[sledge] Do not use Base.Map

The base containers have inconvenient interfaces due to lacking
support for functors, which also leads to the representation of values
of containers including closures for the comparison functions. This
causes problems when `Marshal`ing these values.

This diff is one step toward not using the base containers.

Reviewed By: ngorogiannis

Differential Revision: D20482763

fbshipit-source-id: f55f91bf2
Josh Berdine 5 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent 86ab2d7d10
commit 57a8748e9f

@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ let used_globals pgm preanalyze : Domain_used_globals.r =
; globals= Declared Reg.Set.empty }
Per_function (Map.map summary_table ~f:Reg.Set.union_list)
Per_function (Reg.Map.map summary_table ~f:Reg.Set.union_list)
(Vector.fold pgm.globals ~init:Reg.Set.empty ~f:(fun acc g ->

@ -168,7 +168,6 @@ module Make (Dom : Domain_intf.Dom) = struct
include T
include Comparator.Make (T)
let pp fs {dst; src} =
Format.fprintf fs "#%i %%%s <--%a" dst.sort_index dst.lbl
@ -178,27 +177,27 @@ module Make (Dom : Domain_intf.Dom) = struct
module Depths = struct
type t = int Map.M(Edge).t
module M = Map.Make (Edge)
let empty = Map.empty (module Edge)
let find = Map.find
let set = Map.set
type t = int M.t
let empty = M.empty
let find = M.find
let set = M.set
let join x y =
Map.merge x y ~f:(fun ~key:_ -> function
M.merge x y ~f:(fun ~key:_ -> function
| `Left d | `Right d -> Some d
| `Both (d1, d2) -> Some (Int.max d1 d2) )
type priority = int * Edge.t [@@deriving compare]
type priority_queue = priority Fheap.t
type waiting_states = (Dom.t * Depths.t) list Map.M(Llair.Block).t
type waiting_states = (Dom.t * Depths.t) list Llair.Block.Map.t
type t = priority_queue * waiting_states * int
type x = Depths.t -> t -> t
let empty_waiting_states : waiting_states =
Map.empty (module Llair.Block)
let empty_waiting_states : waiting_states = Llair.Block.Map.empty
let pp_priority fs (n, e) = Format.fprintf fs "%i: %a" n Edge.pp e
let pp fs pq =
@ -221,7 +220,9 @@ module Make (Dom : Domain_intf.Dom) = struct
let pq = Fheap.add pq (depth, edge) in
[%Trace.info "@[<6>enqueue %i: %a@ | %a@]" depth Edge.pp edge pp pq] ;
let depths = Depths.set depths ~key:edge ~data:depth in
let ws = Map.add_multi ws ~key:curr ~data:(state, depths) in
let ws =
Llair.Block.Map.add_multi ws ~key:curr ~data:(state, depths)
(pq, ws, bound)
let init state curr bound =
@ -231,7 +232,7 @@ module Make (Dom : Domain_intf.Dom) = struct
let rec run ~f (pq0, ws, bnd) =
match Fheap.pop pq0 with
| Some ((_, ({Edge.dst; stk} as edge)), pq) -> (
match Map.find_and_remove ws dst with
match Llair.Block.Map.find_and_remove ws dst with
| Some (q :: qs, ws) ->
let join (qa, da) (q, d) = (Dom.join q qa, Depths.join d da) in
let skipped, (qs, depths) =
@ -240,7 +241,7 @@ module Make (Dom : Domain_intf.Dom) = struct
| Some joined, depths -> (skipped, (joined, depths))
| None, _ -> (curr :: skipped, joined) )
let ws = Map.add_exn ws ~key:dst ~data:skipped in
let ws = Llair.Block.Map.add_exn ws ~key:dst ~data:skipped in
run ~f (f stk qs dst depths (pq, ws, bnd))
| _ ->
[%Trace.info "done: %a" Edge.pp edge] ;
@ -489,5 +490,5 @@ module Make (Dom : Domain_intf.Dom) = struct
assert opts.function_summaries ;
exec_pgm opts pgm ;
Hashtbl.fold summary_table ~init:Reg.Map.empty ~f:(fun ~key ~data map ->
match data with [] -> map | _ -> Map.set map ~key ~data )
match data with [] -> map | _ -> Reg.Map.set map ~key ~data )

