[pulse] check that new arithmetic facts are consistent with the heap

Communicate new facts from the arithmetic domain to the memory domain to
detect contradictions between the two.

Reviewed By: jberdine

Differential Revision: D24832079

fbshipit-source-id: 2caf8e9af
Jules Villard 4 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent 47e9f8ffec
commit 578583f2ab

@ -431,11 +431,47 @@ let invalidate_locals pdesc astate : t =
type summary = t [@@deriving yojson_of]
let is_allocated {post; pre} v =
let is_heap_allocated base_mem v =
BaseMemory.find_opt v base_mem.heap
|> Option.exists ~f:(fun edges -> not (BaseMemory.Edges.is_empty edges))
let is_pvar = function Var.ProgramVar _ -> true | Var.LogicalVar _ -> false in
let is_stack_allocated base_mem v =
(fun var (address, _) -> is_pvar var && AbstractValue.equal address v)
(* OPTIM: the post stack contains at least the pre stack so no need to check both *)
is_heap_allocated (post :> BaseDomain.t) v
|| is_heap_allocated (pre :> BaseDomain.t) v
|| is_stack_allocated (post :> BaseDomain.t) v
let incorporate_new_eqs astate (phi, new_eqs) =
List.fold_until new_eqs ~init:phi ~finish:Fn.id ~f:(fun phi (new_eq : PulseFormula.new_eq) ->
match new_eq with
| EqZero v when is_allocated astate v ->
L.d_printfln "CONTRADICTION: %a = 0 but is allocated" AbstractValue.pp v ;
Stop PathCondition.false_
| Equal (v1, v2)
when (not (AbstractValue.equal v1 v2)) && is_allocated astate v1 && is_allocated astate v2
L.d_printfln "CONTRADICTION: %a = %a but both are separately allocated" AbstractValue.pp
v1 AbstractValue.pp v2 ;
Stop PathCondition.false_
| _ ->
Continue phi )
let summary_of_post pdesc astate =
let astate = filter_for_summary astate in
let astate, live_addresses, _ = discard_unreachable astate in
let astate =
{astate with path_condition= PathCondition.simplify ~keep:live_addresses astate.path_condition}
{ astate with
PathCondition.simplify ~keep:live_addresses astate.path_condition
|> incorporate_new_eqs astate }
invalidate_locals pdesc astate

@ -172,3 +172,9 @@ val set_post_edges : AbstractValue.t -> BaseMemory.Edges.t -> t -> t
val set_post_cell : AbstractValue.t * ValueHistory.t -> BaseDomain.cell -> Location.t -> t -> t
(** directly set the edges and attributes for the given address, bypassing abduction altogether *)
val incorporate_new_eqs : t -> PathCondition.t * PathCondition.new_eqs -> PathCondition.t
(** Check that the new equalities discovered are compatible with the current pre and post heaps,
e.g. [x = 0] is not compatible with [x] being allocated, and [x = y] is not compatible with [x]
and [y] being allocated separately. In those cases, the resulting path condition is
{!PathCondition.false_}. *)

@ -10,7 +10,9 @@ open PulseBasicInterface
module AbductiveDomain = PulseAbductiveDomain
let map_path_condition ~f astate =
AbductiveDomain.set_path_condition (f astate.AbductiveDomain.path_condition) astate
(f astate.AbductiveDomain.path_condition |> AbductiveDomain.incorporate_new_eqs astate)
let and_nonnegative v astate =
@ -41,6 +43,7 @@ let eval_unop unop_addr unop addr astate =
let prune_binop ~negated bop lhs_op rhs_op astate =
let phi' =
PathCondition.prune_binop ~negated bop lhs_op rhs_op astate.AbductiveDomain.path_condition
|> AbductiveDomain.incorporate_new_eqs astate
AbductiveDomain.set_path_condition phi' astate
@ -50,7 +53,10 @@ let is_known_zero astate v = PathCondition.is_known_zero astate.AbductiveDomain.
let is_unsat_cheap astate = PathCondition.is_unsat_cheap astate.AbductiveDomain.path_condition
let is_unsat_expensive astate =
let phi', is_unsat = PathCondition.is_unsat_expensive astate.AbductiveDomain.path_condition in
let phi', is_unsat, new_eqs =
PathCondition.is_unsat_expensive astate.AbductiveDomain.path_condition
let phi' = AbductiveDomain.incorporate_new_eqs astate (phi', new_eqs) in
(AbductiveDomain.set_path_condition phi' astate, is_unsat)

