delete callbackChecker and deps

Reviewed By: cristianoc

Differential Revision: D3187908

fb-gh-sync-id: ae78e9e
fbshipit-source-id: ae78e9e
Sam Blackshear 9 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot 8
parent 66d3d492f8
commit 6113497020

@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (c) 2013 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open! Utils
(** Make sure callbacks are always unregistered. drive the point home by reporting possible NPE's *)
module L = Logging
module F = Format
module P = Printf
module IdSet = Ident.IdentSet
module FldSet = Ident.FieldSet
(** set of instance fields belonging to the current file that are assigned to null literals *)
let fields_nullified = ref FldSet.empty
(** set of callbacks registered in the current file *)
let registered_callback_procs = ref Procname.Set.empty
let android_lifecycle_typs = ref []
(** resolve the list of android lifecycle type strings in [tenv] *)
let get_or_create_lifecycle_typs tenv = match !android_lifecycle_typs with
| [] ->
let lifecycle_typs = IList.fold_left (fun typs (pkg, clazz, methods) ->
let qualified_name = Mangled.from_package_class pkg clazz in
match AndroidFramework.get_lifecycle_for_framework_typ_opt
qualified_name methods tenv with
| Some (framework_typ, _) -> framework_typ :: typs
| None -> typs
) [] AndroidFramework.get_lifecycles in
android_lifecycle_typs := lifecycle_typs;
| typs -> typs
let num_methods_checked = ref 0
let done_checking num_methods =
incr num_methods_checked;
!num_methods_checked = num_methods
(** ask Eradicate to check each of the procs in [registered_callback_procs] (and their transitive
* callees) in a context where each of the fields in [fields_nullifed] is marked as @Nullable *)
let do_eradicate_check ({ Callbacks.get_proc_desc } as callback_args) =
(* tell Eradicate to treat each of the fields nullified in on_destroy as nullable *)
FldSet.iter (fun fld -> Models.Inference.field_add_nullable_annotation fld) !fields_nullified;
(fun proc_name ->
match get_proc_desc proc_name with
| Some proc_desc ->
{ callback_args with Callbacks.proc_name; proc_desc }
| None -> ())
(** if [procname] belongs to an Android lifecycle type, save the set of callbacks registered in
* [procname]. in addition, if [procname] is a special "destroy" /"cleanup" method, save the set of
* fields that are nullified *)
let callback_checker_main_java
proc_name_java ({ Callbacks.proc_desc; tenv } as callback_args) =
let typename =
(Csu.Class Csu.Java,
Mangled.from_string (Procname.java_get_class_name proc_name_java)) in
match Tenv.lookup tenv typename with
| Some ({ struct_name = Some _; def_methods } as struct_typ) ->
let typ = Sil.Tstruct struct_typ in
let lifecycle_typs = get_or_create_lifecycle_typs tenv in
let proc_belongs_to_lifecycle_typ = IList.exists
(fun lifecycle_typ -> AndroidFramework.typ_is_lifecycle_typ typ lifecycle_typ tenv)
lifecycle_typs in
if proc_belongs_to_lifecycle_typ then
(* TODO (tt4959422): get all of the callbacks registered by callees as well *)
let registered_callback_typs =
AndroidFramework.get_callbacks_registered_by_proc proc_desc tenv in
(* find the callbacks registered by this procedure and update the list *)
let registered_callback_procs' = IList.fold_left
(fun callback_procs callback_typ ->
match callback_typ with
| Sil.Tptr (Sil.Tstruct
{ Sil.struct_name = Some _; def_methods = def_methods'}, _) ->
(fun callback_procs callback_proc ->
if Procname.is_constructor callback_proc then callback_procs
else Procname.Set.add callback_proc callback_procs)
| _ -> callback_procs)
registered_callback_typs in
registered_callback_procs := registered_callback_procs';
let _ = if AndroidFramework.is_destroy_method callback_args.Callbacks.proc_name then
(* compute the set of fields nullified by this procedure *)
(* TODO (t4959422): get fields that are nullified in callees of the destroy method *)
fields_nullified :=
FldSet.union (PatternMatch.get_fields_nullified proc_desc) !fields_nullified in
if done_checking (IList.length def_methods) then
do_eradicate_check callback_args
| _ -> ()
let callback_checker_main
({ Callbacks.proc_name } as callback_args) =
match proc_name with
| Procname.Java pname_java ->
callback_checker_main_java pname_java callback_args
| _ ->

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (c) 2013 - present Facebook, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* This source code is licensed under the BSD style license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant
* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.
