@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ type ast_node =
| Stmt of Clang_ast_t.stmt
| Stmt of Clang_ast_t.stmt
| Decl of Clang_ast_t.decl
| Decl of Clang_ast_t.decl
let ast_node_name an =
let rec ast_node_name an =
let open Clang_ast_t in
let open Clang_ast_t in
match an with
match an with
| Decl dec ->
| Decl dec ->
@ -36,19 +36,36 @@ let ast_node_name an =
| Stmt (ObjCMessageExpr (_, _, _, {omei_selector})) ->
| Stmt (ObjCMessageExpr (_, _, _, {omei_selector})) ->
| _ -> ""
| Stmt (IntegerLiteral (_, _, _, integer_literal_info)) ->
let rec eventual_child_name an =
| Stmt CStyleCastExpr (_, _, _, cast_expr_info, _) ->
match an with
(match cast_expr_info.cei_cast_kind with
| Stmt stmt ->
| `NullToPointer -> "nil"
(let _, stmts = Clang_ast_proj.get_stmt_tuple stmt in
match stmts with
| [stmt] ->
let name = ast_node_name (Stmt stmt) in
if String.length name > 0 then
else eventual_child_name (Stmt stmt)
| _ -> "")
| _ -> "")
| Stmt ObjCSubscriptRefExpr (_, [stmt; stmt_index], _, _) ->
(ast_node_name (Stmt stmt)) ^ "["^ (ast_node_name (Stmt stmt_index)) ^"]"
| Stmt OpaqueValueExpr (_, _, _, opaque_value_expr_info) ->
(match opaque_value_expr_info.ovei_source_expr with
| Some stmt -> ast_node_name (Stmt stmt)
| None -> "")
| Stmt ImplicitCastExpr (_, [stmt], _, _)
| Stmt PseudoObjectExpr (_, stmt::_, _)
| Stmt ParenExpr (_, [stmt], _) ->
ast_node_name (Stmt stmt)
| Stmt CallExpr (_, func::_, _) ->
let func_str = ast_node_name (Stmt func) in
func_str ^ "(...)"
| Stmt ObjCPropertyRefExpr (_, [stmt], _, obj_c_property_ref_expr_info) ->
let property_str =
(match obj_c_property_ref_expr_info.oprei_kind with
| `MethodRef obj_c_method_ref_info ->
(match obj_c_method_ref_info.mri_getter, obj_c_method_ref_info.mri_setter with
| Some name, _ -> name
| _, Some name -> name
| _ -> "")
| `PropertyRef decl_ref ->
match decl_ref.dr_name with Some name -> name.ni_name | None -> "") in
(ast_node_name (Stmt stmt)) ^ "." ^ property_str
| _ -> ""
| _ -> ""
let infer_prefix = "__infer_ctl_"
let infer_prefix = "__infer_ctl_"
@ -87,11 +104,13 @@ type builtin_kind =
| NullPtr (** nullptr_t *)
| NullPtr (** nullptr_t *)
| ObjCId (** id *)
| ObjCId (** id *)
| ObjCClass (** Class *)
| ObjCClass (** Class *)
| ObjCSel (** SEL *)
| ObjCSel (** SEL *)[@@deriving compare]
(* | OCLSampler | OCLEvent | OCLClkEvent | OCLQueue | OCLNDRange
(* | OCLSampler | OCLEvent | OCLClkEvent | OCLQueue | OCLNDRange
| OCLReserveID | Dependent | Overload | BoundMember | PseudoObject
| OCLReserveID | Dependent | Overload | BoundMember | PseudoObject
| UnknownAny | BuiltinFn | ARCUnbridgedCast | OMPArraySection *)
| UnknownAny | BuiltinFn | ARCUnbridgedCast | OMPArraySection *)
let equal_builtin_kind = [%compare.equal : builtin_kind]
let builtin_kind_to_string t =
let builtin_kind_to_string t =
match t with
match t with
| Char_U -> "char"
| Char_U -> "char"
@ -139,40 +158,43 @@ let rec abs_ctype_to_string t =
| Pointer t' -> "Pointer (" ^ (abs_ctype_to_string t') ^ ")"
| Pointer t' -> "Pointer (" ^ (abs_ctype_to_string t') ^ ")"
| TypeName ae -> "TypeName (" ^ (ALVar.alexp_to_string ae) ^ ")"