@ -980,6 +980,10 @@ module VarUF =
type new_eq = EqZero of Var.t | Equal of Var.t * Var.t
type new_eqs = new_eq list
module Formula = struct
(* redefined for yojson output *)
type var_eqs = VarUF.t
@ -1021,15 +1025,15 @@ module Formula = struct
(** module that breaks invariants more often that the rest, with an interface that is safer to use *)
module Normalizer : sig
val and_var_linarith : Var.t -> LinArith.t -> t -> t normalized
val and_var_linarith : Var.t -> LinArith.t -> t * new_eqs -> (t * new_eqs) normalized
val and_var_var : Var.t -> Var.t -> t -> t normalized
val and_var_var : Var.t -> Var.t -> t * new_eqs -> (t * new_eqs) normalized
val and_atom : Atom.t -> t -> t normalized
val and_atom : Atom.t -> t * new_eqs -> (t * new_eqs) normalized
val normalize_atom : t -> Atom.t -> Atom.t option normalized
val normalize : t -> t normalized
val normalize : t -> (t * new_eqs) normalized
val implies_atom : t -> Atom.t -> bool
end = struct
@ -1075,44 +1079,53 @@ module Formula = struct
LinSubst l' )
let rec solve_normalized_eq ~fuel l1 l2 phi =
let add_lin_eq_to_new_eqs v l new_eqs =
match LinArith.get_as_const l with
| Some q when Q.is_zero q ->
EqZero v :: new_eqs
| _ ->
let rec solve_normalized_eq ~fuel new_eqs l1 l2 phi =
LinArith.solve_eq l1 l2
>>= function
| None ->
Sat phi
Sat (phi, [])
| Some (v, l) -> (
match LinArith.get_as_var l with
| Some v' ->
merge_vars ~fuel (v :> Var.t) v' phi
merge_vars ~fuel new_eqs (v :> Var.t) v' phi
| None -> (
match Var.Map.find_opt (v :> Var.t) phi.linear_eqs with
| None ->
let new_eqs = add_lin_eq_to_new_eqs v l new_eqs in
(* this can break the (as a result non-)invariant that variables in the domain of
[linear_eqs] do not appear in the range of [linear_eqs] *)
Sat {phi with linear_eqs= Var.Map.add (v :> Var.t) l phi.linear_eqs}
Sat ({phi with linear_eqs= Var.Map.add (v :> Var.t) l phi.linear_eqs}, new_eqs)
| Some l' ->
(* This is the only step that consumes fuel: discovering an equality [l = l']: because we
do not record these anywhere (except when there consequence can be recorded as [y =
do not record these anywhere (except when their consequence can be recorded as [y =
l''] or [y = y'], we could potentially discover the same equality over and over and
diverge otherwise. Or could we? *)
(* [l'] is possibly not normalized w.r.t. the current [phi] so take this opportunity to
normalize it *)
if fuel > 0 then (
L.d_printfln "Consuming fuel solving linear equality (from %d)" fuel ;
solve_normalized_eq ~fuel:(fuel - 1) l (apply phi l') phi )
solve_normalized_eq ~fuel:(fuel - 1) new_eqs l (apply phi l') phi )
else (
(* [fuel = 0]: give up simplifying further for fear of diverging *)
L.d_printfln "Ran out of fuel solving linear equality" ;
Sat phi ) ) )
Sat (phi, new_eqs) ) ) )
and merge_vars ~fuel v1 v2 phi =
and merge_vars ~fuel new_eqs v1 v2 phi =
let var_eqs, subst_opt = VarUF.union phi.var_eqs v1 v2 in
let phi = {phi with var_eqs} in
match subst_opt with
| None ->
(* we already knew the equality *)
Sat phi
Sat (phi, new_eqs)
| Some (v_old, v_new) -> (
(* new equality [v_old = v_new]: we need to update a potential [v_old = l] to be [v_new =
l], and if [v_new = l'] was known we need to also explore the consequences of [l = l'] *)
@ -1123,6 +1136,7 @@ module Formula = struct
normalization steps: when the stronger invariant holds we can normalize in one step (in
[normalize_linear_eqs]). *)
let v_new = (v_new :> Var.t) in
let new_eqs = Equal (v_old, v_new) :: new_eqs in
let phi, l_new =
match Var.Map.find_opt v_new phi.linear_eqs with
| None ->
@ -1146,46 +1160,47 @@ module Formula = struct
match (l_old, l_new) with
| None, None | None, Some _ ->
Sat phi
Sat (phi, new_eqs)
| Some l, None ->
Sat {phi with linear_eqs= Var.Map.add v_new l phi.linear_eqs}
let new_eqs = add_lin_eq_to_new_eqs v_new l new_eqs in
Sat ({phi with linear_eqs= Var.Map.add v_new l phi.linear_eqs}, new_eqs)
| Some l1, Some l2 ->
(* no need to consume fuel here as we can only go through this branch finitely many
times because there are finitely many variables in a given formula *)
(* TODO: we may want to keep the "simpler" representative for [v_new] between [l1] and [l2] *)
solve_normalized_eq ~fuel l1 l2 phi )
solve_normalized_eq ~fuel new_eqs l1 l2 phi )
(** an arbitrary value *)
let base_fuel = 5
let solve_eq t1 t2 phi = solve_normalized_eq ~fuel:base_fuel (apply phi t1) (apply phi t2) phi
let solve_eq new_eqs t1 t2 phi =
solve_normalized_eq ~fuel:base_fuel new_eqs (apply phi t1) (apply phi t2) phi
let and_var_linarith v l phi = solve_eq l (LinArith.of_var v) phi
let and_var_var v1 v2 phi = merge_vars ~fuel:base_fuel v1 v2 phi
let and_var_linarith v l (phi, new_eqs) = solve_eq new_eqs l (LinArith.of_var v) phi
let rec normalize_linear_eqs ~fuel phi0 =
let* changed, phi' =
let rec normalize_linear_eqs ~fuel (phi0, new_eqs) =
let* changed, phi_new_eqs' =
