[topl] Added the ArrayWrite event type.

Now one can use the pattern #ArrayWrite(A,I) to match on a write at
index I in array A. This only works in the Pulse variant of Topl (not in
the one based on SIL instrumentation).

Reviewed By: jvillard

Differential Revision: D25202768

fbshipit-source-id: 479f434e3
Radu Grigore 4 years ago committed by Facebook GitHub Bot
parent 33071b82b5
commit 59daa1f022

@ -122,6 +122,19 @@ module PulseTransferFunctions = struct
Result.map ~f:(List.map ~f:do_one_exec_state) exec_state_res
let topl_store_step loc ~lhs ~rhs:_ astate =
match (lhs : Exp.t) with
| Lindex (arr, index) ->
(let open IResult.Let_syntax in
let* _astate, (aw_array, _history) = PulseOperations.eval loc arr astate in
let+ _astate, (aw_index, _history) = PulseOperations.eval loc index astate in
let topl_event = PulseTopl.ArrayWrite {aw_array; aw_index} in
AbductiveDomain.Topl.small_step loc topl_event astate)
|> Result.ok (* don't emit Topl event if evals fail *) |> Option.value ~default:astate
| _ ->
let dispatch_call ({InterproceduralAnalysis.tenv} as analysis_data) ret call_exp actuals call_loc
flags astate =
(* evaluate all actuals *)
@ -272,6 +285,10 @@ module PulseTransferFunctions = struct
~obj:(rhs_addr, event :: rhs_history)
let astate =
if Topl.is_deep_active () then topl_store_step loc ~lhs:lhs_exp ~rhs:rhs_exp astate
else astate
match lhs_exp with
| Lvar pvar when Pvar.is_return pvar ->
PulseOperations.check_address_escape loc proc_desc rhs_addr rhs_history astate

@ -11,11 +11,16 @@ module L = Logging
type value = AbstractValue.t
type event = Call of {return: value option; arguments: value list; procname: Procname.t}
type event =
| ArrayWrite of {aw_array: value; aw_index: value}
| Call of {return: value option; arguments: value list; procname: Procname.t}
let pp_comma_seq f xs = Pp.comma_seq ~print_env:Pp.text_break f xs
let pp_event f (Call {return; arguments; procname}) =
let pp_event f = function
| ArrayWrite {aw_array; aw_index} ->
Format.fprintf f "@[ArrayWrite %a[%a]@]" AbstractValue.pp aw_array AbstractValue.pp aw_index
| Call {return; arguments; procname} ->
let procname = Procname.hashable_name procname (* as in [static_match] *) in
Format.fprintf f "@[call@ %a=%s(%a)@]" (Pp.option AbstractValue.pp) return procname
(pp_comma_seq AbstractValue.pp) arguments
@ -138,28 +143,38 @@ let pp_tcontext f tcontext =
Format.fprintf f "@[[%a]@]" (pp_comma_seq (Pp.pair ~fst:String.pp ~snd:AbstractValue.pp)) tcontext
(** Returns a list of transitions whose pattern matches (e.g., event type matches). Each match
produces a tcontext (transition context), which matches transition-local variables to abstract
values. *)
let static_match (Call {return; arguments; procname} as event) :
(ToplAutomaton.transition * tcontext) list =
(* TODO(rgrigore): if both [Topl.evaluate_static_guard] and [PulseTopl.static_match] remain, try to factor code. *)
let static_match_array_write arr index label : tcontext option =
match label.ToplAst.pattern with
| ArrayWritePattern ->
let v1, v2 =
match label.ToplAst.arguments with
| Some [v1; v2] ->
(v1, v2)
| _ ->
L.die InternalError "Topl: #ArrayWrite should have exactly two arguments"
Some [(v1, arr); (v2, index)]
| _ ->
let static_match_call return arguments procname label : tcontext option =
let rev_arguments = List.rev arguments in
let procname = Procname.hashable_name procname in
let match_one t =
let ret c = Some (t, c) in
let f label =
let match_name () : bool =
let re = Str.regexp label.ToplAst.procedure_name in
Str.string_match re procname 0
match label.ToplAst.pattern with
| ProcedureNamePattern pname ->
Str.string_match (Str.regexp pname) procname 0
| _ ->
let match_args () : (ToplAutomaton.transition * tcontext) option =
let match_formals formals =
let match_args () : tcontext option =
let match_formals formals : tcontext option =
let bind ~init rev_formals =
let f tcontext variable value = (variable, value) :: tcontext in
match List.fold2 ~init ~f rev_formals rev_arguments with
| Ok c ->
ret c
Some c
| Unequal_lengths ->
@ -171,17 +186,27 @@ let static_match (Call {return; arguments; procname} as event) :
| r :: rev_formals, Some v ->
bind ~init:[(r, v)] rev_formals
Option.value_map ~default:(ret []) ~f:match_formals label.ToplAst.arguments
Option.value_map ~default:(Some []) ~f:match_formals label.ToplAst.arguments
if match_name () then match_args () else None
(** Returns a list of transitions whose pattern matches (e.g., event type matches). Each match
produces a tcontext (transition context), which matches transition-local variables to abstract
values. *)
let static_match event : (ToplAutomaton.transition * tcontext) list =
let match_one transition =
let f label =
match event with
| ArrayWrite {aw_array; aw_index} ->
static_match_array_write aw_array aw_index label
| Call {return; arguments; procname} ->
static_match_call return arguments procname label
let result = Option.value_map ~default:(ret []) ~f t.ToplAutomaton.label in
let pp_second pp f (_, x) = pp f x in
let tcontext_opt = Option.value_map ~default:(Some []) ~f transition.ToplAutomaton.label in
L.d_printfln "@[<2>PulseTopl.static_match:@;transition %a@;event %a@;result %a@]"
ToplAutomaton.pp_transition t pp_event event
(Pp.option (pp_second pp_tcontext))
result ;
ToplAutomaton.pp_transition transition pp_event event (Pp.option pp_tcontext) tcontext_opt ;
Option.map ~f:(fun tcontext -> (transition, tcontext)) tcontext_opt
ToplAutomaton.tfilter_map (Topl.automaton ()) ~f:match_one
@ -393,14 +418,17 @@ let simplify ~keep state =
let description_of_step_data step_data =
let procname =
match step_data with SmallStep (Call {procname}) | LargeStep (procname, _) -> procname
Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter "@[call to %a@]" Procname.pp procname ;
( match step_data with
| SmallStep (Call {procname}) | LargeStep (procname, _) ->
Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter "@[call to %a@]" Procname.pp procname
| SmallStep (ArrayWrite _) ->
Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter "@[write to array@]" ) ;
Format.flush_str_formatter ()
let report_errors proc_desc err_log state =
(* TODO(rgrigore): Calling f() that has implementation leads to a large_step followed by a small_step,
which currently results in two trace elements (that look the same to the user). This is confusing. *)
let a = Topl.automaton () in
let rec make_trace nesting acc q =
match q.last_step with