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ module type State_domain_sig = sig
module Make (State_domain : State_domain_sig) = struct
type t = State_domain.t * State_domain.t [@@deriving sexp_of, equal]
type t = State_domain.t * State_domain.t [@@deriving equal, sexp_of]
let embed b = (b, b)

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
(** Abstract domain *)
type t = Sh.t [@@deriving equal, sexp_of]
type t = Sh.t [@@deriving equal, sexp]
let pp fs q = Format.fprintf fs "@[{ %a@ }@]" Sh.pp q
let report_fmt_thunk = Fn.flip pp

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
(** "Unit" abstract domain *)
type t = unit [@@deriving equal, sexp_of]
type t = unit [@@deriving equal, sexp]
let pp fs () = Format.pp_print_string fs "()"
let report_fmt_thunk () fs = pp fs ()

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
(** Used-globals abstract domain *)
type t = Reg.Set.t [@@deriving equal, sexp_of]
type t = Reg.Set.t [@@deriving equal, sexp]
let pp = Set.pp Reg.pp
let report_fmt_thunk = Fn.flip pp
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ let exec_intrinsic ~skip_throw:_ st _ intrinsic actuals =
|> fun res -> Some (Some res)
else None
type from_call = t [@@deriving sexp_of]
type from_call = t [@@deriving sexp]
(* Set abstract state to bottom (i.e. empty set) at function entry *)
let call ~summaries:_ ~globals:_ ~actuals ~areturn:_ ~formals:_ ~freturn:_
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ let by_function : r -> Reg.t -> t =
( match s with
| Declared set -> set
| Per_function map -> (
match Map.find map fn with
match Reg.Map.find map fn with
| Some gs -> gs
| None ->

