@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ module L = Logging
type child_info = { pid : Pid . t ; down_pipe : Out_channel . t }
type ' a task_generator = { is_empty : unit -> bool ; next : ' a option -> ' a option }
(* * the state of the pool *)
type ' a t =
{ jobs : int
@ -18,10 +20,12 @@ type 'a t =
; slots : child_info Array . t
(* * array of child processes with their pids and channels we can use to send work down to
each child * )
; pending_items : ' a option Array . t
(* * array keeping sent tasks to children; used for feeding the generator a child finishes *)
; children_updates : Unix . File_descr . t
(* * all the children send updates up the same pipe to the pool *)
; task_bar : TaskBar . t
; mutable tasks : ' a list (* * work remaining to be done *)
; tasks : ' a task_generator (* * generator for work remaining to be done *)
; mutable idle_children : int
(* * number of children currently ready for more work, but there are no tasks to send to
them * )
@ -155,13 +159,13 @@ let process_updates pool buffer =
killall pool ~ slot " see backtrace above "
| Some ( Ready slot ) -> (
TaskBar . tasks_done_add pool . task_bar 1 ;
match pool . tasks with
| [] ->
match pool . tasks . next pool . pending_items . ( slot ) with
| None ->
TaskBar . update_status pool . task_bar ~ slot ( Mtime_clock . now () ) " idle " ;
pool . idle_children <- pool . idle_children + 1
| x :: tasks ->
pool . tasks <- tasks ;
| Some x ->
let { down_pipe } = pool . slots . ( slot ) in
pool . pending_items . ( slot ) <- Some x ;
marshal_to_pipe down_pipe ( Do x ) )
| None ->
@ -260,8 +264,9 @@ let fork_child ~child_prelude ~slot (updates_r, updates_w) ~f =
{ pid ; down_pipe = Unix . out_channel_of_descr to_child_w }
let create : jobs : int -> child_prelude : ( unit -> unit ) -> f : ( ' a -> unit ) -> ' a t =
fun ~ jobs ~ child_prelude ~ f ->
let create :
jobs : int -> child_prelude : ( unit -> unit ) -> f : ( ' a -> unit ) -> tasks : ' a task_generator -> ' a t =
fun ~ jobs ~ child_prelude ~ f ~ tasks ->
let task_bar = TaskBar . create ~ jobs in
(* Pipe to communicate from children to parent. Only one pipe is needed: the messages sent by
children include the identifier of the child sending the message ( its [ slot ] ) . This way there
@ -271,12 +276,12 @@ let create : jobs:int -> child_prelude:(unit -> unit) -> f:('a -> unit) -> 'a t
(* we have forked the child processes and are now in the parent *)
let [ @ warning " -26 " ] pipe_child_w = Unix . close pipe_child_w in
let children_updates = pipe_child_r in
{ slots ; children_updates ; jobs ; task_bar ; tasks = [] ; idle_children = 0 }
let pending_items : ' a option Array . t = Array . create ~ len : jobs None in
{ slots ; children_updates ; jobs ; task_bar ; tasks ; pending_items ; idle_children = 0 }
let run pool tasks =
pool . tasks <- tasks ;
TaskBar . set_tasks_total pool . task_bar ( List . length tasks ) ;
let run pool n_tasks =
TaskBar . set_tasks_total pool . task_bar n_tasks ;
TaskBar . tasks_done_reset pool . task_bar ;
(* Start with a negative number of completed tasks to account for the initial [Ready]
messages . All the children start by sending [ Ready ] , which is interpreted by the parent process
@ -286,14 +291,14 @@ let run pool tasks =
(* allocate a buffer for reading children updates once for the whole run *)
let buffer = Bytes . create buffer_size in
(* wait for all children to run out of tasks *)
while not ( List . is_empty pool . tasks && pool . idle_children > = pool . jobs ) do
while not ( pool . tasks . is_empty () && pool . idle_children > = pool . jobs ) do
process_updates pool buffer ; TaskBar . refresh pool . task_bar
done ;
wait_all pool ;
TaskBar . finish pool . task_bar
let run pool tasks =
let run pool n_ tasks =
PerfEvent . ( log ( fun logger -> log_instant_event logger ~ name : " start process pool " Global ) ) ;
run pool tasks ;
run pool n_ tasks ;
PerfEvent . ( log ( fun logger -> log_instant_event logger ~ name : " end process pool " Global ) )