[retain cycles] Improve the message by adding info about when each of the objects involved was last updated.

Reviewed By: mbouaziz

Differential Revision: D6544978

fbshipit-source-id: 2bb65e2
Dulma Churchill 7 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 5ce024bf6e
commit 5b5b72f983

@ -566,6 +566,24 @@ let nullable_annotation_name proc_name =
let access_desc tags access_opt =
match access_opt with
| None ->
| Some Last_accessed (n, _) ->
let line_str = string_of_int n in
Tags.update tags Tags.accessed_line line_str ;
["last accessed on line " ^ line_str]
| Some Last_assigned (n, _) ->
let line_str = string_of_int n in
Tags.update tags Tags.assigned_line line_str ;
["last assigned on line " ^ line_str]
| Some Returned_from_call _ ->
| Some Initialized_automatically ->
["initialized automatically"]
let dereference_string proc_name deref_str value_str access_opt loc =
let tags = deref_str.tags in
Tags.update tags Tags.value value_str ;
@ -577,23 +595,6 @@ let dereference_string proc_name deref_str value_str access_opt loc =
; MF.monospaced_to_string value_str
; (match deref_str.value_post with Some s -> " " ^ MF.monospaced_to_string s | _ -> "") ]
let access_desc =
match access_opt with
| None ->
| Some Last_accessed (n, _) ->
let line_str = string_of_int n in
Tags.update tags Tags.accessed_line line_str ;
["last accessed on line " ^ line_str]
| Some Last_assigned (n, _) ->
let line_str = string_of_int n in
Tags.update tags Tags.assigned_line line_str ;
["last assigned on line " ^ line_str]
| Some Returned_from_call _ ->
| Some Initialized_automatically ->
["initialized automatically"]
let problem_desc =
let problem_str =
let annotation_name = nullable_annotation_name proc_name in
@ -613,6 +614,7 @@ let dereference_string proc_name deref_str value_str access_opt loc =
[problem_str ^ " " ^ at_line tags loc]
let access_desc = access_desc tags access_opt in
{no_desc with descriptions= value_desc :: access_desc @ problem_desc; tags= !tags}
@ -889,37 +891,12 @@ let desc_return_expression_required typ_str loc =
{no_desc with descriptions= [description]; tags= !tags}
let desc_retain_cycle cycle loc cycle_dotty =
let desc_retain_cycle cycle_str loc cycle_dotty =
Logging.d_strln "Proposition with retain cycle:" ;
let tags = Tags.create () in
let desc_retain_cycle (cycle: RetainCyclesType.t) =
let open RetainCyclesType in
let remove_old s =
match Str.split_delim (Str.regexp_string "&old_") s with [_; s'] -> s' | _ -> s
let do_edge index_ edge =
let index = index_ + 1 in
let from_exp_str =
match edge.rc_from.rc_node_exp with
| Exp.Lvar pvar when Pvar.equal pvar Sil.block_pvar ->
"a block capturing"
| Exp.Lvar pvar as e ->
let e_str = Exp.to_string e in
if Pvar.is_seed pvar then remove_old e_str else e_str
| _ ->
Format.sprintf "An object of type %s"
(MF.monospaced_to_string (Typ.to_string edge.rc_from.rc_node_typ))
Format.sprintf "(%d) %s retaining another object via instance variable %s, " index
(MF.monospaced_to_string (Typ.Fieldname.to_string edge.rc_field.rc_field_name))
let cycle_str = List.mapi ~f:do_edge cycle.rc_elements in
String.concat cycle_str ~sep:" "
let desc =
Format.sprintf "Retain cycle involving the following objects:%s %s" (desc_retain_cycle cycle)
(at_line tags loc)
Format.sprintf "Retain cycle %s involving the following objects:%s" (at_line tags loc)
{no_desc with descriptions= [desc]; tags= !tags; dotty= cycle_dotty}