@ -56,25 +56,26 @@ module Subst : sig
val to_alist : t -> (Term.t * Term.t) list
val partition_valid : Var.Set.t -> t -> t * Var.Set.t * t
end = struct
type t = Term.t Term.Map.t [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
type t = Term.t Term.Map.t [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp_of]
let pp = Map.pp Term.pp Term.pp
let t_of_sexp = Term.Map.t_of_sexp Term.t_of_sexp Term.t_of_sexp
let pp = Term.Map.pp Term.pp Term.pp
let pp_diff =
Map.pp_diff ~data_equal:Term.equal Term.pp Term.pp Term.pp_diff
Term.Map.pp_diff ~data_equal:Term.equal Term.pp Term.pp Term.pp_diff
let empty = Term.Map.empty
let is_empty = Map.is_empty
let length = Map.length
let mem = Map.mem
let find = Map.find
let fold = Map.fold
let iteri = Map.iteri
let for_alli = Map.for_alli
let to_alist = Map.to_alist ~key_order:`Increasing
let is_empty = Term.Map.is_empty
let length = Term.Map.length
let mem = Term.Map.mem
let find = Term.Map.find
let fold = Term.Map.fold
let iteri = Term.Map.iteri
let for_alli = Term.Map.for_alli
let to_alist = Term.Map.to_alist
(** look up a term in a substitution *)
let apply s a = Map.find s a |> Option.value ~default:a
let apply s a = Term.Map.find s a |> Option.value ~default:a
let rec subst s a = apply s (Term.map ~f:(subst s) a)
@ -87,21 +88,21 @@ end = struct
(** compose two substitutions *)
let compose r s =
let r' = Map.map ~f:(norm s) r in
Map.merge_skewed r' s ~combine:(fun ~key v1 v2 ->
let r' = Term.Map.map ~f:(norm s) r in
Term.Map.merge_skewed r' s ~combine:(fun ~key v1 v2 ->
if Term.equal v1 v2 then v1
else fail "domains intersect: %a" Term.pp key () )
(** compose a substitution with a mapping *)
let compose1 ~key ~data s =
if Term.equal key data then s
else compose s (Map.set Term.Map.empty ~key ~data)
else compose s (Term.Map.set Term.Map.empty ~key ~data)
(** add an identity entry if the term is not already present *)
let extend e s =
let exception Found in
Map.update s e ~f:(function
Term.Map.update s e ~f:(function
| Some _ -> Exn.raise_without_backtrace Found
| None -> e )
@ -112,12 +113,14 @@ end = struct
[f] is injective and for any set of terms [E], [f\[E\]] is disjoint
from [E] *)
let map_entries ~f s =
Map.fold s ~init:s ~f:(fun ~key ~data s ->
Term.Map.fold s ~init:s ~f:(fun ~key ~data s ->
let key' = f key in
let data' = f data in
if Term.equal key' key then
if Term.equal data' data then s else Map.set s ~key ~data:data'
else Map.remove s key |> Map.add_exn ~key:key' ~data:data' )
if Term.equal data' data then s
else Term.Map.set s ~key ~data:data'
else Term.Map.remove s key |> Term.Map.add_exn ~key:key' ~data:data'
(** Holds only if [true ⊢ ∃xs. e=f]. Clients assume
[not (is_valid_eq xs e f)] implies [not (is_valid_eq ys e f)] for
@ -141,12 +144,12 @@ end = struct
valid, so loop until no change. *)
let rec partition_valid_ t ks s =
let t', ks', s' =
Map.fold s ~init:(t, ks, s) ~f:(fun ~key ~data (t, ks, s) ->
Term.Map.fold s ~init:(t, ks, s) ~f:(fun ~key ~data (t, ks, s) ->
if is_valid_eq ks key data then (t, ks, s)
let t = Map.set ~key ~data t
let t = Term.Map.set ~key ~data t
and ks = Set.diff ks (Set.union (Term.fv key) (Term.fv data))
and s = Map.remove s key in
and s = Term.Map.remove s key in
(t, ks, s) )
if s' != s then partition_valid_ t' ks' s' else (t', ks', s')
@ -327,7 +330,7 @@ type t =
let classes r =
let add key data cls =
if Term.equal key data then cls
else Map.add_multi cls ~key:data ~data:key
else Term.Map.add_multi cls ~key:data ~data:key
Subst.fold r.rep ~init:Term.Map.empty ~f:(fun ~key ~data cls ->
match classify key with
@ -337,7 +340,7 @@ let classes r =
let cls_of r e =
let e' = Subst.apply r.rep e in
Map.find (classes r) e' |> Option.value ~default:[e']
Term.Map.find (classes r) e' |> Option.value ~default:[e']
(** Pretty-printing *)
@ -373,12 +376,13 @@ let ppx_clss x fs cs =
(fun fs (key, data) ->
Format.fprintf fs "@[%a@ = %a@]" (Term.ppx x) key (ppx_cls x)
(List.sort ~compare:Term.compare data) )
fs (Map.to_alist cs)
fs (Term.Map.to_alist cs)
let pp_clss fs cs = ppx_clss (fun _ -> None) fs cs
let pp_diff_clss =
Map.pp_diff ~data_equal:(List.equal Term.equal) Term.pp pp_cls pp_diff_cls
Term.Map.pp_diff ~data_equal:(List.equal Term.equal) Term.pp pp_cls
(** Invariant *)
@ -525,7 +529,7 @@ let normalize = canon
let class_of r e =
let e' = normalize r e in
e' :: Map.find_multi (classes r) e'
e' :: Term.Map.find_multi (classes r) e'
let fold_uses_of r t ~init ~f =
let rec fold_ e ~init:s ~f =
@ -558,7 +562,7 @@ let difference r a b =
let apply_subst us s r =
[%Trace.call fun {pf} -> pf "%a@ %a" Subst.pp s pp r]
Map.fold (classes r) ~init:true_ ~f:(fun ~key:rep ~data:cls r ->
Term.Map.fold (classes r) ~init:true_ ~f:(fun ~key:rep ~data:cls r ->
let rep' = Subst.subst s rep in
List.fold cls ~init:r ~f:(fun r trm ->
let trm' = Subst.subst s trm in
@ -585,7 +589,7 @@ let or_ us r s =
else if not r.sat then s
let merge_mems rs r s =
Map.fold (classes s) ~init:rs ~f:(fun ~key:rep ~data:cls rs ->
Term.Map.fold (classes s) ~init:rs ~f:(fun ~key:rep ~data:cls rs ->
List.fold cls
~init:([rep], rs)
~f:(fun (reps, rs) exp ->
@ -651,7 +655,7 @@ let ppx_classes x fs r = ppx_clss x fs (classes r)
let ppx_classes_diff x fs (r, s) =
let clss = classes s in
let clss =
Map.filter_mapi clss ~f:(fun ~key:rep ~data:cls ->
Term.Map.filter_mapi clss ~f:(fun ~key:rep ~data:cls ->
List.filter cls ~f:(fun exp -> not (entails_eq r rep exp))
@ -663,7 +667,7 @@ let ppx_classes_diff x fs (r, s) =
Format.fprintf fs "@[%a@ = %a@]" (Term.ppx x) rep
(List.pp "@ = " (Term.ppx x))
(List.dedup_and_sort ~compare:Term.compare cls) )
fs (Map.to_alist clss)
fs (Term.Map.to_alist clss)
(** Existential Witnessing and Elimination *)
@ -876,8 +880,8 @@ let solve_class us us_xs ~key:rep ~data:cls (classes, subst) =
|> Option.value ~default:cls
let classes =
if List.is_empty cls then Map.remove classes rep
else Map.set classes ~key:rep ~data:cls
if List.is_empty cls then Term.Map.remove classes rep
else Term.Map.set classes ~key:rep ~data:cls
(classes, subst)
@ -954,7 +958,8 @@ let solve_classes r (classes, subst, us) xs =
let rec solve_classes_ (classes0, subst0, us_xs) =
let classes, subst =
Map.fold ~f:(solve_class us us_xs) classes0 ~init:(classes0, subst0)
Term.Map.fold ~f:(solve_class us us_xs) classes0
~init:(classes0, subst0)
if subst != subst0 then solve_classes_ (classes, subst, us_xs)
else (classes, subst, us_xs)