(* reconstruct the relation from scratch *)
(fun v l acc ->
let* changed, phi = acc in
let* changed, phi_new_eqs = acc in
let l' = apply phi0 l in
let+ phi' = and_var_linarith v l' phi in
(changed || not (phys_equal l l'), phi') )
let+ phi_new_eqs' = and_var_linarith v l' phi_new_eqs in
(changed || not (phys_equal l l'), phi_new_eqs') )
(Sat (false, {phi0 with linear_eqs= Var.Map.empty}))
(Sat (false, ({phi0 with linear_eqs= Var.Map.empty}, new_eqs)))
if changed then
if fuel > 0 then (
(* do another pass if we can afford it *)
L.d_printfln "consuming fuel normalizing linear equalities (from %d)" fuel ;
normalize_linear_eqs ~fuel:(fuel - 1) phi' )
normalize_linear_eqs ~fuel:(fuel - 1) phi_new_eqs' )
else (
L.d_printfln "ran out of fuel normalizing linear equalities" ;
Sat phi' )
else Sat phi0
Sat phi_new_eqs' )
else Sat (phi0, new_eqs)
let normalize_atom phi (atom : Atom.t) =
@ -1204,54 +1219,60 @@ module Formula = struct
(** return [(new_linear_equalities, phi ∧ atom)], where [new_linear_equalities] is [true] if
[phi.linear_eqs] was changed as a result *)
let and_atom atom phi =
let and_atom atom (phi, new_eqs) =
normalize_atom phi atom
>>= function
| None ->
Sat (false, phi)
Sat (false, (phi, new_eqs))
| Some (Atom.Equal (Linear l, Const c)) | Some (Atom.Equal (Const c, Linear l)) ->
(* NOTE: {!normalize_atom} calls {!Atom.eval}, which normalizes linear equalities so
they end up only on one side, hence only this match case is needed to detect linear
equalities *)
let+ phi' = solve_eq l (LinArith.of_q c) phi in
(true, phi')
let+ phi', new_eqs = solve_eq new_eqs l (LinArith.of_q c) phi in
(true, (phi', new_eqs))
| Some atom' ->
Sat (false, {phi with atoms= Atom.Set.add atom' phi.atoms})
Sat (false, ({phi with atoms= Atom.Set.add atom' phi.atoms}, new_eqs))
let normalize_atoms phi =
let normalize_atoms (phi, new_eqs) =
let atoms0 = phi.atoms in
let init = Sat (false, {phi with atoms= Atom.Set.empty}) in
let init = Sat (false, ({phi with atoms= Atom.Set.empty}, new_eqs)) in
IContainer.fold_of_pervasives_set_fold Atom.Set.fold atoms0 ~init ~f:(fun acc atom ->
let* changed, phi = acc in
let+ changed', phi = and_atom atom phi in
(changed || changed', phi) )
let* changed, phi_new_eqs = acc in
let+ changed', phi_new_eqs = and_atom atom phi_new_eqs in
(changed || changed', phi_new_eqs) )
(* interface *)
let normalize phi =
let normalize phi0 =
(* NOTE: we may consume a quadratic amount of [fuel] here since the fuel here is not consumed by
[normalize_linear_eqs] (i.e. [normalize_linear_eqs] does not return the remaining
fuel). That's ok because there's not much fuel to begin with, and as long as we're making
progress it's probably worth it anyway. *)
let rec normalize_with_fuel ~fuel phi =
let rec normalize_with_fuel ~fuel phi_new_eqs =
if fuel <= 0 then (
L.d_printfln "ran out of fuel when normalizing" ;
Sat phi )
Sat phi_new_eqs )
let* new_linear_eqs, phi = normalize_linear_eqs ~fuel phi >>= normalize_atoms in
let* new_linear_eqs, phi_new_eqs' =
normalize_linear_eqs ~fuel phi_new_eqs >>= normalize_atoms
if new_linear_eqs then (
L.d_printfln "new linear equalities, consuming fuel (from %d)" fuel ;
normalize_with_fuel ~fuel:(fuel - 1) phi )
else Sat phi
normalize_with_fuel ~fuel:(fuel - 1) phi_new_eqs' )
else Sat phi_new_eqs'
normalize_with_fuel ~fuel:base_fuel phi
normalize_with_fuel ~fuel:base_fuel (phi0, [])
let and_atom atom phi_new_eqs = and_atom atom phi_new_eqs >>| snd
let and_atom atom phi = and_atom atom phi >>| snd
let and_var_var v1 v2 (phi, new_eqs) = merge_vars ~fuel:base_fuel new_eqs v1 v2 phi
let implies_atom phi atom =
(* [φ ⊢ a] iff [φ ∧ ¬a] is inconsistent *)
match and_atom (Atom.nnot atom) phi with Sat _ -> false | Unsat -> true
match and_atom (Atom.nnot atom) (phi, []) with Sat _ -> false | Unsat -> true
@ -1276,9 +1297,9 @@ let pp = pp_with_pp_var Var.pp
let and_known_atom atom phi =
let open SatUnsatMonad in
let* known = Formula.Normalizer.and_atom atom phi.known in
let+ both = Formula.Normalizer.and_atom atom phi.both in
{phi with known; both}
let* known, _ = Formula.Normalizer.and_atom atom (phi.known, []) in
let+ both, new_eqs = Formula.Normalizer.and_atom atom (phi.both, []) in
({phi with known; both}, new_eqs)
let and_mk_atom mk_atom op1 op2 phi =
@ -1306,7 +1327,7 @@ let prune_binop ~negated (bop : Binop.t) x y phi =
let ty = Term.of_operand y in
let t = Term.of_binop bop tx ty in
let atom = if negated then Atom.Equal (t, Term.zero) else Atom.NotEqual (t, Term.zero) in
let* both = Formula.Normalizer.and_atom atom phi.both in
let* both, new_eqs = Formula.Normalizer.and_atom atom (phi.both, []) in
let+ pruned =
(* Use [both] to normalize [atom] here to take previous [prune]s into account. This shouldn't
change whether [known |- pruned] overall, which is what we'll want to ultimately check in
@ -1314,13 +1335,13 @@ let prune_binop ~negated (bop : Binop.t) x y phi =