@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ open! IStd
type value = PulseAbstractValue.t
type event = Call of {return: value option; arguments: value list; procname: Procname.t}
type event =
| ArrayWrite of {aw_array: value; aw_index: value}
| Call of {return: value option; arguments: value list; procname: Procname.t}
type state

@ -50,16 +50,26 @@ let get_proc_attr proc_name =
let get_transitions_count () = ToplAutomaton.tcount (Lazy.force automaton)
(* NOTE: Code instrumentation only handles ProcedureNamePattern patterns. *)
(** Checks whether the method name and the number of arguments matches the conditions in a
transition label. Possible optimization: also evaluate if arguments equal certain constants. *)
let evaluate_static_guard label_o (e_fun, arg_ts) =
let pname_of_label label =
match label.ToplAst.pattern with
| ProcedureNamePattern pname ->
| _ ->
L.die UserError
"Topl: The implementation based on SIL-instrumentation only supports ProcedureNamePattern"
let evaluate_nonany label =
let match_name () =
match e_fun with
| Exp.Const (Const.Cfun n) ->
(* TODO: perhaps handle inheritance *)
let name = Procname.hashable_name n in
let re = Str.regexp label.ToplAst.procedure_name in
let re = Str.regexp (pname_of_label label) in
let result = Str.string_match re name 0 in
tt " check name='%s'@\n" name ;
@ -74,8 +84,8 @@ let evaluate_static_guard label_o (e_fun, arg_ts) =
tt " check arg-len=%d@\n" arg_len ;
Option.value_map ~default:true ~f:(Int.equal arg_len) pattern_len
tt "match name-pattern='%s' arg-len-pattern=%a@\n" label.ToplAst.procedure_name
(Pp.option Int.pp) pattern_len ;
tt "match name-pattern='%s' arg-len-pattern=%a@\n" (pname_of_label label) (Pp.option Int.pp)
pattern_len ;
let log f =
f ()

@ -29,13 +29,17 @@ type assignment = register_name * variable_name
(** a regular expression *)
type procedure_name_pattern = string
type label_pattern = ArrayWritePattern | ProcedureNamePattern of procedure_name_pattern
(* TODO(rgrigore): Check that variable names don't repeat. *)
(* TODO(rgrigore): Check that registers are written at most once. *)
(* INV: if [pattern] is ArrayWritePattern, then [arguments] has length 2.
(Now ensured by parser. TODO: refactor to ensure with types.) *)
type label =
{ arguments: variable_name list option
; condition: condition
; action: assignment list
; procedure_name: procedure_name_pattern }
; pattern: label_pattern }
type vertex = string [@@deriving compare, hash, sexp]

@ -7,6 +7,12 @@
open! IStd
let pp_raw_label f {ToplAst.procedure_name} = Format.fprintf f "%s" procedure_name
let pp_raw_label f label =
match label.ToplAst.pattern with
| ArrayWritePattern ->
Format.fprintf f "#ArrayWrite"
| ProcedureNamePattern procedure_name ->
Format.fprintf f "%s" procedure_name
let pp_label = Pp.option pp_raw_label