@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ module T = struct
include T
module Map = Map.Make (T)
let term e = e.term
@ -328,16 +329,7 @@ module Reg = struct
let vars = Set.fold ~init:Var.Set.empty ~f:(fun s r -> add s (var r))
module Map = struct
include (
Map :
module type of Map
with type ('key, 'value, 'cmp) t := ('key, 'value, 'cmp) Map.t )
type 'v t = 'v Map.M(T).t [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
let empty = Map.empty (module T)
module Map = Map
let demangle = ref (fun _ -> None)

@ -116,14 +116,7 @@ module Reg : sig
val vars : t -> Var.Set.t
module Map : sig
type reg := t
type 'a t = (reg, 'a, comparator_witness) Map.t
[@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
val empty : 'a t
module Map : Map.S with type key := t
val demangle : (string -> string option) ref
val pp : t pp

@ -253,52 +253,201 @@ module List = struct
pp sep pp_diff_elt fs (symmetric_diff ~compare xs ys)
module type OrderedType = sig
type t
val compare : t -> t -> int
val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexp.t
exception Duplicate
module Map = struct
include Base.Map
let pp pp_k pp_v fs m =
Format.fprintf fs "@[<1>[%a]@]"
(List.pp ",@ " (fun fs (k, v) ->
Format.fprintf fs "@[%a @<2>↦ %a@]" pp_k k pp_v v ))
(to_alist m)
let pp_diff ~data_equal pp_key pp_val pp_diff_val fs (x, y) =
let pp_diff_elt fs = function
| k, `Left v ->
Format.fprintf fs "-- [@[%a@ @<2>↦ %a@]]" pp_key k pp_val v
| k, `Right v ->
Format.fprintf fs "++ [@[%a@ @<2>↦ %a@]]" pp_key k pp_val v
| k, `Unequal vv ->
Format.fprintf fs "[@[%a@ @<2>↦ %a@]]" pp_key k pp_diff_val vv
let sd = Sequence.to_list (symmetric_diff ~data_equal x y) in
if not (List.is_empty sd) then
Format.fprintf fs "[@[<hv>%a@]];@ " (List.pp ";@ " pp_diff_elt) sd
let equal_m__t (module Elt : Compare_m) equal_v = equal equal_v
let find_and_remove m k =
let found = ref None in
let m =
change m k ~f:(fun v ->
found := v ;
None )
let+ v = !found in
(v, m)
let find_or_add (type data) map key ~(default : data) ~if_found ~if_added
let exception Found of data in
update map key ~f:(function
| Some old_data -> Exn.raise_without_backtrace (Found old_data)
| None -> default )
| exception Found old_data -> if_found old_data
| map -> if_added map
module type S = sig
type key
type +'a t
val compare : ('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a t -> 'a t -> int
val equal : ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a t -> bool
val sexp_of_t : ('a -> Sexp.t) -> 'a t -> Sexp.t
val t_of_sexp : (Sexp.t -> key) -> (Sexp.t -> 'a) -> Sexp.t -> 'a t
val pp : key pp -> 'a pp -> 'a t pp
val pp_diff :
data_equal:('a -> 'a -> bool)
-> key pp
-> 'a pp
-> ('a * 'a) pp
-> ('a t * 'a t) pp
(* initial constructors *)
val empty : 'a t
(* constructors *)
val set : 'a t -> key:key -> data:'a -> 'a t
val add_exn : 'a t -> key:key -> data:'a -> 'a t
val add_multi : 'a list t -> key:key -> data:'a -> 'a list t
val remove : 'a t -> key -> 'a t
val update : 'a t -> key -> f:('a option -> 'a) -> 'a t
val merge :
'a t
-> 'b t
-> f:
( key:key
-> [`Both of 'a * 'b | `Left of 'a | `Right of 'b]
-> 'c option)
-> 'c t
val merge_skewed :
'a t -> 'a t -> combine:(key:key -> 'a -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a t
val map : 'a t -> f:('a -> 'b) -> 'b t
val filter_keys : 'a t -> f:(key -> bool) -> 'a t
val filter_mapi : 'a t -> f:(key:key -> data:'a -> 'b option) -> 'b t
(* queries *)
val is_empty : 'b t -> bool
val length : 'b t -> int
val mem : 'a t -> key -> bool
val find : 'a t -> key -> 'a option
val find_and_remove : 'a t -> key -> ('a * 'a t) option