Formula.Normalizer.normalize_atom phi.both atom
>>| Option.fold ~init:phi.pruned ~f:(fun pruned atom -> Atom.Set.add atom pruned)
{phi with pruned; both}
({phi with pruned; both}, new_eqs)
let normalize phi =
let open SatUnsatMonad in
let* both = Formula.Normalizer.normalize phi.both in
let* known = Formula.Normalizer.normalize phi.known in
let* both, new_eqs = Formula.Normalizer.normalize phi.both in
let* known, _ = Formula.Normalizer.normalize phi.known in
let+ pruned =
(fun atom pruned_sat ->
@ -1334,7 +1355,7 @@ let normalize phi =
Sat (Atom.Set.add atom pruned) )
phi.pruned (Sat Atom.Set.empty)
{both; known; pruned}
({both; known; pruned}, new_eqs)
(** translate each variable in [phi_foreign] according to [f] then incorporate each fact into [phi0] *)
@ -1348,42 +1369,42 @@ let and_fold_subst_variables phi0 ~up_to_f:phi_foreign ~init ~f:f_var =
let sat_value_exn (norm : 'a normalized) =
match norm with Unsat -> raise Contradiction | Sat x -> x
let and_var_eqs var_eqs_foreign acc_phi =
VarUF.fold_congruences var_eqs_foreign ~init:acc_phi
~f:(fun (acc_f, phi) (repr_foreign, vs_foreign) ->
let and_var_eqs var_eqs_foreign acc_phi_new_eqs =
VarUF.fold_congruences var_eqs_foreign ~init:acc_phi_new_eqs
~f:(fun (acc_f, phi_new_eqs) (repr_foreign, vs_foreign) ->
let acc_f, repr = f_var acc_f (repr_foreign :> Var.t) in
IContainer.fold_of_pervasives_set_fold Var.Set.fold vs_foreign ~init:(acc_f, phi)
~f:(fun (acc_f, phi) v_foreign ->
IContainer.fold_of_pervasives_set_fold Var.Set.fold vs_foreign ~init:(acc_f, phi_new_eqs)
~f:(fun (acc_f, phi_new_eqs) v_foreign ->
let acc_f, v = f_var acc_f v_foreign in
let phi = Formula.Normalizer.and_var_var repr v phi |> sat_value_exn in
(acc_f, phi) ) )
let phi_new_eqs = Formula.Normalizer.and_var_var repr v phi_new_eqs |> sat_value_exn in
(acc_f, phi_new_eqs) ) )
let and_linear_eqs linear_eqs_foreign acc_phi =
IContainer.fold_of_pervasives_map_fold Var.Map.fold linear_eqs_foreign ~init:acc_phi
~f:(fun (acc_f, phi) (v_foreign, l_foreign) ->
let and_linear_eqs linear_eqs_foreign acc_phi_new_eqs =
IContainer.fold_of_pervasives_map_fold Var.Map.fold linear_eqs_foreign ~init:acc_phi_new_eqs
~f:(fun (acc_f, phi_new_eqs) (v_foreign, l_foreign) ->
let acc_f, v = f_var acc_f v_foreign in
let acc_f, l = LinArith.fold_subst_variables l_foreign ~init:acc_f ~f:f_subst in
let phi = Formula.Normalizer.and_var_linarith v l phi |> sat_value_exn in
(acc_f, phi) )
let phi_new_eqs = Formula.Normalizer.and_var_linarith v l phi_new_eqs |> sat_value_exn in
(acc_f, phi_new_eqs) )
let and_atoms atoms_foreign acc_phi =
IContainer.fold_of_pervasives_set_fold Atom.Set.fold atoms_foreign ~init:acc_phi
~f:(fun (acc_f, phi) atom_foreign ->
let and_atoms atoms_foreign acc_phi_new_eqs =
IContainer.fold_of_pervasives_set_fold Atom.Set.fold atoms_foreign ~init:acc_phi_new_eqs
~f:(fun (acc_f, phi_new_eqs) atom_foreign ->
let acc_f, atom = Atom.fold_subst_variables atom_foreign ~init:acc_f ~f:f_subst in
let phi = Formula.Normalizer.and_atom atom phi |> sat_value_exn in
(acc_f, phi) )
let phi_new_eqs = Formula.Normalizer.and_atom atom phi_new_eqs |> sat_value_exn in
(acc_f, phi_new_eqs) )
let and_ phi_foreign acc phi =
( and_var_eqs phi_foreign.Formula.var_eqs (acc, phi)
( and_var_eqs phi_foreign.Formula.var_eqs (acc, (phi, []))
|> and_linear_eqs phi_foreign.Formula.linear_eqs
|> and_atoms phi_foreign.Formula.atoms )
with Contradiction -> Unsat
let open SatUnsatMonad in
let* acc, both = and_ phi_foreign.both init phi0.both in
let* acc, known = and_ phi_foreign.known acc phi0.known in
let* acc, (both, new_eqs) = and_ phi_foreign.both init phi0.both in
let* acc, (known, _) = and_ phi_foreign.known acc phi0.known in
let and_pruned pruned_foreign acc_pruned =
IContainer.fold_of_pervasives_set_fold Atom.Set.fold pruned_foreign ~init:acc_pruned
~f:(fun (acc_f, pruned) atom_foreign ->
@ -1397,7 +1418,7 @@ let and_fold_subst_variables phi0 ~up_to_f:phi_foreign ~init ~f:f_var =
let+ acc, pruned =
try Sat (and_pruned phi_foreign.pruned (acc, phi0.pruned)) with Contradiction -> Unsat
(acc, {known; pruned; both})
(acc, {known; pruned; both}, new_eqs)
(** Intermediate step of [simplify]: build an (undirected) graph between variables where an edge
@ -1480,7 +1501,7 @@ let get_reachable_from graph vs =
let simplify ~keep phi =
let open SatUnsatMonad in
let+ phi = normalize phi in
let+ phi, new_eqs = normalize phi in
L.d_printfln_escaped "Simplifying %a wrt {%a}" pp phi Var.Set.pp keep ;
(* Get rid of atoms when they contain only variables that do not appear in atoms mentioning
variables in [keep], or variables appearing in atoms together with variables in [keep], and
@ -1510,7 +1531,7 @@ let simplify ~keep phi =
let known = simplify_phi phi.known in
let both = simplify_phi phi.both in
let pruned = Atom.Set.filter filter_atom phi.pruned in
{known; pruned; both}
({known; pruned; both}, new_eqs)
let is_known_zero phi v =

