Reviewed By: jvillard

Differential Revision: D15352091

fbshipit-source-id: 6e09777d6
Nikos Gorogiannis 6 years ago committed by Facebook Github Bot
parent d586630edf
commit 66f6f54035

@ -1471,6 +1471,13 @@ INTERNAL OPTIONS
Activates: Skip the re-execution phase (Conversely:
--oom-threshold int
Available memory threshold (in MB) below which multi-worker
scheduling throttles back work. Only for use on Linux.
Cancel the effect of --oom-threshold.
Activates: In error traces, show intermediate steps that propagate
data. When false, error traces are shorter and show only direct

@ -19,8 +19,9 @@ let chain (gen1 : 'a task_generator) (gen2 : 'a task_generator) : 'a task_genera
let is_empty () = gen1_is_empty () && gen2.is_empty () in
let finished x = if gen1_is_empty () then gen2.finished x else gen1.finished x in
let next x = if gen1_is_empty () then x else x in
{n_tasks; is_empty; next}
{n_tasks; is_empty; finished; next}
let count_procedures () =
@ -64,22 +65,21 @@ let bottom_up sources : target task_generator =
CallGraph.flag_reachable g n.pname ;
Some (Procname n.pname)
let next target_opt =
let finished = function
| File _ ->
assert false
| Procname pname ->
scheduled := Typ.Procname.Set.remove pname !scheduled ;
CallGraph.remove_reachable g pname
let next () =
(* do construction here, to avoid having the call graph into forked workers *)
if not !initialized then (
CallGraph.build_from_sources g sources ;
initialized := true ) ;
( match target_opt with
| None ->
| Some (File _) ->
assert false
| Some (Procname pname) ->
scheduled := Typ.Procname.Set.remove pname !scheduled ;
CallGraph.remove_reachable g pname ) ;
next_aux ()
{n_tasks; is_empty; next}
{n_tasks; is_empty; finished; next}
let of_sources sources =

@ -68,7 +68,8 @@ let gen_of_list (lst : 'a list) : 'a task_generator =
let content = ref lst in
let n_tasks = List.length lst in
let is_empty () = List.is_empty !content in
let next _finished_item =
let finished _finished_item = () in
let next () =
match !content with
| [] ->
@ -76,4 +77,4 @@ let gen_of_list (lst : 'a list) : 'a task_generator =
content := xs ;
Some x
{n_tasks; is_empty; next}
{n_tasks; is_empty; finished; next}

@ -1700,6 +1700,12 @@ and only_show =
"Show the list of reports and exit"
and oom_threshold =
CLOpt.mk_int_opt ~long:"oom-threshold"
"Available memory threshold (in MB) below which multi-worker scheduling throttles back work. \
Only for use on Linux."
and passthroughs =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~long:"passthroughs" ~default:false
"In error traces, show intermediate steps that propagate data. When false, error traces are \
@ -2861,6 +2867,8 @@ and nullsafe_strict_containers = !nullsafe_strict_containers
and no_translate_libs = not !headers
and oom_threshold = !oom_threshold
and only_cheap_debug = !only_cheap_debug
and only_footprint = !only_footprint

@ -498,6 +498,8 @@ val nullsafe : bool
val nullsafe_strict_containers : bool
val oom_threshold : int option
val only_cheap_debug : bool
val only_footprint : bool

@ -11,7 +11,8 @@ module L = Logging
type child_info = {pid: Pid.t; down_pipe: Out_channel.t}
type 'a task_generator = {n_tasks: int; is_empty: unit -> bool; next: 'a option -> 'a option}
type 'a task_generator =
{n_tasks: int; is_empty: unit -> bool; finished: 'a -> unit; next: unit -> 'a option}
(** the state of the pool *)
type 'a t =
@ -145,14 +146,60 @@ let idle_children pool =
let send_work_to_child pool slot =
match pool.pending_items.(slot) with
| None ->
TaskBar.update_status pool.task_bar ~slot ( ()) "idle" ;
pool.pending_items.(slot) <- None
| Some x -> ()
|> Option.iter ~f:(fun x ->
let {down_pipe} = pool.slots.(slot) in
pool.pending_items.(slot) <- Some x ;
marshal_to_pipe down_pipe (Do x)
marshal_to_pipe down_pipe (Do x) )
let proc_meminfo = "/proc/meminfo"
(* this should not be called in any other arch than Linux *)
let should_throttle =
Option.iter Config.oom_threshold ~f:(fun _threshold ->
match Sys.file_exists proc_meminfo with
| `Yes ->
| _ ->
L.die UserError "Can't access %s even though oom detection was requested." proc_meminfo
) ;
let currently_throttled = ref false in
let get_available_memory_MB () =
let rec aux in_channel =
match In_channel.input_line in_channel with
| None ->
L.die UserError
"Cannot find available memory line in %s even though oom detection was requested."
| Some line -> (
try Scanf.sscanf line "MemAvailable: %u kB" (fun mem_kB -> mem_kB / 1024)
with Scanf.Scan_failure _ -> aux in_channel )
Utils.with_file_in proc_meminfo ~f:aux
fun threshold ->
let available_memory = get_available_memory_MB () in
if available_memory < threshold then (
if not !currently_throttled then
"Available memory (%d MB) is below configured threshold, throttling back scheduling \
analysis work.@."
available_memory ;
currently_throttled := true )
else (
if !currently_throttled then
"Available memory (%d MB) exceeds configured threshold, resuming scheduling analysis \
available_memory ;
currently_throttled := false ) ;
let send_work_to_child pool slot =
let throttled = Option.exists Config.oom_threshold ~f:should_throttle in
if not throttled then send_work_to_child pool slot
(** main dispatch function that responds to messages from worker processes and updates the taskbar
@ -176,6 +223,9 @@ let process_updates pool buffer =
killall pool ~slot "see backtrace above"
| Ready slot ->
TaskBar.tasks_done_add pool.task_bar 1 ;
TaskBar.update_status pool.task_bar ~slot ( ()) "idle" ;
Option.iter pool.pending_items.(slot) ~f:(fun work ->
pool.tasks.finished work ; pool.pending_items.(slot) <- None ) ;
send_work_to_child pool slot )

@ -32,12 +32,12 @@ type 'a task_generator =
(** total number of tasks -- only used for reporting, so imprecision is not a bug *)
; is_empty: unit -> bool
(** when should the main loop of the task manager stop expecting new tasks *)
; next: 'a option -> 'a option
(** [next (Some finished_item)] generates the next work item.
The worker requesting more work has just finished processing [finished_item].
[None] is passed when the worker was previously idle.
In particular, it is OK to for [next] to return [None] even when [is_empty]
; finished: 'a -> unit
(** Process pool calls [finished x] when a worker finishes item [x]. This is only called
if [next ()] has previously returned [Some x] and [x] was sent to a worker. *)
; next: unit -> 'a option
(** [next ()] generates the next work item. If [is_empty ()] is true then [next ()]
must return [None]. However, it is OK to for [next ()] to return [None] when [is_empty]
is false. This corresponds to the case where there is more work to be done,
but it is not schedulable until some already scheduled work is finished. *)