val find_multi : 'a list t -> key -> 'a list
val data : 'a t -> 'a list
val to_alist : 'a t -> (key * 'a) list
(* traversals *)
val iter : 'a t -> f:('a -> unit) -> unit
val iteri : 'a t -> f:(key:key -> data:'a -> unit) -> unit
val for_alli : 'a t -> f:(key:key -> data:'a -> bool) -> bool
val fold : 'a t -> init:'s -> f:(key:key -> data:'a -> 's -> 's) -> 's
let map_preserving_phys_equal t ~f = map_preserving_phys_equal map t ~f
module Make (Key : OrderedType) : S with type key = Key.t = struct
module M = Caml.Map.Make (Key)
type key = Key.t
type 'a t = 'a M.t
let compare = M.compare
let equal = M.equal
let sexp_of_t sexp_of_val m =
(Sexplib.Conv.sexp_of_pair Key.sexp_of_t sexp_of_val)
(M.bindings m)
let t_of_sexp key_of_sexp val_of_sexp sexp =
(fun m (k, v) -> M.add k v m)
(Sexplib.Conv.pair_of_sexp key_of_sexp val_of_sexp)
let pp pp_k pp_v fs m =
Format.fprintf fs "@[<1>[%a]@]"
(List.pp ",@ " (fun fs (k, v) ->
Format.fprintf fs "@[%a @<2>↦ %a@]" pp_k k pp_v v ))
(M.bindings m)
let pp_diff ~data_equal pp_key pp_val pp_diff_val fs (x, y) =
let pp_diff_val fs = function
| k, `Left v ->
Format.fprintf fs "-- [@[%a@ @<2>↦ %a@]]" pp_key k pp_val v
| k, `Right v ->
Format.fprintf fs "++ [@[%a@ @<2>↦ %a@]]" pp_key k pp_val v
| k, `Unequal vv ->
Format.fprintf fs "[@[%a@ @<2>↦ %a@]]" pp_key k pp_diff_val vv
let sd =
(fun _ v1o v2o ->
match (v1o, v2o) with
| Some v1, Some v2 when not (data_equal v1 v2) ->
Some (`Unequal (v1, v2))
| Some v1, None -> Some (`Left v1)
| None, Some v2 -> Some (`Right v2)
| _ -> None )
x y
if not (M.is_empty sd) then
Format.fprintf fs "[@[<hv>%a@]];@ "
(List.pp ";@ " pp_diff_val)
(M.bindings sd)
exception Duplicate
let empty = M.empty
let set m ~key ~data = M.add key data m
let add_exn m ~key ~data =
M.update key
(function None -> Some data | Some _ -> raise Duplicate)
let add_multi m ~key ~data =
M.update key
(function None -> Some [data] | Some vs -> Some (data :: vs))
let remove m k = M.remove k m
let update m k ~f = M.update k (fun vo -> Some (f vo)) m
let merge m n ~f =
(fun k v1o v2o ->
match (v1o, v2o) with
| Some v1, Some v2 -> f ~key:k (`Both (v1, v2))
| Some v1, None -> f ~key:k (`Left v1)
| None, Some v2 -> f ~key:k (`Right v2)
| None, None -> None )
m n
let merge_skewed m n ~combine =
(fun k v1o v2o ->
match (v1o, v2o) with
| Some v1, Some v2 -> Some (combine ~key:k v1 v2)
| Some _, None -> v1o
| None, Some _ -> v2o
| None, None -> None )
m n
let map m ~f = M.map f m
let filter_keys m ~f = M.filter (fun k _ -> f k) m
let filter_mapi m ~f =
(fun k v m ->
match f ~key:k ~data:v with Some v' -> M.add k v' m | None -> m )
m M.empty
let is_empty = M.is_empty
let length = M.cardinal
let mem m k = M.mem k m
let find m k = M.find_opt k m
let find_and_remove m k =
let found = ref None in
let m =
M.update k
(fun v ->
found := v ;
None )
let+ v = !found in
(v, m)
let find_multi m k = try M.find k m with Not_found -> []
let data m = M.fold (fun _ v s -> v :: s) m []
let to_alist = M.bindings
let iter m ~f = M.iter (fun _ v -> f v) m
let iteri m ~f = M.iter (fun k v -> f ~key:k ~data:v) m
let for_alli m ~f = M.for_all (fun key data -> f ~key ~data) m
let fold m ~init ~f = M.fold (fun key data s -> f ~key ~data s) m init
module Result = struct
@ -358,6 +507,15 @@ module Array = struct
let pp sep pp_elt fs a = List.pp sep pp_elt fs (to_list a)
module String = struct
include String
let t_of_sexp = Sexplib.Conv.string_of_sexp
let sexp_of_t = Sexplib.Conv.sexp_of_string
module Map = Map.Make (String)
module Q = struct
let pp = Q.pp_print
let hash = Hashtbl.hash

