@ -1517,6 +1517,50 @@ let prop_sigma_star (p : 'a t) (sigma : Sil.hpred list) : exposed t =
let sigma' = sigma @ p.sigma in
let sigma' = sigma @ p.sigma in
{ p with sigma = sigma' }
{ p with sigma = sigma' }
(** get the set of expressions on the righthand side of [hpred] *)
let hpred_get_targets = function
| Sil.Hpointsto (_, rhs, _) ->
let rec collect_exps exps = function
| Sil.Eexp (Sil.Const (Sil.Cexn e), _) -> Sil.ExpSet.add e exps
| Sil.Eexp (e, _) -> Sil.ExpSet.add e exps
| Sil.Estruct (flds, _) ->
list_fold_left (fun exps (_, strexp) -> collect_exps exps strexp) exps flds
| Sil.Earray (_, elems, _) ->
list_fold_left (fun exps (index, strexp) -> collect_exps exps strexp) exps elems in
collect_exps Sil.ExpSet.empty rhs
| Sil.Hlseg (_, _, _, e, el) ->
list_fold_left (fun exps e -> Sil.ExpSet.add e exps) Sil.ExpSet.empty (e :: el)
| Sil.Hdllseg (_, _, _, oB, oF, iB, el) ->
(* only one direction supported for now *)
list_fold_left (fun exps e -> Sil.ExpSet.add e exps) Sil.ExpSet.empty (oB :: oF :: iB :: el)
(** return the set of hpred's and exp's in [sigma] that are reachable from an expression in
[exps] *)
let compute_reachable_hpreds sigma exps =
let rec compute_reachable_hpreds_rec sigma (reach, exps) =
let add_hpred_if_reachable (reach, exps) = function
| Sil.Hpointsto (lhs, _, _) as hpred when Sil.ExpSet.mem lhs exps->
let reach' = Sil.HpredSet.add hpred reach in
let reach_exps = hpred_get_targets hpred in
(reach', Sil.ExpSet.union exps reach_exps)
| _ -> reach, exps in
let reach', exps' = list_fold_left add_hpred_if_reachable (reach, exps) sigma in
if (Sil.HpredSet.cardinal reach) = (Sil.HpredSet.cardinal reach') then (reach, exps)
else compute_reachable_hpreds_rec sigma (reach', exps') in
compute_reachable_hpreds_rec sigma (Sil.HpredSet.empty, exps)
(** filter [pi] by removing the pure atoms that do not contain an expression in [exps] *)
let compute_reachable_atoms pi exps =
let rec exp_contains = function
| exp when Sil.ExpSet.mem exp exps -> true
| Sil.UnOp (_, e, _) | Sil.Cast (_, e) | Sil.Lfield (e, _, _) -> exp_contains e
| Sil.BinOp (_, e0, e1) | Sil.Lindex (e0, e1) -> exp_contains e0 || exp_contains e1
| _ -> false in
| Sil.Aeq (lhs, rhs) | Sil.Aneq (lhs, rhs) -> exp_contains lhs || exp_contains rhs)
(** Eliminates all empty lsegs from sigma, and collect equalities
(** Eliminates all empty lsegs from sigma, and collect equalities
The empty lsegs include
The empty lsegs include
(a) "lseg_pe para 0 e elist",
(a) "lseg_pe para 0 e elist",