[linereader] simplify and remove exceptions

Summary: Auditing exception handling so as to remove catch-all clauses that could potentially swallow exceptions from the restart scheduler.

Reviewed By: jvillard

Differential Revision: D28772739

fbshipit-source-id: 99a8d516d
Nikos Gorogiannis 4 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent 5d2ba44292
commit 55253a2763

@ -15,33 +15,19 @@ type t = (SourceFile.t, string array) Hashtbl.t
let create () = Hashtbl.create 1 let create () = Hashtbl.create 1
let read_file fname = let read_file fname =
let cin = In_channel.create fname in try In_channel.read_lines ~fix_win_eol:true fname |> Array.of_list |> Option.some
let lines = ref [] in with Sys_error _ -> None
while true do
let line_raw = In_channel.input_line_exn cin in
let line =
let len = String.length line_raw in
if len > 0 && Char.equal line_raw.[len - 1] '\r' then
String.sub line_raw ~pos:0 ~len:(len - 1)
else line_raw
lines := line :: !lines
done ;
assert false (* execution never reaches here *)
with End_of_file ->
In_channel.close cin ;
Array.of_list_rev !lines
let file_data (hash : t) fname = let file_data (hash : t) fname =
try Some (Hashtbl.find hash fname) match Hashtbl.find_opt hash fname with
with Caml.Not_found -> ( | None ->
try let open IOption.Let_syntax in
let lines_arr = read_file (SourceFile.to_abs_path fname) in let+ lines_arr = read_file (SourceFile.to_abs_path fname) in
Hashtbl.add hash fname lines_arr ; Hashtbl.add hash fname lines_arr ;
Some lines_arr lines_arr
with exn when SymOp.exn_not_failure exn -> None ) | res ->
let from_file_linenum hash fname linenum = let from_file_linenum hash fname linenum =
