@ -24,9 +24,8 @@ struct
let compare i1 i2 = match i1, i2 with
let compare i1 i2 = match i1, i2 with
| Sil.Call (_, e1, etl1, _, cf1), Sil.Call (_, e2, etl2, _, cf2) ->
| Sil.Call (_, e1, etl1, _, cf1), Sil.Call (_, e2, etl2, _, cf2) ->
(* ignore return ids and call flags *)
(* ignore return ids and call flags *)
let n = Exp.compare e1 e2 in
[%compare: Exp.t * (Exp.t * Typ.t) list * CallFlags.t]
if n <> 0 then n else let n = IList.compare [%compare: Exp.t * Typ.t] etl1 etl2 in
(e1, etl1, cf1) (e2, etl2, cf2)
if n <> 0 then n else CallFlags.compare cf1 cf2
| _ -> Sil.compare_instr i1 i2
| _ -> Sil.compare_instr i1 i2