@ -192,39 +192,77 @@ module List : sig
compare:('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a t -> 'a t -> ('a, 'a) Either.t t
module Map : sig
include module type of Base.Map
module type OrderedType = sig
type t
val pp : 'k pp -> 'v pp -> ('k, 'v, 'c) t pp
val compare : t -> t -> int
val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexp.t
val pp_diff :
data_equal:('v -> 'v -> bool)
-> 'k pp
-> 'v pp
-> ('v * 'v) pp
-> (('k, 'v, 'c) t * ('k, 'v, 'c) t) pp
exception Duplicate
val equal_m__t :
(module Compare_m)
-> ('v -> 'v -> bool)
-> ('k, 'v, 'c) t
-> ('k, 'v, 'c) t
-> bool
val find_and_remove : ('k, 'v, 'c) t -> 'k -> ('v * ('k, 'v, 'c) t) option
val find_or_add :
('k, 'v, 'c) t
-> 'k
-> default:'v
-> if_found:('v -> 'a)
-> if_added:(('k, 'v, 'c) t -> 'a)
-> 'a
val map_preserving_phys_equal :
('k, 'v, 'c) t -> f:('v -> 'v) -> ('k, 'v, 'c) t
(** Like map, but preserves [phys_equal] if [f] preserves [phys_equal] of
every element. *)
module Map : sig
module type S = sig
type key
type +'a t
val compare : ('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a t -> 'a t -> int
val equal : ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a t -> bool
val sexp_of_t : ('a -> Sexp.t) -> 'a t -> Sexp.t
val t_of_sexp : (Sexp.t -> key) -> (Sexp.t -> 'a) -> Sexp.t -> 'a t
val pp : key pp -> 'a pp -> 'a t pp
val pp_diff :
data_equal:('a -> 'a -> bool)
-> key pp
-> 'a pp
-> ('a * 'a) pp
-> ('a t * 'a t) pp
(* initial constructors *)
val empty : 'a t
(* constructors *)
val set : 'a t -> key:key -> data:'a -> 'a t
val add_exn : 'a t -> key:key -> data:'a -> 'a t
val add_multi : 'a list t -> key:key -> data:'a -> 'a list t
val remove : 'a t -> key -> 'a t
val update : 'a t -> key -> f:('a option -> 'a) -> 'a t
val merge :
'a t
-> 'b t
-> f:
( key:key
-> [`Both of 'a * 'b | `Left of 'a | `Right of 'b]
-> 'c option)
-> 'c t
val merge_skewed :
'a t -> 'a t -> combine:(key:key -> 'a -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a t
val map : 'a t -> f:('a -> 'b) -> 'b t
val filter_keys : 'a t -> f:(key -> bool) -> 'a t
val filter_mapi : 'a t -> f:(key:key -> data:'a -> 'b option) -> 'b t
(* queries *)
val is_empty : 'b t -> bool
val length : 'b t -> int
val mem : 'a t -> key -> bool
val find : 'a t -> key -> 'a option
val find_and_remove : 'a t -> key -> ('a * 'a t) option
val find_multi : 'a list t -> key -> 'a list
val data : 'a t -> 'a list
val to_alist : 'a t -> (key * 'a) list
(* traversals *)
val iter : 'a t -> f:('a -> unit) -> unit
val iteri : 'a t -> f:(key:key -> data:'a -> unit) -> unit
val for_alli : 'a t -> f:(key:key -> data:'a -> bool) -> bool
val fold : 'a t -> init:'s -> f:(key:key -> data:'a -> 's -> 's) -> 's
module Make (Key : OrderedType) : S with type key = Key.t
module Result : sig
@ -277,6 +315,15 @@ module Array : sig
val pp : (unit, unit) fmt -> 'a pp -> 'a array pp
module String : sig
include module type of String
val t_of_sexp : Sexp.t -> t
val sexp_of_t : t -> Sexp.t
module Map : Map.S with type key = string
module Q : sig
include module type of struct include Q end

