[sledge] Refactor to allow more recursion between arithmetic canonizer cases

Summary: No functional change.

Reviewed By: jvillard

Differential Revision: D19950367

fbshipit-source-id: 9d14e98bf
Josh Berdine 5 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent 9562ab4d68
commit 65f38d68cc

@ -463,44 +463,6 @@ let simp_convert src dst arg =
(* arithmetic *) (* arithmetic *)
let sum_mul_const const sum =
assert (not (Q.equal Q.zero const)) ;
if Q.equal Q.one const then sum
else Qset.map_counts ~f:(fun _ -> Q.mul const) sum
let rec sum_to_term sum =
match Qset.length sum with
| 0 -> zero
| 1 -> (
match Qset.min_elt sum with
| Some (Integer _, q) -> rational q
| Some (arg, q) when Q.equal Q.one q -> arg
| _ -> Add sum )
| _ -> Add sum
and rational Q.{num; den} = simp_div (integer num) (integer den)
and simp_div x y =
match (x, y) with
(* i / j *)
| Integer {data= i}, Integer {data= j} when not (Z.equal Z.zero j) ->
integer (Z.div i j)
(* e / 1 ==> e *)
| e, Integer {data} when Z.equal Z.one data -> e
(* (∑ᵢ cᵢ × Xᵢ) / z ==> ∑ᵢ cᵢ/z × Xᵢ *)
| Add args, Integer {data} ->
sum_to_term (sum_mul_const Q.(inv (of_z data)) args)
| _ -> Ap2 (Div, x, y)
let simp_rem x y =
match (x, y) with
(* i % j *)
| Integer {data= i}, Integer {data= j} when not (Z.equal Z.zero j) ->
integer (Z.rem i j)
(* e % 1 ==> 0 *)
| _, Integer {data} when Z.equal Z.one data -> zero
| _ -> Ap2 (Rem, x, y)
(* Sums of polynomial terms represented by multisets. A sum ∑ᵢ cᵢ × Xᵢ of (* Sums of polynomial terms represented by multisets. A sum ∑ᵢ cᵢ × Xᵢ of
monomials X with coefficients c is represented by a multiset where the monomials X with coefficients c is represented by a multiset where the
elements are X with multiplicities c. A constant is treated as the elements are X with multiplicities c. A constant is treated as the
@ -520,11 +482,39 @@ module Sum = struct
let map sum ~f = let map sum ~f =
Qset.fold sum ~init:empty ~f:(fun e c sum -> add c (f e) sum) Qset.fold sum ~init:empty ~f:(fun e c sum -> add c (f e) sum)
let mul_const = sum_mul_const let mul_const const sum =
let to_term = sum_to_term assert (not (Q.equal Q.zero const)) ;
if Q.equal Q.one const then sum
else Qset.map_counts ~f:(fun _ -> Q.mul const) sum
(* Products of indeterminants represented by multisets. A product ∏ᵢ xᵢ^nᵢ
of indeterminates x is represented by a multiset where the elements are
x and the multiplicities are the exponents n. *)
module Prod = struct
let empty = empty_qset
let add term prod =
assert (match term with Integer _ -> false | _ -> true) ;
Qset.add prod term Q.one
let singleton term = add term empty
let union = Qset.union
end end
let rec simp_add_ es poly = let rec sum_to_term sum =
match Qset.length sum with
| 0 -> zero
| 1 -> (
match Qset.min_elt sum with
| Some (Integer _, q) -> rational q
| Some (arg, q) when Q.equal Q.one q -> arg
| _ -> Add sum )
| _ -> Add sum
