@ -65,9 +65,18 @@ let equal_parse_mode = [%compare.equal : parse_mode]
let all_parse_modes = [InferCommand; Javac; NoParse]
let all_parse_modes = [InferCommand; Javac; NoParse]
let accept_unknown_args = function
type anon_arg_action = {
| Javac | NoParse -> true
parse_subcommands : bool;
| InferCommand -> false
parse_argfiles : bool;
on_unknown : [`Add | `Reject | `Skip];
let anon_arg_action_of_parse_mode parse_mode =
let parse_subcommands, parse_argfiles, on_unknown = match parse_mode with
| InferCommand -> true, true, `Reject
| Javac -> false, true, `Skip
| NoParse-> false, false, `Skip in
{parse_subcommands; parse_argfiles; on_unknown}
(* NOTE: All variants must be also added to `all_commands` below *)
(* NOTE: All variants must be also added to `all_commands` below *)
type command =
type command =
@ -240,7 +249,7 @@ let arg_being_parsed : int ref = ref 0
(* list of arg specifications currently being used by Arg.parse_argv_dynamic *)
(* list of arg specifications currently being used by Arg.parse_argv_dynamic *)
let curr_speclist : (Arg.key * Arg.spec * Arg.doc) list ref = ref []
let curr_speclist : (Arg.key * Arg.spec * Arg.doc) list ref = ref []
let unknown_args_action = ref `ParseCommands
let anon_arg_action = ref (anon_arg_action_of_parse_mode InferCommand)
let subcommands = ref []
let subcommands = ref []
let subcommand_actions = ref []
let subcommand_actions = ref []
@ -383,24 +392,25 @@ let mk_string_list ?(default=[]) ?(f=fun s -> s)
~decode_json:(list_json_decoder (string_json_decoder ~long))
~decode_json:(list_json_decoder (string_json_decoder ~long))
~mk_spec:(fun set -> String set)
~mk_spec:(fun set -> String set)
let mk_path_helper ~setter ~default_to_string
let normalize_path_in_args_being_parsed ?(f=Fn.id) ~is_anon_arg str =
~default ~deprecated ~long ~short ~parse_mode ~in_help ~meta ~decode_json doc =
let normalize_path_in_args_being_parsed str =
if Filename.is_relative str then (
if Filename.is_relative str then (
(* Replace relative paths with absolute ones on the fly in the args being parsed. This assumes
(* Replace relative paths with absolute ones on the fly in the args being parsed. This assumes
that [!arg_being_parsed] points at the option name position in [!args_to_parse], as is the
that [!arg_being_parsed] points at either [str] (if [is_anon_arg]) or at the option name
case e.g. when calling
position in [!args_to_parse], as is the case e.g. when calling
[Arg.parse_argv_dynamic ~current:arg_being_parsed !args_to_parse ...]. *)
[Arg.parse_argv_dynamic ~current:arg_being_parsed !args_to_parse ...]. *)
let root = Unix.getcwd () in
let root = Unix.getcwd () in
let abs_path = Utils.filename_to_absolute ~root str in
let abs_path = Utils.filename_to_absolute ~root str in
(!args_to_parse).(!arg_being_parsed + 1) <- abs_path;
(!args_to_parse).(!arg_being_parsed + if is_anon_arg then 0 else 1) <- f abs_path;
) else
) else
str in
let mk_path_helper ~setter ~default_to_string
~default ~deprecated ~long ~short ~parse_mode ~in_help ~meta ~decode_json doc =
mk ~deprecated ~long ?short ~default ?parse_mode ?in_help ~meta doc
mk ~deprecated ~long ?short ~default ?parse_mode ?in_help ~meta doc
~decode_json ~default_to_string
~decode_json ~default_to_string
~mk_setter:(fun var str ->
~mk_setter:(fun var str ->
let abs_path = normalize_path_in_args_being_parsed str in
let abs_path = normalize_path_in_args_being_parsed ~is_anon_arg:false str in
setter var abs_path)
setter var abs_path)
~mk_spec:(fun set -> String set)
~mk_spec:(fun set -> String set)
@ -572,40 +582,20 @@ let set_curr_speclist_for_parse_mode ~usage parse_mode =
assert( check_no_duplicates !curr_speclist );
assert( check_no_duplicates !curr_speclist );
let select_parse_mode ~usage parse_mode =
let select_parse_mode ~usage action =
let print_usage = set_curr_speclist_for_parse_mode ~usage parse_mode in
let usage = set_curr_speclist_for_parse_mode ~usage action in
anon_arg_action := anon_arg_action_of_parse_mode parse_mode;
unknown_args_action := if accept_unknown_args action then `Add else `ParseCommands;
let string_of_command command =
let string_of_command command =
let (_, s, _) = List.Assoc.find_exn !subcommands ~equal:equal_command command in
let (_, s, _) = List.Assoc.find_exn !subcommands ~equal:equal_command command in
let anon_fun arg =
match !unknown_args_action with
| `ParseCommands -> (
match !curr_command, List.Assoc.find !subcommand_actions ~equal:String.equal arg with