@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ let sexp_of_func {name; formals; freturn; fthrow; locals; entry} =
let compare_block x y = Int.compare x.sort_index y.sort_index
let equal_block x y = Int.equal x.sort_index y.sort_index
type functions = func Map.M(String).t [@@deriving sexp_of]
type functions = func String.Map.t [@@deriving sexp_of]
type t = {globals: Global.t vector; functions: functions}
[@@deriving sexp_of]
@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ end
module Block = struct
module T = struct type t = block [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp_of] end
include T
include Comparator.Make (T)
module Map = Map.Make (T)
let pp = pp_block
@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ module Func = struct
iter_term func ~f:(fun term -> Term.invariant ~parent:func term)
| _ -> assert false
let find functions name = Map.find functions name
let find functions name = String.Map.find functions name
let mk ~(name : Global.t) ~formals ~freturn ~fthrow ~entry ~cfg =
let locals =
@ -518,9 +518,9 @@ end
let set_derived_metadata functions =
let compute_roots functions =
let roots = FuncQ.create () in
Map.iter functions ~f:(fun func ->
String.Map.iter functions ~f:(fun func ->
FuncQ.enqueue_back_exn roots func.name.reg func ) ;
Map.iter functions ~f:(fun func ->
String.Map.iter functions ~f:(fun func ->
Func.fold_term func ~init:() ~f:(fun () -> function
| Call {callee; _} -> (
match Reg.of_exp callee with
@ -571,10 +571,8 @@ let set_derived_metadata functions =
index := !index - 1 )
let functions =
List.fold functions
~init:(Map.empty (module String))
~f:(fun m func ->
Map.add_exn m ~key:(Reg.name func.name.reg) ~data:func )
List.fold functions ~init:String.Map.empty ~f:(fun m func ->
String.Map.add_exn m ~key:(Reg.name func.name.reg) ~data:func )
let roots = compute_roots functions in
let tips_to_roots = topsort functions roots in
@ -599,5 +597,5 @@ let pp fs {globals; functions} =
(Vector.pp "@\n@\n" Global.pp_defn)
(List.pp "@\n@\n" Func.pp)
( Map.data functions
( String.Map.data functions
|> List.sort ~compare:(fun x y -> compare_block x.entry y.entry) )

