exception handler that exits *)
let module Sys = Caml.Sys in
match Config.os_type with
| Config.Unix | Config.Cygwin ->
Sys.set_signal Sys.sigvtalrm (Sys.Signal_handle timeout_action);
@ -92,7 +94,6 @@ let () = begin
SymOp.set_wallclock_timeout_handler timeout_action;
(* use the Gc alarm for periodic timeout checks *)
ignore (Gc.create_alarm SymOp.check_wallclock_alarm)
let unwind () =
unset_alarm ();

@ -596,11 +596,11 @@ let parse ?(incomplete=false) ?(accept_unknown=false) ?config_file current_exe e
full_speclist := add_or_suppress_help (normalize !full_desc_list)
let env_args = decode_env_to_argv (try Sys.getenv args_env_var with Not_found -> "") in
let env_args = decode_env_to_argv (Core.Std.Option.value (Sys.getenv args_env_var) ~default:"") in
(* begin transitional support for INFERCLANG_ARGS *)
let c_args =
Str.split (Str.regexp_string (String.make 1 ':'))
(try Sys.getenv "INFERCLANG_ARGS" with Not_found -> "") in
(Core.Std.Option.value (Sys.getenv "INFERCLANG_ARGS") ~default:"") in
let env_args = c_args @ env_args in
(* end transitional support for INFERCLANG_ARGS *)
let exe_name = Sys.executable_name in

@ -392,22 +392,23 @@ let patterns_of_json_with_key json_key json =
(** The working directory of the initial invocation of infer, to which paths passed as command line
options are relative. *)
let init_work_dir, is_originator =
(Sys.getenv "INFER_CWD", false)
with Not_found ->
match Sys.getenv "INFER_CWD" with
| Some dir ->
(dir, false)
| None ->
let cwd =
(* Use PWD if it denotes the same inode as ., to try to avoid paths with symlinks resolved *)
(* Approach is borrowed from llvm implementation of *)
(* llvm::sys::fs::current_path (implemented in file) *)
let pwd = Sys.getenv "PWD" in
match Sys.getenv "PWD" with
| Some pwd ->
let pwd_stat = Unix.stat pwd in
let dot_stat = Unix.stat "." in
if pwd_stat.st_dev = dot_stat.st_dev && pwd_stat.st_ino = dot_stat.st_ino then
Sys.getcwd ()
with _ ->
| None ->
Sys.getcwd () in
let real_cwd = realpath cwd in
Unix.putenv ~key:"INFER_CWD" ~data:real_cwd;

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ let find_source_dirs () =
files in
IList.iter (fun fname ->
let dir = Filename.concat captured_dir fname in
if Sys.is_directory dir then add_cg_files_from_dir dir)
if Sys.is_directory dir = `Yes then add_cg_files_from_dir dir)
IList.rev !source_dirs
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ let filename_add_suffix fn s = fn ^ s
let chop_extension = Filename.chop_extension
let file_exists = Sys.file_exists
let file_exists path = Sys.file_exists path = `Yes
let file_remove = Sys.remove
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ let file_modified_time ?(symlink=false) fname =
let filename_create_dir fname =
let dirname = Filename.dirname fname in
if not (Sys.file_exists dirname)
if (Sys.file_exists dirname) != `Yes
then create_dir dirname
let read_whole_file fd =
@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ let fold_paths_matching ~dir ~p ~init ~f =
(fun acc file ->
let path = dir // file in
if Sys.is_directory path then (paths acc path)
if Sys.is_directory path = `Yes then (paths acc path)
else if p path then f path acc
else acc)

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ let lookup dir::dir =>
let resolve fname => {
let fname_s = DB.filename_to_string fname;
if (Sys.file_exists fname_s) {
if (Sys.file_exists fname_s == `Yes) {
} else {
let base = Filename.basename fname_s;

@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ let exists_cache = String.Table.create ~size:256 ()
let path_exists abs_path =
try String.Table.find_exn exists_cache abs_path
with Not_found ->
let result = Sys.file_exists abs_path in
let result = Sys.file_exists abs_path = `Yes in
String.Table.set exists_cache ~key:abs_path ~data:result;

