Summary: Implement validator for Erlang AST to check various invariants and well-formedness constraints (based on, including: - Restrictions on expressions used as patterns - Restrictions on expressions used as guards - Case and catch clauses have 1 pattern - If clause has no patterns See comments for some limitations: - Some constraints would require type information (e.g., unary/binary operators in patterns/guards), we are not enforcing these yet. - Map patterns can only have `:=` association, except in some special functions that get translated during compilation. However, we get the AST before these transformation so we are not enforcing this rule yet. Reviewed By: rgrig Differential Revision: D28832961 fbshipit-source-id: 7df4425e4master
@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
module Ast = ErlangAst
(** Enforce additional invariants and constraints on the AST based on
| *)
(** {2 Patterns} *)
(** Patterns are expressions in general, but with restrictions and constraints. *)
let rec validate_pattern (p : Ast.expression) =
match p.simple_expression with
| BinaryOperator (e1, _, e2) ->
validate_pattern e1 && validate_pattern e2
(* Not checked: operator is ++ over literal str or char list, or whole expr is number *)
| BitstringConstructor elems ->
let validate_elem (e : Ast.bin_element) = validate_pattern e.expression in
List.for_all ~f:validate_elem elems
| Cons {head; tail} ->
validate_pattern head && validate_pattern tail
| Literal _ ->
| Map {map; updates} ->
let validate_assoc (a : Ast.association) =
validate_pattern a.key && validate_pattern a.value
(* TODO: a.kind must be Exact, except inside ets:fun2ms or dbg:fun2ms *)
is_none map && List.for_all ~f:validate_assoc updates
| Match {pattern; body} ->
validate_pattern pattern && validate_pattern body
| Nil ->
| RecordIndex _ ->
| RecordUpdate {record; updates; _} ->
let validate_update (ru : Ast.record_update) = validate_pattern ru.expression in
is_none record && List.for_all ~f:validate_update updates
| Tuple exprs ->
List.for_all ~f:validate_pattern exprs
| UnaryOperator (_, e) ->
validate_pattern e (* Not checked: evaluates to number *)
| Variable _ ->
| _ ->
(* Everything else is invalid in a pattern *)
Logging.debug Capture Verbose "Invalid pattern at line %d@." p.line ;
let validate_patterns = List.for_all ~f:validate_pattern
(** {2 Guards} *)
(** Guards are expressions in general, but with restrictions and constraints. *)
let is_atom (e : Ast.expression) =
match e.simple_expression with
| Literal lit -> (
match lit with Atom _ -> true | _ -> false )
| _ ->
let validate_guard_call_module (eo : Ast.expression option) =
match eo with
| None ->
| Some e -> (
match e.simple_expression with
| Literal lit -> (
match lit with Atom "erlang" -> true | _ -> false )
| _ ->
false )
let rec validate_guard_test (gt : Ast.expression) =
match gt.simple_expression with
| BinaryOperator (e1, _, e2) ->
validate_guard_test e1 && validate_guard_test e2
| BitstringConstructor elems ->
let validate_elem (e : Ast.bin_element) = validate_guard_test e.expression in
List.for_all ~f:validate_elem elems
| Call {module_; function_; args} ->
validate_guard_call_module module_
&& is_atom function_
&& List.for_all ~f:validate_guard_test args
| Cons {head; tail} ->
validate_guard_test head && validate_guard_test tail
| Literal _ ->
| Map {map; updates} -> (
(* Map create only accepts '=>' *)
let validate_create (a : Ast.association) =
match a.kind with
| Arrow ->
validate_guard_test a.key && validate_guard_test a.value
| _ ->
(* Map update accepts '=>' and ':=' *)
let validate_update (a : Ast.association) =
validate_guard_test a.key && validate_guard_test a.value
match map with
| None ->
List.for_all ~f:validate_create updates
| Some expr ->
validate_guard_test expr && List.for_all ~f:validate_update updates )
| Nil ->
| RecordAccess {record; _} ->
validate_guard_test record
| RecordIndex _ ->
| RecordUpdate {record; updates; _} ->
let validate_update (ru : Ast.record_update) = validate_guard_test ru.expression in
is_none record && List.for_all ~f:validate_update updates
| Tuple exprs ->
List.for_all ~f:validate_guard_test exprs
| UnaryOperator (_, e) ->
