@ -814,30 +814,41 @@ module Call = struct
args_matcher $* exact_args_or_retry wrong_args_internal_error $* - -> f
args_matcher $* exact_args_or_retry wrong_args_internal_error $* - -> f
module TypName = struct
module type NameCommon = sig
include Common
include Common
type ' f matcher = { on_templated_name : templated_name -> ' f option }
val ( > - -> ) :
( ' f_in , ' f_out , ' captured_types , unit , ' markers , _ ) templ_matcher -> ' f_in -> ' f_out matcher
type ' f dispatcher = Typ . name -> ' f option
val ( < > - -> ) :
( ' f_in , ' f_out , ' captured_types , unit , ' markers ) name_matcher -> ' f_in -> ' f_out matcher
val ( & - -> ) :
( ' f_in , ' f_out , ' captured_types , unit , ' markers ) name_matcher -> ' f_in -> ' f_out matcher
val ( & :: . * - -> ) :
( ' f_in , ' f_out , ' captured_types , unit , ' markers ) name_matcher -> ' f_in -> ' f_out matcher
(* * After a name, accepts ALL template arguments, accepts ALL path tails ( names, templates ) ,
accepts ALL function arguments , binds the function * )
module NameCommon = struct
include Common
type ' f matcher =
{ on_templated_name : templated_name -> ' f option ; on_objc_cpp : objc_cpp -> ' f option }
let make_matcher : ( ' f_in , ' f_out , _ , _ , _ , non_empty ) path_matcher -> ' f_in -> ' f_out matcher =
let make_matcher : ( ' f_in , ' f_out , _ , _ , _ , non_empty ) path_matcher -> ' f_in -> ' f_out matcher =
fun m f ->
fun m f ->
let { on_templated_name } : ( ' f_in , ' f_out , _ , _ , _ , non_empty ) path_matcher = m in
let { on_templated_name ; path_extra = PathNonEmpty { on_objc_cpp } }
: ( ' f_in , ' f_out , _ , _ , _ , non_empty ) path_matcher =
let on_templated_name templated_name =
let on_templated_name templated_name =
templated_name | > on_templated_name f | > Option . map ~ f : fst
templated_name | > on_templated_name f | > Option . map ~ f : fst
{ on_templated_name }
let on_objc_cpp objc_cpp = objc_cpp | > on_objc_cpp f | > Option . map ~ f : fst in
{ on_templated_name ; on_objc_cpp }
let make_dispatcher : ' f matcher list -> ' f dispatcher =
fun matchers typname ->
match templated_name_of_class_name typname with
| exception DoNotHandleJavaYet ->
| templated_name ->
List . find_map matchers ~ f : ( fun ( matcher : _ matcher ) ->
matcher . on_templated_name templated_name )
let ( & - -> ! ) path_matcher f = make_matcher path_matcher f
let ( & - -> ! ) path_matcher f = make_matcher path_matcher f
@ -850,3 +861,38 @@ module TypName = struct
let ( & :: . * - -> ) name_matcher f = name_matcher < .. . > ! () & :: . * ! () & - -> ! f
let ( & :: . * - -> ) name_matcher f = name_matcher < .. . > ! () & :: . * ! () & - -> ! f
module ProcName = struct
include NameCommon
type ' f dispatcher = Typ . Procname . t -> ' f option
let make_dispatcher : ' f matcher list -> ' f dispatcher =
fun matchers ->
let on_objc_cpp objc_cpp =
List . find_map matchers ~ f : ( fun ( matcher : _ matcher ) -> matcher . on_objc_cpp objc_cpp )
let on_c ( c : c ) =
let template_args = template_args_of_template_spec_info c . template_args in
let templated_name = ( c . name , template_args ) in
List . find_map matchers ~ f : ( fun ( matcher : _ matcher ) ->
matcher . on_templated_name templated_name )
fun procname ->
match procname with ObjC_Cpp objc_cpp -> on_objc_cpp objc_cpp | C c -> on_c c | _ -> None
module TypName = struct
include NameCommon
type ' f dispatcher = Typ . name -> ' f option
let make_dispatcher : ' f matcher list -> ' f dispatcher =
fun matchers typname ->
match templated_name_of_class_name typname with
| exception DoNotHandleJavaYet ->
| templated_name ->
List . find_map matchers ~ f : ( fun ( matcher : _ matcher ) ->
matcher . on_templated_name templated_name )