@ -9,9 +9,22 @@ open! IStd
(* * Module for the checks called by Eradicate. *)
(* TODO ( T54088319 ) get rid of annotation_deprecated:
- move all usages related to nullability to nullsafe_type
- introduce " field flags " and move all other usages to this dedicated datatype
* )
type field_type = { annotation_deprecated : Annot . Item . t ; nullsafe_type : NullsafeType . t }
let get_field_annotation tenv fn typ =
let lookup = Tenv . lookup tenv in
Typ . Struct . get_field_type_and_annotation ~ lookup fn typ
let type_and_annotation_to_field_type ( typ , annotation ) =
{ annotation_deprecated = annotation
; nullsafe_type =
NullsafeType . { nullability = NullsafeType . nullability_of_annot_item annotation ; typ } }
Option . map
( Typ . Struct . get_field_type_and_annotation ~ lookup fn typ )
~ f : type_and_annotation_to_field_type
let report_error tenv = TypeErr . report_error tenv ( EradicateCheckers . report_error tenv )
@ -121,7 +134,7 @@ let check_nonzero tenv find_canonical_duplicate =
(* * Check an assignment to a field. *)
let check_field_assignment tenv find_canonical_duplicate curr_pdesc node instr_ref typestate
exp_lhs exp_rhs typ loc fname t_ia _opt typecheck_expr : unit =
exp_lhs exp_rhs typ loc fname field_type _opt typecheck_expr : unit =
let curr_pname = Procdesc . get_proc_name curr_pdesc in
let curr_pattrs = Procdesc . get_attributes curr_pdesc in
let t_lhs , ta_lhs , _ =
@ -135,9 +148,9 @@ let check_field_assignment tenv find_canonical_duplicate curr_pdesc node instr_r
let field_is_injector_readwrite () =
match t_ia _opt with
| Some (_ , ia ) ->
Annotations . ia_is_field_injector_readwrite ia
match field_type _opt with
| Some {annotation_deprecated } ->
Annotations . ia_is_field_injector_readwrite annotat ion_deprec ated
| _ ->
@ -171,7 +184,11 @@ let check_constructor_initialization tenv find_canonical_duplicate curr_pname cu
| Some { fields } ->
let do_field ( fn , ft , _ ) =
let annotated_with f =
match get_field_annotation tenv fn ts with None -> false | Some ( _ , ia ) -> f ia
match get_field_annotation tenv fn ts with
| None ->
| Some { annotation_deprecated } ->
f annotation_deprecated
let nullable_annotated = annotated_with Annotations . ia_is_nullable in
let injector_readonly_annotated =