@ -701,8 +701,11 @@ module Interprocedural = AbstractInterpreter.Interprocedural (Summary)
i . e . , something of type Idenv . t * Tenv . t * Typ . Procname . t * Procdesc . t
* )
module ResultsTableType = Caml . Map . Make ( struct
type t = Idenv . t * Tenv . t * Typ . Procname . t * Procdesc . t
let compare ( _ , _ , pn1 , _ ) ( _ , _ , pn2 , _ ) = Typ . Procname . compare pn1 pn2
type t = Tenv . t * Procdesc . t
let compare ( _ , pd1 ) ( _ , pd2 ) =
let pn1 = Procdesc . get_proc_name pd1
and pn2 = Procdesc . get_proc_name pd2 in
Typ . Procname . compare pn1 pn2
end )
(* we want to consider Builder classes and other safe immutablility-ensuring patterns as
@ -814,20 +817,23 @@ let is_thread_safe_method pdesc tenv =
( Procdesc . get_proc_name pdesc )
(* return true if we should report on unprotected accesses during the procedure *)
let should_report_on_proc ( _ , tenv , proc_name , proc_desc ) =
let should_report_on_proc ( tenv , proc_desc ) =
let proc_name = Procdesc . get_proc_name proc_desc in
is_thread_safe_method proc_desc tenv | |
( not ( Typ . Procname . java_is_autogen_method proc_name ) &&
Procdesc . get_access proc_desc < > PredSymb . Private &&
not ( Annotations . pdesc_return_annot_ends_with proc_desc Annotations . visibleForTesting ) )
let empty_post =
let initial_known_on_ui_thread = false
and has_lock = false
and return_attrs = ThreadSafetyDomain . AttributeSetDomain . empty in
( initial_known_on_ui_thread , has_lock , ThreadSafetyDomain . AccessDomain . empty , return_attrs )
let analyze_procedure callback =
let is_initializer tenv proc_name =
Typ . Procname . is_constructor proc_name | | FbThreadSafety . is_custom_init tenv proc_name in
let open ThreadSafetyDomain in
let has_lock = false in
let initial_known_on_ui_thread = false in
let return_attrs = AttributeSetDomain . empty in
let empty = initial_known_on_ui_thread , has_lock , AccessDomain . empty , return_attrs in
(* convert the abstract state to a summary by dropping the id map *)
let compute_post ( { ProcData . pdesc ; tenv ; extras ; } as proc_data ) =
if should_analyze_proc pdesc tenv
@ -874,14 +880,14 @@ let analyze_procedure callback =
Some empty in
Some empty _post in
Interprocedural . compute_and_store_post
~ compute_post
~ make_extras : FormalMap . make
callback with
| Some post -> post
| None -> empty
| None -> empty _post
let checker ( { Callbacks . summary } as callback_args ) : Specs . summary =
let proc_name = Specs . get_proc_name summary in
@ -889,23 +895,20 @@ let checker ({ Callbacks.summary } as callback_args) : Specs.summary =
Specs . get_summary_unsafe " ThreadSafety.checker " proc_name
(* creates a map from proc_envs to postconditions *)
let make_results_table get_proc_desc file_env =
let make_results_table file_env =
(* make a Map sending each element e of list l to ( f e ) *)
let map_post_computation_over_procs f l =
List . fold
~ f : ( fun m p -> ResultsTableType . add p ( f p ) m )
~ f : ( fun m ( ( _ , tenv , _ , proc_desc ) as p ) ->
let key = ( tenv , proc_desc ) in
ResultsTableType . add key ( f p ) m )
~ init : ResultsTableType . empty
l in
let compute_post_for_procedure = (* takes proc_env as arg *)
fun ( idenv , tenv , proc_name , proc_desc ) ->
fun ( _ , _ , proc_name , proc_desc ) ->
match Summary . read_summary proc_desc proc_name with
| Some summ -> summ
| None ->
let callback_arg =
let summary = Specs . get_summary_unsafe " compute_post_for_procedure " proc_name in
let get_procs_in_file _ = [] in
{ Callbacks . get_proc_desc ; get_procs_in_file ; idenv ; tenv ; summary ; proc_desc } in
analyze_procedure callback_arg in
| None -> empty_post in
map_post_computation_over_procs compute_post_for_procedure file_env
let get_current_class_and_threadsafe_superclasses tenv pname =
@ -1075,7 +1078,8 @@ let pp_accesses_sink fmt ~is_write_access sink =
(* trace is really a set of accesses *)
let report_thread_safety_violations
( _ , tenv , pname , pdesc ) ~ get_unsafe_accesses make_description trace threaded tab =
( tenv , pdesc ) ~ get_unsafe_accesses make_description trace threaded tab =
let pname = Procdesc . get_proc_name pdesc in
let open ThreadSafetyDomain in
let trace_of_pname callee_pname =
match Summary . read_summary pdesc callee_pname with
@ -1127,7 +1131,7 @@ let make_read_write_race_description
~ f : ( fun ( proc_env , _ , _ ) -> proc_env )
conflicts in
let conflicting_proc_names = List . map
~ f : ( fun ( _ , _ , proc_name , _ ) -> proc_name )
~ f : ( fun ( _ , proc_desc ) -> Procdesc . get_proc_name proc_desc )
conflicting_proc_envs in
let pp_proc_name_list fmt proc_names =
let pp_sep _ _ = F . fprintf fmt " , " in
@ -1218,7 +1222,7 @@ let should_report_on_file file_env =
* )
let process_results_table file_env tab =
let should_report_on_all_procs = should_report_on_file file_env in
let should_report ( ( _ , tenv , _ , pdesc ) as proc_env ) =
let should_report ( ( tenv , pdesc ) as proc_env ) =
( should_report_on_all_procs && should_report_on_proc proc_env ) | |
is_thread_safe_method pdesc tenv in
ResultsTableType . iter (* report errors for each method *)
@ -1258,5 +1262,5 @@ let process_results_table file_env tab =
(* Gathers results by analyzing all the methods in a file, then post-processes the results to check
an ( approximation of ) thread safety * )
let file_analysis _ _ get_procdesc file_env =
process_results_table file_env ( make_results_table get_procdesc file_env)
let file_analysis _ _ _ file_env =
process_results_table file_env ( make_results_table file_env)