@ -30,29 +30,39 @@ type operand = LiteralOperand of IntLit.t | AbstractValueOperand of Var.t
(** {3 Build formulas} *)
(** some operations will return a set of new facts discovered that are relevant to communicate to
the memory domain *)
type new_eq = EqZero of Var.t | Equal of Var.t * Var.t
type new_eqs = new_eq list
val ttrue : t
val and_equal : operand -> operand -> t -> t normalized
val and_equal : operand -> operand -> t -> (t * new_eqs) normalized
val and_less_equal : operand -> operand -> t -> t normalized
val and_less_equal : operand -> operand -> t -> (t * new_eqs) normalized
val and_less_than : operand -> operand -> t -> t normalized
val and_less_than : operand -> operand -> t -> (t * new_eqs) normalized
val and_equal_unop : Var.t -> Unop.t -> operand -> t -> t normalized
val and_equal_unop : Var.t -> Unop.t -> operand -> t -> (t * new_eqs) normalized
val and_equal_binop : Var.t -> Binop.t -> operand -> operand -> t -> t normalized
val and_equal_binop : Var.t -> Binop.t -> operand -> operand -> t -> (t * new_eqs) normalized
val prune_binop : negated:bool -> Binop.t -> operand -> operand -> t -> t normalized
val prune_binop : negated:bool -> Binop.t -> operand -> operand -> t -> (t * new_eqs) normalized
(** {3 Operations} *)
val normalize : t -> t normalized
val normalize : t -> (t * new_eqs) normalized
(** think a bit harder about the formula *)
val simplify : keep:Var.Set.t -> t -> t normalized
val simplify : keep:Var.Set.t -> t -> (t * new_eqs) normalized
val and_fold_subst_variables :
t -> up_to_f:t -> init:'acc -> f:('acc -> Var.t -> 'acc * Var.t) -> ('acc * t) normalized
-> up_to_f:t
-> init:'acc
-> f:('acc -> Var.t -> 'acc * Var.t)
-> ('acc * t * new_eqs) normalized
val is_known_zero : t -> Var.t -> bool