and rational Q.{num; den} = simp_div (integer num) (integer den)
and simp_add_ es poly =
(* (coeff × term) + poly *) (* (coeff × term) + poly *)
let f term coeff poly = let f term coeff poly =
match (term, poly) with match (term, poly) with
@ -538,30 +528,13 @@ let rec simp_add_ es poly =
(* (c × ∑ᵢ cᵢ × Xᵢ) + s ==> (∑ᵢ (c × cᵢ) × Xᵢ) + s *) (* (c × ∑ᵢ cᵢ × Xᵢ) + s ==> (∑ᵢ (c × cᵢ) × Xᵢ) + s *)
| Add args, _ -> simp_add_ (Sum.mul_const coeff args) poly | Add args, _ -> simp_add_ (Sum.mul_const coeff args) poly
(* (c₀ × X₀) + (∑ᵢ₌₁ⁿ cᵢ × Xᵢ) ==> ∑ᵢ₌₀ⁿ cᵢ × Xᵢ *) (* (c₀ × X₀) + (∑ᵢ₌₁ⁿ cᵢ × Xᵢ) ==> ∑ᵢ₌₀ⁿ cᵢ × Xᵢ *)
| _, Add args -> Sum.to_term (Sum.add coeff term args) | _, Add args -> sum_to_term (Sum.add coeff term args)
(* (c₁ × X₁) + X₂ ==> ∑ᵢ₌₁² cᵢ × Xᵢ for c₂ = 1 *) (* (c₁ × X₁) + X₂ ==> ∑ᵢ₌₁² cᵢ × Xᵢ for c₂ = 1 *)
| _ -> Sum.to_term (Sum.add coeff term (Sum.singleton poly)) | _ -> sum_to_term (Sum.add coeff term (Sum.singleton poly))
in in
Qset.fold ~f es ~init:poly Qset.fold ~f es ~init:poly
let simp_add es = simp_add_ es zero and simp_mul2 e f =
let simp_add2 e f = simp_add_ (Sum.singleton e) f
(* Products of indeterminants represented by multisets. A product ∏ᵢ xᵢ^nᵢ
of indeterminates x is represented by a multiset where the elements are
x and the multiplicities are the exponents n. *)
module Prod = struct
let empty = empty_qset
let add term prod =
assert (match term with Integer _ -> false | _ -> true) ;
Qset.add prod term Q.one
let singleton term = add term empty
let union = Qset.union
let rec simp_mul2 e f =
match (e, f) with match (e, f) with
(* c₁ × c₂ ==> c₁×c₂ *) (* c₁ × c₂ ==> c₁×c₂ *)
| Integer {data= i}, Integer {data= j} -> integer (Z.mul i j) | Integer {data= i}, Integer {data= j} -> integer (Z.mul i j)
@ -571,15 +544,15 @@ let rec simp_mul2 e f =
| _, Integer {data} when Z.equal Z.zero data -> f | _, Integer {data} when Z.equal Z.zero data -> f
(* c × (∑ᵤ cᵤ × ∏ⱼ yᵤⱼ) ==> ∑ᵤ c × cᵤ × ∏ⱼ yᵤⱼ *) (* c × (∑ᵤ cᵤ × ∏ⱼ yᵤⱼ) ==> ∑ᵤ c × cᵤ × ∏ⱼ yᵤⱼ *)
| Integer {data}, Add args | Add args, Integer {data} -> | Integer {data}, Add args | Add args, Integer {data} ->
Sum.to_term (Sum.mul_const (Q.of_z data) args) sum_to_term (Sum.mul_const (Q.of_z data) args)
(* c₁ × x₁ ==> ∑ᵢ₌₁ cᵢ × xᵢ *) (* c₁ × x₁ ==> ∑ᵢ₌₁ cᵢ × xᵢ *)
| Integer {data= c}, x | x, Integer {data= c} -> | Integer {data= c}, x | x, Integer {data= c} ->
Sum.to_term (Sum.singleton ~coeff:(Q.of_z c) x) sum_to_term (Sum.singleton ~coeff:(Q.of_z c) x)
(* (∏ᵤ₌₀ⁱ xᵤ) × (∏ᵥ₌ᵢ₊₁ⁿ xᵥ) ==> ∏ⱼ₌₀ⁿ xⱼ *) (* (∏ᵤ₌₀ⁱ xᵤ) × (∏ᵥ₌ᵢ₊₁ⁿ xᵥ) ==> ∏ⱼ₌₀ⁿ xⱼ *)
| Mul xs1, Mul xs2 -> Mul (Prod.union xs1 xs2) | Mul xs1, Mul xs2 -> Mul (Prod.union xs1 xs2)
(* (∏ᵢ xᵢ) × (∑ᵤ cᵤ × ∏ⱼ yᵤⱼ) ==> ∑ᵤ cᵤ × ∏ᵢ xᵢ × ∏ⱼ yᵤⱼ *) (* (∏ᵢ xᵢ) × (∑ᵤ cᵤ × ∏ⱼ yᵤⱼ) ==> ∑ᵤ cᵤ × ∏ᵢ xᵢ × ∏ⱼ yᵤⱼ *)
| (Mul prod as m), Add sum | Add sum, (Mul prod as m) -> | (Mul prod as m), Add sum | Add sum, (Mul prod as m) ->
