@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ module MF = MarkupFormatter
type linter =
{ condition : CTLTypes . t
; issue_desc : CIssue . issue_desc
; issue_desc : CIssue . t
; whitelist_paths : ALVar . t list
; blacklist_paths : ALVar . t list }
@ -200,25 +200,31 @@ let string_to_issue_mode m =
L . die InternalError " Mode %s does not exist. Please specify ON/OFF " s
type parsed_issue_type =
{ name : string option
(* * building a {!CIssue.t} piece by piece *)
type issue_in_construction =
{ issue_type_doc_url : string option
; issue_type_name : string option
(* * issue name, if no name is given name will be a readable version of id, by removing
underscores and capitalizing first letters of words * )
; doc_url : string option }
; description : string
; mode : CIssue . mode
; loc : Location . t
; severity : Exceptions . severity
; suggestion : string option }
(* * Convert a parsed checker in list of linters *)
let create_parsed_linters linters_def_file checkers : linter list =
let open CIssue in
let open CTL in
L . ( debug Linters Medium ) " @ \n Converting checkers in (condition, issue) pairs@ \n " ;
let do_one_checker checker : linter =
let dummy_issue =
{ issue_type = { name = None ; doc_url = None }
let dummy_issue : issue_in_construction =
{ issue_type_doc_url = None
; issue_type_name = None
; description = " "
; suggestion = None
; loc = Location . dummy
; severity = Exceptions . Warning
; mode = CIssue . On }
; severity = Warning
; mode = On }
let issue_desc , condition , whitelist_paths , blacklist_paths =
let process_linter_definitions ( issue , cond , wl_paths , bl_paths ) description =
@ -234,15 +240,9 @@ let create_parsed_linters linters_def_file checkers : linter list =
| CDesc ( av , m ) when ALVar . is_mode_keyword av ->
( { issue with mode = string_to_issue_mode m } , cond , wl_paths , bl_paths )
| CDesc ( av , doc ) when ALVar . is_doc_url_keyword av ->
( { issue with issue_type = { issue . issue_type with doc_url = Some doc } }
, cond
, wl_paths
, bl_paths )
( { issue with issue_type_doc_url = Some doc } , cond , wl_paths , bl_paths )
| CDesc ( av , name ) when ALVar . is_name_keyword av ->
( { issue with issue_type = { issue . issue_type with name = Some name } }
, cond
, wl_paths
, bl_paths )
( { issue with issue_type_name = Some name } , cond , wl_paths , bl_paths )
| CPath ( ` WhitelistPath , paths ) ->
( issue , cond , paths , bl_paths )
| CPath ( ` BlacklistPath , paths ) ->
@ -260,13 +260,20 @@ let create_parsed_linters linters_def_file checkers : linter list =
let doc_url =
Option . first_some
( Config . get_linter_doc_url ~ linter_id : checker . id )
issue_desc . issue_type . doc_url
issue_desc . issue_type _ doc_url
IssueType . register_from_string ~ id : checker . id ? hum : issue_desc . issue_type . name ? doc_url
IssueType . register_from_string ~ id : checker . id ? hum : issue_desc . issue_type _ name ? doc_url
~ linters_def_file Linters
let issue_desc = { issue_desc with issue_type } in
L . ( debug Linters Medium ) " @ \n Issue_desc = %a@ \n " CIssue . pp_issue issue_desc ;
let issue_desc =
{ CIssue . issue_type
; description = issue_desc . description
; mode = issue_desc . mode
; loc = issue_desc . loc
; severity = issue_desc . severity
; suggestion = issue_desc . suggestion }
L . debug Linters Medium " @ \n Issue_desc = %a@ \n " CIssue . pp issue_desc ;
{ condition ; issue_desc ; whitelist_paths ; blacklist_paths }
List . map ~ f : do_one_checker checkers
@ -473,8 +480,7 @@ let expand_checkers macro_map path_map checkers =
let issue_log = ref IssueLog . empty
(* * Add a frontend warning with a description desc at location loc to the errlog of a proc desc *)
let log_frontend_issue method_decl_opt ( node : Ctl_parser_types . ast_node )
( issue_desc : CIssue . issue_desc ) =
let log_frontend_issue method_decl_opt ( node : Ctl_parser_types . ast_node ) ( issue_desc : CIssue . t ) =
let procname =
match method_decl_opt with
| Some method_decl ->
@ -501,8 +507,7 @@ let log_frontend_issue method_decl_opt (node : Ctl_parser_types.ast_node)
~ node_key
let fill_issue_desc_info_and_log context ~ witness ~ current_node ( issue_desc : CIssue . issue_desc ) loc
let fill_issue_desc_info_and_log context ~ witness ~ current_node ( issue_desc : CIssue . t ) loc =
let process_message message =
remove_new_lines_and_whitespace ( expand_message_string context message current_node )