@ -82,9 +82,12 @@ let make properties =
let ps = List.map ~f:(fun p -> "\\|" ^ p ^ "\\.") p.ToplAst.prefixes in
"^\\(" ^ String.concat ps ^ "\\)" ^ pname ^ "("
let prefix_label label =
ToplAst.{label with procedure_name= prefix_pname label.procedure_name}
let prefix_pattern =
| ProcedureNamePattern pname -> ProcedureNamePattern (prefix_pname pname) | p -> p)
let prefix_label label = ToplAst.{label with pattern= prefix_pattern label.pattern} in
let f t =
let source = vindex ToplAst.(p.name, t.source) in
let target = vindex ToplAst.(p.name, t.target) in

@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ rule raw_token = parse
| "==" { EQ }
| "!=" { NE }
| "&&" { AND }
| "#ArrayWrite" { ARRAYWRITE }
| "prefix" { PREFIX }
| "property" { PROPERTY }
| "message" { MESSAGE }

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
%token <string> STRING
%token <string> UID
%token AND
%token ARROW
%token COLON
@ -63,11 +64,17 @@ state: i=identifier { i }
STAR { None }
| procedure_name=procedure_pattern arguments=arguments_pattern?
| pattern=procedure_pattern arguments=arguments_pattern?
condition=condition? action=action?
{ let condition = Option.value ~default:[] condition in
let action = Option.value ~default:[] action in
Some ToplAst.{ arguments; condition; action; procedure_name } }
Some ToplAst.{ arguments; condition; action; pattern } }
condition=condition? action=action?
{ let arguments = Some [arr; index] in
let condition = Option.value ~default:[] condition in
let action = Option.value ~default:[] action in
Some ToplAst.{ arguments; condition; action; pattern= ToplAst.ArrayWritePattern } }
condition: WHEN ps=condition_expression { ps }
@ -97,8 +104,8 @@ predop:
and_predicate: AND p=predicate { p }
i=identifier { i }
| s=STRING { s }
i=identifier { ToplAst.ProcedureNamePattern i }
| s=STRING { ToplAst.ProcedureNamePattern s }
arguments_pattern: LP a=separated_list(COMMA, UID) RP { a }

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
TESTS_DIR = ../../..
SUBDIRS = baos compareArgs hasnext servlet slowIter
SUBDIRS = baos compareArgs hasnext immutableArray servlet slowIter
$(MAKE) -C $* test

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
class ImmutableArray {
final int[] testArray = new int[] {0, 1, 2, 4};
int[] getTestArray() {
return testArray;
void badA() {
int[] array = getTestArray();
array[2] = 7;
void badB() {
int[] array = getTestArray();
int[] otherArray = array;
otherArray[2] = 7;
void badC() {
int[] array = getTestArray();
void badABC() {
int[] array = getTestArray();
array[2] = 7;
int[] otherArray = array;
otherArray[2] = 7;
void otherMutateArray(int[] array) {
array[2] = 7;

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
TESTS_DIR = ../../../..
INFER_OPTIONS = --topl-properties immutableArray.topl --pulse-only
INFERPRINT_OPTIONS = --issues-tests
SOURCES = $(wildcard *.java)
include $(TESTS_DIR)/javac.make

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
property ImmutableArrayModified
prefix "ImmutableArray"
nondet (start)
start -> start: *
start -> tracking: getTestArray(IgnoreObject, Array) => a := Array
tracking -> error: #ArrayWrite(Array, IgnoreIndex) when a == Array

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
codetoanalyze/java/topl/immutableArray/ImmutableArray.java, ImmutableArray.badA():void, 0, TOPL_PULSE_ERROR, no_bucket, ERROR, [call to int[] ImmutableArray.getTestArray(),call to int[] ImmutableArray.getTestArray(),write to array]
codetoanalyze/java/topl/immutableArray/ImmutableArray.java, ImmutableArray.badABC():void, 0, TOPL_PULSE_ERROR, no_bucket, ERROR, [call to int[] ImmutableArray.getTestArray(),call to int[] ImmutableArray.getTestArray(),write to array,call to void ImmutableArray.otherMutateArray(int[])]
codetoanalyze/java/topl/immutableArray/ImmutableArray.java, ImmutableArray.badB():void, 0, TOPL_PULSE_ERROR, no_bucket, ERROR, [call to int[] ImmutableArray.getTestArray(),call to int[] ImmutableArray.getTestArray(),write to array]
codetoanalyze/java/topl/immutableArray/ImmutableArray.java, ImmutableArray.badC():void, 0, TOPL_PULSE_ERROR, no_bucket, ERROR, [call to int[] ImmutableArray.getTestArray(),call to int[] ImmutableArray.getTestArray(),call to void ImmutableArray.otherMutateArray(int[]),write to array]