| TypeName ae -> "TypeName (" ^ (ALVar.alexp_to_string ae) ^ ")"
let builtin_type_kind_assoc =
(`Char_U, Char_U);
(`Char_S, Char_U);
(`Char16, Char16);
(`Char32, Char32);
(`WChar_U, WChar_U);
(`WChar_S, WChar_U);
(`Bool, Bool);
(`Short, Short);
(`Int, Int);
(`Long, Long);
(`Float, Float);
(`Double, Double);
(`Void, Void);
(`SChar, SChar);
(`LongLong, LongLong);
(`UChar, UChar);
(`UShort, UShort);
(`UInt, UInt);
(`ULong, ULong);
(`ULongLong, ULongLong);
(`LongDouble, LongDouble);
(`Int128, Int128);
(`UInt128, UInt128);
(`Float128, Float128);
(`NullPtr, NullPtr);
(`ObjCId, ObjCId);
(`ObjCClass, ObjCClass);
(`ObjCSel, ObjCSel);
(`Half, Half)
let builtin_equal bi abi =
let builtin_equal (bi : Clang_ast_t.builtin_type_kind) (abi : builtin_kind) =
match bi, abi with
match List.Assoc.find ~equal:PVariant.(=) builtin_type_kind_assoc bi with
| `Char_U, Char_U
| Some assoc_abi when equal_builtin_kind assoc_abi abi -> true
| `Char_S, Char_U
| _ -> display_equality_warning ();false
| `Char16, Char16
| `Char32, Char32
| `WChar_U, WChar_U
| `WChar_S, WChar_U
| `Bool, Bool
| `Short, Short
| `Int, Int
| `Long, Long
| `Float, Float
| `Double, Double
| `Void, Void
| `SChar, SChar
| `LongLong, LongLong
| `UChar, UChar
| `UShort, UShort
| `UInt, UInt
| `ULong, ULong
| `ULongLong, ULongLong
| `LongDouble, LongDouble
| `Int128, Int128
| `UInt128, UInt128
| `Float128, Float128
| `NullPtr, NullPtr
| `ObjCId, ObjCId
| `ObjCClass, ObjCClass
| `ObjCSel, ObjCSel
| `Half, Half -> true
| _, _ -> display_equality_warning ();
let typename_to_string pointer =
let typename_to_string pointer =
match CAst_utils.get_decl pointer with
match CAst_utils.get_decl pointer with
@ -228,7 +250,9 @@ let rec typ_string_of_type_ptr type_ptr =
let open Clang_ast_t in
let open Clang_ast_t in
match CAst_utils.get_type type_ptr with
match CAst_utils.get_type type_ptr with
| Some BuiltinType (_, bt) ->
| Some BuiltinType (_, bt) ->
Clang_ast_j.string_of_builtin_type_kind bt
(match List.Assoc.find builtin_type_kind_assoc bt with
| Some abt -> builtin_kind_to_string abt
| None -> "")
| Some PointerType (_, qt)
| Some PointerType (_, qt)
| Some ObjCObjectPointerType (_, qt) ->
| Some ObjCObjectPointerType (_, qt) ->
(typ_string_of_type_ptr qt.qt_type_ptr) ^ "*"
(typ_string_of_type_ptr qt.qt_type_ptr) ^ "*"
@ -239,17 +263,20 @@ let rec typ_string_of_type_ptr type_ptr =
| _ -> ""
| _ -> ""
let ast_node_type an =
let ast_node_type an =
match an with
let typ_str =
| Stmt stmt ->
match an with
(match Clang_ast_proj.get_expr_tuple stmt with
| Stmt stmt ->
| Some (_, _, expr_info) ->
(match Clang_ast_proj.get_expr_tuple stmt with
typ_string_of_type_ptr expr_info.ei_qual_type.qt_type_ptr
| Some (_, _, expr_info) ->
| _ -> "")
typ_string_of_type_ptr expr_info.ei_qual_type.qt_type_ptr
| Decl decl ->
| _ -> "")
(match CAst_utils.type_of_decl decl with
| Decl decl ->
| Some type_ptr ->
(match CAst_utils.type_of_decl decl with
typ_string_of_type_ptr type_ptr
| Some type_ptr ->
| _ -> "")
typ_string_of_type_ptr type_ptr
| _ -> "") in
if String.length typ_str > 0 then typ_str
else "<type not known>"
let stmt_node_child_type an =
let stmt_node_child_type an =
match an with
match an with