@ -221,10 +221,13 @@ let conjoin_callee_arith pre_post call_state =
(AddressMap.pp ~pp_value:(fun fmt (addr, _) -> AbstractValue.pp fmt addr))
call_state.subst ;
let subst, path_condition =
let subst, path_condition, new_eqs =
PathCondition.and_callee call_state.subst call_state.astate.path_condition
let path_condition =
AbductiveDomain.incorporate_new_eqs call_state.astate (path_condition, new_eqs)
if PathCondition.is_unsat_cheap path_condition then raise (Contradiction PathCondition)
let astate = AbductiveDomain.set_path_condition path_condition call_state.astate in

@ -45,53 +45,61 @@ let true_ = {is_unsat= false; bo_itvs= BoItvs.empty; citvs= CItvs.empty; formula
let false_ = {is_unsat= true; bo_itvs= BoItvs.empty; citvs= CItvs.empty; formula= Formula.ttrue}
let map_sat phi f = if phi.is_unsat then phi else f phi
type new_eqs = PulseFormula.new_eqs
let map_sat phi f = if phi.is_unsat then (phi, []) else f phi
let ( let+ ) phi f = map_sat phi f
let map_formula_sat (x : 'a Formula.normalized) f = match x with Unsat -> false_ | Sat x' -> f x'
let map_formula_sat (x : 'a Formula.normalized) f =
match x with Unsat -> (false_, []) | Sat x' -> f x'
let ( let+| ) x f = map_formula_sat x f
let and_nonnegative v phi =
let+ {is_unsat; bo_itvs; citvs; formula} = phi in
let+| formula =
let+| formula, new_eqs =
Formula.and_less_equal (LiteralOperand IntLit.zero) (AbstractValueOperand v) formula
{ is_unsat
; bo_itvs= BoItvs.add v Itv.ItvPure.nat bo_itvs
; citvs= CItvs.add v CItv.zero_inf citvs
; formula }
( { is_unsat
; bo_itvs= BoItvs.add v Itv.ItvPure.nat bo_itvs
; citvs= CItvs.add v CItv.zero_inf citvs
; formula }
, new_eqs )
let and_positive v phi =
let+ {is_unsat; bo_itvs; citvs; formula} = phi in
let+| formula =
let+| formula, new_eqs =
Formula.and_less_than (LiteralOperand IntLit.zero) (AbstractValueOperand v) formula
{ is_unsat
; bo_itvs= BoItvs.add v Itv.ItvPure.pos bo_itvs
; citvs= CItvs.add v (CItv.ge_to IntLit.one) citvs
; formula }
( { is_unsat
; bo_itvs= BoItvs.add v Itv.ItvPure.pos bo_itvs
; citvs= CItvs.add v (CItv.ge_to IntLit.one) citvs
; formula }
, new_eqs )
let and_eq_int v i phi =
let+ {is_unsat; bo_itvs; citvs; formula} = phi in
let+| formula = Formula.and_equal (AbstractValueOperand v) (LiteralOperand i) formula in
{ is_unsat
; bo_itvs= BoItvs.add v (Itv.ItvPure.of_int_lit i) bo_itvs
; citvs= CItvs.add v (CItv.equal_to i) citvs
; formula }
let+| formula, new_eqs = Formula.and_equal (AbstractValueOperand v) (LiteralOperand i) formula in
( { is_unsat
; bo_itvs= BoItvs.add v (Itv.ItvPure.of_int_lit i) bo_itvs
; citvs= CItvs.add v (CItv.equal_to i) citvs
; formula }
, new_eqs )
let simplify ~keep phi =
let+ {is_unsat; bo_itvs; citvs; formula} = phi in
let+| formula = Formula.simplify ~keep formula in
let+| formula, new_eqs = Formula.simplify ~keep formula in
let is_in_keep v _ = AbstractValue.Set.mem v keep in
{ is_unsat
; bo_itvs= BoItvs.filter is_in_keep bo_itvs
; citvs= CItvs.filter is_in_keep citvs
; formula }
( { is_unsat
; bo_itvs= BoItvs.filter is_in_keep bo_itvs
; citvs= CItvs.filter is_in_keep citvs
; formula }
, new_eqs )
let subst_find_or_new subst addr_callee =
@ -193,26 +201,27 @@ let and_formula_callee subst formula_caller ~callee:formula_callee =
let and_callee subst phi ~callee:phi_callee =
if phi.is_unsat || phi_callee.is_unsat then (subst, false_)
if phi.is_unsat || phi_callee.is_unsat then (subst, false_, [])
match and_bo_itvs_callee subst phi.bo_itvs phi_callee.bo_itvs with
| exception Contradiction ->
L.d_printfln "contradiction found by inferbo intervals" ;
(subst, false_)
(subst, false_, [])
| subst, bo_itvs' -> (
match and_citvs_callee subst phi.citvs phi_callee.citvs with
| exception Contradiction ->
L.d_printfln "contradiction found by concrete intervals" ;
(subst, false_)
(subst, false_, [])
| subst, citvs' -> (
match and_formula_callee subst phi.formula ~callee:phi_callee.formula with
| Unsat ->
L.d_printfln "contradiction found by formulas" ;
(subst, false_)
| Sat (subst, formula') ->
(subst, false_, [])
| Sat (subst, formula', new_eqs) ->
(* TODO: normalize here? *)
L.d_printfln "conjoined formula post call: %a@\n" Formula.pp formula' ;
(subst, {is_unsat= false; bo_itvs= bo_itvs'; citvs= citvs'; formula= formula'}) ) )
(subst, {is_unsat= false; bo_itvs= bo_itvs'; citvs= citvs'; formula= formula'}, new_eqs)
) )
(** {2 Operations} *)
@ -255,11 +264,12 @@ let eval_bo_itv_binop binop_addr bop op_lhs op_rhs bo_itvs =
let eval_binop binop_addr binop op_lhs op_rhs phi =
let+ {is_unsat; bo_itvs; citvs; formula} = phi in
let+| formula = Formula.and_equal_binop binop_addr binop op_lhs op_rhs formula in
{ is_unsat
; bo_itvs= eval_bo_itv_binop binop_addr binop op_lhs op_rhs bo_itvs
; citvs= eval_citv_binop binop_addr binop op_lhs op_rhs citvs
; formula }
let+| formula, new_eqs = Formula.and_equal_binop binop_addr binop op_lhs op_rhs formula in
( { is_unsat
; bo_itvs= eval_bo_itv_binop binop_addr binop op_lhs op_rhs bo_itvs
; citvs= eval_citv_binop binop_addr binop op_lhs op_rhs citvs
; formula }
, new_eqs )
let eval_citv_unop unop_addr unop operand_addr citvs =
@ -281,11 +291,14 @@ let eval_bo_itv_unop unop_addr unop operand_addr bo_itvs =
let eval_unop unop_addr unop addr phi =
let+ {is_unsat; bo_itvs; citvs; formula} = phi in
let+| formula = Formula.and_equal_unop unop_addr unop (AbstractValueOperand addr) formula in
{ is_unsat
; bo_itvs= eval_bo_itv_unop unop_addr unop addr bo_itvs
; citvs= eval_citv_unop unop_addr unop addr citvs
; formula }
let+| formula, new_eqs =
Formula.and_equal_unop unop_addr unop (AbstractValueOperand addr) formula
( { is_unsat
; bo_itvs= eval_bo_itv_unop unop_addr unop addr bo_itvs
; citvs= eval_citv_unop unop_addr unop addr citvs
; formula }
, new_eqs )
let prune_bo_with_bop ~negated v_opt arith bop arith' phi =
@ -318,14 +331,14 @@ let record_citv_abduced addr_opt arith_opt citvs =
let prune_binop ~negated bop lhs_op rhs_op ({is_unsat; bo_itvs= _; citvs; formula} as phi) =
if is_unsat then phi
if is_unsat then (phi, [])
let value_lhs_opt, arith_lhs_opt, bo_itv_lhs = eval_operand phi lhs_op in
let value_rhs_opt, arith_rhs_opt, bo_itv_rhs = eval_operand phi rhs_op in
match CItv.abduce_binop_is_true ~negated bop arith_lhs_opt arith_rhs_opt with
| Unsatisfiable ->
L.d_printfln "contradiction detected by concrete intervals" ;
(false_, [])
| Satisfiable (abduced_lhs, abduced_rhs) -> (
let phi =
let citvs =
@ -355,9 +368,9 @@ let prune_binop ~negated bop lhs_op rhs_op ({is_unsat; bo_itvs= _; citvs; formul
match Formula.prune_binop ~negated bop lhs_op rhs_op formula with
| Unsat ->
L.d_printfln "contradiction detected by formulas" ;
| Sat formula ->
{phi with is_unsat; formula} )
(false_, [])
| Sat (formula, new_eqs) ->
({phi with is_unsat; formula}, new_eqs) )
(** {2 Queries} *)
@ -373,13 +386,13 @@ let is_unsat_cheap phi = phi.is_unsat
let is_unsat_expensive phi =
(* note: contradictions are detected eagerly for all sub-domains except formula, so just
evaluate that one *)
if is_unsat_cheap phi then (phi, true)
if is_unsat_cheap phi then (phi, true, [])
match Formula.normalize phi.formula with
| Unsat ->
(false_, true)
| Sat formula ->
({phi with formula}, false)
(false_, true, [])
| Sat (formula, new_eqs) ->
({phi with formula}, false, new_eqs)
let as_int phi v =