@ -11,12 +11,32 @@
(** General utility functions and definition with global scope *)
module Bool = Core.Std.Bool
module Caml = Core.Std.Caml
module Filename = Core.Std.Filename
module In_channel = Core.Std.In_channel
module Int = Core.Std.Int
module Pid = Core.Std.Pid
module String = Core.Std.String
module Unix = Core.Std.Unix
module Signal = Core.Std.Signal
module Sys = struct
include Core.Std.Sys
(* Core_sys does not catch Unix_error ENAMETOOLONG, see *)
let file_exists ?follow_symlinks path =
try file_exists ?follow_symlinks path
with Unix.Unix_error _ -> `Unknown
let is_directory ?follow_symlinks path =
try is_directory ?follow_symlinks path
with Unix.Unix_error _ -> `Unknown
let is_file ?follow_symlinks path =
try is_file ?follow_symlinks path
with Unix.Unix_error _ -> `Unknown
module F = Format
@ -440,7 +460,7 @@ let directory_fold f init path =
let collect current_dir (accu, dirs) path =
let full_path = current_dir // path in
if Sys.is_directory full_path then
if Sys.is_directory full_path = `Yes then
(accu, full_path:: dirs)
(f accu full_path, dirs)
@ -452,7 +472,7 @@ let directory_fold f init path =
| d:: tl ->
let (new_accu, new_dirs) = Array.fold_left (collect d) (accu, tl) (Sys.readdir d) in
loop new_accu new_dirs in
if Sys.is_directory path then
if Sys.is_directory path = `Yes then
loop init [path]
f init path
@ -462,7 +482,7 @@ let directory_iter f path =
let apply current_dir dirs path =
let full_path = current_dir // path in
if Sys.is_directory full_path then
if Sys.is_directory full_path = `Yes then
full_path:: dirs
let () = f full_path in
@ -475,7 +495,7 @@ let directory_iter f path =
| d:: tl ->
let new_dirs = Array.fold_left (apply d) tl (Sys.readdir d) in
loop new_dirs in
if Sys.is_directory path then
if Sys.is_directory path = `Yes then
loop [path]
f path
@ -503,7 +523,7 @@ let string_append_crc_cutoff ?(cutoff=100) ?(key="") name =
name_up_to_cutoff ^ "." ^ crc_str
let read_optional_json_file path =
if Sys.file_exists path then
if Sys.file_exists path = `Yes then
Ok (Yojson.Basic.from_file path)
with Sys_error msg | Yojson.Json_error msg ->

@ -11,12 +11,15 @@
(** General utility functions *)
module Bool = Core.Std.Bool
module Caml = Core.Std.Caml
module Filename = Core.Std.Filename
module In_channel = Core.Std.In_channel
module Int = Core.Std.Int
module Pid = Core.Std.Pid
module String = Core.Std.String
module Unix = Core.Std.Unix
module Signal = Core.Std.Signal
module Sys : module type of Core.Std.Sys
(** {2 Generic Utility Functions} *)

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ let load_from_cache serializer zip_path cache_dir zip_library =
let absolute_path = Filename.concat cache_dir zip_path in
let deserialize = Serialization.from_file serializer in
let extract to_path =
if not (Sys.file_exists to_path) then
if (Sys.file_exists to_path) != `Yes then
Unix.mkdir_p (Filename.dirname to_path);
let lazy zip_channel = zip_library.zip_channel in
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ let zip_libraries =
IList.fold_left add_zip [] Config.specs_library in
if Config.checkers then
else if Sys.file_exists Config.models_jar then
else if Sys.file_exists Config.models_jar = `Yes then
(mk_zip_lib true Config.models_jar) :: zip_libs

@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ let run_plugin_and_frontend source_path frontend clang_args => {
Core.Std.Option.to_list (Core.Std.Sys.getenv CLOpt.args_env_var) @ [
Core.Std.Option.to_list (Sys.getenv CLOpt.args_env_var) @ [

@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ let collect_specs_filenames jar_filename =
let add_models jar_filename =
models_jar := jar_filename;
if Sys.file_exists !models_jar then
if Sys.file_exists !models_jar = `Yes then
collect_specs_filenames jar_filename
failwith "Java model file not found"
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ let split_classpath cp = Str.split (Str.regexp JFile.sep) cp
let append_path classpath path =
if Sys.file_exists path then
if Sys.file_exists path = `Yes then
let full_path = filename_to_absolute path in
if String.length classpath = 0 then

@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ let cache_classname cn =
split [] (Filename.dirname path) in
let rec mkdir l p =
let () =
if not (Sys.file_exists p) then
if (Sys.file_exists p) != `Yes then
Unix.mkdir p ~perm:493 in
match l with
| [] -> ()
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ let cache_classname cn =
close_out file_out
let is_classname_cached cn =
Sys.file_exists (path_of_cached_classname cn)
Sys.file_exists (path_of_cached_classname cn) = `Yes
(* Given a source file and a class, translates the code of this class.

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ open Javalib_pack
module L = Logging
let () =
match Config.models_mode, Sys.file_exists Config.models_jar with
match Config.models_mode, Sys.file_exists Config.models_jar == `Yes with
| true, false ->
| false, false ->
