@ -134,9 +134,10 @@ module Domain = struct
type report_issues_result =
{ weakSelfList : DomainData . t list
{ reported_captured_strong_self : Pvar . Set . t
; reported_weak_self_in_noescape_block : Pvar . Set . t
; selfList : DomainData . t list
; reported_captured_strong_self: Pvar . Set . t }
; weakSelfList: DomainData . t lis t }
module TransferFunctions = struct
module Domain = Domain
@ -436,16 +437,23 @@ let report_mix_self_weakself_issues summary domain (weakSelf : DomainData.t) (se
Reporting . log_error summary ~ ltr ~ loc : self . loc IssueType . mixed_self_weakself message
let report_weakself_in_no_escape_block_issues summary domain ( weakSelf : DomainData . t ) procname =
let message =
F . asprintf
" This block uses `%a` at %a. This is probably not needed since the block is passed to the \
method ` % s ` in a position annotated with NS_NOESCAPE . Use ` self ` instead . "
( Pvar . pp Pp . text ) weakSelf . pvar Location . pp weakSelf . loc
( Procname . to_simplified_string procname )
let ltr = make_trace_use_self_weakself domain in
Reporting . log_error summary ~ ltr ~ loc : weakSelf . loc IssueType . weak_self_in_noescape_block message
let report_weakself_in_no_escape_block_issues summary domain ( weakSelf : DomainData . t ) procname
reported_weak_self_in_noescape_block =
if not ( Pvar . Set . mem weakSelf . pvar reported_weak_self_in_noescape_block ) then (
let reported_weak_self_in_noescape_block =
Pvar . Set . add weakSelf . pvar reported_weak_self_in_noescape_block
let message =
F . asprintf
" This block uses `%a` at %a. This is probably not needed since the block is passed to the \
method ` % s ` in a position annotated with NS_NOESCAPE . Use ` self ` instead . "
( Pvar . pp Pp . text ) weakSelf . pvar Location . pp weakSelf . loc
( Procname . to_simplified_string procname )
let ltr = make_trace_use_self_weakself domain in
Reporting . log_error summary ~ ltr ~ loc : weakSelf . loc IssueType . weak_self_in_noescape_block message ;
reported_weak_self_in_noescape_block )
else reported_weak_self_in_noescape_block
let report_weakself_multiple_issue summary domain ( weakSelf1 : DomainData . t )
@ -493,19 +501,27 @@ let report_issues summary domain attributes =
{ result with reported_captured_strong_self }
| DomainData . WEAK_SELF ->
( match attributes . ProcAttributes . passed_as_noescape_block_to with
| Some procname ->
report_weakself_in_no_escape_block_issues summary domain domain_data procname
| None ->
() ) ;
{ result with weakSelfList = domain_data :: result . weakSelfList }
let reported_weak_self_in_noescape_block =
match attributes . ProcAttributes . passed_as_noescape_block_to with
| Some procname ->
report_weakself_in_no_escape_block_issues summary domain domain_data procname
result . reported_weak_self_in_noescape_block
| None ->
result . reported_weak_self_in_noescape_block
{ result with
; weakSelfList = domain_data :: result . weakSelfList }
| DomainData . SELF ->
{ result with selfList = domain_data :: result . selfList }
| _ ->
let report_issues_result_empty =
{ weakSelfList = [] ; selfList = [] ; reported_captured_strong_self = Pvar . Set . empty }
{ reported_captured_strong_self = Pvar . Set . empty
; reported_weak_self_in_noescape_block = Pvar . Set . empty
; selfList = []
; weakSelfList = [] }
let domain_bindings =
Vars . bindings domain