@ -166,10 +166,10 @@ end
module Block : sig
type t = block [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp_of]
include Comparator.S with type t := t
val pp : t pp
val mk : lbl:label -> cmnd:cmnd -> term:term -> block
module Map : Map.S with type key := t
module Func : sig

@ -98,22 +98,22 @@ let fold_vars ?ignore_cong fold_vars q ~init ~f =
let rec var_strength_ xs m q =
let add m v =
match Map.find m v with
| None -> Map.set m ~key:v ~data:`Anonymous
| Some `Anonymous -> Map.set m ~key:v ~data:`Existential
match Var.Map.find m v with
| None -> Var.Map.set m ~key:v ~data:`Anonymous
| Some `Anonymous -> Var.Map.set m ~key:v ~data:`Existential
| Some _ -> m
let xs = Set.union xs q.xs in
let m_stem =
fold_vars_stem ~ignore_cong:() q ~init:m ~f:(fun m var ->
if not (Set.mem xs var) then Map.set m ~key:var ~data:`Universal
if not (Set.mem xs var) then Var.Map.set m ~key:var ~data:`Universal
else add m var )
let m =
List.fold ~init:m_stem q.djns ~f:(fun m djn ->
let ms = List.map ~f:(fun dj -> snd (var_strength_ xs m dj)) djn in
List.reduce_balanced ms ~f:(fun m1 m2 ->
Map.merge_skewed m1 m2 ~combine:(fun ~key:_ s1 s2 ->
Var.Map.merge_skewed m1 m2 ~combine:(fun ~key:_ s1 s2 ->
match (s1, s2) with
| `Anonymous, `Anonymous -> `Anonymous
| `Universal, _ | _, `Universal -> `Universal
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ let rec var_strength_ xs m q =
let var_strength_full ?(xs = Var.Set.empty) q =
let m =
Set.fold xs ~init:Var.Map.empty ~f:(fun m x ->
Map.set m ~key:x ~data:`Existential )
Var.Map.set m ~key:x ~data:`Existential )
var_strength_ xs m q
@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ let pp_us ?(pre = ("" : _ fmt)) ?vs () fs us =
let rec pp_ ?var_strength vs parent_xs parent_cong fs
{us; xs; cong; pure; heap; djns} =
Format.pp_open_hvbox fs 0 ;
let x v = Option.bind ~f:(fun (_, m) -> Map.find m v) var_strength in
let x v = Option.bind ~f:(fun (_, m) -> Var.Map.find m v) var_strength in
pp_us ~vs () fs us ;
let xs_d_vs, xs_i_vs =

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ type starjunction = private
and disjunction = starjunction list
type t = starjunction [@@deriving equal, compare, sexp]
type t = starjunction [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
val pp_seg_norm : Equality.t -> seg pp
val pp_us : ?pre:('a, 'a) fmt -> ?vs:Var.Set.t -> unit -> Var.Set.t pp

@ -116,17 +116,7 @@ end
type _t = T0.t
include T
module Map = struct
include (
Map :
module type of Map
with type ('key, 'value, 'cmp) t := ('key, 'value, 'cmp) Map.t )
type 'v t = 'v Map.M(T).t [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
let empty = empty (module T)
module Map = Map.Make (T)
let empty_qset = Qset.empty (module T)
@ -370,7 +360,9 @@ module Var = struct
(** Variable renaming substitutions *)
module Subst = struct
type t = T.t Map.M(T).t [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
type t = T.t Map.t [@@deriving compare, equal, sexp_of]
let t_of_sexp = Map.t_of_sexp T.t_of_sexp T.t_of_sexp
let invariant s =
Invariant.invariant [%here] s [%sexp_of: t]

@ -110,14 +110,7 @@ module Var : sig
val union_list : t list -> t
module Map : sig
type var := t
type 'a t = (var, 'a, comparator_witness) Map.t
[@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
val empty : 'a t
module Map : Map.S with type key := t
val pp : t pp
@ -147,16 +140,8 @@ module Var : sig
module Map : sig
type term := t
type 'a t = (term, 'a, comparator_witness) Map.t
[@@deriving compare, equal, sexp]
val empty : 'a t
module Map : Map.S with type key := t
val comparator : (t, comparator_witness) Comparator.t
val ppx : Var.strength -> t pp
val pp : t pp
val pp_diff : (t * t) pp