@ -14,20 +14,24 @@ type t [@@deriving yojson_of]
val true_ : t
val false_ : t
val pp : F.formatter -> t -> unit
type new_eqs = PulseFormula.new_eqs
(** {2 Building arithmetic constraints} *)
val and_nonnegative : AbstractValue.t -> t -> t
val and_nonnegative : AbstractValue.t -> t -> t * new_eqs
(** [and_nonnegative v phi] is [phi ∧ v≥0] *)
val and_positive : AbstractValue.t -> t -> t
val and_positive : AbstractValue.t -> t -> t * new_eqs
(** [and_positive v phi] is [phi ∧ v>0] *)
val and_eq_int : AbstractValue.t -> IntLit.t -> t -> t
val and_eq_int : AbstractValue.t -> IntLit.t -> t -> t * new_eqs
(** [and_eq_int v i phi] is [phi ∧ v=i] *)
val simplify : keep:AbstractValue.Set.t -> t -> t
val simplify : keep:AbstractValue.Set.t -> t -> t * new_eqs
(** [simplify ~keep phi] attempts to get rid of as many variables in [fv phi] but not in [keep] as
possible *)
@ -35,17 +39,17 @@ val and_callee :
(AbstractValue.t * ValueHistory.t) AbstractValue.Map.t
-> t
-> callee:t
-> (AbstractValue.t * ValueHistory.t) AbstractValue.Map.t * t
-> (AbstractValue.t * ValueHistory.t) AbstractValue.Map.t * t * new_eqs
(** {2 Operations} *)
type operand = LiteralOperand of IntLit.t | AbstractValueOperand of AbstractValue.t
val eval_binop : AbstractValue.t -> Binop.t -> operand -> operand -> t -> t
val eval_binop : AbstractValue.t -> Binop.t -> operand -> operand -> t -> t * new_eqs
val eval_unop : AbstractValue.t -> Unop.t -> AbstractValue.t -> t -> t
val eval_unop : AbstractValue.t -> Unop.t -> AbstractValue.t -> t -> t * new_eqs
val prune_binop : negated:bool -> Binop.t -> operand -> operand -> t -> t
val prune_binop : negated:bool -> Binop.t -> operand -> operand -> t -> t * new_eqs
(** {2 Queries} *)
@ -55,7 +59,7 @@ val is_known_zero : t -> AbstractValue.t -> bool
val is_unsat_cheap : t -> bool
(** whether the state contains a contradiction, call this as often as you want *)
val is_unsat_expensive : t -> t * bool
val is_unsat_expensive : t -> t * bool * new_eqs
(** whether the state contains a contradiction, only call this when you absolutely have to *)
val as_int : t -> AbstractValue.t -> int option

