@ -816,6 +816,11 @@ and (
and default_linters =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~long:"default-linters" ~parse_mode:CLOpt.(Infer [Clang]) ~default:true
"Use the default linters for the analysis."
and dependencies =
and dependencies =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~deprecated:["dependencies"] ~long:"dependencies"
CLOpt.mk_bool ~deprecated:["dependencies"] ~long:"dependencies"
~parse_mode:CLOpt.(Infer [Java])
~parse_mode:CLOpt.(Infer [Java])
@ -998,10 +1003,15 @@ and latex =
"Write a latex report of the analysis results to a file"
"Write a latex report of the analysis results to a file"
and linters_def_file =
and linters_def_file =
CLOpt.mk_path_list ~default:[linters_def_default_file]
CLOpt.mk_path_list ~default:[]
~long:"linters-def-file" ~parse_mode:CLOpt.(Infer [Clang])
~long:"linters-def-file" ~parse_mode:CLOpt.(Infer [Clang])
~meta:"file" "Specify the file containing linters definition (e.g. 'linters.al')"
~meta:"file" "Specify the file containing linters definition (e.g. 'linters.al')"
and linters_developer_mode =
CLOpt.mk_bool ~long:"linters-developer-mode" ~parse_mode:CLOpt.(Infer [Clang])
"Debug mode for developing new linters. Sets the linters analyzer, disables other \
default linters and also sets --print-logs, --debug and --no-allowed-failures."
and load_average =
and load_average =
CLOpt.mk_float_opt ~long:"load-average" ~short:"l"
CLOpt.mk_float_opt ~long:"load-average" ~short:"l"
~parse_mode:CLOpt.(Infer [Driver]) ~meta:"float"
~parse_mode:CLOpt.(Infer [Driver]) ~meta:"float"
@ -1482,6 +1492,17 @@ let post_parsing_initialization () =
List.rev_map ~f:(fun x -> `Raw x) !compilation_database
List.rev_map ~f:(fun x -> `Raw x) !compilation_database
|> List.rev_map_append ~f:(fun x -> `Escaped x) !compilation_database_escaped;
|> List.rev_map_append ~f:(fun x -> `Escaped x) !compilation_database_escaped;
(* set linters developer flags *)
if !linters_developer_mode then (
debug := true;
failures_allowed := false;
print_logs := true;
analyzer := Some Linters;
default_linters := false
if !default_linters then
linters_def_file := linters_def_default_file :: !linters_def_file;
match !analyzer with
match !analyzer with
| Some Checkers -> checkers := true
| Some Checkers -> checkers := true
| Some Crashcontext -> checkers := true; crashcontext := true
| Some Crashcontext -> checkers := true; crashcontext := true