open! Utils
(** Make sure callbacks are always unregistered. drive the point home by reporting possible NPE's *)
val callback_checker_main : Callbacks.proc_callback_t

@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ let active_procedure_checkers () =
let java_checkers =
let l =
CallbackChecker.callback_checker_main, false;
Checkers.callback_check_access, false;
Checkers.callback_monitor_nullcheck, false;
Checkers.callback_test_state , false;

@ -15,13 +15,6 @@ module TypSet = Sil.TypSet
(** Android lifecycle types and their lifecycle methods that are called by the framework *)
(** work-in-progress list of known callback-registering method names *)
let callback_register_methods =
let method_list = ["addCallback"; "register"; "setOnClickListener"] in
IList.fold_left (fun set str -> StringSet.add str set) StringSet.empty method_list
let is_known_callback_register_method proc_str = StringSet.mem proc_str callback_register_methods
let on_destroy = "onDestroy"
let on_destroy_view = "onDestroyView"
@ -63,194 +56,6 @@ let android_lifecycles =
let android_callbacks =
let cb_strs = [
("android.accounts", "OnAccountsUpdateListener");
("android.animation", "Animator$AnimatorListener");
("android.animation", "LayoutTransition$TransitionListener");
("android.animation", "TimeAnimator$TimeListener");
("android.animation", "ValueAnimator$AnimatorUpdateListener");
("", "ActionBar$OnMenuVisibilityListener");
("", "ActionBar$OnNavigationListener");
("", "ActionBar$TabListener");
("", "Application$ActivityLifecycleCallbacks");
("", "DatePickerDialog$OnDateSetListener");
("", "FragmentBreadCrumbs$OnBreadCrumbClickListener");
("", "FragmentManager$OnBackStackChangedListener");
("", "KeyguardManager$OnKeyguardExitResult");
("", "LoaderManager$LoaderCallbacks");
("", "PendingIntent$OnFinished");
("", "SearchManager$OnCancelListener");
("", "SearchManager$OnDismissListener");
("", "TimePickerDialog$OnTimeSetListener");
("android.bluetooth", "BluetoothProfile$ServiceListener");
("android.content", "ClipboardManager$OnPrimaryClipChangedListener");
("android.content", "ComponentCallbacks");
("android.content", "ComponentCallbacks2");
("android.content", "DialogInterface$OnCancelListener");
("android.content", "DialogInterface$OnClickListener");
("android.content", "DialogInterface$OnDismissListener");
("android.content", "DialogInterface$OnKeyListener");
("android.content", "DialogInterface$OnMultiChoiceClickListener");
("android.content", "DialogInterface$OnShowListener");
("android.content", "IntentSender$OnFinished");
("android.content", "Loader$OnLoadCanceledListener");
("android.content", "Loader$OnLoadCompleteListener");
("android.content", "SharedPreferences$OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener");
("android.content", "SyncStatusObserver");
("android.database.sqlite", "SQLiteTransactionListener");
("android.drm", "DrmManagerClient$OnErrorListener");
("android.drm", "DrmManagerClient$OnEventListener");
("android.drm", "DrmManagerClient$OnInfoListener");
("android.gesture", "GestureOverlayView$OnGestureListener");
("android.gesture", "GestureOverlayView$OnGesturePerformedListener");
("android.gesture", "GestureOverlayView$OnGesturingListener");
("", "SurfaceTexture$OnFrameAvailableListener");
("android.hardware", "Camera$AutoFocusCallback");
("android.hardware", "Camera$AutoFocusMoveCallback");
("android.hardware", "Camera$ErrorCallback");
("android.hardware", "Camera$FaceDetectionListener");
("android.hardware", "Camera$OnZoomChangeListener");
("android.hardware", "Camera$PictureCallback");
("android.hardware", "Camera$PreviewCallback");
("android.hardware", "Camera$ShutterCallback");
("android.hardware", "SensorEventListener");
("android.hardware.display", "DisplayManager$DisplayListener");