| None, Some switch -> switch ()
| Some command, Some _ ->
raise (Arg.Bad
("More than one subcommand specified: " ^ string_of_command command ^ ", " ^
| _, None ->
raise (Arg.Bad ("unexpected anonymous argument: " ^ arg))
| `Skip ->
| `Add ->
rev_anon_args := arg::!rev_anon_args
let mk_rest_actions ?(parse_mode=InferCommand) ?(in_help=[]) doc ~usage decode_action =
let mk_rest_actions ?(parse_mode=InferCommand) ?(in_help=[]) doc ~usage decode_action =
let rest = ref [] in
let rest = ref [] in
let spec = String (fun arg ->
let spec = String (fun arg ->
rest := List.rev (Array.to_list (Array.slice !args_to_parse (!arg_being_parsed + 1) 0)) ;
rest := List.rev (Array.to_list (Array.slice !args_to_parse (!arg_being_parsed + 1) 0)) ;
select_parse_mode ~usage (decode_action arg) |> ignore;
select_parse_mode ~usage (decode_action arg) |> ignore) in
(* stop accepting new anonymous arguments *)
unknown_args_action := `Skip) in
add parse_mode in_help {long = "--"; short = ""; meta = ""; doc; spec;
add parse_mode in_help {long = "--"; short = ""; meta = ""; doc; spec;
decode_json = fun ~inferconfig_dir:_ _ -> []} ;
decode_json = fun ~inferconfig_dir:_ _ -> []} ;
@ -614,7 +604,8 @@ let mk_subcommand command ?(accept_unknown_args=false) ?deprecated ~long ?(name=
?parse_mode ?in_help command_doc =
?parse_mode ?in_help command_doc =
let switch () =
let switch () =
curr_command := Some command;
curr_command := Some command;
unknown_args_action := if accept_unknown_args then `Add else `ParseCommands in
let on_unknown = if accept_unknown_args then `Add else `Reject in
anon_arg_action := {!anon_arg_action with on_unknown} in
mk ?deprecated ~long ~default:() ?parse_mode ?in_help ~meta:""
mk ?deprecated ~long ~default:() ?parse_mode ?in_help ~meta:""
(Printf.sprintf "activates the %s subcommand (see $(i,`infer %s --help`))" long long)
(Printf.sprintf "activates the %s subcommand (see $(i,`infer %s --help`))" long long)
@ -625,6 +616,54 @@ let mk_subcommand command ?(accept_unknown_args=false) ?deprecated ~long ?(name=
subcommands := (command, (command_doc, name, in_help))::!subcommands;
subcommands := (command, (command_doc, name, in_help))::!subcommands;
subcommand_actions := (name, switch)::!subcommand_actions
subcommand_actions := (name, switch)::!subcommand_actions
(* drop well-balanced first and last characters in [s] that satisfy the [drop] predicate; for
instance, [lrstrip ~drop:(function | 'a' | 'x' -> true | _ -> false) "xaabax"] returns "ab" *)
let rec lrstrip ~drop s =
let n = String.length s in
if n < 2 then s
let first = String.unsafe_get s 0 in
if Char.equal first (String.unsafe_get s (n-1)) && drop first then
lrstrip ~drop (String.slice s 1 (n-1))
else s
let args_from_argfile arg =
let abs_fname =
let fname = String.slice arg 1 (String.length arg) in
normalize_path_in_args_being_parsed ~f:(fun s -> "@" ^ s) ~is_anon_arg:true fname in
match In_channel.read_lines abs_fname with
| lines ->
let strip = lrstrip ~drop:(function '"' | '\'' -> true | _ -> false) in
List.map ~f:strip lines
| exception e ->
raise (Arg.Bad ("Error reading argument file '" ^ abs_fname ^ "': " ^ Exn.to_string e))
exception SubArguments of string list
let anon_fun arg =
if !anon_arg_action.parse_argfiles
&& String.is_prefix arg ~prefix:"@" then
(* stop parsing the current args and go look in that argfile *)
raise (SubArguments (args_from_argfile arg))
else if !anon_arg_action.parse_subcommands
&& List.Assoc.mem !subcommand_actions ~equal:String.equal arg then
let command_switch = List.Assoc.find_exn !subcommand_actions ~equal:String.equal arg in
match !curr_command with
| None ->
command_switch ()
| Some command ->
raise (Arg.Bad
("More than one subcommand specified: " ^ string_of_command command ^ ", " ^
else match !anon_arg_action.on_unknown with
| `Add ->
rev_anon_args := arg::!rev_anon_args
| `Skip ->
| `Reject ->
raise (Arg.Bad ("unexpected anonymous argument: " ^ arg))
let decode_inferconfig_to_argv path =
let decode_inferconfig_to_argv path =
let json = match Utils.read_json_file path with
let json = match Utils.read_json_file path with
| Ok json ->
| Ok json ->
@ -688,45 +727,7 @@ let extra_env_args = ref []
let extend_env_args args =
let extend_env_args args =
extra_env_args := List.rev_append args !extra_env_args
extra_env_args := List.rev_append args !extra_env_args
(* TODO(t18057447) [should_expand_args] is a bogus hack to side-step a bug with expansion of