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ let of_binop bop f1 f2 phi =
let* phi, op1 = f1 phi in
let* phi, op2 = f2 phi in
let v = Var.mk_fresh () in
let+ phi = and_equal_binop v bop op1 op2 phi in
let+ phi, _new_eqs = and_equal_binop v bop op1 op2 phi in
(phi, AbstractValueOperand v)
@ -59,13 +59,13 @@ let ( mod ) f1 f2 phi = of_binop Mod f1 f2 phi
let ( = ) f1 f2 phi =
let* phi, op1 = f1 phi in
let* phi, op2 = f2 phi in
and_equal op1 op2 phi
and_equal op1 op2 phi >>| fst
let ( < ) f1 f2 phi =
let* phi, op1 = f1 phi in
let* phi, op2 = f2 phi in
and_less_than op1 op2 phi
and_less_than op1 op2 phi >>| fst
let ( && ) f1 f2 phi = f1 phi >>= f2
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ let normalized_pp fmt = function
let test ~f phi =
AbstractValue.State.set init_vars_state ;
phi ttrue >>= f |> F.printf "%a" normalized_pp
phi ttrue >>= f >>| fst |> F.printf "%a" normalized_pp
let normalize phi = test ~f:normalize phi

@ -28,11 +28,7 @@ void call_ifnotthenderef_false_null_bad() { ifnotthenderef(false, nullptr); }
// should be FN given the current "all allocated addresses are assumed
// disjoint unless specified otherwise" but we detect the bug because
// we don't propagate pure equalities that we discover to the heap part
// Well, at the moment it *is* FN but because we mark the issue
// "latent" because the "if" test is not conclusively true. This is
// also ok.
void alias_null_deref_latent(int* x, int* y) {
void FN_alias_null_deref_latent(int* x, int* y) {
*x = 32;
*y = 52;
if (x == y) {
@ -54,3 +50,29 @@ void diverge_before_null_deref_ok(int* x) {
int* p = nullptr;
*p = 42;
// this test makes more sense in an inter-procedural setting
void stack_addresses_are_not_null_ok() {
int x;
if (&x == nullptr) {
int* p = nullptr;
*p = 42;
void stack_addresses_are_distinct_ok() {
int x;
int y;
if (&x == &y) {
int* p = nullptr;
*p = 42;
void null_test_after_deref_ok(int* x) {
*x = 42;
if (x == nullptr) {
int* p = nullptr;
*p = 42;

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
codetoanalyze/cpp/pulse/aliasing.cpp, alias_null_deref_latent, 6, NULLPTR_DEREFERENCE, no_bucket, ERROR, [*** LATENT ***,invalidation part of the trace starts here,assigned,is the null pointer,use-after-lifetime part of the trace starts here,assigned,invalid access occurs here]
codetoanalyze/cpp/pulse/aliasing.cpp, call_ifnotthenderef_false_null_bad, 0, NULLPTR_DEREFERENCE, no_bucket, ERROR, [invalidation part of the trace starts here,assigned,is the null pointer,use-after-lifetime part of the trace starts here,when calling `ifnotthenderef` here,parameter `x` of ifnotthenderef,invalid access occurs here]
codetoanalyze/cpp/pulse/aliasing.cpp, call_ifthenderef_true_null_bad, 0, NULLPTR_DEREFERENCE, no_bucket, ERROR, [invalidation part of the trace starts here,assigned,is the null pointer,use-after-lifetime part of the trace starts here,when calling `ifthenderef` here,parameter `x` of ifthenderef,invalid access occurs here]
codetoanalyze/cpp/pulse/basic_string.cpp, use_range_of_invalidated_temporary_string_bad, 2, USE_AFTER_DELETE, no_bucket, ERROR, [invalidation part of the trace starts here,when calling `setLanguage` here,variable `C++ temporary` accessed here,passed as argument to `Range::Range`,parameter `str` of Range::Range,return from call to `Range::Range`,passed as argument to `std::basic_string::~basic_string()` (modelled),return from call to `std::basic_string::~basic_string()` (modelled),was invalidated by `delete`,use-after-lifetime part of the trace starts here,passed as argument to `setLanguage`,variable `C++ temporary` accessed here,passed as argument to `Range::Range`,parameter `str` of Range::Range,passed as argument to `std::basic_string::data()` (modelled),return from call to `std::basic_string::data()` (modelled),assigned,return from call to `Range::Range`,return from call to `setLanguage`,when calling `Range::operator[]` here,parameter `this` of Range::operator[],invalid access occurs here]