("android.hardware.input", "InputManager$InputDeviceListener");
("android.inputmethodservice", "KeyboardView$OnKeyboardActionListener");
("android.location", "GpsStatus$Listener");
("android.location", "GpsStatus$NmeaListener");
("android.location", "LocationListener");
("", "AudioManager$OnAudioFocusChangeListener");
("", "AudioRecord$OnRecordPositionUpdateListener");
("", "JetPlayer$OnJetEventListener");
("", "MediaPlayer$OnBufferingUpdateListener");
("", "MediaPlayer$OnCompletionListener");
("", "MediaPlayer$OnErrorListener");
("", "MediaPlayer$OnInfoListener");
("", "MediaPlayer$OnPreparedListener");
("", "MediaPlayer$OnSeekCompleteListener");
("", "MediaPlayer$OnTimedTextListener");
("", "MediaPlayer$OnVideoSizeChangedListener");
("", "MediaRecorder$OnErrorListener");
("", "MediaRecorder$OnInfoListener");
("", "MediaScannerConnection$MediaScannerConnectionClient");
("", "MediaScannerConnection$OnScanCompletedListener");
("", "SoundPool$OnLoadCompleteListener");
("", "AudioEffect$OnControlStatusChangeListener");
("", "AudioEffect$OnEnableStatusChangeListener");
("", "BassBoost$OnParameterChangeListener");
("", "EnvironmentalReverb$OnParameterChangeListener");
("", "Equalizer$OnParameterChangeListener");
("", "PresetReverb$OnParameterChangeListener");
("", "Virtualizer$OnParameterChangeListener");
("", "Visualizer$OnDataCaptureListener");
("", "EffectUpdateListener");
("", "NsdManager$DiscoveryListener");
("", "NsdManager$RegistrationListener");
("", "NsdManager$ResolveListener");
("", "SipRegistrationListener");
("", "WifiP2pManager$ActionListener");
("", "WifiP2pManager$ChannelListener");
("", "WifiP2pManager$ConnectionInfoListener");
("", "WifiP2pManager$DnsSdServiceResponseListener");
("", "WifiP2pManager$DnsSdTxtRecordListener");
("", "WifiP2pManager$GroupInfoListener");
("", "WifiP2pManager$PeerListListener");
("", "WifiP2pManager$ServiceResponseListener");
("", "WifiP2pManager$UpnpServiceResponseListener");
("android.os", "CancellationSignal$OnCancelListener");
("android.os", "IBinder$DeathRecipient");
("android.os", "MessageQueue$IdleHandler");
("android.os", "RecoverySystem$ProgressListener");
("android.preference", "Preference$OnPreferenceChangeListener");
("android.preference", "Preference$OnPreferenceClickListener");
("android.preference", "PreferenceFragment$OnPreferenceStartFragmentCallback");
("android.preference", "PreferenceManager$OnActivityDestroyListener");
("android.preference", "PreferenceManager$OnActivityResultListener");
("android.preference", "PreferenceManager$OnActivityStopListener");
("", "KeyChainAliasCallback");
("android.speech", "RecognitionListener");
("android.speech.tts", "TextToSpeech$OnInitListener");
("android.speech.tts", "TextToSpeech$OnUtteranceCompletedListener");
("android.view", "ActionMode$Callback");
("android.view", "ActionProvider$VisibilityListener");
("android.view", "GestureDetector$OnDoubleTapListener");
("android.view", "GestureDetector$OnGestureListener");
("android.view", "InputQueue$Callback");
("android.view", "KeyEvent$Callback");
("android.view", "MenuItem$OnActionExpandListener");
("android.view", "MenuItem$OnMenuItemClickListener");
("android.view", "ScaleGestureDetector$OnScaleGestureListener");
("android.view", "SurfaceHolder$Callback");
("android.view", "SurfaceHolder$Callback2");
("android.view", "TextureView$SurfaceTextureListener");
("android.view", "View$OnAttachStateChangeListener");
("android.view", "View$OnClickListener");
("android.view", "View$OnCreateContextMenuListener");
("android.view", "View$OnDragListener");
("android.view", "View$OnFocusChangeListener");
("android.view", "View$OnGenericMotionListener");
("android.view", "View$OnHoverListener");
("android.view", "View$OnKeyListener");
("android.view", "View$OnLayoutChangeListener");
