@ -1331,10 +1331,10 @@ let xlate_function : x -> Llvm.llvalue -> Llair.func =
| >
| >
[ % Trace . retn fun { pf } -> pf " @ \n %a " Llair . Func . pp ]
[ % Trace . retn fun { pf } -> pf " @ \n %a " Llair . Func . pp ]
let transform : Llvm . llmodule -> unit =
let transform ~gdce : Llvm . llmodule -> unit =
fun llmodule ->
fun llmodule ->
let pm = Llvm . PassManager . create () in
let pm = Llvm . PassManager . create () in
Llvm_ipo . add_internalize pm ~ all_but_main : true ;
if gdce then Llvm_ipo . add_internalize pm ~ all_but_main : true ;
Llvm_ipo . add_global_dce pm ;
Llvm_ipo . add_global_dce pm ;
Llvm_scalar_opts . add_lower_atomic pm ;
Llvm_scalar_opts . add_lower_atomic pm ;
Llvm_scalar_opts . add_scalar_repl_aggregation pm ;
Llvm_scalar_opts . add_scalar_repl_aggregation pm ;
@ -1350,30 +1350,41 @@ let translate : string -> Llair.t =
Llvm . install_fatal_error_handler invalid_llvm ;
Llvm . install_fatal_error_handler invalid_llvm ;
let llcontext = Llvm . global_context () in
let llcontext = Llvm . global_context () in
let llmodu le =
let read_and_parse bc_fi le =
let model_ memorybuffer =
let ll memorybuffer =
Llvm . MemoryBuffer . of_ string
try Llvm . MemoryBuffer . of_ file bc_file
( Option . value_exn ( Model . read " /cxxabi.bc " ) )
with Llvm . IoError msg -> fail " %s: %s " bc_file msg ( )
Llvm_irreader . parse_ir llcontext model_memorybuffer
try Llvm_irreader . parse_ir llcontext llmemorybuffer
with Llvm_irreader . Error msg -> invalid_llvm msg
let single_bc_input =
List . exists
~ f : ( fun suffix -> String . is_suffix file ~ suffix )
[ " .bc " ; " .ll " ]
let llmodule =
if single_bc_input then read_and_parse file
let llmodule =
let model_memorybuffer =
Llvm . MemoryBuffer . of_string
( Option . value_exn ( Model . read " /cxxabi.bc " ) )
Llvm_irreader . parse_ir llcontext model_memorybuffer
let link_ctx = Llvm_linker . get_linker llmodule in
let link_in bc_file =
[ % Trace . info " linking in %s " bc_file ] ;
let newmodule = read_and_parse bc_file in
Llvm_linker . link_in link_ctx newmodule
In_channel . with_file file ~ f : ( In_channel . iter_lines ~ f : link_in ) ;
Llvm_linker . linker_dispose link_ctx ;
let link_ctx = Llvm_linker . get_linker llmodule in
In_channel . with_file file
~ f :
( In_channel . iter_lines ~ f : ( fun bc_file ->
[ % Trace . info " linking in %s " bc_file ] ;
let llmemorybuffer =
try Llvm . MemoryBuffer . of_file bc_file
with Llvm . IoError msg -> fail " %s: %s " bc_file msg ()
let newmodule =
try Llvm_irreader . parse_ir llcontext llmemorybuffer
with Llvm_irreader . Error msg -> invalid_llvm msg
Llvm_linker . link_in link_ctx newmodule ) ) ;
Llvm_linker . linker_dispose link_ctx ;
Llvm_analysis . verify_module llmodule | > Option . iter ~ f : invalid_llvm ;
Llvm_analysis . verify_module llmodule | > Option . iter ~ f : invalid_llvm ;
transform llmodule ;
transform ~ gdce : ( not single_bc_input ) llmodule ;
scan_locs llmodule ;
scan_locs llmodule ;
scan_names llmodule ;
scan_names llmodule ;
let lldatalayout =
let lldatalayout =