@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ val desc_precondition_not_met : pnm_kind option -> Typ.Procname.t -> Location.t
val desc_return_expression_required : string -> Location.t -> error_desc
val desc_retain_cycle : RetainCyclesType.t -> Location.t -> string option -> error_desc
val desc_retain_cycle : string -> Location.t -> string option -> error_desc
val registered_observer_being_deallocated_str : string -> string
@ -223,3 +223,5 @@ val desc_unary_minus_applied_to_unsigned_expression :
val desc_unsafe_guarded_by_access : Typ.Fieldname.t -> string -> Location.t -> error_desc
val desc_uninitialized_dangling_pointer_deref : deref_str -> string -> Location.t -> error_desc
val access_desc : (string, string) Base__List.Assoc.t ref -> access option -> string list

@ -8,6 +8,39 @@
module L = Logging
module F = Format
module MF = MarkupFormatter
let desc_retain_cycle tenv (cycle: RetainCyclesType.t) =
let open RetainCyclesType in
Logging.d_strln "Proposition with retain cycle:" ;
let do_edge index_ edge =
let index = index_ + 1 in
let node = State.get_node () in
let from_exp_str =
match edge.rc_from.rc_node_exp with
| Exp.Lvar pvar when Pvar.equal pvar Sil.block_pvar ->
"a block"
| _ ->
match Errdesc.find_outermost_dereference tenv node edge.rc_from.rc_node_exp with
| Some de ->
DecompiledExp.to_string de
| None ->
Format.sprintf "(object of type %s)" (Typ.to_string edge.rc_from.rc_node_typ)
let inst_str inst =
let update_str_list = Localise.access_desc (ref []) (Errdesc.access_opt inst) in
if List.is_empty update_str_list then " " else ", " ^ String.concat ~sep:"," update_str_list
let cycle_item_str =
Format.sprintf "%s->%s" from_exp_str (Typ.Fieldname.to_string edge.rc_field.rc_field_name)
Format.sprintf "(%d) %s%s" index
(MF.monospaced_to_string cycle_item_str)
(inst_str edge.rc_field.rc_field_inst)
let cycle_str = List.mapi ~f:do_edge cycle.rc_elements in
List.fold_left cycle_str ~f:(fun acc s -> Format.sprintf "%s\n %s" acc s) ~init:""
let get_cycle root prop =
let open RetainCyclesType in
@ -66,16 +99,6 @@ let get_cycle root prop =
let get_retain_cycle_dotty prop_ cycle =
match prop_ with
| None ->
| Some Some prop_ ->
Dotty.dotty_retain_cycle_to_str prop_ cycle
| _ ->
let get_var_retain_cycle prop_ =
let sigma = prop_.Prop.sigma in
(* returns the pvars of the first cycle we find in sigma.
@ -140,9 +163,10 @@ let cycle_has_weak_or_unretained_or_assign_field tenv cycle =
do_cycle cycle.rc_elements
let exn_retain_cycle original_prop hpred cycle =
let cycle_dotty = get_retain_cycle_dotty original_prop cycle in
let desc = Errdesc.explain_retain_cycle cycle (State.get_loc ()) cycle_dotty in
let exn_retain_cycle tenv prop hpred cycle =
let retain_cycle = desc_retain_cycle tenv cycle in
let cycle_dotty = Dotty.dotty_retain_cycle_to_str prop cycle in
let desc = Localise.desc_retain_cycle retain_cycle (State.get_loc ()) cycle_dotty in
Exceptions.Retain_cycle (hpred, desc, __POS__)
@ -151,10 +175,11 @@ let report_cycle tenv hpred original_prop =
only if it's empty or it has weak or unsafe_unretained fields.
Otherwise we report a retain cycle. *)
let remove_opt prop_ = match prop_ with Some Some p -> p | _ -> Prop.prop_emp in
match get_var_retain_cycle (remove_opt original_prop) with
let prop = remove_opt original_prop in
match get_var_retain_cycle prop with
| Some cycle when not (cycle_has_weak_or_unretained_or_assign_field tenv cycle) ->
RetainCyclesType.print_cycle cycle ;
Some (exn_retain_cycle original_prop hpred cycle)
Some (exn_retain_cycle tenv prop hpred cycle)
| _ ->