("android.view", "View$OnLongClickListener");
("android.view", "View$OnSystemUiVisibilityChangeListener");
("android.view", "View$OnTouchListener");
("android.view", "ViewGroup$OnHierarchyChangeListener");
("android.view", "ViewStub$OnInflateListener");
("android.view", "ViewTreeObserver$OnDrawListener");
("android.view", "ViewTreeObserver$OnGlobalFocusChangeListener");
("android.view", "ViewTreeObserver$OnGlobalLayoutListener");
("android.view", "ViewTreeObserver$OnPreDrawListener");
("android.view", "ViewTreeObserver$OnScrollChangedListener");
("android.view", "ViewTreeObserver$OnTouchModeChangeListener");
("android.view.accessibility", "AccessibilityManager$AccessibilityStateChangeListener");
("android.view.animation", "Animation$AnimationListener");
("android.view.inputmethod", "InputMethod$SessionCallback");
("android.view.inputmethod", "InputMethodSession$EventCallback");
("android.view.textservice", "SpellCheckerSession$SpellCheckerSessionListener");
("android.webkit", "DownloadListener");
("android.widget", "AbsListView$MultiChoiceModeListener");
("android.widget", "AbsListView$OnScrollListener");
("android.widget", "AbsListView$RecyclerListener");
("android.widget", "AdapterView$OnItemClickListener");
("android.widget", "AdapterView$OnItemLongClickListener");
("android.widget", "AdapterView$OnItemSelectedListener");
("android.widget", "AutoCompleteTextView$OnDismissListener");
("android.widget", "CalendarView$OnDateChangeListener");
("android.widget", "Chronometer$OnChronometerTickListener");
("android.widget", "CompoundButton$OnCheckedChangeListener");
("android.widget", "DatePicker$OnDateChangedListener");
("android.widget", "ExpandableListView$OnChildClickListener");
("android.widget", "ExpandableListView$OnGroupClickListener");
("android.widget", "ExpandableListView$OnGroupCollapseListener");
("android.widget", "ExpandableListView$OnGroupExpandListener");
("android.widget", "Filter$FilterListener");
("android.widget", "NumberPicker$OnScrollListener");
("android.widget", "NumberPicker$OnValueChangeListener");
("android.widget", "NumberPicker$OnDismissListener");
("android.widget", "PopupMenu$OnMenuItemClickListener");
("android.widget", "PopupWindow$OnDismissListener");
("android.widget", "RadioGroup$OnCheckedChangeListener");
("android.widget", "RatingBar$OnRatingBarChangeListener");
("android.widget", "SearchView$OnCloseListener");
("android.widget", "SearchView$OnQueryTextListener");
("android.widget", "SearchView$OnSuggestionListener");
("android.widget", "SeekBar$OnSeekBarChangeListener");
("android.widget", "ShareActionProvider$OnShareTargetSelectedListener");
("android.widget", "SlidingDrawer$OnDrawerCloseListener");
("android.widget", "SlidingDrawer$OnDrawerOpenListener");
("android.widget", "SlidingDrawer$OnDrawerScrollListener");
("android.widget", "TabHost$OnTabChangeListener");
("android.widget", "TextView$OnEditorActionListener");
("android.widget", "TimePicker$OnTimeChangedListener");
("android.widget", "ZoomButtonsController$OnZoomListener");
] in
IList.fold_left (fun cbSet (pkg, clazz) ->
let qualified_name = Mangled.from_string (pkg ^ "." ^ clazz) in
Mangled.MangledSet.add qualified_name cbSet) Mangled.MangledSet.empty cb_strs
(** return the complete set of superclasses of [typ *)
(* TODO (t4644852): factor out subtyping functions into some sort of JavaUtil module *)
let get_all_supertypes typ tenv =
@ -297,17 +102,6 @@ let is_fragment typ tenv =
is_subtype_package_class typ "" "Fragment" tenv ||
is_subtype_package_class typ "" "Fragment" tenv
(** return true if [class_name] is a known callback class name *)
let is_callback_class_name class_name = Mangled.MangledSet.mem class_name android_callbacks
(** return true if [typ] is a known callback class *)
let is_callback_class typ tenv =
