@ -136,8 +136,8 @@ module DiffLines = struct
let pp_profiler_sample_set fmt s =
let pp_profiler_sample_set fmt s =
F.fprintf fmt " (size = %i) " (JPS.ProfilerSample.cardinal s) ;
F.fprintf fmt " (set size = %i) " (JPS.ProfilerSample.cardinal s) ;
JPS.ProfilerSample.iter (fun m -> F.fprintf fmt "@\n > %a " Typ.Procname.pp m) s
JPS.ProfilerSample.iter (fun m -> F.fprintf fmt "@\n <Method:> %a " Typ.Procname.pp m) s
module TestSample = struct
module TestSample = struct
@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ let compute_affected_methods_clang source_file changed_lines_map method_range_ma
L.(debug TestDeterminator Medium) "found!@\n" ;
L.(debug TestDeterminator Medium) "found!@\n" ;
let affected_methods = affected_methods method_range_map fname changed_lines in
let affected_methods = affected_methods method_range_map fname changed_lines in
L.(debug TestDeterminator Medium)
L.(debug TestDeterminator Medium)
"== Resulting Affected Methods ==@\n%a@\n== End Affected Methods ==@\n"
"@\n@\n== Resulting Affected Methods ==%a@\n== End Affected Methods ==@\n\n"
pp_profiler_sample_set affected_methods ;
pp_profiler_sample_set affected_methods ;
| None ->
| None ->
@ -212,6 +212,9 @@ let compute_affected_methods_clang source_file changed_lines_map method_range_ma
let relevant_tests = ref []
let relevant_tests = ref []
(* Methods modified in a diff *)
let relevant_methods = ref []
let _get_relevant_test_to_run () = !relevant_tests
let _get_relevant_test_to_run () = !relevant_tests
let emit_tests_to_run () =
let emit_tests_to_run () =
@ -221,12 +224,26 @@ let emit_tests_to_run () =
L.progress "Tests to run: [%a]@\n" (Pp.seq ~sep:", " F.pp_print_string) !relevant_tests
L.progress "Tests to run: [%a]@\n" (Pp.seq ~sep:", " F.pp_print_string) !relevant_tests
let emit_relevant_methods () =
let methods = List.dedup_and_sort ~compare:String.compare !relevant_methods in
let json = `List (List.map ~f:(fun t -> `String t) methods) in
let outpath = Config.results_dir ^/ "diff_determinator.json" in
Yojson.Basic.to_file outpath json ;
L.progress "Methods modified in this Diff: [%a]@\n"
(Pp.seq ~sep:", " F.pp_print_string)
let init_clang cfg changed_lines_file test_samples_file =
let init_clang cfg changed_lines_file test_samples_file =
DiffLines.init_changed_lines_map changed_lines_file ;
DiffLines.init_changed_lines_map changed_lines_file ;
DiffLines.print_changed_lines () ;
DiffLines.print_changed_lines () ;
MethodRangeMap.create_clang_method_range_map cfg ;
MethodRangeMap.create_clang_method_range_map cfg ;
L.(debug TestDeterminator Medium) "%a@\n" MethodRangeMap.pp_map () ;
L.(debug TestDeterminator Medium) "%a@\n" MethodRangeMap.pp_map () ;
TestSample.init_test_sample test_samples_file ;
match test_samples_file with
| Some _ ->
TestSample.init_test_sample test_samples_file
| _ ->
() ;
L.(debug TestDeterminator Medium) "%a@\n" TestSample.pp_map () ;
L.(debug TestDeterminator Medium) "%a@\n" TestSample.pp_map () ;
initialized_test_determinator := true
initialized_test_determinator := true
@ -242,7 +259,7 @@ let init_java changed_lines_file test_samples_file code_graph_file =
(* test_to_run = { n | Affected_Method /\ ts_n != 0 } *)
(* test_to_run = { n | Affected_Method /\ ts_n != 0 } *)
let _test_to_run_clang source_file cfg changed_lines_file test_samples_file =
let test_to_run_clang source_file cfg changed_lines_file test_samples_file =
L.(debug TestDeterminator Quiet)
L.(debug TestDeterminator Quiet)
"****** Start Test Determinator for %s *****@\n"
"****** Start Test Determinator for %s *****@\n"
(SourceFile.to_string source_file) ;
(SourceFile.to_string source_file) ;
@ -251,6 +268,10 @@ let _test_to_run_clang source_file cfg changed_lines_file test_samples_file =
compute_affected_methods_clang source_file (DiffLines.changed_lines_map ())
compute_affected_methods_clang source_file (DiffLines.changed_lines_map ())
(MethodRangeMap.method_range_map ())
(MethodRangeMap.method_range_map ())
let affected_methods_list =
JPS.ProfilerSample.fold (fun m acc -> Typ.Procname.to_string m :: acc) affected_methods []
relevant_methods := List.append affected_methods_list !relevant_methods ;
let test_to_run =
let test_to_run =
if JPS.ProfilerSample.is_empty affected_methods then []
if JPS.ProfilerSample.is_empty affected_methods then []