@ -786,6 +786,22 @@ let vpath_find tenv prop exp_ : DExp.t option * Typ.t option =
let access_opt ?(is_nullable= false) inst =
match inst with
| Sil.Iupdate (_, ncf, n, _) ->
Some (Localise.Last_assigned (n, ncf))
| Sil.Irearrange (_, _, n, _) ->
Some (Localise.Last_accessed (n, is_nullable))
| Sil.Ireturn_from_call n ->
Some (Localise.Returned_from_call n)
| Sil.Ialloc when Config.curr_language_is Config.Java ->
Some Localise.Initialized_automatically
| inst ->
if verbose then
L.d_strln ("explain_dexp_access: inst is not an update " ^ Sil.inst_to_string inst) ;
(** produce a description of the access from the instrumentation at position [dexp] in [prop] *)
let explain_dexp_access prop dexp is_nullable =
let sigma = prop.Prop.sigma in
@ -906,26 +922,12 @@ let explain_dexp_access prop dexp is_nullable =
if verbose then L.d_strln ("lookup: unknown case not matched " ^ DExp.to_string de) ;
let access_opt =
match sexpo_to_inst (lookup dexp) with
| None ->
if verbose then
L.d_strln ("explain_dexp_access: cannot find inst of " ^ DExp.to_string dexp) ;
| Some Sil.Iupdate (_, ncf, n, _) ->
Some (Localise.Last_assigned (n, ncf))
| Some Sil.Irearrange (_, _, n, _) ->
Some (Localise.Last_accessed (n, is_nullable))
| Some Sil.Ireturn_from_call n ->
Some (Localise.Returned_from_call n)
| Some Sil.Ialloc when Config.curr_language_is Config.Java ->
Some Localise.Initialized_automatically
| Some inst ->
if verbose then
L.d_strln ("explain_dexp_access: inst is not an update " ^ Sil.inst_to_string inst) ;
match sexpo_to_inst (lookup dexp) with
| Some inst ->
access_opt inst ~is_nullable
| None ->
if verbose then L.d_strln ("explain_dexp_access: cannot find inst of " ^ DExp.to_string dexp) ;
let explain_dereference_access outermost_array is_nullable de_opt_ prop =
@ -1004,6 +1006,59 @@ let create_dereference_desc proc_name tenv ?(use_buckets= false) ?(outermost_arr
if use_buckets then Buckets.classify_access desc access_opt' de_opt is_nullable else desc
let rec find_outermost_dereference tenv node e =
match e with
| Exp.Const _ ->
if verbose then (
L.d_str "find_outermost_dereference: constant " ;
Sil.d_exp e ;
L.d_ln () ) ;
exp_lv_dexp tenv node e
| Exp.Var id when Ident.is_normal id ->
(* look up the normal variable declaration *)
if verbose then (
L.d_str "find_outermost_dereference: normal var " ;
Sil.d_exp e ;
L.d_ln () ) ;
find_normal_variable_load tenv node id
| Exp.Lfield (e', _, _) ->
if verbose then (
L.d_str "find_outermost_dereference: Lfield " ;
Sil.d_exp e ;
L.d_ln () ) ;
find_outermost_dereference tenv node e'
| Exp.Lindex (e', _) ->
if verbose then (
L.d_str "find_outermost_dereference: Lindex " ;
Sil.d_exp e ;
L.d_ln () ) ;
find_outermost_dereference tenv node e'
| Exp.Lvar _ ->
if verbose then (
L.d_str "find_outermost_dereference: Lvar " ;
Sil.d_exp e ;
L.d_ln () ) ;
exp_lv_dexp tenv node e
| Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusPI, Exp.Lvar _, _) ->
if verbose then (
L.d_str "find_outermost_dereference: Lvar+index " ;
Sil.d_exp e ;
L.d_ln () ) ;
exp_lv_dexp tenv node e
| Exp.Cast (_, e') ->
if verbose then (
L.d_str "find_outermost_dereference: cast " ;
Sil.d_exp e ;
L.d_ln () ) ;
find_outermost_dereference tenv node e'
| _ ->
if verbose then (
L.d_str "find_outermost_dereference: no match for " ;
Sil.d_exp e ;
L.d_ln () ) ;
(** explain memory access performed by the current instruction
if outermost_array is true, the outermost array access is removed
if outermost_dereference is true, stop at the outermost dereference
