@ -165,14 +165,22 @@ module Make (Spec : Spec) = struct
Sources.is_empty t.sources
let get_reports t =
if Sinks.is_empty t.sinks
then []
if Sinks.is_empty t.sinks || Sources.is_empty t.sources
let report_one source sink acc =
if Spec.should_report source sink
then (source, sink, t.passthroughs) :: acc
else acc in
Sources.fold (fun source acc -> Sinks.fold (report_one source) t.sinks acc) t.sources []
(* written to avoid closure allocations in hot code. change with caution. *)
let report_source source sinks acc0 =
let report_one sink acc =
if Spec.should_report source sink
then (source, sink, t.passthroughs) :: acc
else acc in
Sinks.fold report_one sinks acc0 in
let report_sources source acc =
if Source.is_footprint source
then acc
else report_source source t.sinks acc in
Sources.fold report_sources t.sources []
let pp_path cur_pname fmt (cur_passthroughs, sources_passthroughs, sinks_passthroughs) =
let pp_passthroughs fmt passthroughs =