let supertyps = get_all_supertypes typ tenv in
TypSet.exists (fun typ -> match typ with
| Sil.Tstruct { Sil.csu = Csu.Class _; struct_name = Some classname } ->
is_callback_class_name classname
| _ -> false) supertyps
(** return true if [typ] is a subclass of [lifecycle_typ] *)
let typ_is_lifecycle_typ typ lifecycle_typ tenv =
let supers = get_all_supertypes typ tenv in
@ -318,50 +112,6 @@ let is_android_lib_class class_name =
let class_str = class_name in
string_is_prefix "android" class_str || string_is_prefix "" class_str
(** returns an option containing the var name and type of a callback registered by [procname],
None if no callback is registered *)
let get_callback_registered_by (pname_java : args tenv =
(* TODO (t4565077): this check should be replaced with a membership check in a hardcoded list of
* Android callback registration methods *)
(* for now, we assume a method is a callback registration method if it is a setter and has a
* callback class as a non - receiver argument *)
let is_callback_register_like =
let has_non_this_callback_arg args = IList.length args > 1 in
let has_registery_name () =
PatternMatch.is_setter pname_java ||
is_known_callback_register_method (Procname.java_get_method pname_java) in
has_registery_name () &&
has_non_this_callback_arg args in
let is_ptr_to_callback_class typ tenv = match typ with
| Sil.Tptr (typ, Sil.Pk_pointer) -> is_callback_class typ tenv
| _ -> false in
if is_callback_register_like then
(* we don't want to check if the receiver is a callback class; it's one of the method arguments
* that's being registered as a callback *)
let get_non_this_args args = args in
Some (IList.find (fun (_, typ) -> is_ptr_to_callback_class typ tenv) (get_non_this_args args))
with Not_found -> None
else None
(** return a list of typ's corresponding to callback classes registered by [procdesc] *)
let get_callbacks_registered_by_proc procdesc tenv =
let collect_callback_typs callback_typs _ instr = match instr with
| Sil.Call ([], Sil.Const (Sil.Cfun callee), args, _, _) ->
match callee with
| Procname.Java callee_java ->
match get_callback_registered_by callee_java args tenv with
| Some (_, callback_typ) -> callback_typ :: callback_typs
| None -> callback_typs
| _ ->
| _ -> callback_typs in
Cfg.Procdesc.fold_instrs collect_callback_typs [] procdesc
(** given an Android framework type mangled string [lifecycle_typ] (e.g., and
a list of method names [lifecycle_procs_strs], get the appropriate typ and procnames *)
let get_lifecycle_for_framework_typ_opt lifecycle_typ lifecycle_proc_strs tenv =

@ -17,9 +17,6 @@ val get_lifecycles : (string * string * string list) list
(** return true if [typ] is a subclass of [lifecycle_typ] *)
val typ_is_lifecycle_typ : Sil.typ -> Sil.typ -> Tenv.t -> bool
(** return true if [typ] is a known callback class, false otherwise *)
val is_callback_class : Sil.typ -> Tenv.t -> bool
(** return true if [typ] <: android.content.Context *)
val is_context : Sil.typ -> Tenv.t -> bool
@ -37,14 +34,6 @@ val is_fragment : Sil.typ -> Tenv.t -> bool
(** return true if [procname] is a special lifecycle cleanup method *)
val is_destroy_method : Procname.t -> bool
(** returns an option containing the var name and type of a callback registered by [procname],
None if no callback is registered *)
val get_callback_registered_by : -> (Sil.exp * Sil.typ) list -> Tenv.t -> (Sil.exp * Sil.typ) option
(** return a list of typ's corresponding to callback classes registered by [procdesc] *)
val get_callbacks_registered_by_proc : Cfg.Procdesc.t -> Tenv.t -> Sil.typ list
(** given an Android framework type mangled string [lifecycle_typ] (e.g.,
and a list of method names [lifecycle_procs_strs], get the appropriate typ and procnames *)
val get_lifecycle_for_framework_typ_opt :