@ -1011,58 +1066,6 @@ let create_dereference_desc proc_name tenv ?(use_buckets= false) ?(outermost_arr
let explain_access_ proc_name tenv ?(use_buckets= false) ?(outermost_array= false)
?(outermost_dereference= false) ?(is_nullable= false) ?(is_premature_nil= false) deref_str prop
loc =
let rec find_outermost_dereference node e =
match e with
| Exp.Const _ ->
if verbose then (
L.d_str "find_outermost_dereference: constant " ;
Sil.d_exp e ;
L.d_ln () ) ;
exp_lv_dexp tenv node e
| Exp.Var id when Ident.is_normal id ->
(* look up the normal variable declaration *)
if verbose then (
L.d_str "find_outermost_dereference: normal var " ;
Sil.d_exp e ;
L.d_ln () ) ;
find_normal_variable_load tenv node id
| Exp.Lfield (e', _, _) ->
if verbose then (
L.d_str "find_outermost_dereference: Lfield " ;
Sil.d_exp e ;
L.d_ln () ) ;
find_outermost_dereference node e'
| Exp.Lindex (e', _) ->
if verbose then (
L.d_str "find_outermost_dereference: Lindex " ;
Sil.d_exp e ;
L.d_ln () ) ;
find_outermost_dereference node e'
| Exp.Lvar _ ->
if verbose then (
L.d_str "find_outermost_dereference: Lvar " ;
Sil.d_exp e ;
L.d_ln () ) ;
exp_lv_dexp tenv node e
| Exp.BinOp (Binop.PlusPI, Exp.Lvar _, _) ->
if verbose then (
L.d_str "find_outermost_dereference: Lvar+index " ;
Sil.d_exp e ;
L.d_ln () ) ;
exp_lv_dexp tenv node e
| Exp.Cast (_, e') ->
if verbose then (
L.d_str "find_outermost_dereference: cast " ;
Sil.d_exp e ;
L.d_ln () ) ;
find_outermost_dereference node e'
| _ ->
if verbose then (
L.d_str "find_outermost_dereference: no match for " ;
Sil.d_exp e ;
L.d_ln () ) ;
let find_exp_dereferenced () =
match State.get_instr () with
| Some Sil.Store (e, _, _, _) ->
@ -1102,7 +1105,7 @@ let explain_access_ proc_name tenv ?(use_buckets= false) ?(outermost_array= fals
| Some e ->
L.d_strln "Finding deref'd exp" ;
let de_opt =
if outermost_dereference then find_outermost_dereference node e
if outermost_dereference then find_outermost_dereference tenv node e
else exp_lv_dexp tenv node e
create_dereference_desc proc_name tenv ~use_buckets ~outermost_array ~is_nullable
@ -1270,9 +1273,6 @@ let explain_return_expression_required loc typ =
Localise.desc_return_expression_required typ_str loc
(** Explain retain cycle value error *)
let explain_retain_cycle cycle loc dotty_str = Localise.desc_retain_cycle cycle loc dotty_str
(** explain a return statement missing *)
let explain_return_statement_missing loc = Localise.desc_return_statement_missing loc
@ -1331,3 +1331,4 @@ let explain_null_test_after_dereference tenv exp node line loc =
let warning_err loc fmt_string =
L.(debug Analysis Medium) ("%a: Warning: " ^^ fmt_string) Location.pp loc

@ -101,9 +101,6 @@ val explain_frontend_warning : string -> string option -> Location.t -> Localise
val explain_return_statement_missing : Location.t -> Localise.error_desc
(** explain a return statement missing *)
val explain_retain_cycle : RetainCyclesType.t -> Location.t -> string option -> Localise.error_desc
(** explain a retain cycle *)
val explain_unary_minus_applied_to_unsigned_expression :
Tenv.t -> Exp.t -> Typ.t -> Procdesc.Node.t -> Location.t -> Localise.error_desc
(** explain unary minus applied to unsigned expression *)
@ -136,3 +133,7 @@ type pvar_off = Fpvar (* value of a pvar *)
val find_with_exp : 'a Prop.t -> Exp.t -> (Pvar.t * pvar_off) option
(** Find a program variable whose value is [exp] or pointing to a struct containing [exp] *)
val find_outermost_dereference : Tenv.t -> Procdesc.Node.t -> Exp.t -> DecompiledExp.t option
val access_opt : ?is_nullable:bool -> Sil.inst -> Localise.access option
