@ -826,6 +826,12 @@ let parse ?config_file ~usage action initial_command =
let curr_usage = parse_args ~usage action ?initial_command cl_args in
add_parsed_args_to_args_to_export () ; curr_usage
(* we have to be careful not to add too much data to the environment because the size of the
environment contributes to the length of the command to be run. if the environment + CLI is too
big, running any command will fail with a cryptic "exit code 127" error. here, we hack around the
issue by refusing to add a string to the environment if it's sufficiently big (and praying that
this won't make the command fail). TODO (t20145863): use argfiles here *)
if List.is_empty !extra_env_args || String.length !args_to_export < 100000 then
Unix.putenv ~key:args_env_var ~data:!args_to_export ;
(!curr_command, curr_usage)