@ -623,31 +623,33 @@ let make_results_table exe_env summaries =
aggregate_post tenv procname acc summary )
let should_report_on_proc file_exe_env procdesc =
let proc_name = Procdesc.get_proc_name procdesc in
let should_report_on_proc file_exe_env proc_name =
Attributes.load proc_name
|> Option.exists ~f:(fun attrs ->
let tenv = Exe_env.get_proc_tenv file_exe_env proc_name in
match proc_name with
let is_not_private = not ProcAttributes.(equal_access (get_access attrs) Private) in
match (proc_name : Procname.t) with
| CSharp _ ->
not (ProcAttributes.equal_access (Procdesc.get_access procdesc) Private)
| Java java_pname ->
(* return true if procedure is at an abstraction boundary or reporting has been explicitly
requested via @ThreadSafe in java *)
RacerDModels.is_thread_safe_method proc_name tenv
|| (not (ProcAttributes.equal_access (Procdesc.get_access procdesc) Private))
|| is_not_private
&& (not (Procname.Java.is_class_initializer java_pname))
&& (not (Procname.Java.is_autogen_method java_pname))
&& not (Annotations.pdesc_return_annot_ends_with procdesc Annotations.visibleForTesting)
&& not Annotations.(attrs_return_annot_ends_with attrs visibleForTesting)
| ObjC_Cpp _ when Procname.is_cpp_lambda proc_name ->
(* do not report on lambdas; they are essentially private though do not appear as such *)
| ObjC_Cpp {kind= CPPMethod _ | CPPConstructor _ | CPPDestructor _} ->
not (ProcAttributes.equal_access (Procdesc.get_access procdesc) Private)
| ObjC_Cpp {kind= ObjCClassMethod | ObjCInstanceMethod | ObjCInternalMethod; class_name} ->
Tenv.lookup tenv class_name
|> Option.exists ~f:(fun {Struct.exported_objc_methods} ->
List.mem ~equal:Procname.equal exported_objc_methods proc_name )
| _ ->
false )
let class_has_concurrent_method class_summaries =
@ -675,7 +677,7 @@ let aggregate_by_class {InterproceduralAnalysis.procedures; file_exe_env; analyz
Procname.get_class_type_name procname
|> Option.bind ~f:(fun classname ->
analyze_file_dependency procname
|> Option.filter ~f:(fun (pdesc, _) -> should_report_on_proc file_exe_env pdesc)
|> Option.filter ~f:(fun _ -> should_report_on_proc file_exe_env procname)
|> Option.map ~f:(fun summary_proc_desc ->
Typ.Name.Map.update classname