@ -20,26 +20,6 @@ let unannotated_overrides_performance_critical =
let search_expensive_call checked_pnames expensive_callee ( pname , _ ) =
match expensive_callee with
| Some callee_pname -> Some callee_pname
| None ->
if Procname . Set . mem pname ! checked_pnames then None
checked_pnames := Procname . Set . add pname ! checked_pnames ;
match Specs . proc_resolve_attributes pname with
| None -> None
| Some attributes ->
let annotated_signature = Annotations . get_annotated_signature attributes in
let ret_annotation , _ = annotated_signature . Annotations . ret in
if Annotations . ia_calls_expensive ret_annotation then
Some pname
let check_attributes check attributes =
let check_attributes check attributes =
let annotated_signature = Annotations . get_annotated_signature attributes in
let annotated_signature = Annotations . get_annotated_signature attributes in
let ret_annotation , _ = annotated_signature . Annotations . ret in
let ret_annotation , _ = annotated_signature . Annotations . ret in
@ -69,39 +49,77 @@ let method_is_expensive pname =
check_method Annotations . ia_is_expensive pname
check_method Annotations . ia_is_expensive pname
let update_summary_attributes pname =
let lookup_call_trees pname =
match Specs . get_summary pname with
| None -> []
| Some summary ->
match summary . Specs . payload with
| Specs . Calls tree -> tree
| _ -> []
let collect_expensive_call caller_pdesc checked_pnames call_trees ( pname , _ ) =
if Procname . Set . mem pname ! checked_pnames then call_trees
Ondemand . do_analysis caller_pdesc pname ;
checked_pnames := Procname . Set . add pname ! checked_pnames ;
if method_is_expensive pname then
( CallTree . Direct pname ) :: call_trees
match lookup_call_trees pname with
| [] -> call_trees
| calls -> ( CallTree . Indirect ( pname , calls ) ) :: call_trees
let update_summary call_trees pname =
match Specs . get_summary pname with
match Specs . get_summary pname with
| None -> ()
| None -> ()
| Some summary ->
| Some summary ->
let attributes = Specs . get_attributes summary in
let ret_annot , param_annot = attributes . ProcAttributes . method_annotation in
let updated_method_annot =
( Annotations . calls_expensive_annotation , true ) :: ret_annot , param_annot in
let updated_attributes =
{ attributes with ProcAttributes . method_annotation = updated_method_annot } in
let updated_summary =
let updated_summary =
{ summary with Specs . attributes = updated_attributes } in
{ summary with Specs . payload = Specs . Calls call_trees } in
Specs . add_summary pname updated_summary
Specs . add_summary pname updated_summary
let callback_performance_checker _ _ _ tenv pname pdesc =
let report_expensive_calls pname pdesc loc call_trees =
let string_of_pname = Procname . to_simplified_string ~ withclass : true in
let rec report_call_tree stack_str call_tree =
match call_tree with
| CallTree . Direct expensive_pname ->
let exp_pname_str = string_of_pname expensive_pname in
let description =
Printf . sprintf
" Method `%s` annotated with `@%s` calls `%s%s` where `%s` is annotated with `@%s` "
( Procname . to_simplified_string pname )
Annotations . performance_critical
Annotations . expensive in
Checkers . ST . report_error
pname pdesc calls_expensive_method loc description
| CallTree . Indirect ( callee_pname , sub_trees ) ->
let callee_pname_str = string_of_pname callee_pname in
let new_stack_str = stack_str ^ callee_pname_str ^ " -> " in
IList . iter ( report_call_tree new_stack_str ) sub_trees in
IList . iter ( report_call_tree " " ) call_trees
let check_one_procedure tenv pname pdesc =
let loc = Cfg . Procdesc . get_loc pdesc in
let loc = Cfg . Procdesc . get_loc pdesc in
let attributes = Cfg . Procdesc . get_attributes pdesc in
let attributes = Cfg . Procdesc . get_attributes pdesc in
let expensive = is_expensive attributes
let expensive = is_expensive attributes
and performance_critical = is_performance_critical attributes in
and performance_critical = is_performance_critical attributes in
let expensive_call_found =
let checked_pnames = ref Procname . Set . empty in
Cfg . Procdesc . fold_calls
( search_expensive_call checked_pnames )
pdesc in
let check_expensive_subtyping_rules overridden_pname =
let check_expensive_subtyping_rules overridden_pname =
if not ( method_is_expensive overridden_pname ) then
if not ( method_is_expensive overridden_pname ) then
let description =
let description =
Printf . sprintf
Printf . sprintf
" Method %s overrides unannotated method %s and cannot be annotated with @%s "
" Method `%s` overrides unannotated method `%s` and cannot be annotated with `@%s` "
( Procname . to_string pname )
( Procname . to_string pname )
( Procname . to_string overridden_pname )
( Procname . to_string overridden_pname )
Annotations . expensive in
Annotations . expensive in
@ -112,7 +130,7 @@ let callback_performance_checker _ _ _ tenv pname pdesc =
if method_is_performance_critical overridden_pname then
if method_is_performance_critical overridden_pname then
let description =
let description =
Printf . sprintf
Printf . sprintf
" Method %s overrides method %s annotated with %s and should also be annotated"
" Method ` %s` overrides method ` %s` annotated with ` %s` and should also be annotated"
( Procname . to_string pname )
( Procname . to_string pname )
( Procname . to_string overridden_pname )
( Procname . to_string overridden_pname )
Annotations . performance_critical in
Annotations . performance_critical in
@ -120,22 +138,36 @@ let callback_performance_checker _ _ _ tenv pname pdesc =
pname pdesc unannotated_overrides_performance_critical loc description in
pname pdesc unannotated_overrides_performance_critical loc description in
if expensive then
if expensive then
PatternMatch . proc_iter_overridden_methods check_expensive_subtyping_rules tenv pname ;
PatternMatch . proc_iter_overridden_methods
check_expensive_subtyping_rules tenv pname ;
if not performance_critical then
if not performance_critical then
PatternMatch . proc_iter_overridden_methods check_performance_critical_subtyping_rules tenv pname ;
PatternMatch . proc_iter_overridden_methods
check_performance_critical_subtyping_rules tenv pname ;
match expensive_call_found with
| None -> ()
| Some callee_pname when performance_critical ->
let description =
Printf . sprintf " Method %s annotated with @%s calls method %s annotated with @%s "
( Procname . to_simplified_string pname )
Annotations . performance_critical
( Procname . to_string callee_pname )
Annotations . expensive in
Checkers . ST . report_error
pname pdesc calls_expensive_method loc description
| Some _ when not expensive ->
update_summary_attributes pname
| Some _ -> () (* Nothing to do if method already annotated with @Expensive *)
let expensive_call_trees =
let checked_pnames = ref Procname . Set . empty in
Cfg . Procdesc . fold_calls
( collect_expensive_call pdesc checked_pnames ) [] pdesc in
match expensive_call_trees with
| [] -> ()
| call_trees when performance_critical ->
report_expensive_calls pname pdesc loc call_trees
| call_trees ->
update_summary call_trees pname
let callback_performance_checker _ get_proc_desc _ tenv pname proc_desc =
let callbacks =
let analyze_ondemand pn =
match get_proc_desc pn with
| None -> ()
| Some pd -> check_one_procedure tenv pn pd in
{ Ondemand . analyze_ondemand ; get_proc_desc ; } in
if ! Config . ondemand_enabled
| | Ondemand . procedure_should_be_analyzed proc_desc pname
Ondemand . set_callbacks callbacks ;
check_one_procedure tenv pname proc_desc ;
Ondemand . unset_callbacks ()