let parse_args ~usage initial_action ?initial_command args =
@argfiles *)
let parse_args ~usage initial_action ?(should_expand_args=true) ?initial_command args0 =
(* look inside argfiles so we can move select arguments into the top line CLI and parse them into
Config vars. note that we don't actually delete the arguments to the file, we just duplicate
them on the CLI. javac is ok with this. *)
let expand_argfiles acc arg =
if String.is_prefix arg ~prefix:"@"
(* for now, we only need to parse -d. we could parse more if we wanted to, but we would risk
incurring the wrath of ARGUMENT_LIST_TOO_LONG *)
let should_parse = function
| "-d" | "-cp" | "-classpath" -> true
| _ -> false in
let fname = String.slice arg 1 (String.length arg) in
match In_channel.read_lines fname with
| lines ->
(* crude but we only care about simple cases that will not involve trickiness, eg
unbalanced or escaped quotes such as "ending in\"" *)
let strip =
String.strip ~drop:(function '"' | '\'' -> true | _ -> false) in
let rec parse_argfile_args acc = function
| flag :: ((value :: args) as rest) ->
let stripped_flag = strip flag in
if should_parse stripped_flag
then parse_argfile_args (stripped_flag :: strip value :: acc) args
else parse_argfile_args acc rest
| _ ->
acc in
parse_argfile_args (arg :: acc) lines
| exception _ ->
arg :: acc in
let args = if should_expand_args then
List.fold ~f:expand_argfiles ~init:[] (List.rev args0)
args0 in
let exe_name = Sys.executable_name in
let exe_name = Sys.executable_name in
args_to_parse := Array.of_list (exe_name :: args);
args_to_parse := Array.of_list (exe_name :: args);
arg_being_parsed := 0;
arg_being_parsed := 0;
@ -742,8 +743,19 @@ let parse_args ~usage initial_action ?(should_expand_args=true) ?initial_command
Arg.parse_argv_dynamic ~current:arg_being_parsed !args_to_parse curr_speclist
Arg.parse_argv_dynamic ~current:arg_being_parsed !args_to_parse curr_speclist
anon_fun usage
anon_fun usage
| SubArguments args ->
(* stop parsing the current arguments and parse [args] for a while *)
let saved_args = !args_to_parse in
let saved_current = !arg_being_parsed in
args_to_parse := Array.of_list (exe_name :: args);
arg_being_parsed := 0;
parse_loop ();
(* resume argument parsing *)
args_to_parse := saved_args;
arg_being_parsed := saved_current;
parse_loop ()
| Arg.Bad usage_msg ->
| Arg.Bad usage_msg ->
if !unknown_args_action <> `ParseCommands && is_unknown usage_msg then (
if !anon_arg_action.on_unknown <> `Reject && is_unknown usage_msg then (
anon_fun !args_to_parse.(!arg_being_parsed);
anon_fun !args_to_parse.(!arg_being_parsed);
parse_loop ()
parse_loop ()
) else (
) else (
@ -753,8 +765,7 @@ let parse_args ~usage initial_action ?(should_expand_args=true) ?initial_command
| Arg.Help _ ->
| Arg.Help _ ->
(* we handle --help by ourselves and error on -help, so Arg has no way to raise Help
(* we handle --help by ourselves and error on -help, so Arg has no way to raise Help
anymore *)
anymore *)
assert false
assert false in
parse_loop ();
parse_loop ();
@ -777,14 +788,10 @@ let parse ?config_file ~usage action initial_command =
else !args_to_export ^ String.of_char env_var_sep ^ encode_argv_to_env args in
else !args_to_export ^ String.of_char env_var_sep ^ encode_argv_to_env args in
args_to_export := arg_string in
args_to_export := arg_string in
(* read .inferconfig first, then env vars, then command-line options *)
(* read .inferconfig first, then env vars, then command-line options *)
(* TODO(t18057447) [should_expand_args] is a bogus hack to side-step a bug with expansion of
parse_args ~usage InferCommand inferconfig_args |> ignore;
@argfiles *)
parse_args ~usage ~should_expand_args:false InferCommand inferconfig_args |> ignore;
(* NOTE: do not add the contents of .inferconfig to INFER_ARGS. This helps avoid hitting the
(* NOTE: do not add the contents of .inferconfig to INFER_ARGS. This helps avoid hitting the
command line size limit. *)
command line size limit. *)
(* TODO(t18057447) [should_expand_args] is a bogus hack to side-step a bug with expansion of
parse_args ~usage InferCommand env_args |> ignore;
@argfiles *)
parse_args ~usage ~should_expand_args:false InferCommand env_args |> ignore;
add_parsed_args_to_args_to_export ();
add_parsed_args_to_args_to_export ();
let curr_usage =
let curr_usage =
let cl_args = match Array.to_list Sys.argv with _ :: tl -> tl | [] -> [] in
let cl_args = match Array.to_list Sys.argv with _ :: tl -> tl | [] -> [] in