Sum.to_term sum_to_term
(Sum.map sum ~f:(function (Sum.map sum ~f:(function
| Mul args -> Mul (Prod.union prod args) | Mul args -> Mul (Prod.union prod args)
| Integer _ as c -> simp_mul2 c m | Integer _ as c -> simp_mul2 c m
@ -588,20 +561,33 @@ let rec simp_mul2 e f =
| Mul xs1, x | x, Mul xs1 -> Mul (Prod.add x xs1) | Mul xs1, x | x, Mul xs1 -> Mul (Prod.add x xs1)
(* e × (∑ᵤ cᵤ × ∏ⱼ yᵤⱼ) ==> ∑ᵤ e × cᵤ × ∏ⱼ yᵤⱼ *) (* e × (∑ᵤ cᵤ × ∏ⱼ yᵤⱼ) ==> ∑ᵤ e × cᵤ × ∏ⱼ yᵤⱼ *)
| Add args, e | e, Add args -> | Add args, e | e, Add args ->
simp_add (Sum.map ~f:(fun m -> simp_mul2 e m) args) simp_add_ (Sum.map ~f:(fun m -> simp_mul2 e m) args) zero
(* x₁ × x₂ ==> ∏ᵢ₌₁² xᵢ *) (* x₁ × x₂ ==> ∏ᵢ₌₁² xᵢ *)
| _ -> Mul (Prod.add e (Prod.singleton f)) | _ -> Mul (Prod.add e (Prod.singleton f))
let simp_mul es = and simp_div x y =
(* (bas ^ pwr) × term *) match (x, y) with
let rec mul_pwr bas pwr term = (* i / j *)
if Q.equal Q.zero pwr then term | Integer {data= i}, Integer {data= j} when not (Z.equal Z.zero j) ->
else mul_pwr bas Q.(pwr - one) (simp_mul2 bas term) integer (Z.div i j)
in (* e / 1 ==> e *)
Qset.fold es ~init:one ~f:(fun bas pwr term -> | e, Integer {data} when Z.equal Z.one data -> e
if Q.sign pwr >= 0 then mul_pwr bas pwr term (* (∑ᵢ cᵢ × Xᵢ) / z ==> ∑ᵢ cᵢ/z × Xᵢ *)
else simp_div term (mul_pwr bas (Q.neg pwr) one) ) | Add args, Integer {data} ->
sum_to_term (Sum.mul_const Q.(inv (of_z data)) args)
| _ -> Ap2 (Div, x, y)
let simp_rem x y =
match (x, y) with
(* i % j *)
| Integer {data= i}, Integer {data= j} when not (Z.equal Z.zero j) ->
integer (Z.rem i j)
(* e % 1 ==> 0 *)
| _, Integer {data} when Z.equal Z.one data -> zero
| _ -> Ap2 (Rem, x, y)
let simp_add es = simp_add_ es zero
let simp_add2 e f = simp_add_ (Sum.singleton e) f
let simp_negate x = simp_mul2 minus_one x let simp_negate x = simp_mul2 minus_one x
let simp_sub x y = let simp_sub x y =
@ -611,6 +597,16 @@ let simp_sub x y =
(* x - y ==> x + (-1 * y) *) (* x - y ==> x + (-1 * y) *)
| _ -> simp_add2 x (simp_negate y) | _ -> simp_add2 x (simp_negate y)
let simp_mul es =
(* (bas ^ pwr) × term *)
let rec mul_pwr bas pwr term =
if Q.equal Q.zero pwr then term
else mul_pwr bas Q.(pwr - one) (simp_mul2 bas term)
Qset.fold es ~init:one ~f:(fun bas pwr term ->
if Q.sign pwr >= 0 then mul_pwr bas pwr term
else simp_div term (mul_pwr bas (Q.neg pwr) one) )
(* if-then-else *) (* if-then-else *)
let simp_cond cnd thn els = let simp_cond cnd thn els =
@ -1178,7 +1174,7 @@ let solve_zero_eq ?for_ e =
if Q.equal Q.zero q then None else Some (f, q) if Q.equal Q.zero q then None else Some (f, q)
| None -> Some (Qset.min_elt_exn args) | None -> Some (Qset.min_elt_exn args)
in in
let n = Sum.to_term (Qset.remove args c) in let n = sum_to_term (Qset.remove args c) in
let d = rational (Q.neg q) in let d = rational (Q.neg q) in
let r = div n d in let r = div n d in
(c, r) (c, r)