validate_guard_test e
| Variable _ ->
| _ ->
(* Everything else is invalid in a guard test *)
Logging.debug Capture Verbose "Invalid guard test at line %d@." gt.line ;
let validate_guard = List.for_all ~f:validate_guard_test
let validate_guard_seq = List.for_all ~f:validate_guard
(** {2 Expressions} *)
let rec validate_expr (expr : Ast.expression) =
match expr.simple_expression with
| BinaryOperator (e1, _, e2) ->
validate_expr e1 && validate_expr e2
| BitstringComprehension {expression= e; qualifiers= qs} ->
validate_expr e && List.for_all ~f:validate_qualifier qs
| BitstringConstructor elems ->
let validate_elem (e : Ast.bin_element) = validate_expr e.expression in
List.for_all ~f:validate_elem elems
| Block body ->
validate_body body
| Call {module_; function_; args} ->
validate_expr_opt module_ && validate_expr function_ && List.for_all ~f:validate_expr args
| Case {expression= e; cases= cs} ->
validate_expr e && List.for_all ~f:validate_case_clause cs
| Catch e ->
validate_expr e
| Cons {head; tail} ->
validate_expr head && validate_expr tail
| Fun _ ->
| If clauses ->
List.for_all ~f:validate_if_clause clauses
| Lambda {cases; _} ->
List.for_all ~f:validate_function_clause cases
| ListComprehension {expression= e; qualifiers= qs} ->
validate_expr e && List.for_all ~f:validate_qualifier qs
| Literal _ ->
| Map {map; updates} ->
let validate_assoc (a : Ast.association) = validate_expr a.key && validate_expr a.value in
validate_expr_opt map && List.for_all ~f:validate_assoc updates
| Match {pattern; body} ->
validate_pattern pattern && validate_expr body
| Nil ->
| Receive {cases; timeout} -> (
List.for_all ~f:validate_case_clause cases
match timeout with
| None ->
| Some {time; handler} ->
validate_expr time && validate_body handler )
| RecordAccess {record; _} ->
validate_expr record
| RecordIndex _ ->
| RecordUpdate {record; updates; _} ->
let validate_update (ru : Ast.record_update) = validate_expr ru.expression in
validate_expr_opt record && List.for_all ~f:validate_update updates
| TryCatch {body; ok_cases; catch_cases; after} ->
validate_body body
&& List.for_all ~f:validate_case_clause ok_cases
&& List.for_all ~f:validate_catch_clause catch_cases
&& validate_body after
| Tuple exprs ->
List.for_all ~f:validate_expr exprs
| UnaryOperator (_, e) ->
validate_expr e
| Variable _ ->
and validate_expr_opt (expr : Ast.expression option) =
match expr with Some e -> validate_expr e | None -> true
and validate_qualifier (q : Ast.qualifier) =
match q with
| BitsGenerator {pattern= p; expression= e} ->
validate_pattern p && validate_expr e
| Filter e ->
validate_expr e
| Generator {pattern= p; expression= e} ->
validate_pattern p && validate_expr e
and validate_body = List.for_all ~f:validate_expr
(** {2 Clauses} *)
and validate_case_clause_components patterns guards body =
validate_patterns patterns && validate_guard_seq guards && validate_body body
and validate_case_clause ({patterns= ps; guards= gs; body= b; _} : Ast.case_clause) =
Poly.(List.length ps = 1) && validate_case_clause_components ps gs b
and validate_if_clause ({patterns= ps; guards= gs; body= b; _} : Ast.case_clause) =
Poly.(List.length ps = 0) && validate_case_clause_components ps gs b
and validate_catch_clause ({patterns= ps; guards= gs; body= b; _} : Ast.catch_clause) =
(match ps with [{pattern; _}] -> validate_pattern pattern | _ -> false)
&& validate_guard_seq gs && validate_body b
and validate_function_clause ({patterns= ps; guards= gs; body= b; _} : Ast.case_clause) =
validate_case_clause_components ps gs b
(** {2 Module declarations and forms} *)
let validate_function _ = List.for_all ~f:validate_function_clause
let validate_form (form : Ast.form) =
match form.simple_form with
| Function {function_; clauses} ->
validate_function function_ clauses
| _ ->
let validate module_ =
Logging.debug Capture Verbose "Validating AST@." ;
List.for_all ~f:validate_form module_
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
* Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
open! IStd
(** Enforce additional invariants and constraints on the AST based on
| *)
val validate : ErlangAst.module_ -> bool
(** Validate a module. *)
Reference in new issue